Welcome to the official AlienBlue subreddit!
- For a bunch of helpful videos on how to use alien blue, head on over to /r/AlienBlue101
Please take a look in the wiki for the answer to your question before posting. Thanks!
Links to specific sections of the wiki:
Alien Blue FAQ
iPhone User Guide
iPad User Guide
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Check out some fellow users' favorite "hidden" features in AlienBlue! (Feel free to add your own!)
To view a subreddit's sidebar while in alienblue, simply click the arrow to the right of the subreddit's name like so.
To submit a bug report: Hit the settings gear in AlienBlue, scroll to the bottom, and click "Report a Bug." If you'd like to include a picture, or would like to send a report from somewhere other than your iOS device, please email mobilesupport@reddit.com. Thanks for all your reports, they help reddit make the app the best it can be!
Rules and Guidelines
Some answers to this subreddit's frequently asked questions (posts that are just re-asking these questions will be removed, and a link to the relevant post provided as a comment):
No memes/rage comics (other image posts/screenshots are fine)
No complimentary posts, or posts that lack any other content/issue/discussion
Posts not pertaining to the topic of Alien Blue will be removed. Please post to /r/redditmobile for questions on other official reddit apps.
If you think your post has been stuck in the spam filter, just hit message the mods and either Bmeckel, TheRedditPope, DoTheDew, its_not_herpes, willowgrain or Jason (AlienBlue) will help you out as soon as possible.