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What is GDP? - MoneyWeek Investment Tutorials
(Macro) Episode 20: GDP
Macro Unit 2.1- GDP and Economic Growth
Components of GDP
Measuring GDP using the Income Approach and the Expenditure Approach - HD
GDP - "Collectibles" FULL ALBUM STREAM
GDP Basics of Expenditure Approach
EconMovies 5: Cars (GDP, Recession, and Fiscal Policy)
The Fed Explains Real Versus Potential GDP
Euronews - The Gross Domestic Product explained
Top 10 Richest Countries in the World by 2014 GDP
PT's IAS Academy - Sample Lecture 2 - Indian Economy (GDP & GNP calculation)
Gross domestic product measures a country's economic health. Tim Bennett explains how it works and asks how useful it really is. Don't miss out on Tim Bennet...
The third macroeconomic goal is 'High & Sustained Growth,' but growth of what? This video explains what GDP is, and the expenditure approach to GDP. "(Macro)...
Mr. Clifford explains GDP, the components of GDP, and what is not included in the Gross Domestic Product.
Understanding the components of the expenditure view of GDP. Consumption, investment, government spending and net exports More free lessons at:
GDP is generally understood to represent the health of a nation's economy, and most people realize that if GDP is growing, things are going well, while if it...
GDP "Succumb" out on Division East Records split 7 inch with Dirty Money. Directed by
GDP - "Collectibles" Smokers Cough 2014 Download on Bandcamp - Tracklisting: 1. “Roy Orbison” (Prod. Aoi) - (0:00) 2. “CLIT” (Prod. Hit-Boy) - (2:37) 3. “Urban Legend” (Prod. Rosegold) - (4:33) 4. “Lawn Seats” Feat. Shape (Prod. Mele Shark Teeth) - (7:31) 5. “ORLY” (Prod. AM Breakups) - (10:45) 6. “Black Guys in France” (Prod. Pistol) - (14:40) 7. “On And On” (Prod. Aoi) - (18:09) 8. “Why G?” (Prod. DJ Mustard) - (20:34) 9. “Laugh Now” Remix Feat. Antwon, Fat Tony, Ne$$ (Prod. Hot Sugar) - (23:02) 10. “Investigation” Feat. Shape (Prod. Mele Shark Teeth) - (28:08) 11. “Bootlegguz” Feat. Pistol (Prod. Pistol) - (32:15) 12. “Dublin” (Prod. Aoi) - (37:26) 13. “Gonna Getcha” Feat. Daniel Joseph and Joe Clark (Prod. A $harp) - (39:18) 14. “Eighteen” (Prod. DJ Nappy) - (43:39) 15. “Smokers Corp” Feat. Shape and Big Scoops (Prod. Shape) - (47:43) A collection of GDP songs and collaborations released 2012-2014.
Visit-, to know more about our latest product- Economics Lab! (Fastest and surest way to learn Economics!) This video consists of small sn...
EconMovies explain economic concepts through movies. In this episode, I use the movie Cars to introduce the idea of GDP, the business cycle, recession, and f...
The second in a series of videos on economic issues and the Federal Reserve focuses on gross domestic product, or GDP. Engaging graphics and straightforward ... Client: Euronews // European Commission Agency: Latte Creative My role: Illustration, motion...
Top 10 Richest Countries in the World by 2014 GDP. The richest country in the world: United State The richest countries in the world: 01 - United States 02 -...
Our entire course is in bilingual mode - English + Hindi - making it EXTREMELY EASY to understand. POWER NOTES of several pages, made from deep research, are...
Using real GDP as a measure of actual productivity growth More free lessons at:
This video outlines the difference between Nominal GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and Real GDP and explains how to calculate the levels and growth rates for ea...
※消費up!投資down!陸GDP? ※告別中國經濟高速增長時代? ※中國今年GDP將跌破7%?IMF最不樂觀預測? ※中國2014年GDP年增率7.4%,創1990年來新低! ※IMF再看衰!下修今年中國GDP至6.8%! ※中國經濟轉型成功!電商銷售占零售一成! ※對尬中國前10大省分GDP!韓國、台灣排老幾? 中國2014年GDP為7.4%,增速放緩創24年最大,GDP為63.6兆元人民幣,首次突破10兆美元大關,中國成為繼美國之後的“10兆美元俱樂部”成員,同時GDP總量穩居世界第2。 主持人:楊世光 來賓: 國民黨立委 羅淑蕾 資深媒體人 阮慕驊 財經專家 李兆華 資深媒體人 丁萬鳴 更多精彩內容 每周一至周五請鎖定57東森財經新聞台-57金錢爆 晚上2100(首播) 深夜2400(重播)
GDP is a term that is used a lot in the media usually in relation to the how much business your country is creating or the economy but what would it actually...
Complete video at: Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz proposes alternatives to ...
Off of "Permanent Vocation" LP Smokers Cough 2014 Also available on "Smokers Cough Sampler 1" Shot & Directed by GDP and Fro...
"What does GDP even mean? I am so confused!" If you've uttered these words before, then watch this movie. You'll be glad you did!
This video introduces the concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of aggregate output or income and describes what is included in GDP. For more ...
끝내 우려가 현실화되고 있다. 지난해 연간 실질 국내총생산(GDP) 증가율은 2.0%로 추락했다. 3년 만의 최저치다. 작년 4분기 증가율이 0.4%로 7분기 연속 0% 선에 그친 결과다. 쇼크다. 더구나 수출도 안되고 민간 설비투자는 아예 마이너스다. 앞길이 꽉 막혔다. 성장 동...
De quoi sera t-il question ? Voici les diapos : Notre question sera : "et vous que feriez-vous ?" et nous en discutons notamment ici Dans combien de temps commence t-on et où nous retrouver ? Voici le lien YouTube et le Compte à rebours en cas de problème technique, rendez-vous sur notre fil twitter : #MOOCGdP
Language: Hindi, Topics Covered: 1. definition and formulas of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GNP, NNP, net national income and net disposable income 2. Three methods of calculating GDP: income method, expenditure method and production or gross value added (GVA) method. 3. Modification done by CSO (Central statistical Organisation) in the calculation of GDP and its base year 4. Criticism against the new CSO method for calculating GDP. 5. Sectoral growth rate data from economic survey, ascending descending orders for MCQs. Powerpoint available at Exam-Utility: UPSC CSAT, Prelims, Mains, CDS, CAPF, Bank, RBI, IBPS, SSC and other competitive exams, IIM, XLRI, MBA interviews and GDPI Venue: Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration (SPIPA), Satellite, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,India
The Schiff Report Sign up for my free newsletter: Buy my newest book at Friend me on Follow me on
Join Dr Devinder Sharma on Twitter : Check Dr Devinder Sharma's Blog : Facebook Page :...
Principles of macroeconomics; The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money; John Maynard Keynes; Economic and macroeconomic study of individual decis...
최진기의 생존경제 24 GDP 성장, 착각의 늪에서 벗어나자!
Guests: Arvind Virmani (Head, and former Chief Economic Advisor, Finance Ministry, Govt of India) ; Ajay Shankar (Former Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India) ; Prof. N R Bhanumurthy (Member, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy) ; S P Sharma (Chief Economist, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry) Anchor: Girish Nikam Air date: February 13, 2015
更多新聞與互動請上: 訂閱我們: 有話好說官方網站: 有話好說Facebook: 公視新聞網 :
Après avoir réussi avec brio le bronze à diamant en saison 4, je revient en cette saison 5 avec un nouveau concept : unranked to diamond ! Ni les afk, ni les joueurs toxiques, ni les pires trolls du ladder ne pourront m'arrêter dans sa quête de gloire et de victoire !
Davos 2015 - GDP 9%+ India's Finance Minister Arun Jaitley A conversation with India's Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on how new leadership is transforming the business, political and social landscape of the country. • Arun Jaitley, Minister of Finance, Corporate Affairs and Information and Broadcasting of India Interviewed by • Andrew R. Sorkin, Columnist, The New York Times, USA; Young Global Leader Alumnus more on Davos 2015 Economic Impact Davos 2015 - An Insight, An Idea with Andrea Bocelli Davos 2015 - Special Address by François Hollande President of France Davos 2015 - The Global Impact of China’s Economic Transformation Davos 2015; A Brave New World and Advances in Artificial Intelligence Davos 2015 - The Global Economic Outlook Davos 2015 - John Kerry US Secretary of State "Today we are Witnessing a Form of Criminal Anarchy Davos 2015 - Angela Merkel Praises EU, criticizes Russia Davos 2015: George Soros thinks Markets are in for a very Rough Ride Davos 2015 - GDP 9%+ India's Finance Minister Arun Jaitley Davos 2015 - Indias Next Decade Davos 2015 - Recharging Europe Davos 2015 - The ASEAN Agenda Davos 2015 - Volatility as the New Normal in Financial Markets I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
内閣府は8日、7~9月期の国内総生産(GDP)の改定値を発表した。 物価の変動の影響を除いた実質GDP(季節調整値)は前期比0・5%減で、このペースが1年間続くと仮定した場合の年率換算は1・9%減だった。11月に発表した速報値(年率1・6%減)から0・3ポイントの下方修正となった。民間調査機関の大半が上方修正を見込む中での予想外の結果となり、消費税率引き上げ後の景気低迷が改めて鮮明になった。 2四半期連続のマイナス成長だった点は変わらない。改定値のマイナス幅が拡大したのは、設備投資が速報値の0・2%減から0・4%減に下方修正されたことが大きい。不動産や電気工事などで投資が減った。 1日発表の7~9月期の法人企業統計は、金融業・保険業を除く全産業の設備投資が、前年同期比5・5%増だった。GDPもプラスに転じるとの見方さえ出たが、この統計に含まれない小規模事業者などもGDPの計算では対象になる。その結果、全体の設備投資はマイナスとなった。 GDPは1年前との比較ではなく、前期(4~6月期)と比較する点も異なる。 ----------------------- コメンテーター:荻原博子・飯田泰之 ボイス:青木 理 パーソナリティー:荒川 強啓・片桐 千晶 デイキャッチ:2014年12月8日放送分より
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On Tuesday, the US and EU expanded sanctions against Russia to punish Moscow's adamant stance on Ukraine. For the West, the big question now is whether these...
사회자 : 정규재 "정규재TV" 13회 : 삼성전자 GDP 23% 차지했다는 무식한 주장들.
AM1242ニッポン放送「ザ・ボイス そこまで言うか!」から、その日のニュースを分析・解説していく「ニュースピックアップセブン」を配信しています。 2014年11月17日(月)コメンテーター勝谷誠彦(コラムニスト) ≪取り上げたニュース一覧≫ 7月から9月のGDP速報値 年率換算マイナス1・6% 沖縄県知事選挙 翁長雄志氏が初当選 日米豪首脳会談 安全保障と経済で連携強化を確認 イスラム国がアメリカ人殺害映像を公開 オバマ大統領が非難 中国のサンゴ密漁船が大幅に減少 マレーシア機撃墜 ウクライナで残骸回収始まる 航空機の炭素繊維 東レがボーイングから1兆円の受注
Meeting GDP vendome 2013 2° Tappa - St-Maurice-L'Exil - 20-21 aprile 2013 Finale tra Annecy e CRO-Lyon 13-4.
This the greatest interview of all time. The Rhythm and The Rebel Show chops it up with NJ emcee GDP. We catch up on the new project "Holla" as well as the g...
Après avoir réussi avec brio le bronze à diamant en saison 4, je revient en cette saison 5 avec un nouveau concept : unranked to diamond ! Ni les afk, ni les joueurs toxiques, ni les pires trolls du ladder ne pourront m'arrêter dans sa quête de gloire et de victoire !
凤凰卫视前身是星空传媒旗下的卫视中文台,于1991年开播。其后,卫星电视有限公司被新闻集团收购,随即进行改组,并引入刘长乐和陈永棋等人作为投资者。于1996年3月31日分拆为新成立的凤凰卫视(对大陆和香港广播)和卫视中文台(只在台湾广播)。凤凰卫视的主持人来自于中国大陆、中国香港地区、中国台湾地区。凤凰卫视的目标是成为影响力继中国大陆中央电视台(CCTV)的全球华文媒体。【文化丝绸之路】Phoenix's predecessor STAR STAR Chinese Channel, launched in 1991. Subsequently, satellite TV Limited was acquired by News Corporation, then reorganized and introduced Mr Liu and Mr Chan Wing-kee, who as an investor. On March 31, 1996 spin-off of the newly established Phoenix (on the mainland and Hong Kong Broadcasting) and STAR Chinese Channel (only broadcasts in Taiwan). Phoenix TV host from mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan region. Phoenix's goal is to become influential following the PRC's Central China Television (CCTV) is the global Chinese media.
Natural capital is the term used to put an economic value on nature's goods and services. A panel of leading experts chaired by Richard Black, the BBC's envi...
Andhra Pradesh Achives More GDP Than Other States, Says Chandrababu
Peter Schiff on U.S. New GDP Data, Stock Market Down, Housing Markets Down In 2015 Please click here to subscribe to my channel for latest news / Economy / m. Peter Schiff on U.S. New GDP Data, Stock Market Down, Housing Markets Down In 2015. Peter Schiff on U S New GDP Data, Stock Market Down, Housing Markets Down In 2015 SUBSCRIBE for Latest on GOLD / SILVER / BITCOIN / GLOBAL RESET / NEW WORLD . Peter Schiff on U.S. New GDP Data, Stock Market Down, Housing Markets Down In 2015 Please click here to subscribe to my channel for latest news / Economy / m.
Peter Schiff on U.S. New GDP Data, Stock Market Down, Housing Markets Down In 2015 Please click here to subscribe to my channel for latest news / Economy / m. Peter Schiff on U.S. New GDP Data, Stock Market Down, Housing Markets Down In 2015. Peter Schiff on U S New GDP Data, Stock Market Down, Housing Markets Down In 2015 SUBSCRIBE for Latest on GOLD / SILVER / BITCOIN / GLOBAL RESET / NEW WORLD . Peter Schiff on U.S. New GDP Data, Stock Market Down, Housing Markets Down In 2015 Please click here to subscribe to my channel for latest news / Economy / m.
Marc Faber on U.S. Stock Market & China GDP Growth Rate Marc Faber on Gold Stocks & Money Printing, Central Banks The CELESTIAL Convergence | November 14, 2012 - UNITED STATES - The markets are going to go into meltdown soon, . Posted Jan 13, 2010 01:00pm EST After eve. Marc Faber on U.S. Stock Market & China GDP Growth Rate Marc Faber on Gold Stocks & Money Printing, Central Banks Great Economic Collapse . Marc Faber on U.S.
A Fundamenta a 2014-es évben rekordot produkált az értékesítésben, mintegy ötödével növelte meg a teljesítményét 2013-hoz képest. A pénzügyi növekedés mellet a cég ötödszörre kapta meg a legjobb munkahely díját, emellett, valamint hatodszorra nyerte meg a Superbrands díjat. Web: Facebook: Twitter:
2014年のGDP値。結局「下方修正」に終わった 政府は何を考えていたのか???? 三橋さんによると 消費増税の影響は、だんだんと積重なるもので3年は続くそうです。 政府が打ち出した補正予算の3.2兆円は少なく。 デフレギャップ分の14兆円は必要。 今のままでは「緊縮財政」となってデフレになってしまう。 夏までには追加の補正予算として10兆円以上は欲しいところだ。 そんな中2017年には消費税10%が決まっているし・・・。 非常に心配だ。 おはよう寺ちゃん2015年3月11日放送分より引用。
上念司 おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年2月16日(月)「デンマーク連続テロ、GDP成長率3%台、ウクライナ停戦合意、G20共同声明と財政再建、所沢の住民投票」上念司 おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年2月16日(月)「デンマーク連続テロ、GDP成長率3%台、ウクライナ停戦合意、G20共同声明と財政再建、所沢の住民投票」上念司 おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年2月16日(月)「デンマーク連続テロ、GDP成長率3%台、ウクライナ停戦合意、G20共同声明と財政再建、所沢の住民投票」
三橋貴明 おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年2月18日(水)「震災余震、家計支出減、ウクライナ和平合意、日本郵政、ギリシャ、GDPと原油安、韓国財閥、産業スパイ」三橋貴明 おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年2月18日(水)「震災余震、家計支出減、ウクライナ和平合意、日本郵政、ギリシャ、GDPと原油安、韓国財閥、産業スパイ」三橋貴明 おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年2月18日(水)「震災余震、家計支出減、ウクライナ和平合意、日本郵政、ギリシャ、GDPと原油安、韓国財閥、産業スパイ」
三橋貴明 おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年3月11日(水)「政府は東日本大震災からの復興を真剣に考えているのか!?」「再生可能エネルギー、円安、2014年のGDP、鳩山総理クリミア入り」三橋貴明 おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年3月11日(水)「政府は東日本大震災からの復興を真剣に考えているのか!?」「再生可能エネルギー、円安、2014年のGDP、鳩山総理クリミア入り」三橋貴明 おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年3月11日(水)「政府は東日本大震災からの復興を真剣に考えているのか!?」「再生可能エネルギー、円安、2014年のGDP、鳩山総理クリミア入り」
【三橋貴明】 おはよう寺ちゃん 2015年3月11日「防波堤未着工、再生可能エネルギー、円安再加速アメリカ景気が主導、2014年GDP、東日本大震災から4年」 〈トーク内容〉 03:04 防波堤37%未着工 05:07 再生可能エネルギー30年2割超 07:23 円安再加速122円台 アメリカ景気が主導 09:46 徹底分析 下方修正に終わった2014年のGDP 18:03 東日本大震災から4年 日本人が忘れてはいけないこと 文化放送ラジオ「おはよう寺ちゃん活動中」2015年3月11日放送分より 出演:寺島尚正(寺ちゃん)、三橋貴明(経済評論家)
おはよう寺ちゃん 活動中(水曜) 2015年3月11日 コメンテーター:三橋貴明(経済評論家) パーソナリティ:寺島尚正 前回 3月 4日 → ■ニュース目玉焼き ・防潮堤、37%未着工(03:06) ・再生可能エネルギー:30年2割超(05:09) ・円安再加速、122円台 米景気が主導(07:25) ■いま気になるニュース、テーマ ・徹底分析 下方修正に終わった2014年のGDP(10:05) ・東日本大震災から4年 日本人が忘れてはいけないこと(18:12) おはよう寺ちゃん 活動中(月~金)午前5時~午前7時 ●三橋貴明の公式サイト → 三橋貴明の「新」日本経済新聞 ●三橋貴明オフィシャルブログ「新世紀のビッグブラザーへ blog」 ●Twitter
・防波堤(防潮堤)37%が未着工。 ・再生可能エネルギー30年2割超。 ・円安再加速122円台 アメリカ景気が主導。 ・徹底分析 下方修正に終わった2014年のGDP。 ・鳩山元総理がクリミア入りで政府が困る。 ・東日本大震災から4年 日本人が忘れてはいけないこと。 引用:おはよう寺ちゃん活動中!(2015.3.11) 寺島尚正(文化放送アナウンサー) 三橋貴明(経済評論家) ※是非チャンネル登録をして他の動画もご視聴ください!
--= THE SYNOPSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9780073372198 Book Synopsis of Gregg College Keyboarding and Document Processing (GDP) by Scot Ober If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Synopsis, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01.Yumac* ID: BM9780073372198-395869 ◇お金を稼ぐのならYouTube チャンネル登録をお願いします。⇒ お勧め動画;=UUy4A5zExS1rVs-dRfBGZC4A;=UUyWrZ3uHnN4izMD_xlwNJVQ&index;=9;=UUyWrZ3uHnN4izMD_xlwNJVQ;=UUyWrZ3uHnN4izMD_xlwNJVQ;=UUza7gpgd6heRb8rH4oEBZfA
Подробный обзор и мой реальный отзыв здесь:; Парктроник ParkMaster GDP-01 Гаражный Авто и мото/Парктроники Цвет датчиков: серебристый
Nominal GDP, Real GDP and GDP Deflator
If smaller eurozone countries get into debt difficulties without a fiscal union, it is difficult for Europe to help. Could GDP-linked bonds be the answer? Alberto Gallo, head of macro research at RBS, argues their case with Ralph Atkins. For more video content from the Financial Times, visit Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube; Twitter Facebook
WARNING rats been shot on this video using PCP air rifles shooting less than 12 ft lb
The International Monetary Fund deputy MD David Lipton recently visited Cape Town and CNBC Africa caught up with him to receive an update on the lending institution's prognosis for Africa's growth decade. Svetlana started off by asking about his outlook for South Africa's GDP growth in 2015 given the constraints presented by the power supply crisis.
Revised US growth figures for 2014's fourth quarter have been taking the shine off last year's performance. GDP growth is now thought to have hit 2.2% and not the 2.6% earlier estimated, following Q3's 5% spurt. However consumer spending is speeding up at its fastest pace since 2006, and there is also healthy momentum driving other areas of domestic demand, encouraging analysts the believe the slowdown is only temporary. … READ MORE : euronews business brings you latest updates from the world of finance and economy, in-depth analysis, interviews, infographics and more Subscribe for daily dose of business news: Made by euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe.
CNBC-TV18's Latha Venkatesh breaks down the numbers and gets economists to put the numbers in perspective
% to GDP) in the fourth quarter of 2014, compared with a surplus of $68.0 ... % to GDP) ... % to GDP) in 2013.
noodls 2015-03-23percent of GDP ... percent of GDP — thanks in part to pharmaceutical exports.
Bloomberg 2015-03-23This could result in a drop in GDP of 2.2 ... That would result in GDP being 1.6
Reuters 2015-03-23% of its GDP by leaving the EU customs union and single market ... dent in the country’s GDP of 2.23
The Guardian 2015-03-23... demand and hence GDP ... Actually, at 68pc of GDP, the UK’s debt to GDP ratio was not that high.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-03-23Praising the government's effort to produce GDP data in line with international standards, ...
The Times of India 2015-03-23billion GDP of the total EU GDP ... billion GDP ... makes a substantial contribution to EU GDP.
The Malta Independent 2015-03-23The government has set a GDP target of about 7 percent this year, lower than the previous target of 7.5
noodls 2015-03-23The government has set a GDP target of about 7 percent this year, lower than the previous target of 7.5
noodls 2015-03-23% expansion in gross domestic product (GDP) in the final quarter of 2014 lifted growth for the whole year to 1.6
RTE 2015-03-23Both the Conservatives and Labour have refused to say they will ensure defence spending does not dip below 2% of GDP.
BBC News 2015-03-23Spain's economy also shrank during the crisis and its debt to GDP ratio has shot up dramatically.
CNN 2015-03-23"Businesses and trade unions agree on the need to increase capital spending as a share of GDP. But ...
noodls 2015-03-23Gross domestic product (GDP) refers to the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living; GDP per capita is not a measure of personal income. See Standard of living and GDP. Under economic theory, GDP per capita exactly equals the gross domestic income (GDI) per capita. See Gross domestic income.
It is not to be confused with Gross National Product (GNP) which allocates production based on ownership. Gross domestic product is related to national accounts, a subject in macroeconomics.
GDP was first developed by Simon Kuznets for a US Congress report in 1934, who immediately said not to use it as a measure for welfare (see below under limitations). After the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, GDP became the main tool for measuring the country's economy.
G.D.P can be determined in three ways, all of which should, in principle, give the same result. They are the product (or output) approach, the income approach, and the expenditure approach.
We are born to earn, they are waiting us to serve
We will be part of the machines raising the GDP
LEader ruling our world are unable to learn
Social health, eating wellbeing to death
Insane leaders, insane rules
Invented system in the government
Slavery is pushed down our throats
Approved lies
Living up to the social rule book, it gives your life away
Join this army of fools, retire in misery
Rules by our leaders (are) fed to us since we were born
This system is the only accepted way to live until we die
We are born to learn how to earn, they are waiting us to serve
We will be part of the machine raising the GDP
Leaders ruling our world are unable to learn
Social health, eating wellbeing to death
Insane leaders, insane rules
Invented system in the government
Slavery is pushed down our throats
Approved lies
Invented rules, invented leaders
Are fed to our minds Since we were born
Until we die
Until we choke
Rules are being pushed