Category Archives: Manning

Happy Birthday Chelsea Manning! Report from Dublin Vigil

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Chelsea Manning’s 27th birthday, the fifth she has spent in prison for telling the truth, was marked in a number of cities around the world including Dublin and London. See these reports from Noise Demo at the US Embassy and … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Chelsea Manning! Report from London Vigil

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17 December 2014: St. Martin-in-the-Fields Chelsea Manning’s 27th birthday, the fifth she has spent in prison for telling the truth, was marked in a number of cities around the world including London and Dublin. As well as the London vigil … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Chelsea Manning! Report from Noise Demo at the US Embassy London

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17 December 2014: Grosvenor Square Chelsea Manning’s 27th birthday, the fifth she has spent in prison for telling the truth, was marked in a number of cities around the world including London and Dublin. In London, as well as the … Continue reading

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17 Dec: On Chelsea Manning’s Birthday, Call for her Freedom!

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Events for Chelsea’s Birthday: Two in London, one in Dublin Payday Mens’ Network & Queer Strike and the Solidarity Collective call us all to mark Chelsea’s 27th Birthday on Weds 17th December, her fifth birthday spent in prison. There will … Continue reading

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“Free Julian Assange! Free Chelsea Manning!” (Free Speech!) Ciaron O’Reilly arrested at G20 in Brisbane

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Update: 24 February Following a further appearance on 11 February, Ciaron was back in Brisbane Magistrates Court on Tuesday 24 February. He pleaded guilty to the charge of entering a ‘secure area’ while labelled a ‘prohibited person’ during the G20 … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning sues for Long Awaited Medical Treatment: ACLU & David Coombs represent her.

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SUIT FILED IN FEDERAL COURT TODAY, 23RD SEPT 2014 Represented by the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) and David Coombs, her trial lawyer, Chelsea Manning has today filed a lawsuit against the Dept of Defense and the Army for failing … Continue reading

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Chalking for Chelsea Manning as NATO summit begins in Newport

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Thursday 4 September was the first day of the NATO summit in Newport. See also our blog posts Saturday and Sunday’s actions and Wednesday’s Wednesday’s crime report. Having joined the first part of the march on Celtic Manor, we headed … Continue reading

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Police asked to arrest NATO leaders on evidence shared by Chelsea Manning and published by WikiLeaks

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by Genny Bove War criminals coming to Celtic Manor Yesterday, we headed into Newport armed with a statement for the police alerting them to evidence of crimes committed and about to be committed by NATO leaders. The bus driver pointed … Continue reading

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Solidarity with Manning & Assange in run-up to NATO summit in Wales

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by Genny Bove The NATO Summit, Manning, Assange and WikiLeaks As the warmongers of the western world gear up for their meeting to plan NATO’s next round of military action and push countries to spend even more of their money … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning, NATO, the Long March on Newport and more

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Press release here. More photos on flickr. Downloadable flyer in Resources. by Genny Bove Tuesday 12 August The sun was shining at 11am as I turned the corner into the by now familiar Castle Square, a central meeting point in … Continue reading

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