Anarchist Studies Symposium at Haverford College (27 March 2015)

SAVE THE DATE: On Friday, March 27, 2015, Andrew Cornell will be hosting a symposium titled, "Between Anarchism and Radical Democracy" at the John B. Hurford ‘60 Center for the Arts and Humanities at Haverford College. Speakers include: 1) Chris Dixon, PhD History of Consciousness Program, UC-Santa Cruz, author of Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements (U. of California Press, 2014); 2) J. Kehaulani Kauanui, American Studies and Anthropology, University, co-host of The Horizontal Power Hour and Anarchy on Air radio programs, author of Hawaiian Blood: Colonialism and the Politics of Sovereignty and Indigeneity (Duke, 2008); 3) Todd May, Philosophy, Clemson University, author The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism (Penn State, 1996); 4) Ruth Kinna, Politics Department, University of Loughborough, UK, editor Anarchist Studies (journal), author Anarchism: A Beginner’s Guide; 5) Harsha Walia, Organizer, No One Is Illegal – Vancouver, author Undoing Border Imperialism (AK Press, 2013); and 6) Dilar Dirik, graduate student in sociology, University of Cambridge, scholar of contemporary Kurdish feminist and autonomist movements.

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