The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-3 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ३
Skanda Purana Part-3 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ३
Skanda Purana Part-3 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ३
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-5 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ५
Skanda Purana Part-5 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ५
Skanda Purana Part-5 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ५
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-6 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ६
Skanda Purana Part-6 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ६
Skanda Purana Part-6 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ६
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-7 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ७
Skanda Purana Part-7 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ७
Skanda Purana Part-7 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ७
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-12 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १२
Skanda Purana Part-12 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १२
Skanda Purana Part-12 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १२
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-15 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १५
Skanda Purana Part-15 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १५
Skanda Purana Part-15 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १५
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-16 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १६
Skanda Purana Part-16 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १६
Skanda Purana Part-16 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १६
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-18 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १८
Skanda Purana Part-18 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १८
Skanda Purana Part-18 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १८
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-19 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १९
Skanda Purana Part-19 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १९
Skanda Purana Part-19 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १९
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-20 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २०
Skanda Purana Part-20 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २०
Skanda Purana Part-20 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २०
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-23 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २३
Skanda Purana Part-23 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २३
Skanda Purana Part-23 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २३
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-28 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २८
Skanda Purana Part-28 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २८
Skanda Purana Part-28 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २८
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-172 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १७२
Skanda Purana Part-172 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १७२
Skanda Purana Part-172 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १७२
इसमें स्कंद (कार्तकेय) द्वारा शिवतत्व का वर्णन किया गया है। इसीलिए इसका नाम स्कंद पुराण पड़ा। इसमें तीर्थों के उपाख्यानों और उनकी पूजा-पद्धति का भी वर्णन है। 'वैष्णव खंड' में जगन्नाथपुरी की और 'काशीखंड' में काशी के समस्त देवताओं, शिवलिंगों का आविर्भाव और महात्म्य बताया गया है। 'आवन्यखंड' में उज्जैन के महाकलेश्वर का वर्णन है।
हिंदुओं के घर-घर में प्रसिद्ध 'सत्यनारायण व्रत' की कथा 'रेवाखंड' में मिलती है। तीर्थों के वर्णन के माध्यम से यह पुराण पूरे देश का भौगोलिक वर्णन प्रस्तुत करता है। स्कंदपुराण का मूल रचनाकाल सातवीं शताब्दी माना जाता है, पर इसमें समय-समय पर सामग्री जुड़ती गई है। इसके वृहदाकार का यही कारण है।
माहेश्वर खण्ड
इस खण्ड में दक्ष-
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-3 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ३
Skanda Purana Part-3 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ३
Skanda Purana Part-3 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ३
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-5 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ५
Skanda Purana Part-5 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ५
Skanda Purana Part-5 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ५
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-6 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ६
Skanda Purana Part-6 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ६
Skanda Purana Part-6 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ६
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-7 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ७
Skanda Purana Part-7 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ७
Skanda Purana Part-7 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ७
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-12 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १२
Skanda Purana Part-12 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १२
Skanda Purana Part-12 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १२
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-15 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १५
Skanda Purana Part-15 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १५
Skanda Purana Part-15 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १५
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-16 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १६
Skanda Purana Part-16 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १६
Skanda Purana Part-16 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १६
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-18 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १८
Skanda Purana Part-18 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १८
Skanda Purana Part-18 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १८
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-19 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १९
Skanda Purana Part-19 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १९
Skanda Purana Part-19 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १९
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-20 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २०
Skanda Purana Part-20 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २०
Skanda Purana Part-20 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २०
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-23 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २३
Skanda Purana Part-23 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २३
Skanda Purana Part-23 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २३
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-28 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २८
Skanda Purana Part-28 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २८
Skanda Purana Part-28 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २८
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्ध
Skanda Purana Part-172 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १७२
Skanda Purana Part-172 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १७२
Skanda Purana Part-172 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १७२
इसमें स्कंद (कार्तकेय) द्वारा शिवतत्व का वर्णन किया गया है। इसीलिए इसका नाम स्कंद पुराण पड़ा। इसमें तीर्थों के उपाख्यानों और उनकी पूजा-पद्धति का भी वर्णन है। 'वैष्णव खंड' में जगन्नाथपुरी की और 'काशीखंड' में काशी के समस्त देवताओं, शिवलिंगों का आविर्भाव और महात्म्य बताया गया है। 'आवन्यखंड' में उज्जैन के महाकलेश्वर का वर्णन है।
हिंदुओं के घर-घर में प्रसिद्ध 'सत्यनारायण व्रत' की कथा 'रेवाखंड' में मिलती है। तीर्थों के वर्णन के माध्यम से यह पुराण पूरे देश का भौगोलिक वर्णन प्रस्तुत करता है। स्कंदपुराण का मूल रचनाकाल सातवीं शताब्दी माना जाता है, पर इसमें समय-समय पर सामग्री जुड़ती गई है। इसके वृहदाकार का यही कारण है।
माहेश्वर खण्ड
इस खण्ड में दक्ष-
Skanda Purana Part-275 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २७५
Skanda Purana Part-275 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २७५
Skanda Purana Part-275 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २७५
'स्कन्द पुराण' का रेवा खण्ड पुराण संहिता का विस्तारपूर्वक वर्णन करता है। इसके अतिरिक्त रेवा माहात्म्य, नर्मदा, कावेरी और संगम की महिमा, शूल भेद प्रशंसा, कालरात्रि कृत जगत् संहार वर्णन, सृष्टि संहार वर्णन, शिव स्तुति निरूपण, वराह वृत्तान्त, सत्यनारायण व्रत कथा वर्णन, रेवा खण्ड पुस्तक का दान महत्त्व तथा विविध तीर्थों, यथा- मेघनाद तीर्थ, भीमेश्वर तीर्थ, नारदेश्वर तीर्थ, दीर्घ स्कन्द और मधुस्कन्द तीर्थ, सुवर्ण शिला तीर्थ, करंज तीर्थ, कामद तीर्थ, भंडारी तीर्थ, स्कन्द तीर्थ, अंगिरस तीर्थ, कोटि तीर्थ, केदारेश्वर तीर्थ, पिशाचेश्वर तीर्थ, अग्नि तीर्थ, सर्प तीर्थ, श्रीकपाल तीर्थ एवं जमदग्नि तीर्थ आदि का विस्तृत वर्णन इस खण्ड में प्राप्त होता है।
इसी प
The Birth of Skanda, Son of Shiva
The Birth of Skanda, Son of Shiva
The Birth of Skanda, Son of Shiva
To Celebrate the auspicious night of MahaShivaratri, The Night of Shiva, Sister Unity tells the story of the creation of Shiva's son, Skanda. Also known as K...
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Guru Gita as given in Uttarakhand section of Skanda Purana
Guru Gita as given in Uttarakhand section of Skanda Purana
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Skanda Purana Tamil Discourse 1
Skanda Purana Tamil Discourse 1
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1008 Divine Names of Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi
About Ganapathi and Hayagreeva by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya in Skanda Purana Pravachana
About Ganapathi and Hayagreeva by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya in Skanda Purana Pravachana
About Ganapathi and Hayagreeva by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya in Skanda Purana Pravachana
About Ganapathi and Hayagreeva by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya in Skanda Purana Pravachana.
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
इसमें स्कंद (कार्तकेय) द्वारा शिवतत्व का वर्णन किया गया है। इसीलिए इसका नाम स्कंद पुराण पड़ा। इसमें तीर्थों के उपाख्यानों और उनकी पूजा-पद्धति का भी वर्णन है। 'वैष्णव खंड' में जगन्नाथपुरी की और 'काशीखंड' में काशी के समस्त देवताओं, शिवलिंगों का आविर्भाव और महात्म्य बताया गया है। 'आवन्यखंड' में उज्जैन के महाकलेश्वर का वर्णन है।
हिंदुओं के घर-घर में प्रसिद्ध 'सत्यनारायण व्रत' की कथा 'रेवाखंड' में मिलती है। तीर्थों के वर्णन के माध्यम से यह पुराण पूरे देश का भौगोलिक वर्णन प्रस्तुत करता है। स्कंदपुराण का मूल रचनाकाल सातवीं शताब्दी माना जाता है, पर इसमें समय-समय पर सामग्री जुड़ती गई है। इसके वृहदाकार का यही कारण है।
माहेश्वर खण्ड
इस खण्ड में दक्ष-यज्ञ वर्णन, सती दाह, देवताओं और शिव गणों में युद्ध, दक्ष-यज्ञ विध्वंस, लिंग प्रतिष्ठा वर्णन, रावणोपाख्यान, समुद्र मंथन, लक्ष्मी की उत्पत्ति, अमृत विभाजन, शिवलिंग माहात्म्य, राशि-नक्षत्र वर्णन, दान भेद वर्णन, सुतनु-नारद संवाद, शिव पूजन का माहात्म्य, शिव तीर्थों सहित शाक्तिपीठ आदि की प्रशंसा, अरुणाचल स्थान का महत्त्व तथा विष्णु को शिव का ही रूप बताया गया है। विष्णु और शिव में कोई अन्तर नहीं है।
अन्तरं शिव विष्णोश्च मनागपि न विद्यते ॥ (स्कन्द पुराण)
अर्थात् जिस प्रकार शिव हैं, उसी प्रकार विष्णु हैं और जैसे विष्णु हैं, वैसे ही शिव हैं। इन दोनों में तनिक भी अन्तर नहीं है।
अधिकांश पुराणों में 'बुद्धावतार' का नाम देने के अतिरिक्त उनकी कोई भी चर्चा नहीं की गई है। परन्तु 'स्कन्द पुराण' में उनका 'माया-मोह' के नाम से विस्तृत वर्णन किया गया है, जो पुराणकार की निष्पक्ष मनोवृत्ति की परिचायक है। कलियुग प्रसंग में बुद्ध का विस्तार से वर्णन है और उन्हें विष्णु का अवतार माना गया है। उनके माध्यम से 'अहिंसा' और 'सेवा भाव' का मार्ग प्रशस्त किया गया है'
इसमें स्कंद (कार्तकेय) द्वारा शिवतत्व का वर्णन किया गया है। इसीलिए इसका नाम स्कंद पुराण पड़ा। इसमें तीर्थों के उपाख्यानों और उनकी पूजा-पद्धति का भी वर्णन है। 'वैष्णव खंड' में जगन्नाथपुरी की और 'काशीखंड' में काशी के समस्त देवताओं, शिवलिंगों का आविर्भाव और महात्म्य बताया गया है। 'आवन्यखंड' में उज्जैन के महाकलेश्वर का वर्णन है।
हिंदुओं के घर-घर में प्रसिद्ध 'सत्यनारायण व्रत' की कथा 'रेवाखंड' में मिलती है। तीर्थों के वर्णन के माध्यम से यह पुराण पूरे देश का भौगोलिक वर्णन प्रस्तुत करता है। स्कंदपुराण का मूल रचनाकाल सातवीं शताब्दी माना जाता है, पर इसमें समय-समय पर सामग्री जुड़ती गई है। इसके वृहदाकार का यही कारण है।
माहेश्वर खण्ड
इस खण्ड में दक्ष-यज्ञ वर्णन, सती दाह, देवताओं और शिव गणों में युद्ध, दक्ष-यज्ञ विध्वंस, लिंग प्रतिष्ठा वर्णन, रावणोपाख्यान, समुद्र मंथन, लक्ष्मी की उत्पत्ति, अमृत विभाजन, शिवलिंग माहात्म्य, राशि-नक्षत्र वर्णन, दान भेद वर्णन, सुतनु-नारद संवाद, शिव पूजन का माहात्म्य, शिव तीर्थों सहित शाक्तिपीठ आदि की प्रशंसा, अरुणाचल स्थान का महत्त्व तथा विष्णु को शिव का ही रूप बताया गया है। विष्णु और शिव में कोई अन्तर नहीं है।
अन्तरं शिव विष्णोश्च मनागपि न विद्यते ॥ (स्कन्द पुराण)
अर्थात् जिस प्रकार शिव हैं, उसी प्रकार विष्णु हैं और जैसे विष्णु हैं, वैसे ही शिव हैं। इन दोनों में तनिक भी अन्तर नहीं है।
अधिकांश पुराणों में 'बुद्धावतार' का नाम देने के अतिरिक्त उनकी कोई भी चर्चा नहीं की गई है। परन्तु 'स्कन्द पुराण' में उनका 'माया-मोह' के नाम से विस्तृत वर्णन किया गया है, जो पुराणकार की निष्पक्ष मनोवृत्ति की परिचायक है। कलियुग प्रसंग में बुद्ध का विस्तार से वर्णन है और उन्हें विष्णु का अवतार माना गया है। उनके माध्यम से 'अहिंसा' और 'सेवा भाव' का मार्ग प्रशस्त किया गया है'
'स्कन्द पुराण' का रेवा खण्ड पुराण संहिता का विस्तारपूर्वक वर्णन करता है। इसके अतिरिक्त रेवा माहात्म्य, नर्मदा, कावेरी और संगम की महिमा, शूल भेद प्रशंसा, कालरात्रि कृत जगत् संहार वर्णन, सृष्टि संहार वर्णन, शिव स्तुति निरूपण, वराह वृत्तान्त, सत्यनारायण व्रत कथा वर्णन, रेवा खण्ड पुस्तक का दान महत्त्व तथा विविध तीर्थों, यथा- मेघनाद तीर्थ, भीमेश्वर तीर्थ, नारदेश्वर तीर्थ, दीर्घ स्कन्द और मधुस्कन्द तीर्थ, सुवर्ण शिला तीर्थ, करंज तीर्थ, कामद तीर्थ, भंडारी तीर्थ, स्कन्द तीर्थ, अंगिरस तीर्थ, कोटि तीर्थ, केदारेश्वर तीर्थ, पिशाचेश्वर तीर्थ, अग्नि तीर्थ, सर्प तीर्थ, श्रीकपाल तीर्थ एवं जमदग्नि तीर्थ आदि का विस्तृत वर्णन इस खण्ड में प्राप्त होता है।
इसी प्रकार सभी तीर्थों की महिमा के साथ कोई न कोई कथा जुड़ी हुई है। हिमालय से लेकर कन्याकुमारी तक और अटक से लेकर कामाख्या देवी के मन्दिर तक कोई ऐसा प्रदेश इस भारतभूमि में नहीं है, जहां प्राचीनतम भारतीय संस्कृति का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाला कोई तीर्थ न हो। काशी में शैव तीर्थ, अवन्तिका (उज्जैन नगरी) में महाकालेश्वर शिव की महिमा तथा नर्मदा तटवर्ती तीर्थों का विशद् वर्णन 'स्कन्द पुराण' में प्राप्त होता है। नर्मदा को शिव के पसीने से उत्पन्न माना जाता है। नर्मदा की महिमा गंगा के पावन जल की भांति ही मानी गई है।
'स्कन्द पुराण' के दारूकवन उपाख्यान में शिवलिंग की महिमा का वर्णन है, जिसमें विष्णु और ब्रह्मा शिवलिंग का ओर-छोर सात आकाश तथा सात पाताल पार करने के उपरान्त भी नहीं जान पाते। इस अवसर पर ब्रह्मा का झूठ उन्हें स्तुति से वंचित करा देता है। उनके दो गवाह सुरभि गाय तथा केतकी का फूल अपवित्र हो गया और केतकी का पुष्प शिवलिंग पर चढ़ाने के लिए वर्जित माना गया। इस प्रसंग से विश्व निर्माता शक्ति के अनन्त रूप का भी प्रतिपादन होता है। इस पुराण की रचना के पीछे पुराणकार की यही मंशा रही होगी कि लोकमानस में जटिल कर्मकाण्डों के प्रति झुकाव न होकर सरल रूप से हरि संकीर्तन का मार्ग प्रशस्त हो। इसलिए पुराणकार ने राम नाम महिमा, शिव नाम महिमा और कृष्ण नाम महिमा का उल्लेख विस्तार से किया है। यदि इस पुराण को तीर्थों की निर्देशिका माना जाए तो अनुचित नहीं होगा।
'स्कन्द पुराण' का रेवा खण्ड पुराण संहिता का विस्तारपूर्वक वर्णन करता है। इसके अतिरिक्त रेवा माहात्म्य, नर्मदा, कावेरी और संगम की महिमा, शूल भेद प्रशंसा, कालरात्रि कृत जगत् संहार वर्णन, सृष्टि संहार वर्णन, शिव स्तुति निरूपण, वराह वृत्तान्त, सत्यनारायण व्रत कथा वर्णन, रेवा खण्ड पुस्तक का दान महत्त्व तथा विविध तीर्थों, यथा- मेघनाद तीर्थ, भीमेश्वर तीर्थ, नारदेश्वर तीर्थ, दीर्घ स्कन्द और मधुस्कन्द तीर्थ, सुवर्ण शिला तीर्थ, करंज तीर्थ, कामद तीर्थ, भंडारी तीर्थ, स्कन्द तीर्थ, अंगिरस तीर्थ, कोटि तीर्थ, केदारेश्वर तीर्थ, पिशाचेश्वर तीर्थ, अग्नि तीर्थ, सर्प तीर्थ, श्रीकपाल तीर्थ एवं जमदग्नि तीर्थ आदि का विस्तृत वर्णन इस खण्ड में प्राप्त होता है।
इसी प्रकार सभी तीर्थों की महिमा के साथ कोई न कोई कथा जुड़ी हुई है। हिमालय से लेकर कन्याकुमारी तक और अटक से लेकर कामाख्या देवी के मन्दिर तक कोई ऐसा प्रदेश इस भारतभूमि में नहीं है, जहां प्राचीनतम भारतीय संस्कृति का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाला कोई तीर्थ न हो। काशी में शैव तीर्थ, अवन्तिका (उज्जैन नगरी) में महाकालेश्वर शिव की महिमा तथा नर्मदा तटवर्ती तीर्थों का विशद् वर्णन 'स्कन्द पुराण' में प्राप्त होता है। नर्मदा को शिव के पसीने से उत्पन्न माना जाता है। नर्मदा की महिमा गंगा के पावन जल की भांति ही मानी गई है।
'स्कन्द पुराण' के दारूकवन उपाख्यान में शिवलिंग की महिमा का वर्णन है, जिसमें विष्णु और ब्रह्मा शिवलिंग का ओर-छोर सात आकाश तथा सात पाताल पार करने के उपरान्त भी नहीं जान पाते। इस अवसर पर ब्रह्मा का झूठ उन्हें स्तुति से वंचित करा देता है। उनके दो गवाह सुरभि गाय तथा केतकी का फूल अपवित्र हो गया और केतकी का पुष्प शिवलिंग पर चढ़ाने के लिए वर्जित माना गया। इस प्रसंग से विश्व निर्माता शक्ति के अनन्त रूप का भी प्रतिपादन होता है। इस पुराण की रचना के पीछे पुराणकार की यही मंशा रही होगी कि लोकमानस में जटिल कर्मकाण्डों के प्रति झुकाव न होकर सरल रूप से हरि संकीर्तन का मार्ग प्रशस्त हो। इसलिए पुराणकार ने राम नाम महिमा, शिव नाम महिमा और कृष्ण नाम महिमा का उल्लेख विस्तार से किया है। यदि इस पुराण को तीर्थों की निर्देशिका माना जाए तो अनुचित नहीं होगा।
To Celebrate the auspicious night of MahaShivaratri, The Night of Shiva, Sister Unity tells the story of the creation of Shiva's son, Skanda. Also known as K...
To Celebrate the auspicious night of MahaShivaratri, The Night of Shiva, Sister Unity tells the story of the creation of Shiva's son, Skanda. Also known as K...
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-1 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १
Skanda Purana Part-1 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-3 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ३
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-3 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ३
Skanda Purana Part-3 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ३
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-5 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ५
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-5 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ५
Skanda Purana Part-5 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ५
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-6 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ६
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-6 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ६
Skanda Purana Part-6 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ६
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-7 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ७
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-7 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ७
Skanda Purana Part-7 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय ७
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-12 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १२
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-12 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १२
Skanda Purana Part-12 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १२
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-15 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १५
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-15 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १५
Skanda Purana Part-15 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १५
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-16 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १६
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-16 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १६
Skanda Purana Part-16 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १६
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-18 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १८
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-18 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १८
Skanda Purana Part-18 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १८
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-19 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १९
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-19 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १९
Skanda Purana Part-19 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १९
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-20 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २०
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-20 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २०
Skanda Purana Part-20 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २०
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-23 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २३
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-23 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २३
Skanda Purana Part-23 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २३
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-28 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २८
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. Th...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-28 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २८
Skanda Purana Part-28 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय २८
The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya, a son of Shiva and Parvati, who is also known as Skanda. It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa, and is available in distinct parts, sometimes fragmented too.
यह पुराण कलेवर की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा है तथा इसमें लौकिक और पारलौकिक ज्ञान के अनन्त उपदेश भरे हैं। इसमें धर्म, सदाचार, योग, ज्ञान तथा भक्ति के सुन्दर विवेचन के साथ अनेकों साधु-महात्माओं के सुन्दर चरित्र पिरोये गये हैं। आज भी इसमें वर्णित आचारों, पद्धतियों के दर्शन हिन्दू समाज के घर-घर में किये जा सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें भगवान् शिव की महिमा, सती-चरित्र, शिव-पार्वती विवाह, कार्तिकेय जन्म, तारकासुर वध आदि का मनोहर वर्णन है। सचित्र, सजिल्द।
This Puran is largest in volume and contains numerous valuable guidance on spiritual and material subjects. This book also contains good discourse on religion, conduct, yog, knowledge and devotion along with captivating life-stories of great saints. The conduct and rituals described in this Puran can be seen in Hindu households even today. It also contains description of Sati-Charitra, Shiv's Marriage, birth of Kartikeya, destruction of Tarkasur and glory of Bhagwan Shiv. A hard bound and illustrated edition.
Some of the popular narratives described in the Skanda Purana are:
The yajña (sacrifice) of Prajapati Daksha
The churning of the ocean (Samudra manthan) and the emergence of Amrita (Ambrosia)
The story of the demon Tarakasura
The birth of Goddess Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
The birth of Kartikeya
The killing of the demon Tarakasura by Kartikeya
The killing of Pralambasura
The queries of Karamdham
The killing of the demons Shumbh, Nishimbh and Mahishasura
An account of Vishnukund
The story of Padmavati
A description of various holy places associated with Shiva and Skanda
The story of Trishanku and sage Vishvamitra
A description of Narakas (Hell)
A description of Jyotirlingas – the important holy shrines associated with Lord Shiva.
A description of Navadurgas
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-172 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १७२
इसमें स्कंद (कार्तकेय) द्वारा शिवतत्व का वर्णन किया गया है। इसीलिए इसका नाम स्कंद पुराण पड...
published:28 Apr 2015
Skanda Purana Part-172 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १७२
Skanda Purana Part-172 | स्कन्द पुराण अध्याय १७२
इसमें स्कंद (कार्तकेय) द्वारा शिवतत्व का वर्णन किया गया है। इसीलिए इसका नाम स्कंद पुराण पड़ा। इसमें तीर्थों के उपाख्यानों और उनकी पूजा-पद्धति का भी वर्णन है। 'वैष्णव खंड' में जगन्नाथपुरी की और 'काशीखंड' में काशी के समस्त देवताओं, शिवलिंगों का आविर्भाव और महात्म्य बताया गया है। 'आवन्यखंड' में उज्जैन के महाकलेश्वर का वर्णन है।
हिंदुओं के घर-घर में प्रसिद्ध 'सत्यनारायण व्रत' की कथा 'रेवाखंड' में मिलती है। तीर्थों के वर्णन के माध्यम से यह पुराण पूरे देश का भौगोलिक वर्णन प्रस्तुत करता है। स्कंदपुराण का मूल रचनाकाल सातवीं शताब्दी माना जाता है, पर इसमें समय-समय पर सामग्री जुड़ती गई है। इसके वृहदाकार का यही कारण है।
माहेश्वर खण्ड
इस खण्ड में दक्ष-यज्ञ वर्णन, सती दाह, देवताओं और शिव गणों में युद्ध, दक्ष-यज्ञ विध्वंस, लिंग प्रतिष्ठा वर्णन, रावणोपाख्यान, समुद्र मंथन, लक्ष्मी की उत्पत्ति, अमृत विभाजन, शिवलिंग माहात्म्य, राशि-नक्षत्र वर्णन, दान भेद वर्णन, सुतनु-नारद संवाद, शिव पूजन का माहात्म्य, शिव तीर्थों सहित शाक्तिपीठ आदि की प्रशंसा, अरुणाचल स्थान का महत्त्व तथा विष्णु को शिव का ही रूप बताया गया है। विष्णु और शिव में कोई अन्तर नहीं है।
अन्तरं शिव विष्णोश्च मनागपि न विद्यते ॥ (स्कन्द पुराण)
अर्थात् जिस प्रकार शिव हैं, उसी प्रकार विष्णु हैं और जैसे विष्णु हैं, वैसे ही शिव हैं। इन दोनों में तनिक भी अन्तर नहीं है।
अधिकांश पुराणों में 'बुद्धावतार' का नाम देने के अतिरिक्त उनकी कोई भी चर्चा नहीं की गई है। परन्तु 'स्कन्द पुराण' में उनका 'माया-मोह' के नाम से विस्तृत वर्णन किया गया है, जो पुराणकार की निष्पक्ष मनोवृत्ति की परिचायक है। कलियुग प्रसंग में बुद्ध का विस्तार से वर्णन है और उन्हें विष्णु का अवतार माना गया है। उनके माध्यम से 'अहिंसा' और 'सेवा भाव' का मार्ग प्रशस्त किया गया है'
A strange feature was found on an image of Mars earlier this week. According to a report from Huffington Post today, a man was viewing photos on NASA website when he noticed a pyramid in one of the government agency's photos. The image was published by NASA on May 7 ... ....
Two children have reportedly been “crucified” by Isis for not fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. The boys, believed to be under the age of 18, were killed in Syria and their bodies displayed with placards hung around their necks announcing their “crime”. Their deaths in the town of Mayadin, Deir Ezzor province, were reported by the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Monday ...Chris Huby) ... Timeline. The emergence of Isis....
(CNN)The U.S. military will be sending dozens of tanks, Bradley armored fighting vehicles and self-propelled howitzers to allied countries in the Baltics and Eastern Europe in response to Russian actions in the Ukraine, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Tuesday ... allies in Estonia. Carter said the equipment will be moved around Europe for training and exercises. The U.S ... Carter's announcement comes during a week-long tour of Europe ... ....
More to this story. ISIL fighters bulldoze ancient Assyrian palace in Iraq ISIL's war on art across the cradle of civilisation ...Photographs posted online appeared to show the shrines, 4km from Palmyra, being blown up and reduced to rubble on Saturday ... Source. Al Jazeera. ....
SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Enjoy this last weekend of June, whether you'll be celebrating with balloons or craft brews. Related. Weather forecast. 1. LEONFestival. The second annual LEON Festival celebrates the half-way point to Christmas and the last days of school with family fun for all ages ... When ... How much ... 2 ... Where ... When ... 3 ... Little Moe was one of 14 OnondagaRescue Ponies saved from starvation by the CNYSPCA and brought to Skanda Equine to recover....
In the Indian articulation of history, the link with the cyclic concept as seen in the Brahmanical Itihasa-Purana tradition (the four Mahayugas) and the linear concept of time as expressed in the Buddhist and Jain traditions is significant ...Linear time, however, became central to the genealogies (Vamsa) and dynastic lists of the epics and Puranas ......
RAWALPINDI. People have adopted modern ways to get up at Sehri but the Dholchi (drumbeater) has kept alive the decades-old tradition of waking up the faithful to keep fast. Alarms on mobile phones and clocks have made the lives of people easier but the drumbeat to wake up the people at Sehri is very much in vogue ... Pervaiz Butt alias Paija, a drumbeater, says he has been performing the duty in PuranaQila for the last 25 years ... ....
His family owns a string of valuable residential and commercial properties in the inner suburbs ... I pushed him back ... Mr Karas, who was named by the Purana anti-gangland taskforce as a "primary person of interest" in Melbourne's organised crime scene, was also accused of laundering millions of dollars through the stolen identity of his cousin Christos Karaglanis, a seasonal olive picker and taxi driver in Greece ... ....
Foraying into Myanmar and snuffing out militants to avenge the death of Army men killed on Indian soil is one aspect of the Narendra Modi government which has its clutch of takers ... This posture improves flexibility in the back and improves digestion ... It is not just an arbitrary date on the calendar ... “Some, of course, deny to ascribe any historicity to the Epics and the Puranas, again for their own ‘good reasons’ ... Dr....
NAINITAL. Nestled in the midst of lush green mounds, a privately-owned museum in Chitai village of Almora district is a storehouse of knowledge for history enthusiasts ... The treasure house also stocks 100 rare manuscripts in Sanskrit, some one-and-a-half centuries old, and the lesser known 'Gyan Samhita' of ShivaPurana. Petshaali's collection also includes translation of 'GarudaPurana' from Sanskrit to Kumaoni language ... ....
LUCKNOW ... This undeclared unorganised museum is Karsevakpuram, is a must visit for all tourists heading to Ram's janmabhoomi ... "Jhagda toh 150 saal purana hai magar ismein kahani 22 saal pahle shuru hoti hai...," guide Gopal Tiwari tells a tourist group from Bhilwada Rajasthan, while narrating the long story from the start of Babri mosque construction to its demolition in just three minutes ... ....
Abridged versions of the Kuchipudi Yakshaganas – ‘Parvathi Parinayam’ and ‘Bhakta Prahlada’ - and ‘Bhama Kalapam,’ each of two to two and a half hours duration, were presented by Vedantam Radhesyam and his 30-member troupe at Natya Rasaprabandha, held at Narada Gana Sabha recently ... These little details show the depth of understanding of the Puranas and their faithful adherence down the ages....
VADODARA ... As a corporate trainer, he has conducted training programs at almost 50 companies and 40 colleges across the country. The talk aims to make delegates understand how countries like United States, United Kingdom and Germany are learning various scientific facts from Indian 'vedas' and 'puranas' ... ....
For the mythology surrounding the names Skanda, Kartikeya, Visakha, Devasenapati, we have to look at the Samskrit tradition. Visakha emerged from the portion of Skanda’s body cut off by Indra’s thunderbolt. In the Atarva Veda, Skanda is the brother of Visakha and also Visakha himself ... Since he emerged from the Ganges, he is Skanda ... Writing about the Skanda-Kubera link, Dr....