


Mirror is a blog-focused theme showcasing large featured images and clear typography. A prominent slider in the header helps your top content shine. Mirror is ideal for businesses that want to keep their audience up-to-date with their latest news. For bloggers, Mirror displays eye-catching images that encourage visitors to keep returning.

Your Design, Everywhere

We designed Mirror to look good on all devices — from desktop computers and laptops, to smartphones and tablets.

Custom Colors

With a WordPress.com Premium or Business upgrade, you can change the colors on your Mirror-powered theme. Here are some sample color combinations:

Featured Content Slider

Mirror includes support for Featured Content, allowing you to showcase the most important work, photos, or blog posts on your site. The five most recent posts tagged as featured content will be displayed in a slider on the front page of your site.

All Languages

Mirror was crafted with care to work well in multiple languages, so it has full support for both left-to-right and right-to-left languages and is fully localized. If Mirror is not available in your language, you can find out how to translate it here.

Custom Headers and Backgrounds

Mirror gives you the ability to upload your own header images via Appearance → CustomizeHeader. You can also customize your blog with a background color or image by going to Appearance → Customize → Colours.

Widget Areas


Mirror uses a series of custom sidebars to allow you to keep things flexible. All widget areas are invisible, until you add widgets to them.

  • Footer widget area — displays at the bottom of every page on the site.
  • Right sidebar widget area — displays on single posts and pages, but not the default front page or archive pages.

Custom Templates

Mirror includes two custom page templates:

  • Contributors — list all contributors to your website, sorted based on how many posts each person has published. Great for magazines and other multi-author blogs.
  • Full-width page — displays a normal page, but with sidebars removed to have content that stretches the full width of the site.

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels):

  1. At full width, the main column width is 686, except in the full-width layout where it’s 798.
  2. The sidebar width is 205.
  3. Please keep in mind that this theme is responsive, which means that it changes size as the browser is resized.
  4. At full width the featured post thumbnails are 798 wide by 400 high. If there is a sidebar, the featured post thumbnails are 490 wide by 350 high.
  5. All Featured Images are generated from the same initial image, so make sure to keep the focus of the image in the center as the surrounding content may be cropped.
  6. The ideal size for the header image is 1500 wide by 350 high. The height can be changed to suit your design.

Mirror is a blog-focused theme showcasing large featured images and clear typography. A prominent slider in the header helps your top content shine. Mirror is ideal for businesses that want to keep their audience up-to-date with their latest news. For bloggers, Mirror displays eye-catching images that encourage visitors to keep returning.

Custom Header

Mirror makes use of Custom Headers. The header image should be sized 1500 tall by 350 wide. The height can be changed to suit your design.

Custom Menus

Mirror has one custom menu area. If there is no custom menu configured, the menu will display a list of your site’s pages. To find out more about how to set up your menus, see the Custom Menu documentation.

Featured Images


Mirror supports  Featured Images on blog posts. On the archive pages, the Mirror featured images are scaled to 798 x 400. If there’s a sidebar enabled then the thumbnails will be 490 x350.

Sticky Posts

Sticky posts on a Mirror-powered site get a special treatment to make them stand out.

Featured Content


Mirror uses Featured Content. This involves choosing a post tag to signify which posts are special. When this tag is used, the posts are displayed at the top of the home page — separate from the regular blog posts.

To set up Featured Content:

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize → Featured Content.
  2. Enter a tag name for the featured posts — make sure it’s unique and isn’t used anywhere else.
  3. Edit the posts that you want to display in the featured content space and give them the featured tag you have just selected.

Social Links

Mirror allows you to display links to your social media profiles, like Twitter and Facebook, with icons. To do this:

  1. Create a new Menu
  2. Add your social links to it
  3. Add it to the ‘Social Menu’ position

Available icons

Linking to any of the following sites will automatically display its icon in your menu:

  • CodePen
  • Digg
  • Dribbble
  • Dropbox
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • GitHub
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Email (mailto: links)
  • Pinterest
  • Pocket
  • Polldaddy
  • Reddit
  • RSS Feed (urls with /feed/)
  • StumbleUpon
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • WordPress
  • YouTube

Widget Areas


Mirror has two widget areas, which remain hidden until you add widgets to those areas. The remaining content will resize to fill the empty space.

Sidebar one will display on the right-hand side of the site, while sidebar two will display in the footer.