
Reflections on Jean Seberg and the Black Panther Party - Elaine Brown

Elaine Brown speaks

Fascinating extracts from the memoir of Elaine Brown, the only female leader in the Black Panther Party. Here she recalls Jean Seberg and other celebrities' involvement, the role of COINTELPRO, and the manoeuvrings of Eldridge Cleaver within the party.

Stalinist caterpillar into libertarian butterfly? The evolving ideology of the PKK - Alex De Jong

Abdullah Ocalan in the 1980s with Slavoj Zizek

This is an very informative article about the Abdullah Ocalan, the PKK and its supposed libertarian/feminist turn

1. Roots of the PKK
2. People’s War
3. Creating the ’new man’
4. Serok Apo
5. A revolution of women
6. Democratic Civilization
7. Whatever happened to socialism?
8. Potent vagueness

The scene of the action: a wildcat strike in Barbados - Constance R. Sutton

Constance R. Sutton's dissertation on the 1958 wilcat strike by Barbadian sugar workers.

Kropotkin’s ideas and the international anarchist movement in the 1920s and 1930s - Vadim Damier

industrialism or rural utopia

After the bitter experience of World War I and the Russian Revolution, the global anarchist movement had to rethink its approach to revolutionary change. The application of science and technology to warfare, the "rationalization" of production, the rise of fascism, etc., created conditions not envisaged in Kropotkin's teachings, which were subjected to a thoroughgoing revision. But Kropotkin also had his defenders, who not only insisted on the relevance of his ideas, but also extended his critique of industrial society. Using a wide variety of sources, Vadim Damier examines these debates, which found their culmination in the CNT's 1936 resolution on libertarian communism.

The historical significance of the POUM - Wilebaldo Solano

In this text based on a presentation delivered in 1985 at a conference on the POUM held in Madrid, the former leader of the Iberian Communist Youth, and the last general secretary of the POUM, reviews the history of the POUM and discusses the background of its leading militants in anarchosyndicalism and Spanish communism, its leading role in the founding of the Workers Alliance and the October 1934 insurrection in Asturias, it founding in 1935, the Popular Front and the February 1936 elections, its fight against Stalinist repression and its persecution under the Negrín government during the civil war, and the fates of the party’s militants underground and in exile.

Finland 1906: The revolutionary roots of women’s suffrage, an International Women’s Day tribute - Eric Blanc

Article about Finland becoming the first nation to grant full female suffrage in 1906 during the revolutionary upheaval which swept the czarist empire of which Finland was a part.

Spain and the World. Vol. 1, no. 13

The thirteenth edition of Spain and the World, dated 4th June, 1937.

Spain and the World. Vol. 1, no. 11

The eleventh edition of the journal Spain and the World, dated 1st May, 1937.

The Fighting-call. Vol. 1, no. 2

The second edition of Fighting-call, a journal of the Freedom Group and Anti-Parliamentary Communist Federation, from November 1936.

Save Spain. Act!: Radio speeches by Ethel MacDonald

Ethel MacDonald's speeches on the Spanish civil war. Published 1st May, 1937.