Helwan (Arabic: حلوان Ḥilwān), also spelled Hilwan or Hulwan or Holwan, is a city in Egypt on the bank of the Nile river, opposite the ruins of Memphis. Originally a southern suburb of Cairo, it served as the capital of the now defunct Helwan Governorate from April 2008 to April 2011, after which it was re-incorporated into the Cairo Governorate. The kism of Helwan had a population of 643,327 at the 2006 population census.
The Khedivial Astronomical Observatory was built here 1903-1904, and was used to observe Halley's comet. Egypt's oldest and largest private psychiatric clinic, the Behman Hospital, was also constructed here in 1939.
During the early part of the 20th century, the city was the site of RAF Helwan, a major British airbase, which was later used by the Egyptian Air Force.
In April 2008, the Helwan Governorate was split from the Cairo Governorate. It encompassed most of the suburbs, new compounds and villages located in the southern part of Cairo. The city of Helwan became the capital of the new governorate. Following the dissolution of the Helwan Governorate in April 2011, the city of Helwan was reincorporated into the Cairo Governorate.
Helwan University (established July 26, 1975) is a public university based in Helwan in Egypt. It comprises 18 faculties as well as 50 research centers.
Generally, it is known for engineering and business studies. It's notable for its Faculties of Engineering (there are, in fact, two), the Faculty of Commerce And Business Administration that contain unique and special departments such as foreign trade, international relations and business information systems and the Faculty of Computers & Information. Also, it has a Faculty of Pharmacy which is known to be the first clinical pharmacy in Egypt. It is notable that it has no Faculty of Medicine nor many other specialized faculties.& The Faculty of Science
Helwan University is a public Egyptian university and a member of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities. It's based in Ain Helwan, Helwan, Egypt. It is a relatively new university compared to other older Egyptian universities such as Cairo University and Ain Shams University. In fact, it was only established on July 26, 1975 by Act No. 70 of 1975.
Happy HU - Helwan University - Faculty of Engineering - هندسة حلوان
Helwan University Film
#Te3raf ? (1) - enactus Helwan University
1020 Working Hours - Enactus Helwan University
Humans of Applied Arts | ما لا تعرفه عن فنون تطبيقية | Helwan University
HFS racing team (Helwan University)
faculty of engineering helwan university graduation party 2014
helwan university faculty of engineering communication dep هندسه حلوان
Helwan University faculty of Science كلية العلوم جامعة حلوان
Faculty of engineering helwan university real friends
Microsoft Tech Club - Helwan University Mission
fun day of faculty of engineering-helwan university(Preparatory students)
fun day - faculty of engineering - helwan university - class of 2014
Coca-Cola Bus @ Helwan University / أوتوبيس كوكاكولا في جامعة حلوان
Happy HU - Helwan University - Faculty of Engineering - هندسة حلوان
Helwan University Film
#Te3raf ? (1) - enactus Helwan University
1020 Working Hours - Enactus Helwan University
Humans of Applied Arts | ما لا تعرفه عن فنون تطبيقية | Helwan University
HFS racing team (Helwan University)
faculty of engineering helwan university graduation party 2014
helwan university faculty of engineering communication dep هندسه حلوان
Helwan University faculty of Science كلية العلوم جامعة حلوان
Faculty of engineering helwan university real friends
Microsoft Tech Club - Helwan University Mission
fun day of faculty of engineering-helwan university(Preparatory students)
fun day - faculty of engineering - helwan university - class of 2014
Coca-Cola Bus @ Helwan University / أوتوبيس كوكاكولا في جامعة حلوان
Helwan university 3rd place award MIE 2009 faculty of engieering communication
PREP. Faculty OF Engineering Helwan University
Interview with Dr Yasser Sakr, President of Helwan university, Cairo
Applied Arts Helwan university
Pathways team at Helwan University
helwan university جامعه حلوان
H3O team - Helwan University
حفلة التتار فى جامعة حلوان||Eltatar Band in Helwan University
Helwan University from Egypt at Robocon contest in Pune
Helwan's streets in Egypt
Tourism NEW Vision After Egypt Revolution ( faculty of tourism and hotels Helwan 2012) )
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