
The Dream of San Juan Copala - by Claudio Albertani

On April 26, 2010, a convoy of some twenty militants and international observers was ambushed in Mexico. They were on their way to San Juan Copala, a village in the Sierra Mixteca region, to give support to the villagers in their resistance to the terrorism of a local paramilitary group. Their convoy was brutally ambushed by paramilitaries......

Oaxaca: Paramilitaries fire on solidarity caravan, two confirmed dead

A solidarity caravan travelling to the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala in the Triqui Region of Oaxaca has been attacked by UBISORT paramilitaries. Two are confirmed dead, with at least 15 injured and three missing.

National Strike begins in Mexico

Mexico: National Strike
The convocation to the strike says: "It is us or them! The big businesses and their politicians have brought us to the very edge of survival and confrontation."

Anarcho-syndicalists in the Mexican revolution: the Casa del Obrero Mundial

A critical account of the Mexican anarcho-syndicalist union the Casa del Obrero Mundial which took up arms against revolutionary peasants.

Mexico: as the union drops the unwinnables and looks to negotiate, ex Luz y Fuerza workers wildcat

Luz y Fuerza workers

The long-running saga of the 44,000 ex Luz y Fuerza workers in Mexico's central regions continues. Now the Sindicato Mexicano de Electristas has effectively abandoned 24,000 of its members in its negotiations with the government, prompting many workers to escalate their protests against the union's wishes. Two workers were arrested at one protest camp before quickly being released.

Mexico is not only Chiapas nor is the rebellion in Chiapas merely a Mexican affair

TPTG's detailed analysis and critical look at the Zapatista revolt, and the social and economic conditions of peasants and workers in Mexico which gave rise to it.

ALF bombings in Mexico lead to anti-student witchhunt

Student activists are targeted on Mexico's notoriously independent and active public university campuses following a string of bomb attacks in the vein of Animal Liberation Front (ALF) tactics.

Military and federal police bust Mexican electrical workers' union

Late on Saturday night, around 6,000 Mexican police occupied the various sites of Luz y Fuerza del Centro, central Mexico's state-run electricity company. Immediately following the occupation, President Felipe Calderón issued notice of the company's liquidation, with the termination of some 44,000 jobs.

Looking Back on the Oaxaca Rebellion

Reflections on the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca by a North American anarchist who visited the city two years after the rebellion.

Sebastian San Vicente 1896- 1938? aka Pedro Sanchez aka El Tampiqueno

A short biography of Spanish anarchist Sebastian San Vicente, active in the USA, Cuba and Mexico and hero of a novel by Paco Ignacio Taibo