Don't Shoot Me, Bro! - Small GDI+ Game in Visual Basic 2010
This is just a little update and demo of a little Visual Basic game project. I've been...
published: 01 Sep 2011
Author: Aardaerimus
Don't Shoot Me, Bro! - Small GDI+ Game in Visual Basic 2010
This is just a little update and demo of a little Visual Basic game project. I've been testing multi-object controls, basic flocking, and collision detection with bounding boxes. I'll be happy to share the source code upon request. :-)
My 3D game engine (C# & GDI+ - 2nd Day)
Hi, this is a 3D game engine im building from scratch in C#, currently it only uses GDI+ t...
published: 20 Jul 2011
Author: 11m4357r0
My 3D game engine (C# & GDI+ - 2nd Day)
Hi, this is a 3D game engine im building from scratch in C#, currently it only uses GDI+ to draw but I will be changing over to DirectX or some other drawing tool that uses Graphics card. This is only 2 days after starting this project, and at the beginning of it, I had never used C# or any .Net language for that matter. So in the 2 days i taught my self C# as well as built an extensive library of methods and Custom objects for things such as world to screen, off edge detection, rotation of pitch / yaw, right/ left strafing, and of course moving forward and back. Distance in 2d as well as 3d have also been added in, I'm now in the process of adding physics and possibly texturing(unless i switch to another graphics library). Although this engine will be primarily for creating games, I am also building the framework so I will be able to easily make ESP Box hacks and aim bot hacks for other games :D
Demoscene - GDI+ Software Renderer
Here is a demoscene I made during my second year at the University of Derby, using a custo...
published: 08 Jan 2010
Author: Althar93
Demoscene - GDI+ Software Renderer
Here is a demoscene I made during my second year at the University of Derby, using a custom 3D software renderer. The renderer was made in C++, compiled using the Intel C++ Compiler and uses the default Win32 API and GDI+ for the rasterization process, and FMOD for the audio. Although my demoscene skills are not all that impressive, it demonstrates the speed at which my renderer can run ( this particular video was recorded on a Acer Aspire 5920G laptop with a resolution of 800x600 ) using just the CPU. The features supported by my renderer are : -MD2 file format loading (although animations were not implemented) -Local lighting, using directional and point lights -Wireframe, flat shading, gouraud shading and textured with bilinear filtering -Various post-processing effects (although not shown) such as motion blur, linear blur, negative. (Sound track by Lee Willmer, also at the University of Derby)
Visual Basic 2008/2010 - Snake Game (GDI+)
Hello YouTube! This is my own in Visual Basic 2008/2010 created Snake Game. (just 4 hours ...
published: 13 May 2010
Author: VBprojects
Visual Basic 2008/2010 - Snake Game (GDI+)
Hello YouTube! This is my own in Visual Basic 2008/2010 created Snake Game. (just 4 hours programming and approx. 200 lines of code) Music: Eminem - Not Afraid (C) All rights reserved.
Fantastic HD 3D from 2D Graphics Fireworks GDI+ Linear vb.net Rockets Explosions Display Animation
made using the GDI+ 2d linear graphics which accompanies vb.net programming language GDI s...
published: 08 Jan 2012
Author: vbkingofvideo
Fantastic HD 3D from 2D Graphics Fireworks GDI+ Linear vb.net Rockets Explosions Display Animation
made using the GDI+ 2d linear graphics which accompanies vb.net programming language GDI stands for Windows Graphics Device Interface Fantastic 3D from 2D Graphics Fireworks GDI+ Linear vb.net Rockets Explosions Bursts Of Color Display Animation HD
GDI+ JPEG Vulnerability Demo
This was part of my term project in 8370 Data Security at GSU. Demonstrates the GDI+ JPEG ...
published: 01 Dec 2009
Author: mbbreit
GDI+ JPEG Vulnerability Demo
This was part of my term project in 8370 Data Security at GSU. Demonstrates the GDI+ JPEG vulnerability on Windows XP (pre Service Pack 2). JPEG does not contain any harmful code, but demonstrates the ability to execute arbitrary code by invoking a command prompt window.
VB GDI+ error
*** HD *** Hello guys, I got a error with my project! the windows thing is a gif image. Ju...
published: 14 Apr 2011
Author: defofsaradomin
VB GDI+ error
*** HD *** Hello guys, I got a error with my project! the windows thing is a gif image. Just letting you know I get a GDI+ error that deletes all the images even the error dialog box can't escape it 'oO It is defenitly something with the gif image because when I don't use it it doesn't show up.. Please help me on how i can resolve this problem Sorry I didn't speak mic is 'dead' Sorry for bad english ********** READ ******** Comments that I don't like will be removed **************************
GDI+ Sample (Tutorial Coming Soon)
Here is a quick piece of GDI+ that I threw together to demonstrate my basic framework'...
published: 02 Jul 2011
Author: alecn1519
GDI+ Sample (Tutorial Coming Soon)
Here is a quick piece of GDI+ that I threw together to demonstrate my basic framework's capabilities. I will create a tutorial tomorrow that will show you how to create this program.
particle special effects 3d sphere from 2d gdi+ linear vb.net graphics animated animation
particle special effects 3d sphere from 2d gdi+ linear vb.net graphics animated animation,...
published: 09 Aug 2011
Author: vbkingofvideo
particle special effects 3d sphere from 2d gdi+ linear vb.net graphics animated animation
particle special effects 3d sphere from 2d gdi+ linear vb.net graphics animated animation, i used visual basic .net 2d linear graphics to create 1by2 pixel ellipses , first i made one half like an egg cup and then the second half which i then married up in the middle, you actually start with a flat surface (circular in shape) with the particles distributed randomly from the center out,which you then scale in the y direction to 0.1, then you use mathematics to step and count the curve shape (addition negative and positive and decimal fractional multiplication) it takes trial and error, i would say this is quite an advanced procedure or concept---i used windows live movie maker to create the .wmv from the still images gdi+
3D rendering with GDI+
A simple demo of rendering 3D grpahics with GDI+ Here I am projecting 3D points to 2D surf...
published: 13 Jul 2009
Author: datasmith1881
3D rendering with GDI+
A simple demo of rendering 3D grpahics with GDI+ Here I am projecting 3D points to 2D surface using perspective projection. The output is about 60fps on 800x600 surface.
published: 17 Jul 2010
Author: genaro1024
Rendering 3D objects with C# and GDI+
Rendering 3D objects with C# and GDI+ with per object options, collisions, frame filters (...
published: 30 Jul 2008
Author: Kireta
Rendering 3D objects with C# and GDI+
Rendering 3D objects with C# and GDI+ with per object options, collisions, frame filters (sharpen, gray scale, laplacian emboss, gaussian blur, edge detection, mean removal), anti alias (GDI+ native and upscaling)...
Rotating Solid Cube Using VB.NET and GDI+
Demonstration video of a tutorial at codentronix.com Follow me on Twitter to stay updated ...
published: 25 May 2011
Author: codentronix
Rotating Solid Cube Using VB.NET and GDI+
Demonstration video of a tutorial at codentronix.com Follow me on Twitter to stay updated [twitter.com
GDI+ Pixbuf loader for Gtk+ in action
GTK+ gets some love on Windows...
published: 07 Mar 2008
Author: arclnx
GDI+ Pixbuf loader for Gtk+ in action
GTK+ gets some love on Windows
Youtube results:
C++ & GDI+ : Software Renderer Demoscene
This is a demoscene developed using a software renderer written in C++ and GDI+. The softw...
published: 30 May 2011
Author: shanageek
C++ & GDI+ : Software Renderer Demoscene
This is a demoscene developed using a software renderer written in C++ and GDI+. The software renderer was initially developed as part of university work and Iv added simple demoscene whilst extending and fixing the renderer. *The background music was added on the video as audio recording was unsuccessful.
Adjust brightness or contrast using gdi+ in vb.net
Download Sample Project: www.coderisland.com For more about me: www.raytawil.com Read My b...
published: 30 Jun 2010
Author: Ray Tawil
Adjust brightness or contrast using gdi+ in vb.net
Download Sample Project: www.coderisland.com For more about me: www.raytawil.com Read My blog blog.raytawil.com Visit my forum if you got any questions www.coderisland.com Follow me on Twitter twitter.com
Cartman GDI+
Cartman GDI+ with Directional and Ambient lighting...
published: 03 Dec 2011
Author: Landogames
Cartman GDI+
Cartman GDI+ with Directional and Ambient lighting
RedCube with GDI+
GDI+ RedCube.....
published: 17 Nov 2011
Author: Landogames
RedCube with GDI+
GDI+ RedCube..