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Separation of duties allows advisers to focus on advice

Separation of duties allows advisers to focus on advice

Managed accounts, which can include separately managed accounts, will leave advisers to advise, managers to manage and administrators to administer.

Banks may struggle to win over accountants

Banks may struggle to win over accountants

The new wave of accountants set to enter the financial planning industry will be unlike any group encountered before.

Bonds still a good bet

If advisers are nervously anticipating a lift in interest rates will cause their clients’ fixed-income portfolios suddenly to go thundering through the floor, they can calm down for just one moment.

ASIC revamps adviser register

ASIC revamps adviser register

As the regulator works on a register of financial advisers, private players are looking at ways to rank providers.

ARRIA sounds call for certainty

ARRIA sounds call for certainty

Portfolios constructed to target returns above inflation sound like a great idea in hindsight, but in bull markets it’s a hard sell – to clients and advisers.

Automation key to low-cost plans

Automation key to low-cost plans

A handful of Australian networks are following the lead from the US, applying the principles of lean manufacturing to create cheap plans.

Time to get with the program

Time to get with the program

The consequences of adapting ­technology to advice will result in must faster preparation of plans at a lower cost. The industry will look very different – but is anyone prepared?

Behavioural insights aid advisers

Behavioural insights aid advisers

Many financial advisers have an intuitive feel of behavioural finance, but few can say they have embedded its principles into their practices. Those who do are helping clients overcome a number of key challenges.

Exchange-traded funds in the age of the taper tantrum

Exchange-traded funds in the age of the taper tantrum

The rapid growth of exchange-traded funds has left regulators worrying about what might happen if the money that has flowed into them decides to flow out again.

Longevity products a hard sell

Longevity products a hard sell

If the industry was straight with itself as to why longevity products go largely unnoticed, it would recognise simple “behavioural biases” which make people predisposed to buy certain types of products but not others.