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Iran's state TV said the country's powerful Revolutionary Guard has received its first three squadrons of radar-evading flying boats. The development comes a...
El Ejército ruso realizó pruebas del vehículo de combate aerotransportado de la cuarta generación. Vea en este vídeo las posibilidades excepcionales del nuevo BMD-4M (modernizado).
MOSCOW, October 20 2013 (RIA Novosti) -- The Russian Defense Ministry will start mass purchases of domestically designed "future soldier" gear in 2014, Defen...
Generalstab: Russische Armee bereit zu einem Großkrieg. Der russische Generalstab hält einen Großkrieg für möglich. Laut Generalstabschef Waleri Gerassimow s...
The Russia Arms Expo 2013 (RAE 2013) Exhibition at Nizhny Tagil featured upgraded T-90MS Proryv (Breakthrough) Main Battle Tank with Hunter-Shooter System, T...
Cet entretien montre que les rapports de l'Occident avec la Russie restent fondamentalement basés sur la force militaire. Cet exposé des faits laisse entendre clairement que les USA n'ont pas renoncé au fond d'eux-mêmes à une certaine ambition de domination mondiale. Sans compter que la Russie avec son territoire immense et ses très grandes richesses naturelles est l'objet de convoitise Cet antagonisme est une opportunité pour les peuples des puissances dites "moyennes" ou "petites" : objectivement la Russie "devra" contribuer à un monde multipolaire qui laisserait toute leur place à des entités comme l'Union Européenne ou la France ou à des pays du Mouvement des Pays Non Alignés, soucieux de développer leur niveau industriel et de vie. Il existe bien en Russie des courants qui espèrent "partager les richesses du Tiers-Monde" avec les USA et leurs satellites aux dépens des "sous-développés" ; voire qui seraient prêts à devenir des caniches ou des chiens de guerre des USA... en échange de rémunération, bien sûr. Ils perdent leur temps. Régulièrement, comme le montre cet entretien, les Américains les remettent à leur place de laquais... sinon rien. Alors, les patriotes russes reprennent toujours le dessus. Il y a donc des raisons objectives d'espérer un monde multipolaire meilleur.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Friday joined world famous actors and entertainers in St. Petersburg at a charity event for children diagnosed with cancer. Guests of the charity event, held in the Ice Palace in Russia's second largest city, included Sharon Stone, Kevin Costner, Monica Belucci, Vincent Cassel, Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Paul Anka, Mickey Rourke, Alain Delon, Ornella Muti, Ingrid, and Gerard Depardieu. During the event, Putin played the Russian song From Where Does the Motherland Begin on the piano and then sang a song in English with jazz performers. The performance received a standing ovation.
Russian engineers have unveiled a unique thermal weapon sight for the Ratnik (Warrior) combat gear of the future. Watch this RIA Novosti video showing the im...
Strategic missile carriers armed with nuclear weapons are protecting Russia's air borders. A RIA Novosti film crew visited one of the military airfields wher...
para los mercaderes de la guarra y la manipulaciòn mundial. esta sera su latigo en caso de que estos locos siguan atacando los pueblos donde se predica la justicia social.Como lo estan haciendo todos los dìas. creo que mas temprano que lo previsto estas armas seran usadas por obligaciòn y creo que sera antes determinar esta deacada.
Antoni Macierewicz powołuje się na tą animację jako na dowód na zamach w Smoleńsku. Z całym szacunkiem, czy można poważnie traktować kogoś dla kogo ta animac...
» Keine Gerichte in BRD ohne Frieden: » Über die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands und die heutige militärischpolitische Situation im Land befragte RIA Novosti den russischen Sicherheitsexperten Alexej Fenenko: Zusätzliche Offenkundigkeiten nach § 291 CPO 01.) Der Staat "Deutsches Reich" besteht fort (vgl. 2 BvF 1/73) (Bundesverfassungsgerichtsurteil aus 1973) 02.) Der Staat "Deutsches Reich" hat ein Staatsgebiet (vgl. § 185 BBG) (BBG = Bundesbeamtengesetz) 03.) Der Staat "Deutsches Reich" hat ein Staatsvolk (vgl. RuStAG 1913) (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz) 04.) Der Staat "Deutsches Reich" hat eine Staatsangehörigkeit (vgl. RuStAG 1913) 05.) Der Staat "Deutsches Reich" hat eine Verfassung (Reichsverfassung von 1871; Änderungsstand: 28.10.1918) 06.) Die UNO hält die Feindstaatenklause (Charta Art. 53 und Art 107) (BRD ist Mitglied der UNO) 07.) Die BRD hat kein eigenes Staatsgebiet (vgl. § 185 BBG) Bundesbeamtengesetz (BBG): § 185 Als Reichsgebiet im Sinne dieses Gesetzes gilt das Gebiet des Deutschen Reiches bis zum 31. Dezember 1937 in seinen jeweiligen Grenzen, nach diesem Zeitpunkt in den Grenzen vom 31. Dezember 1937. Stand:09.09.2009 Landesbeamtengesetz (LBG) § 226 / Reichsgebiet; Als Reichsgebiet im Sinne dieses Gesetzes gilt das Gebiet des Deutschen Reiches bis zum 31. Dezember 1937 in seinen jeweiligen Grenzen, nach diesem Zeitpunkt in den Grenzen vom 31. Dezember 1937. Stand: 09.09.2009 08.) Die BRD hat kein eigenes Staatsvolk (vgl. BRD-StAG) 09.) Die BRD ist kein Staat (vgl. 2 BvF 1/73) (vgl. Rede von Carlo Schmid (SPD) 1948) 10.) Die BRD hat keine Verfassung ( vgl. Art. 146 GG) „Dieses Grundgesetz, das nach Vollendung der Einheit und Freiheit Deutschlands für das gesamte deutsche Volk gilt, verliert seine Gültigkeit an dem Tage, an dem eine Verfassung in Kraft tritt, die von dem deutschen Volke in freier Entscheidung beschlossen worden ist." 11.) Gesetze ohne Verfassung sind nichtig 12.) Die BRD-Staatsanwaltschaften haben mit Streichung des § 1 EG, ZPO, StPO, OWiG, GVG durch das 1. Bundesbereinigungsgesetz zum April 2006 & das 2. Bundesbereinigungsgesetz im November 2007 sowie mit Streichung des § 1 EG, FGG zum 1.9.2009 ein tief greifendes Legitimationsproblem. 13.) BRD-Gerichte verfügen über keinen gesetzlich geregelten GVP (§ 21 e GVG). 14.) BRD-Gerichte können keine staatlichen Gerichte sein, da § 15 GVD fehlt. (vgl. § 15 GVG) „Gerichte sind Staatsgericht" dieses Gesetz fehlt für die BRD, ist für das Reich vorhanden 15.) An BRD-Gerichten sind keine gesetzlichen Richter (Art. 101 GG) tätig. Den Beschuldigten darf der gesetzliche Richter aber nicht entzogen werden. ( vgl. § 16 GVG) Art. 101 GG - (1) Ausnahmegerichte sind unzulässig. Niemand darf seinem gesetzlichen Richter entzogen werden. (2) Gerichte für besondere Sachgebiete können nur durch Gesetz errichtet werden. § 16 GVG - Ausnahmegerichte sind unstatthaft. Niemand darf seinem gesetzlichen Richter entzogen werden. 16.) BRD-Gerichte verletzen unter Vorsatz (auch durch nicht gesetzliche Zustellungen) das rechtliche Gehör (Art. 103 GG) der Beschuldigten. 17.) Mit Streichung des Art. 23 GG a. F. war der Geltungsbereich der BRD erloschen. 18.) Deutschland besteht bis heute in den Grenzen vom 31. Juli 1914 fort. (vgl. 2 BvF 1/73) 19.) § 185 BBG verweist auf die Grenzen von 1937 und somit hat jeder BRD-Beamte seinen Amts- und Dienst-Eid auf Deutschland in den Grenzen von 1937 abgelegt. 20.) BRD-Personal kriminalisiert das Deutsche Volk bei seiner Selbstverteidigung mit zitierten Fakten bzw. Gesetzen, mit Beleidigungsstrafen und Zwangshaft, obwohl Wahrheit und Tatsache keine Beleidigung ist. 21.) Grenzen die BRD sind die Grenzen der Alliierten, zumal die Regierung der BRD in 1989 an der Oder-Neiße Grenze festgehalten hat. Es steht somit außer Frage das die BRD nicht identisch mit Deutschland in den Grenzen von 1937 und auch 1914 ist. (vgl. 2 BvF 1/73) 22.) Gesetze ohne Geltungsbereich besitzen keine Gültigkeit und Rechtskraft. (vgl. BverwGE 17, 192=DVBI 1964, 147) (BverGE 3, 288(319f.):6, 309 (338,363)). 23.) Unsere Staatsangehörigkeit, ist nach RuStAG vom 22. Juli 1913. 24.) Die BRD besitzt keine eigene Staatsangehörigkeit (vgl. Schreiben vom 01.03.2006 Akz.: 33.30.20 - Landkreis Demmin) Zitat: Der Landrat von Demmin, 1. März 2006: „Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat an einer für alle Deutschen geltenden gemeinsamen deutschen Staatsangehörigkeit im Sinne des Reichs- und Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetzes (RuStAG jetzt StAG) von 1913 stets festgehalten. Aus dem Grundsatz des Fortbestandes des deutschen Staatsvolkes folgt, dass es eine Staatsangehörigkeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ... nicht gibt." ------------------------------------------------------------ Dieses Video dient lediglich für Aufklärungszwecke! The technology used at the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk can convert thousands of tons of metal into advan...
The training of Professional soldiers army Russian snipers . The Military equipment and vehicles of Russian Land Forces
14:13 28/11/2013. A prototype robot called SAR-401 demonstrated its skills at drilling, using pincers and clasping a carabiner during testing at Star City, h...
Russia's President Vladimir Putin has abolished the country's state-owned news agency RIA Novosti. In a surprise decree published on the Kremlin's website on...
The present seeming NATO-Russia confrontation is neither deep-rooted in the peoples of both sides nor inevitable. It is the result of a forward thrust of NATO ever since WWII - a momentum that unfortunately survived the demise of the Soviet Union. In the end of this interview, from 13'51", a suggestion is given, how to peacefully and constructively overcome the present crisis - and what important role Russia could play here.
Po przełamaniu się opłatkiem na spotkaniu Rodzin, przewodniczącego Zespołu Parlamentarnego poprosiłem o skomentowanie najnowszego odkrycia Fotoamatora, wskaz... Thousands of Mexicans illegally cross the U.S. border each year. The protective barrier erected on the border between the two countries does not screen the United States from illegal migrants, who continue to overcome new obstacles in search of a better life. The U.S.-Mexican border spans more than 3,000 kilometers of mountains, deserts, and tunnels. Over recent years, some stretches of the border have been reinforced with protective barriers. A wall was erected in order to reduce the flow of drug trafficking and illegal migrants into the USA. However, it is no hindrance for the Mexicans. In search of a better life, they use ladders to negotiate these new obstacles. The border guards have to admit that they do not have enough resources to combat illegal migration: the barrier is easy to climb, and officers are unable to cope with large groups of migrants. While patrols call for reinforcements, migrants frequently escape. The sea border between Tijuana and California is even easier to cross: border guards report that it is not uncommon for migrants to swim around the fence to the other side or paddle surf boards loaded with drugs to U.S. territory. August 29 was the United Nations' International Day against Nuclear Tests. On that day in 1949 the Soviet Uni...
Три истребителя нового поколения Т-50 поднялись в небо над Жуковским в рамках летной программы МАКС-2013 и показали несколько фигур высшего пилотажа. Смотрит...
On August 19, 2000, the restored Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, the largest cathedral in Russia, was consecrated. It was built more than half a ce... Bells are one of the oldest musical instruments, whose sound is believed to have miraculous powers. Nowadays,...
Donetsk representative travels to Minsk for Ukraine contact group meeting Denis Pushilin, the official representative of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Republic, on Friday went to Minsk, Belarus, for a meeting of the contact group on Ukraine, RIA Novosti reported. Envoys from Ukraine, Russia and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) are expected to participate in the negotiations amid increasing fighting in eastern Ukraine.
The lunar explorer Selenokhod was built by the only Russian team to compete for the $30 million Google Lunar X-Prize to build a robotic Moon-explorer able to travel more than 500 meters over the Moon's surface and send back video footage. Source: Ria-Novosti
RIA Novosti correspondents Marc Bennetts and Maria Frolova spent a week in North Korea from October 8-15. Filming and taking photos was something of a challe...
Alexei Breus, a former engineer at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant's fourth reactor, takes a RIA Novosti film crew on a guided tour of the ghost town, Prip...
Muscovite Pavel Sapozhnikov is taking part in a project called Alone in the Past. He has given up the comforts of urban civilization to reenact everyday life in Ancient Rus. Watch this RIA Novosti video to find out about his life without electricity, the Internet or human contact. Read more about the experiment
Le comité d'organisation Sotchi-2014 a présenté jeudi le convoi du relais de la flamme olympique au Kremlin de Moscou. Cette vidéo de RIA Novosti est consacr...
The Russian Moment mapping show has been projected on the façade of the General Staff Building in St. Petersburg. This video by RIA Novosti shows how the ima...
It took eight months to assemble this lightweight Angara space rocket. Watch this RIA Novosti video which shows how specialists from the Khrunichev State Res...
MOSCOW, June 22 (RIA Novosti) -- Moscow made a new attempt to dodge a $4-billion lawsuit from Tehran over a failed deal to supply S-300 missile systems by offering another type of air defense system to Iran, Kommersant daily said Saturday. The new offer on the table is Antei-2500, aka S-300VM, or SA-23 Gladiator in NATO nomenclature, the newspaper said, citing unnamed sources in the Russian arms trade industry. The missile defense system can simultaneously destroy up to 24 aircraft within the range a range of 200 kilometers or intercept up to 16 ballistic missiles. The deal can be formalized during the visit of outgoing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Moscow on July 1, an unnamed Iranian diplomat told Kommersant. Iran was initially interested in the S-300 missile complexes, signing in 2007 a contract worth $800 million for five missile defense systems of this make. But the deal was scrapped in 2010 by then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who was unilaterally expanding on sanctions against Iran imposed by the UN Security Council. Iran filed a $4-billion lawsuit against Russia in the international arbitration court in Geneva, which is currently pending review. Moscow has struggled to have the lawsuit dropped, including by offering the Tor anti-aircraft systems as replacement, media reported earlier this month, adding that the offer was rejected by Tehran. The Antei-2500, however, may be a better solution. The system does not formally fall under the existing sanctions against Iran while still being useful for the Middle Eastern country, which wants to have protection against a possible missile strike by its enemy Israel, Kommersant said. While the S-300 was developed for the use by missile defense forces, the Antei-2500 was specifically tailored for the needs of ground forces, which could also be an advantage for Iran, known for its large land force. Russia is already exporting the Antei-2500, having delivered two missile systems to Venezuela earlier this year. India and Turkey were also named as potential buyers, though no deals were formalized so far. gop republican Syrian rebels fsa anti aircraft anti tank obama military russia iran iran nuclear program nsa leak snowden idf middile east fsa syrian rebels
A jewel of Russian architecture, the Peterhof celebrates its 290th anniversary on August 15, 2013. To mark this date, RIA Novosti presents video footage on t...
Putin, Belarusian President & Defence Minister Play Ice Hockey in Sochi ◅◅◅ (Preparations for Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games) Sochi, Southern Russia. (J...
In dem Video von RIA Novosti sehen Sie: Seit dem 25. August können Touristen mit roten Doppeldeckerbussen Moskaus Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen. Kommen Sie ...
Less than one day is left before the start of the Sochi Olympics. This RIA Novosti video details the city's preparation for the opening ceremony
Construction workers have completed work on the first skyscraper on the site where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center once dominated the New York City...
Description: Original Video Courtesy Of Kevin Blanch. HELLO THE HEARD OF ELEPHANTS IN THE OZONE, I am a baker what’s a cake ?, I am a carpenter what’s a Hammer?, I am a fisherman what’s a boat?, I am a climate EARTH defender, marcher, blogger, activist, artist, writer, WHATS FUKUSHIMA? kevin D. blanch REAL ACTIVIST THE POST IGNORANCE PROJECT 801-452-1908, 573 South 4700 West, Ogden Utah, 84404 , stay UN-TUNA-ED TOKYO, September 27 (RIA Novosti) - A water treatment system to decontaminate radioactive water at Fukushima nuclear plant fails again and thus had to be partially shut down, Japan's NHK news agency reported Saturday. According to the plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the trouble could have been caused by faulty filters. One of the three lines of the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) was turned off after the engineers found out that the water contains calcium, hindering the elimination of radioactive strontium. HELLO THE HEARD OF ELEPHANTS IN THE OZONE, I am a baker what’s a cake ?, I am a carpenter what’s a Hammer?, I am a fisherman what’s a boat?, I am a climate EARTH defender, marcher blogger activist;;;;WHATS FUKUSHIMA? And thank you to Lonnie Clark for PAYING FOR ALL OF MY FILIGHTS AND TRAVELS SHE HAS PAID FOR ALL OF MY FLIGHTS, EVERYONE OF THEM, AND ROOMS, AND THANK YOU TO THE MANY DOZENS OF People that have sent me money to BE AN IN THE STREET ACTIVST WITH OUT YOU I CAN NOT DO WHAT I DO, THANK ALL OF YOU. Thank you to the many Thomas Ackermann, Lonnie Clark for PAYING AND FUNDING MY TRIP TO NEW YORK;;;
Jedes Jahr nach der Ernte findet auf der indonesischen Urlaubsinsel Bali das wichtigste Büffelrennen statt. Sehen Sie in dem Video von RIA Novosti, wie die T...
Ex-porn star Sasha Grey to drive across Russia in Lada Kalina ... ► 0:40► 0:40 01/05/2013 - Vídeo enviado por primetimeru Ex-porn star Sasha Grey, now a model, musician and actress, is going on a car rally all across Russia. Get ... Exporn star Sasha Grey to drive across Russia in Lada ... - YouTube ► 0:40► 0:40 5 dias atrás - Vídeo enviado por lilica nininha Ex-porn star Sasha Grey to drive across Russia in Lada Kalina ... ▻ 0:40▻ 0:40 ... Exporn star Sasha Grey to drive across Russia in Lada ... - YouTube ► 0:40► 0:40 6 dias atrás - Vídeo enviado por MrNewsUltimate Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey to Drive Across Russia | Russia | RIA Novosti ... Mais vídeos para Exporn star Sasha Grey to drive across ... » - Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey to Drive Across Russia in ... Traduzir esta página 3 dias atrás -- Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey to Drive Across Russia in Lada ... Grey will be driving the same model Lada Kalina sedan as Russian President ... Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey to Drive Across Russia | Russia | RIA Novosti Traduzir esta página 30/04/2013 -- Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey to Drive Across Russia ... Grey will be driving the same model Lada Kalina sedan as Russian President Vladimir Putin ... Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey to Drive Across Russia - Silobreaker Traduzir esta página Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey to Drive Across Russia. ... Grey will be driving the same model Lada Kalina sedan as Russian President Vladimir Putin, who took a ... Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey to Drive Across Russia - WittySparks News Traduzir esta página 30/04/2013 -- Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey to Drive Across Russia ... Grey will be driving the same model Lada Kalina sedan as Russian President Vladimir Putin ... Former Porn Star to Drive Across Russia? - Speakeasy - WSJ Traduzir esta página 30/04/2013 -- U.S. actress and former porn star Sasha Grey is considering a car trip ... you to cook pelmeni, and drive famous Russian car Lada Kalina" (Pelmeni is ... not sure whether is was just words, or the ex-porn actress is really going ... Grey is expected to... | Facebook Traduzir esta página Grey is expected to drive the Lada Kalina, once famously advertised by Vladimir Putin. Ex-porn star Sasha Grey to drive across Russia. www.themoscownews. Sasha Grey - Celebopedia - Sasha Grey News Traduzir esta página Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey to Drive Across Russia - RIA Novosti ... Grey will be driving the same model Lada Kalina sedan as Russian President Vladimir Putin,
Les orpailleurs de la région de Magadan (Sibérie orientale) ont recueilli des pépites d'or pour la première fois cette année. Un reportage de RIA Novosti réa...
Майский речной вокзал.
2013.03.24.(3)_ kyiv_snow_near-Cathedral-St.Michael-Archangel-(UPC-KP)_Paul V. lashkevich_mov03758+ +++ +++ +++ Фото альбом: "2013.03.24._ Kyiv-Centre-after-...
Rare look inside the famous church. Lots of small chapels inside.
(Source. Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti) Martese Johnson said that the trauma from a bloody encounter with state police will remain with him long after the physical wounds have healed ... "As the officers held me down, one thought raced through my mind ... 0 0 distributed by. This content was issued by Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti on the 2015-03-03 and was initially posted on ... (noodl....
noodls 2015-03-20BRUSSELS — The European Union pledged Friday to prolong sanctions against Russia, pressuring President Vladimir Putin to support a cease-fire in Ukraine that's straining under violation complaints from both sides ... It followed a call from Ukraine and Germany for new talks on the Feb ... "We decided not to rush ... in Kiev ... Russia's lower house of parliament will analyze it next week, RIA Novosti reported on Thursday. Contributors ... ... ....
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-20Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti) The suspect had been described as being in his early 30s or 40s with tattoos on his head and face....
noodls 2015-03-19... of displaying "aggressive and hostile behavior" toward Russian journalists in comments made to RIA Novosti news agency....
San Francisco Chronicle 2015-03-19Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti) Idaho Department of Fish and Game spokesman Gregg Losinski told Reuters that dozens of workers and volunteers for the agency were ... This content was issued by Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti on the 2015-03-03 and was initially posted on
noodls 2015-03-18The law granting “special status” to “people’s republics” proclaimed by the separatists was a follow-up to a peace agreement worked out in Belarus last month ... Separatist leaders also criticized the law. “All the questions which the Kiev parliament considered today completely contradict the Minsk agreements,” a separatist official, Alexei Karyakin, was quoted as saying by the Russian news agency RIA Novosti ... -. Comments ... Commenting Rules ... ....
U~T San Diego 2015-03-18Add comment Reprints + -. Russian President Vladimir Putin lays flowers at the coffin with the body of Russian writer Valentin Rasputin at a funeral ceremony in Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Tuesday, March 17, 2015. (AP Photo/RIA-Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky, Presidential Press Service) Photo Credit. AP. advertisement ... ....
Newsday 2015-03-17The law granting "special status" to "people's republics" proclaimed by the separatists was a follow-up to a peace agreement worked out in Belarus last month ... Separatist leaders also criticized the law. "All the questions which the Kiev parliament considered today completely contradict the Minsk agreements," a separatist official, Alexei Karyakin, was quoted as saying by the Russian news agency RIA Novosti ... FRAGILE CEASEFIRE....
Reuters 2015-03-17By Natalia Zinets and Richard Balmforth ... The law granting "special status" to "people's republics" proclaimed by the separatists was a follow-up to a peace agreement worked out in Belarus last month ... "All the questions which the Kiev parliament considered today completely contradict the Minsk agreements," a separatist official, Alexei Karyakin, was quoted as saying by the Russian news agency RIA Novosti ... FRAGILE CEASEFIRE....
Huffington Post 2015-03-17Russia plans to station state-of-the art missiles to its westernmost Baltic exclave and deploy nuclear-capable bombers to Crimea as part of massive war games intended to showcase the nation's resurgent military power amid bitter tensions with the West over Ukraine ... (AP Photo/Sergei Ilnitsky, Pool) ... (AP Photo/Sergei Ilnitsky, Pool) ... (AP Photo/Sergei Ilnitsky, Pool) ... (AP Photo/RIA-Novosti, Alexei Druzhinin, Presidential Press Service). U.S....
Austin American Statesman 2015-03-17Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti) MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Privacy concerns in the United States escalated after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden exposed the NSA's practice of degrading private technology and communications companies' hardware to gain access to private data in a series of high-profile leaks beginning in 2013....
noodls 2015-03-16He is scheduled to meet the President of Kyrgyzstan, Almazbek Atambayev, in St Petersburg shortly ... Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, quoted by RIA Novosti news agency, said the Northern Fleet, airborne units and armoured units of the Western military district were taking part ... ....
BBC News 2015-03-16MOSCOW, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Northern Fleet to be on full alert for a snap combat readiness exercise on Monday, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was quoted as saying by the RIA Novosti. Related.. Putin is to meet Kyrgyz president in St. Petersburg ... Petersburg, local media reported ... Full Story. Spotlight ... Full story ... ....
Xinhua 2015-03-16Russian International News Agency (RIA Novosti) (in Russian: Российское агентство международных новостей «РИА Новости») is of the largest Russian news agencies. It is state-owned with its HQ in Moscow and about 80 bureaus abroad.
The agency publishes news and analysis of social-political, economic, scientific and financial subjects on the Internet and via e-mail in the main European languages, as well as in Persian, Japanese, Chinese and Arabic. It has a correspondent network in the Russian Federation, CIS and over 40 non-CIS countries. Its clients include the presidential administration, Russian government, Federation Council, State Duma, leading ministries and government departments, administrations of Russian regions, representatives of Russian and foreign business communities, diplomatic missions, and public organizations.
The current editor-in-chief and general director of the agency is Svetlana Mironyuk.
RIA Novosti’s history dates back to June 24, 1941, when by a resolution of the USSR Council of People’s Commissars and the Communist Party Central Committee, “On the Establishment and Tasks of the Soviet Information Bureau”, the Soviet Information Bureau (Sovinformburo) was set up under the USSR Council of People’s Commissars and the Central Committee. Its main task was to oversee work to cover international, military events and the events of the country’s domestic life in periodicals and on the radio (from October 14, 1941, to March 3, 1942, was based in Kuibyshev – modern-day Samara).