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BBC Alba - Channel Launch Night
BBC Alba News - An Là (13 Jan 2009) Opening
Capercaillie @ 30, Cridhe na Cuise, BBC Alba, 2013, ceòl tradiseanta Albannach
BBC ALBA - Air a Chuan - ep:5 (1/3)
BBC Alba Start up, 12th August 2009
HMS Timbertown - BBC ALBA Documentary
BBC Alba - An Taghadh 2010 titles
An Ribheid Chiuil, Reed Music, Clár 1, Saol na Píob, BBC Alba
Skipinnish at the BBC ALBA launch
BBC Alba The Auctioneer's Story .mov
ALBA a whole country in 3 minutes
BBC Alba Launch Sept '08
Just For Gordon / Dha Gordon a-mhain - BBC Alba
Reworking of Runrig's "Alba", first tune on the opening night on Scotland's new TV channel, BBC Alba.
News in scottish language, in gaelic: Alba is a country that occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain. Presenting Angela Maclean (Angela Nic´Illeathain). Recorded: 13 Jan 2009, 8.00pm (GMT) Source: DVB-S
Sgeulachd a tha cuir aithne air Capercaillie - an còmhlan-ciùil as iomraiteach ann an saoghal ceòl tradiseanta Albannach. Còmhla riutha 's iad a' clàradh an ...
Sreath ur ag innse eachdraidh muinntir na h-Eileanan tro DNA fireannaich na dùthcha. A series telling the story of Islanders' history through their genes. *S...
here is the start up to BBC Alba on the 12th August 2009 BBC Alba launched in September 2008 NOTES: - have you noticed that it has a countdown like BBC News ...
THE remarkable story of more than 100 sailors from the Outer Hebrides who became prisoners of war in Holland. After the fall of Antwerp in October 1914, 1500 men from Winston Churchill’s newly formed Royal Naval Division crossed the border into the neutral Netherlands to evade capture from the German Army. Incredibly, 102 of them came from the Isle of Lewis. These men were interned in a camp in the Netherlands for the duration of the war. Tying the story together for the first time on the centenary of the internment, BBC ALBA’s Angela MacLean retraces the incredible journey the men took through the fort at Antwerp, to the border crossing with the Netherlands and finally on to the town of Groningen where the local authorities built wooden huts to house the men in a camp which became known as HMS Timbertown. By visiting the National Archives in Kew to view the Admiralty records, the programme gained an insight into the events at Antwerp and what the sailors did for the four years during which they were interned in the Netherlands. The full list of names from the camp brings to light the characters who were interned alongside the men from Lewis – fishermen, clerks, an actor, a burglar as well as the Duchess of Cambridge’s great grandfather, Frederick Glassborow. As well as being home to many Englishmen, the camp also housed many Scots from areas such as Avoch, Easter Ross, Wick, Fife, Shetland, Orkney, Glasgow and one young man from Barra. Newspapers from the time helped uncover what life was like in the camp, from the highs of the football matches and cabaret acts, to the lows of failed escape attempts, illness and death. Angela meets naval historical expert Captain Christopher Page as well as local historians on the Isle of Lewis and in Groningen who explain the background to the story alongside the tender and personal insights which come from friends and family members of the interned Lewis men. For the first time, HMS Timbertown pieces together stories that have lain dormant for many years and also uncovers stories that came as a surprise to some of the families of those interned.
BBC Alba's version of the election titles used across the BBC - here used leading into a special 3-hour 'An Là' news programme the day after the election, pr...
Tha fuaim na pìoba aithnichte dhuinn uile, agus gu dearbha b' i a' phìob aon de na ionnsramaidean ciùil as tràithe a bh'ann. Anns an t-sreath ùr, inntinneach seo - An Ribheid Chiùil / Reed Music - gheibh sinn a-mach mun ionnsramaid fhèin, agus cluinnidh sinn an iomadh sgeul shònraichte bho na daoine a bhios ga cluich. Sgeulachdan tarraingeach, iomadh-fhillte, eadar-nàiseanta bho air feadh an t-saoghail. Co às a thàinig ceòl na pìoba? Ionnsaichidh sinn cuideachd mun t-saoghal sa bheil a' phìob beò - mar a bha is mar a tha. Bho chòmhlain phìobairean, pìoba air a cluich leatha fhèin agus còmhlain aig fèisean. Anns a' chiad phrògram, seallaidh sinn air na pìoban as tràithe a bh' ann, a thathar an dùil a tha a' dol air ais gun 8mh linn deug. Air an dèanamh a-mach à cuilc, bha iad gu math cumanta ann an Iraq agus Iran. Cluinnear cuideachd mu mar a thòisich cuid de shàr chluicheadairean an t-saoghail, agus mar a nochd an dlùth cheangal le Alba. Air a lìbhrigeadh leis a' phìobaire, Anna Mhoireach. Anna Murray presents the story of the bagpipe and its players, beginning with a look at how the... Episode 1, The Colourful World Of The Bagpipe The pipes are one of the music world's most distinctive sounds and piping is one of its earliest musical forms. This series tells the amazing story of the instrument and its players, and is a fascinating introduction to the international, colourful and exciting world of the pipes. From diffusion, change and sophistication in the world of piping over history, to today's players who have taken piping into new popularity throughout the world. The first programme in the series looks at the earliest pipes, probably dating from as early as the 8th century which were made out of reed and commonplace in Iraq and Iran. Some of the world's foremost pipers also tell how they started playing the pipes, and we hear how the instrument became so strongly associated with Scotland. Presented by piper Anna Murray. An ribheid chiuil : also the poems of Iain Archie MacAskill 10834345070345345006 An nasc seo:
KAN broadcast on BBC ALBA from Celtic Connections, January 2010. Nightride Reels: Julia Delaney's, Louis de Carlo's, Nightride to Armagh.
A selection of 6/8 Marches played at the BBC Alba launch in Skye in July 2008.
BBC Alba broadcast 11 June 2012 follows one of Scotland's busiest livestock auctioneers, Donald Morrison of United Auctions to the hustle and bustle of the cattle market on the island of Tiree. The island's crofting and farming population rely heavily on buyers coming to the island and the sales are an important source of income for the island
commissioned by BBC ALBA, the gaelic language TV channel, this video uses footage from our back catalogue and specially captured time-lapse. Used for the cha...
In December 2005 Scotland tragically lost one of its most innovative musicians and composers of the age of 41. It is surprising though that this world-renown...
Latha Math out for download 17th Jan First time I saw this new group and they are amazing. Great vocals and music! I think Manran are so...
James live from Belladrum 2013 Johnny Yen Waltzing Along Curse Curse Sit Down Sometimes Laid
Click "show more" just under the About tab **** Calum Alex MacMillan, Calum Ailig Mac Mhaolain, Dàimh, - Mo Nigheann Chruinn Donn, Uncle Earl -- The Last ...
As found on the BBC Alba site.
chan eil 'copyright' agam airson sinn, tha sinn le BBC Alba. Chur mi sinn air lion airson tha e gle cudhromachd, agus 's e an programme math a th ann cuideac...
BBC Alba - 1 January 2014
Runrig perform Sguaban Arbhair.
BBC Alba "An La" news bulletin 12th November 2013.
Mosse & Davey on the BBC Alba sheepdog show. Scottish National 2014, 4th place. -I do not own anything in this video, all rights belong to BBC Alba -
THE remarkable story of more than 100 sailors from the Outer Hebrides who became prisoners of war in Holland. After the fall of Antwerp in October 1914, 1500 men from Winston Churchill’s newly formed Royal Naval Division crossed the border into the neutral Netherlands to evade capture from the German Army. Incredibly, 102 of them came from the Isle of Lewis. These men were interned in a camp in the Netherlands for the duration of the war. Tying the story together for the first time on the centenary of the internment, BBC ALBA’s Angela MacLean retraces the incredible journey the men took through the fort at Antwerp, to the border crossing with the Netherlands and finally on to the town of Groningen where the local authorities built wooden huts to house the men in a camp which became known as HMS Timbertown. By visiting the National Archives in Kew to view the Admiralty records, the programme gained an insight into the events at Antwerp and what the sailors did for the four years during which they were interned in the Netherlands. The full list of names from the camp brings to light the characters who were interned alongside the men from Lewis – fishermen, clerks, an actor, a burglar as well as the Duchess of Cambridge’s great grandfather, Frederick Glassborow. As well as being home to many Englishmen, the camp also housed many Scots from areas such as Avoch, Easter Ross, Wick, Fife, Shetland, Orkney, Glasgow and one young man from Barra. Newspapers from the time helped uncover what life was like in the camp, from the highs of the football matches and cabaret acts, to the lows of failed escape attempts, illness and death. Angela meets naval historical expert Captain Christopher Page as well as local historians on the Isle of Lewis and in Groningen who explain the background to the story alongside the tender and personal insights which come from friends and family members of the interned Lewis men. For the first time, HMS Timbertown pieces together stories that have lain dormant for many years and also uncovers stories that came as a surprise to some of the families of those interned.
A really terrific full length performance from the Proclaimers broadcast on BBC Alba. I regret not paying attention to this broadcast at the time because it'...
BBC Alba footage of Admiral Fallow at the Hebridean Celtic Festival on Friday 13th July 2012 Footage ripped from BBC Alba via Panasonic Freeview+ recorder. D...
Speaking Our Language BBC BBC Alba Learn Scottish Gaelic Learn Gaelic.
Songs of Dispossession celebrates one of the great song themes in the Scots Gaelic and Irish language tradition ** Click "show more" just under the About tab...
The traditional songs of Ireland and Scotland express love of home and nature ** Click "show more" just under the About tab **** Tá an grá d'áit agus don nád...
Songs of Labour (Occupation) examines the Celtic musical culture as it relates to work such as churning, rowing and the tweed industry. ** Click "show more" just under the About tab **** Díríonn an clár seo ar chultúr na n-amhrán in Albain agus in Éirinn a bhain le cinéalacha éagsúla oibre agus slí bheatha, ó dhéanamh maistridh go hiomramh agus na 'hamhráin luaidh' cáiliúla a bhain le tionscal an bhréidín. Cloisfear amhráin ó Roddy Campbell, Lillis Ó Laoire, Brian Ó Domhnaill, Sarah Grealish, Dara Bán MacDonnchadha, Mícheál ó Ceannabháin, Celia Ní Fhátharta agus Maggie Mac Innes. Rinneadh cuid den clár seo a thaifeadadh i gCaisleán Óráin Mhóir, baile Alec Finn. Songs of Occupation: This programme looks at the song culture in Scotland and in Ireland which accompanied all kinds of work and occupations from churning to rowing to the famous 'waulking songs' of the tweed industry. Featuring the singing of Roddy Campbell, Lillis Ó Laoire, Brian Ó Domhnaill, Sarah Grealish, Dara Bán MacDonnchadha, Mícheál ó Ceannabháin, Celia Ní Fhátharta and Maggie Mac Innes. Filmed in part at Oranmore Castle the home of Alec Finn. 1. Clò Mhich Ille Mhìcheil - Ruaraidh Campbeul srl - Scotland drinking song... to start off this programme on labour! 2. Brian Ó Domhnaill -- Níl Sé ina Lá 3. "Baba Con Rí" "Bairbre Nic an Righ", nó Pota Mór Fataí - Dara Bán, Michael Mháire Ghabha (is a mhac Paul, Carna), Sara Ghriallais (Muiceanach Idir Dhá Sháile). Song about two families... First one has little cash. 4. Táilliúr a' Mhagaigh -- Celia Ní Fhátharta. A tailor describes the beauty of a woman. 5. A' Bhean Eudach - A' Bhean Údaí Thall. Unknown Scottish singers. Once a waulking song. Now a sad one. 6. Óró Mhíle Grá. (originally a spinning song) - Dara Bán, Michael Mháire Ghabha (Carna), Sara Ghriallais / Sarah Grealish (Muiceanach Idir Dhá Sháile) 7. Sráid na h-Eala -- Maggie MacInnes 8. Am Maistreadh a bh'aig Moire - "Thig a Chuinneag. Thig" Annie Johnston The maids of Mount Cisco Ar an gclár seo feicifimid meascán álainn de cheol traidisiúnta na hÉireann agus na hAlban, á chur i láthair ag Seán Ó hÉanaigh agus Mairi Anna Nic Ualraig. Sruth na Maoile, or the "Straits of Moyle" i.e. the shortest route between Ireland and Scotland (just some 19 kilometres). BBC Alba 1999. The TV programme from the renowned radio series (BBC Radio nan Gaidheal, Raidio na Gaeltachta). Both separated and united by the Sea of Moyle, the nations of Ireland and Scotland have long shared rich cultural traditions that are still evolving today. A major link between these two cultures is their common use of the Gaelic language and the subject matter of their traditional songs. A radio program of the same name has gained popularity over the past many years and has effortlessly made the transition to television in this series. The six episodes of Sruth Na Maoile celebrate the musical traditions of these passionate people in a festive display of Celtic music and culture. Each episode is beautifully filmed on location .. sometimes at the homes of musicians Dougie MacLeod in Dunkeld (Scotland) or at Alex Finn's castle home in Galway (Ireland). Featuring performances from the top names in traditional Celtic music, including Nollaig Casey, Mary Smith, Brendan Power, and Máire Breatnach, this program will delight all fans of traditional Celtic music. Presenters Màiri Anna Nic Ualraig / Mary Ann Kennedy Seán Ó hÉanaigh Riochdachadh Hummingbird / Philip King for BBC Alba, TG4. 1999. Alex Finn, Dé Dannan
Amy Winehouse BBC Sessions 2007 - Live at Porchester Hall 00:25 - Know you know 03:16 - Tears dry on their own 07:05 - You know I'm no good 11:22 - Just friends 15:09 - He can only hold her (That thing) 18:21 - I heard love is blind 21:42 - Rehab 26:37 - Take the box 30:30 - Some unholy war 34:40 - Back to black 38:34 - Valerie 42:10 - Addicted 45:10 - Me & Mr Jones 48:14 - Monkey Man no copyright infringement is intended Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Le feiceáil ar chlár seo beidh Drever, McCusker agus Woomble agus The Wilders. Amhráin: "Sorry I Let You Down", "Into The Blue", "Steel And Stone (Black Wate...
An taghadh aig Karen NicMhathain air òrain is bàrdach a tha a' toirt beachd conaltach air an t-saoghal. Karen Matheson, Magaidh NicAonghais, Kathleen NicAong...
The following is excerpted from an episode of 'Diomhair' on BBC Alba, Scotland's Gaelic TV channel. Unveiling secret UK government files, it shows the lengths London was prepared to go to thwart Scottish independence: sabotage, censorship, false-flag terrorism, spying, character assassination, and hiding the extent of Scotland's tremendous oil and gas wealth. Par for the course for British security services in Northern Ireland, but only recently made public in Scotland. This 10th episode of Diomhair was the last one to be broadcast... Special investigation into the rigged Scottish referendum: Full episode of Diomhair: Music: spontaneous public performance of Scotland the Brave in Glasgow on September 18th 2014, by young piper and his father:;=o.621468891279029&type;=2&theater;
Tha paipeirean oifigeil a bha dìomhair ga fosgladh, a' toirt sealladh air an dòigh anns a robh difir riaghaltasan, Làbarach agus Tòraidheach suas chun na sea...
Songs of Dispossession celebrates one of the great song themes in the Scots Gaelic and Irish language tradition ** Click "show more" just under the About tab...
An hour-long BBC Alba compilation of classic Gaelic comedy clips, broadcast in 2009, and presented by Gaelic funnywoman Seasaidh Lexy, played by Calum MacKin...
Click "About" tab for ++ eolas / info ! Tha Mairi Anna NicUalraig a' toirt thugaibh farpais a' bhuinn òir airson seinn san t-seann nòs beò bhon Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail ann am Pàislig. Mary Ann Kennedy presents coverage of the traditional gold medal competition for singing, from the Royal National Mod in Paisley. That's the same beautiful Mary Ann Kennedy / Mairi Anna NicUalraig that presented the TV seires "Sruth na Maoile" some 15 years earlier e.g And still, with Seàn O Eanaigh, she continues to present "Sruth na Maoile", an hour of music on radio, from Scotland and Ireland on or (easier to listen back on latter). .. le Calum MacLeòid, Kirsty Watt, Eilidh Davies, Elizabeth Townsend, Andreas Wolff a choisinn Bonn Òr Tìm an Òban aig Mòd 2012 a' seinn Mo Shoraidh don Eilean, Còisir Ghàidhlig Inbhir Pheofharain a choisinn Sgiath Mhic Shimidh 's Thulaich Bhàrdainn, ... An nasc seo: b03ctvc6 Sásta nó míshásta ? Botúin ? .. write to Ciarán TG coa 1 gmail com. GRMA And no, this is not the BBC Alba, just one fan. The BBC has a fabulous free, high quality, Video on Demand (VOD) service available globally; it is also on BSB Sky in Europe. It allows viewers everywhere to watch great programming on demand for some weeks for people with an IP showing as the UK.
Le feiceáil ar chlár na hoíche anocht beidh an píobaire as Tuaisceart Éireann Jarlath Henderson agus na hamhránaithe Francacha La Cor de la Plana. https://ww...
Glasgow City FC face PSG in the quarter final of the Champions League. Both legs of the tie are exclusively live on BBC ALBA.
Glasgow City FC are the first Scottish club in history to make it to the quarter finals of the Champions League. Both legs of their tie against PSG are live on BBC ALBA on the 22nd and 28th of March.
"People make Glasgow. A determination to succeed makes Glasgow City FC". Opening sequence from BBC ALBA's live coverage of Glasgow City FC v Paris Saint Germaine in the quarter final of the Champions League (22.03.15). Produced by mneTV ( Projection shots courtesy of Double Take Projections,
BBC Alba will show our UWCL quarter-final with Paris St-Germain live, find out more #LetsGoCity
Mosse & Davey from the sheepdog tv show on BBC Alba. 3rd place at the International!
Cara McKinnon Crawford featured on BBC Alba. Please visit for more information about my work.
*** Subscribe! tóg sintús le do thoil ! !! NB !! Comments, likes, favourites = cabhair le do thoil ! Tiúba go leor ! .... *** Drama *** Nuacht *** Saol *** Foghlaim Gaeilge *** Paistí, spraoi *** Craic is Ceol *** Amhráin *** Amhráin is ansa lion Faisnéis Social & community: Naisc eile a mhacasamhail seo : An nasc seo: !! Sásta nó míshásta ? Botúin ? ... scríobh chugamsa,Ciarán, Ríomhphost: TG coa 1 gmail com Happy or unhappy with this video? Please write to me -- Ciarán - with any comments or requests. TG coa 1 gmail com TG4 has a fabulous free, high quality, Video on Demand, VOD, service available globally; it is also on BSB Sky in Europe. TG4 Player allows viewers globally to watch almost all of TG4's programmes in Irish on demand for some weeks (others can be watched if your IP is located in Ireland). And no, this is not TG4, just a fan.
Adam Holmes and the Embers dropped by the studios of BBC Alba on the Isle of Lewis to record a live version of "Monday Morning" off Adam's album "Heirs and Graces" Buy that album here: Brigid Kaelin on accordion and backing vocals Ciaran Ryan on fiddle Chris Gibson on drums Alex Hunter on bass
TG4 Irish language television channel Teilifís Gaeilge TG4, visit by the Scottish BBC Alba programme Rapal to the Irish TV station in Galway by Niall Iain. An t-seachdansa tha Rapal a'toirt suil air TG4 Gaeilge Theid Niall Iain o Rapal sgriob a'Ghaillibh 's e a lorg Gaeilge. 2008. teicneolaíocht teilifíse television technology tionscal teilifíse television industry craoltóir teilifíse television broadcaster Meáin › Craoltóireacht Media › Broadcasting stáisiún craolacháin broadcasting station stáisiún áitiúil teilifíse local television station Tá an-rath ar an stáisiún teilifíse TG4 ó bunaíodh é i 1996 agus is cinnte go bhfuil na ghníomhaígh teanga a raibh an fhís acu an chéad lá riamh, agus a throid ar feadh na mblianta fada go dtí gur fíoraíodh an fhís, breá sásta leis an toradh atá ar a saothar. An nasc seo: : Rapal, sraith 4 2, b00gsx23 0016 !! Sásta nó míshásta ? Botúin ? ... scríobh chugamsa,Ciarán.,, Ríomhphost: TG coa 1 gmail com Happy or unhappy with this video posting ? Write to me Ciarán, TG coa 1 gmail com The BBC has a free, high quality, Video on Demand, VOD, service available with an IP set to the United Kingdom; it is also on BSB Sky in Europe. BBC Player allows viewers to watch great programming in Irish occasionally on demand for some days after broadcast. Tiúba go leor ! …. *** Drama *** Nuacht *** Saol *** Foghlaim Gaeilge *** Paistí, spraoi *** Craic is Ceol *** Amhráin *** Amhráin is ansa lion Faisnéis !! NB !! Comments, likes, favourites = cabhair le do thoil ! Social & community:
Falleció este jueves a los 88 años la duquesa de Alba, la tercera mujer más rica de España y la persona con más títulos nobiliarios del mundo. Además, gobierno de Colombia y FARC acuerdan liberación de general, jornada de protestas en México por 43 estudiantes desaparecidos, emergencia en el estado de Nueva York por nevadas y un informe dice que el costo de la obesidad es comparable al de un conflicto armado.
Tuarisc ar BBC Alba ar Iomain Colmcille 2014 idir Alba agus na Fir Uladh ó Éireann i gcluiche Camanaíocht/Iomaint. Bua ag na Fir Uladh don chead uair ríomh. - Lán Ama - Fir Uladh 2-8 (14) Alba 1-3 (6) Tuarisc ag Kerr Gibb Report on BBC Alba from the 2014 Iomain Colmcille Shinty-Hurling game between Scotland and Ulster in Glasgow. Ulster win for the first time on a 2-8 (14) to 1-3 (6) score-line. Kerr Gibb reports.
BBC ALBA and STV pick up a little known Scottish women’s contribution to the multi-faceted World War 1
Trusach, special vintage. More info at
via YouTube Capture
By Giancarlo Rinaldi South Scotland reporter, BBC Scotland news website ... BBC News Services ... Explore the BBC.
BBC News 2015-03-27By Reevel Alderson Home affairs correspondent, BBC Scotland ... BBC News Services ... Explore the BBC ... BBC.
BBC News 2015-03-27Alba paired the beachy getup with a wide-brimmed hat to help shield her famous face from the sun.
IMDb 2015-03-27Jessica Alba still does spring break like she's 23, and she's got the booty to back it up -- as she ...
IMDb 2015-03-27More at BBC ... BBC News Services. On your mobile On your connected TV Get news alerts Contact BBC News. Explore the BBC.
BBC News 2015-03-27For more from the BBC's A Richer World, go to www. bbc ... BBC News Services ... BBC News. Explore the BBC.
BBC News 2015-03-27More at BBC ... BBC News Services. On your mobile On your connected TV Get news alerts Contact BBC News. Explore the BBC.
BBC News 2015-03-27The BBC's Nada Tawfik is at the scene and says about 250 fire-fighters are on hand to battle the blaze.
BBC News 2015-03-27The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder reports from Delhi on why so many children die in India because of diarrhoea ... BBC News Services.
BBC News 2015-03-27BBC News Services. On your mobile On your connected TV Get news alerts Contact BBC News. Explore the BBC.
BBC News 2015-03-27More video features from the BBC News Magazine ... BBC News Services ... Contact BBC News. Explore the BBC.
BBC News 2015-03-27BBC News Services. On your mobile On your connected TV Get news alerts Contact BBC News. Explore the BBC.
BBC News 2015-03-27Subscribe to the BBC News Magazine's email newsletter to get articles sent to your inbox ... BBC News Services ... Explore the BBC.
BBC News 2015-03-27BBC Alba is a joint-venture Scottish Gaelic language digital television channel which is broadcast by the BBC throughout the United Kingdom on satellite, online and Virgin Media on Demand. It is also available live on Virgin Media and Freeview in Scotland. The channel was launched at 21:00 on Friday 19 September 2008. The name Alba is the Gaelic word for Scotland and reveals the channel's other owner, MG Alba.
The station is unique in that it is the first channel to be delivered under a BBC licence by a partnership and is also the first multi-genre channel to come entirely from Scotland with almost all of its programmes made in Scotland.
On-air for up to seven hours a day, BBC Alba broadcasts nationally on satellite (Sky and Freesat). BBC Alba was added to Virgin Media's cable television service on 18 May 2011 but is only available in Scotland, with select content made available through their on-demand service for users resident in other parts of Britain. Some programmes from the last seven days can be viewed online on BBC iPlayer and the channel can also be watched live through iPlayer. After being approved by the BBC Trust, it has been broadcast on Freeview, in Scotland only, since 8 June 2011, making it available to all post-switchover households in Scotland. The channel is funded and operated jointly by MG Alba and the BBC. Whilst the partnership runs the channel, Gaelic programming on BBC Two Scotland will continue at least until digital switchover takes place. The Gaelic Digital Service will also include BBC Radio nan Gàidheal during downtime hours (alongside simulcasts of BBC Radio Scotland & BBC Radio Five Live) and online content.
Out of work I took a job as a
Hand on a boat
In a town called Matlache
On my first day off I was
Sitting drinking beer
At a bar called the dock of the bay
When in walked a woman
That every man eyed
But her eyes stayed right on me
The guy next to me he
Whispered real low
There's more to her than you can see
She comes from the back bay
Better stay away
She lives up on the back bay
And then he moved on away
Well she came and sat down
And the hours flew by
And the beer flowed just like the tide
The sun went down and the moon came up
And there was fire in her eyes
She took me for a ride in the white moonlight
In a boat like I've never seen
As the bay flew by the sky was alive
I was seeing things that I've never seen
She said you're going to the back bay
You're gonna see my ways
Cause there's magic on the back bay
You might even want to stay
Well I woke in the morning to
Her house boat rocking
Eye to eye with an old brown hound
There was fresh mullet frying
And strange birds crying
And no one else for miles around
I saw her standing there with
The breeze in her hair
I knew I never wanted to leave
I saw all my things around I
Knew she'd been back into town
And already mad the move for me
She said you're moving to the back bay
You're gonna see my ways
You're gonna love it on the back bay
And you're always gonna stay