
WikiLeaks & Julian Assange

You can donate to either WIKILEAKS, or to the JULIAN ASSANGE Defence Fund here.

Chelsea Manning

You can support CHELSEA MANNING financially by donating to her legal fees (for her appeals (1.), but also for other matters (2) – see below); to the public awareness campaign (5); to the Manning Family Fund (4) which has been set up to support Welsh family members with the expense of visiting her in prison in the US; or by sending her money to use while she is in prison (3).

1.The international Defence Fund for Chelsea is here to fund her appeals.

2.To donate to Chelsea’s legal fight for appropriate treatment for her gender dysphoria, legal representation for parole & clemency, and to assist her in pursuing educational opportunities, David Coombs (Chelsea’s lawyer at trial and ongoing for these matters only) writes:

You can send a check to our legal office at 11 South Angell Street, #317, Providence, Rhode Island, 02906.  On the memo line, please note “Chelsea Manning Defense.”  Any excess funds in this account at the conclusion of our representation of Chelsea will be transferred to an account managed by Chelsea’s family. 

3.To send Chelsea money in prison David Coombs tells us:

Send a money order addressed to Chelsea Manning (Please do not send cash or a check) to Chelsea’s address for correspondence -

Chelsea E Manning
1300 N. Warehouse Road
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-2304, USA

Any funds received at the USDB will be deposited into an account that Chelsea can use to make phone calls, purchase stamps, and purchase other comfort items not provided by the USDB. 

4.To donate to the Manning family Fund go here or see details below-

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The devastating consequences of having a family member a political prisoner of conscience in the U.S. shouldn’t be underestimated. Please consider making a donation or raising funds to support the Manning family to visit Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning, jailed for 35 years for exposing war crimes and lies.

This is one way we can do something practical at home to support Manning in jail in the U.S.

We now have a dedicated bank account for this purpose. We are working on a website that will be able to take online donations. In the meantime, you can send a cheque or make a payment directly from your own bank account (this doesn’t incur any charges and 100% of all donations made by cheque or direct bank transfer will go to the family).


Please make cheques payable to:
Pvt. Manning Family Fund

and send to PMFF, c/o 49 Westminster Rd, Moss, Wrexham LL11 6DH.

Online donations

Bank: The Co-op
Name of account: Pvt. Manning Family Fund
Sort code: 08 92 99
Account no: 65692806

5.To donate to local campaign expenses please use bank transfer as per below details-

If you would like to donate towards the costs of any WISE Up organising for Chelsea Manning or Julian Assange (expenses like printing flyers and posters, organising particular events etc), use this account, specifying what you want your donation to go towards if relevant:

Bank: The Co-Op
Name of Account: Bradley Manning Support Events
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account no: 65547126

Thank you!

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