Freshly Pressed Browse Tags

From editors' picks to community favorites: see what WordPress bloggers are saying.

The Old Banking Town of Pingyao

It is 5 p.m. and we are at the Beijing station, just about to get on a night train. I know that we will get to Pingyao (平遥) in Shanxi province at 5 a.m. 1,093 more words


Here Today; Pi Tomorrow

Earlier this week I mentioned that “this coming Saturday is a doubly special date (especially this year).” One of the things that makes it special is that it is… 1,099 more words


Neil Gaiman on Terry Pratchett (Video)

On Tuesday morning, I was telling my best friend about going to see Neil Gaiman the day before. I told him that he talked about Terry having Alzheimer’s and I got the impression that Terry didn’t have long to live. 257 more words

Terry Pratchett

Comedy is a Trojan Horse

For the last few months, I’ve been coaching a team through the process of generating a ton of sketch material.  While most capable comic minds can come up with a funny premise for a scene, that alone doesn’t always provide enough material. 672 more words


How to (Effectively) Show Support

Here’s something I’ve noticed a lot – people want to help. People have good intentions. People want to show support. But they don’t really know… 1,806 more words


Under The Shadow of the Tien Shan Mountains

Travelling through the Tien Shan Mountains in the middle of winter with my skis and snowshoes is something really special to me. Im always in love with mountains, it gives a sense of calmness in my soul and standing on top of a mountain, I feel nearer to heaven. 741 more words


Yes, I'll Defend Daylight Saving Time

For those unfamiliar with U.S. timekeeping, we “lost an hour” of sleep last night, at least for those who slept according to clock time. Immediately after 1:59:59 in the morning, it was 3:00:00. 1,786 more words


Love, Despite

 Before I married my husband, I told him to make sure that he was marrying me for who I was that day, and not for any future changes he hoped to have wrought in me through the “transforming” power of marriage.  812 more words


Discworld: Where My Heart Lives

You never see your loved one’s flaws. You fall in love too quickly, in a rush of delight at finding such a person, a burst of wonder that, in all this wide and fragile world, there exists a mind just like your own. 604 more words

Terry Pratchett

Temporary (Permanent)

I’d just been down the street helping Justin. He was (shirtless) that kid in the neighborhood who was nice to everyone, so I offered to help him fix his bike. 573 more words


She's Not My Mother

The fertility clinic waiting room was not what I expected. I had imagined leather couches, warm lighting, and potted plants—the kind of décor that might suggest to clients that the thousands of dollars they were spending was being directed, at least in part, to their own care and comfort. 1,252 more words


The Myth of the Real Deal

A guest post from Jennifer Berney:

When I entered my MFA program in 2003, I hoped I might be a literary success in the making. Though I had only written a handful of short stories, I imagined that a two-year writing program would provide me with the structure I needed to complete a book-length manuscript, and after that I’d have it made. 876 more words


Comic Book Girl

While I was out of town last month, our 16-year old daughter, Sarah, had a reading emergency. She told me the story over dinner when I came home, “Mom, my English teacher assigned us an independent reading project.” 771 more words


On the Elusive Megamouth Shark

On the morning of the 28th of January in Barangay Marigondon, Philippines, local residents discovered a mysterious shark washed up on their coastline caught in fishing nets. 742 more words

Marine Biology

Cat Power

We were together the summer I listened to Cat Power and Dolly Parton. I was so sad that summer, so full of generalized anxiety and an unshakeable feeling that something horrible was about to happen- I still can’t listen to Jolene or a certain Cat Power album without wanting to cry. 430 more words


A Good Man is Hard to Find (Plus, Grits!)

It’s late, cold and I’m drinking Jefferson’s Kentucky Bourbon Very Small Batch.  Much spice and vanilla on the nose with citrus notes everywhere–green apples and rum in there as well.   1,284 more words


An Archangel, A Journey, A Sacred River, The Folk Process and A Spiritual!

Or, to put it another way:

Four takes on, ‘Michael Row The Boat Ashore’

‘… They were tones, loud, long and deep, breathing the prayer and complaint of souls boiling over with the bitterest anguish.’ (Frederick Douglas) 2,278 more words


Poet and Beast

It’s not about dropping words like stones down wells,
Listening to the clanks and clunks ricochet off the walls
As you hover near the edge, pleased with your senseless noise-making. 150 more words


A Brief Walk Through the Circles of Hell

Albert Camus isn’t light vacation reading. He also penned the least likely passage to make it into Amsterdam’s tourism promotional materials.

When I travel, I try to pack fiction about the place I’m visiting. 2,109 more words


Selma, Mighty Selma

“People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them.”  –James Baldwin

I was raised by two civil rights activists – attorney John Due and the late Patricia Stephens Due—so stories of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2,314 more words

Civil Rights Movement

Baring the Female Breasts: Beyond Objectification

There is so much more to a woman’s relationship to her breasts than meets the naked eye. In this post, I am thrilled to have two of my favorite bloggers, KS of… 1,053 more words

Body Image

What Is "Old Fashioned?" On Food and Architecture

My friend Nathaniel Walker, who got his doctorate at Brown last spring and now teaches architectural history at the College of Charleston, has contributed this essay. 1,130 more words


The Night We Tried to Get a Poet Arrested

I remember the night my friend and I tried to get a poet arrested
for his crimes against literature, his hiding
of horribly sentimental lines by speaking like a seller… 294 more words


Consent: Not Actually That Complicated

A short one today as my life is currently very complicated and conspiring against my preference to spend all of my days working out what to blog. 1,089 more words


Excluding Transgender People Doesn’t Make Anything Safer For Anybody

Content note: this piece contains descriptions of transmisogyny, homophobic bullying and sexual assault.

Recently I read an article in the New Statesman in which the writer recounted her experience of rape, and the subsequent lack of empathy and care she experienced from the men around her. 1,142 more words


The Importance of Memory and World Press Photo's "Contemporary Issues"

“The struggle of man against power is the act of memory against forgetting.”
-Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

I have my own personal reasons for choosing to photograph over other mediums, for believing that we must look sometimes even when we are more often compelled not to. 1,847 more words
