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WHAT DOES THE FAX SAY? (North Korea Ylvis The Fox Parody Music Video HD)
Fax Machine
Pat & Mat - Fax
How to Send a Free Fax Online from Your Computer
How to Use a Fax Machine : How to Send a Fax from a Fax Machine
10 HOUR What Does the Fax Say? (Ylvis The Fox Parody Music Video HD)
Email to Fax on Google Gmail
Google Fax Service For Online Fax Using Gmail
How To Use Windows Fax In Windows 7 To Send A Fax From Your Computer
Sending a Fax Using an HP LaserJet Printer
Secret Life Of Machines - The Fax Matchine (Full Length)
Sasiedzi Fax
Use Fax Machine As Printer! Put That Old Dial-Up Modem To Use!
Actors Edwin Marian (actor), Florian Fitz (actor), Bruno Dallansky (actor), Meret Becker (actress), Katharina Brauren (actress), Andreas Köbner (composer), Heidi Handorf (editor), Erika Wackernagel (actress), Marita Breuer (actress), Barbara Langbein (costume designer), Lutz Winde (actor), Silvia Koller (producer), Eva Zeidler (actress), Irene Fischer (actress), Jochen Löscher (miscellaneous crew),
Actors Kurt Zips (actor), Herbert Weicker (actor), Werner Abrolat (actor), Eiko Masuyama (actress), Karel Svoboda (composer), Manfred Seipold (actor), Gernot Duda (actor), Kôsei Tomita (actor), Yoneko Matsukane (actress), Erik Jelde (actor), Junpei Takiguchi (actor), Manfred Lichtenfeld (actor), Kôichi Kitamura (actor), Leo Bardischewski (actor), Seiichiro Uno (composer),
Nicolás Repetto, María Laura Santillán, Serú Girán, Berugo Carambula, Marcelo Tinelli, Mario Pergolini, Pedro Aznar, Adrián Suar, Oscar Moro, Gustavo Cerati, David Lebón, Jorge Guinzburg, Zeta Bosio, Soda Stereo, Charly Alberti, Ernesto Sábato, Charly García,
Get the MP3!: (and fund my security team) Ylvis - The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) NEW Christmas Song! http://w...
Fax was the telephonic transmission of scanned printed material, like text or pictures, to a printer or other output device connected to a telephone number. ...
I k Patovi a Matovi se dostávají různé technické vymoženosti. Tentokrát si pořídí fax. Protože jsou ale oba vynalézaví, přijdou na další způsob využití tohot...
How to send a free online fax from your computer using an online fax service. This service offers from 20-50 free online pages to be sent. Once you run out o...
Learn how to send a fax correctly with a demonstration on a fax machine in this free business tools video on how to use a fax machine. Expert: Mark Westling ...
Get the MP3! (and fund my security team) Ylvis - The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) NEW Christmas Song! Consider Subscribing! :) Check out the 10 Hour Playlist! If this doesn't make any sense - go here and watch the "Inside North Korea" doc (free): North Korea is actually totalitarian as of 2009! Woops! Also, the fax is in Japanese. That's probably why they are asking what it says! Also read the news stories below! Unless you hate reading. And you do. Wait, you're reading this? You'd do that for me? I love you. Click for to make Subscribe! - LOOTCRATE IS AMAZING- Previous Song: Get this on iTunes! - Tobuscus SHIRTS & Minotaur plush! Previous Video - Animated Adventure: Join the Audience!! Facebook | Twitter | Spotify | Signed DRW Posters Tobuscus Playlists: Main Channel - Daily Vlogs - (EU) Tobuscus Merch! Two days ago, North Korea's Kim Jong Un sent a threatening fax to South Korea. When I heard about it, I asked, "What did the fax say?" Parody ensued. LYRICS: Kim Jong Un's Stressing out. Killed his uncle just last week. Pyongyang sucks. Communism blows. Dennis Rodman doesn't know. They want to kill like everyone. Kim Jon Un goes Mu Ha Ha. They send a note the way they know how. What does the fax say? BEEP brrbrbrrb WHAT THE FAX SAY? Beep BRB BEEP BA DEE BEEP WHAT THE FAX SAY? No paper have to reload (repeat) WHAT THE FAX SAY? Murder murder everyone kill kill kill murder gonna die. Mur murder kill kill kill kill murder kill WHAT THE FAX SAY? Is it wise for me to post this parody video? If they saw, they would kill everyone I'd ever known. Fortunately, they do not have any access to YouTube. Cause it was banned by Kim Jong Un's dad. If you're caught they'll use deadly for or or or orce There are exceptions of cour our our our our ourse. What does the fax say? Back in my day I was awesome. Used to be all the rage. People used to fax but not anymore. WHAT THE FAX SAY? Someone just please use me. I will send a fax for free. Just please please please use me I'm lonely. BEE A HEE A HEE SHUT UP FAX Sorry WHAT THE FAX SAY? Someone USE MEEEEE WHAT DOES THE FAX SAY? The thing about the fax. It is obsolete. No one uses them anymore. Not since the 90s. We use computers now. Can I send you a phone? You can have my old iPhone 3. But there's no retinal display. But you'll probably be okay though. It's relatively really good. You'll have the best phone in town. (I want dat display tho. The retinal display tho.) For us it's pretty slow. I want to ship my obsolete iPhone to your home. (gimme the good display tho.) Written/Sung by Toby Turner / Tobuscus Instrumentals by Terabrite - © 2013 Tobuscus
Email fax easily using Gmail. Email to fax from Google Gmail is much easier than you think. But you do need to know what you'...
Online fax service to use Google Gmail to send and receive a fax. Google fax service is sending and receiving faxes to your Gmail...
Thanks for watching this video. I would love for you to visit our website located at for additional technology tip videos. If you ...
Learn how to send a fax from your HP LaserJet Pro Multifunction Printer. The printer shown is the HP LaserJet Pro M1212nf, but the steps apply to these print... Please support me by clicking like on my Facebook page (and be in for chance to win music vouchers!) The ... - Send faxes for free from you desktop. It's easy and no signup for the service is required. It allows you to send Word Documents ...
Originally recorded May 11, 2013. Someone gave me something I have been looking for! A THERMAL fax machine. See, nobody liked thermal fax machines because of...
Kontakt: 692432509- Zbyszek 723907464 Błażej WWW.ZESPOLFAX.PL Skład zespołu: Marta Lis- wokal Błażej Szewczyk- gitara solowa, wokal Grzegorz Szewczyk- klawis...
[Filmed on 2013-12-27.] This is a quick demonstration of how to send a fax using the Brother Fax575 fax machine. The steps to sending a fax are rather simple...
Pegadinha do Mução.
Como enviar un FAX - How to Send a Fax Panasonic KX-FT907.
Cem Yılmaz - A.R.O.G Filminden "No fax machine" bölümü. Güncel paylaşım ve videolara ulaşmak için Cem Yılmaz'ın resmi hesapları: http://fa...
Aprenda a configurar su impresora HP LaserJet Pro MFP para usar el fax. Debe configurar el hardware de la impresora antes de poder enviar y recibir faxes en ...
in this video i will show you how to send a fax using HP OFFICEJET 4620.
A fax machine can be set up as long as an open phone line is available. Find out how to set your fax machine cover page, phone number and ID with the instruc...
Fax setting for Canon MX416. * No tengo los derechos de autor para publicar los videos que tengo subidos (al igual que...
TOBUSCUS-WHAT DOES THE FAX SAY? (1 HOUR VERSION) 10 HOURS UPCOMING.......... ===========================
The Stat Fax® 4500 Chemistry Analyser is a compact, economical, standalone spectrophotometer supplied with programmed protocols for use with Megazyme test kits. This spectrophotometer offers ease of use for the analyst, providing on-board step-by-step instruction and automated calculation of results.
Also see Fax and Sharon Gilbert were among my first guests on BatGap. Recently, Fax has been interviewing a few pe...
This video introduces FoIP and covers best practices on the same subject. For a FAQ on this topic go to
The first part of the highlights from the Meet The Coach night, where the fans get to grill Richard Marshall about the New Season and what to expect. Fax TV Media team, in association with the University of Huddersfield. Copyright 2014 Halifax RLFC ©
Album released in 2009 through Kickass Records (Benelux) and Teenpunxinheat Records (Germany). 1. Divided 2. Waiting For That Day 3. Fuck You Very Much 4. Wh...
For More Info or to Buy Now:;=youtube&cm;_mmc=Social-_-Youtube-_-ProductVideo-_-420189 HP ENVY 7640 Wireless Photo Printer, Copier, Scanner and Fax with 1Month Instant Ink and Software From family projects to your home business, your home printer is the nexus of activity for... Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View to view the current selling price. HSN Item #420189
The renowned Dr. Tim Ball debates with Canadian Green MP Elizabeth May. The debate was on CFAX 1070AM radio on Ian Jessop’s show at 1:00pm PST on March 16th 2015. This has been a long time coming since Miss May had a debate set up for last summer but could never find the time to get on the same time as Dr.Ball. Judge for yourself who is telling the truth, and who is doing any scaremongering. Callers phone in with some telling questions. The full show was slated to be about 60 minutes duration. Commercial breaks, news & weather bulletins, and copyright music were edited out, so the show is truncated to just over 40 minutes duration. The picture caption shows Dr. Tim Ball on the left, with Elizabeth May MP on the right. This broadcast is courtesy of C-FAX Radio - Many thanks Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
Todos os direitos reservados e projeto gráficos criados e produzidos por Luidd Mendes Motion Designer e Produtor 3D. Imagens=Moterello.
Find out more at: Lawmakers treat the Internet like it's Telephone 2.0, the Second Coming of Video on Demand, or the World'...
In this video, I demonstrate the call quality of magicJack Plus using both voice and fax testing. In previous videos regarding magicJack, particularly when I...
Dale ***LIKE***, comenta, suscribete para mas videos como este, del show de ERAZNO Y LA CHOKOLATA de su amigo Discipulos.
This video is taken from an old recording of the weather fax charts transmitted by the German Weather Service (Deutsche Wetterdienst). Here, the signals were...
AMS webinar talking about the challenges relating to fax technology within the NHS and the experience we've gained from working with many NHS organisations.
Por Primera vez en YOU TUBE la presentacion en Canal 13 de Buenos Aires Argentina en el programa de Nicolas Repetto (incluye Reportaje) el contenido completo...
Music video from the Norwegian talk show I kveld med YLVIS. TVNorge: Buy or stream the song: iTunes: Spotify: WiMP: All rights belong to the owner and creator of this song Lyrics: Dog goes woof Cat goes meow Bird goes tweet and mouse goes squeek Cow goes moo Frog goes croak and the elephant goes toot Ducks say quack and fish go blub and the seal goes ow ow ow ow ow But theres one sound That no one knows What does the fox say? Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! What the fox say? Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! What the fox say? Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! What the fox say? Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Tchoff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! What the fox say? Big blue eyes Pointy nose Chasing mice and digging holes Tiny paws Up the hill Suddenly youre standing still Your fur is red So beautiful Like an angel in disguise But if you meet a friendly horse Will you communicate by mo-o-o-o-orse? mo-o-o-o-orse? mo-o-o-o-orse? How will you speak to that ho-o-o-o-orse? ho-o-o-o-orse? ho-o-o-o-orse? What does the fox say? Jacha-chacha-chacha-chow! Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow! Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow! What the fox say? Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! What the fox say? A-hee-ahee ha-hee! A-hee-ahee ha-hee! A-hee-ahee ha-hee! What the fox say? A-oo-oo-oo-ooo! Woo-oo-oo-ooo! What does the fox say? The secret of the fox Ancient mystery Somewhere deep in the woods I know youre hiding What is your sound? Will we ever know? Will always be a mystery What do you say? Youre my guardian angel Hiding in the woods What is your sound? (Fox Sings) Wa-wa-way-do Wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do Wa-wa-way-do Will we ever know? (Fox Sings) Bay-budabud-dum-bam I want to (Fox sings) Mama-dum-day-do I want to I want to know! (Fox sings) Abay-ba-da bum-bum bay-do TAGS: 10 HOUR 10 TEN ten Ten hour Ylvlis Games Fun Music Video Musicvideo music video Ylivs The fox fox the what does the fox say ? tvnorge morro Funny videos FAILS Do not care about these: Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]10hoursFox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]Ylvis - The Fox [Official
Dale ***LIKE***, comenta, suscribete para mas videos como este, del show de ERAZNO Y LA CHOKOLATA de su amigo Discipulos. - There is always a difficult tipping point when it comes to technology, and when you have to forget about the large investment y... - Corporate users may think that they don't need fax within their organization because they simply scan a paper document with a ne...
Understand today's modern faxing options. We've recently picked up a few products and have new options for you to consider as you make decisions about how yo...
Where a journey stopped, another one begins. Interview: Exciting new music coming soon! ▼ Connect with Matt Fax: ▼ Connect with C1RCLE: ▼ Connect with Colorize:
Подробный обзор и мой реальный отзыв здесь:; МФУ Canon FAX-L380S Компьютеры/Оргтехника и расходные материалы/МФУ Тип печати: черно-белая; Технология печати: лазерная; Функция сканирования; Функция копирования; Максимальный формат: A4; Размещение: настольный; Функция факса; Функция телефона; Тип сканера: протяжный; Емкость устройства автоподачи оригиналов: 50 листов; Подача бумаги: 250 листов; Скорость сканирования (ч/б): 25 msec/line
Brother FAX-8360P Mono Laser Fax Brother FAX-8360P Mono Laser Fax
HP Officejet 7612 Wireless Color Photo Printer with Scanner, Copier and Fax Read More reviews: Product Details Product Dimensions: 19.9 x 24.3 x 11.7 inches ; 38.8 pounds Shipping Weight: 49.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S. ASIN: B00JOI5O8C Item model number: G1X85A#B1H HP Officejet hp officejet pro 8600 hp officejet 4500 hp officejet pro 8610 hp officejet 6600 hp officejet 4620 hp officejet 4630 hp officejet 6700 hp officejet 4500 driver
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No fax loans are short term loans that meet your urgent cash needs instantaneously. Therefore you can avail easy economics within 24 hours. So with this money you can easily solve your fiscal problems with ease. Besides, the terms and conditions of the finances too are quite affordable. Read More :
jävla örat .-. yay he now has a tail lel sorry i couldn't get the new head done, i just take forever at making heads xD
開封動画です ビックカメラさんで、FAXを購入しました 型番は KX-PD101DL(パナソニック) です
HP M476dn Color Photo Printer with Scanner Copier and Fax (CF386A#BGJ) Review Read More reviews from Amazon Buyer: In this review I'll compare the HP M476dw and the Brother MFC-L8850CDW. I have been using and living with both.These workgroup multifunction devices are clearly built to compete head-to-head with each other with similar specs and features and price. This has become a very long review so here is the bottom line:The HP M476dw has a lower price but only includes "introductory" toner cartridges. shorting you on toner right out of the box. This gives the higher priced MFC-L8850CDW about a $100 real price advantage. The Brother is faster. especially at printing and will have much lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over the life of the printer.Functionally both are good and solid options for work group printing. scanning. copy and fax. If you have a like HP you will probably like the M476dw it isn't a bad choice but is slower and more expensive to operate than the MFC-L8850CDW.But there is more to consider. For those who want more. read on...I have the HP M476dw and the Brother MFC-L8850CDW multifunction work group printers. Both are targeted at the mid-size workgroup marketplace. Both have similar features. capability and performance. So why would one purchase one or the other?To some degree brand loyalty should be a consideration. If you have a bunch of similar HP Laserjet's they may share a common set of toner cartridges simplifying logistics in the office. A familiar user interface means less time learning how to do common tasks. Brand loyalty matters in purchase decisions.The ... hp m451dn hp m401n hp m476dw hp m401dne hp m476dn hp m476nw hp m425dn hp m401 hp m401dn hp m401dn driver hp m476dw hp m476nw hp m401n hp m451dn hp m476dn hp m401dne hp m425dn hp m401 hp m451nw hp m476 hp m401dne hp m401 hp m451dn hp m4555 mfp hp m401dn printer hp m451nw hp m451dn printer hp m451 hp m475dn hp m425dn hp m476dw hp m476nw hp m451dn hp m476dn hp m476 hp m401dne hp m4555 hp m451 hp m4345 hp m401dw hp m475dw hp m401n driver hp m375nw hp m401 hp m425dn user manual hp m451dn printer hp m 476 hp m401 driver hp m451nw hp m401dn hp m4555 hp m451 hp m375nw laserjet pro hp m401dn driver hp m475dn review hp m475dw reviews hp m476nw review hp m401dw driver hp m475 hp m276nw laserjet pro multifunction printer hp m4555 service manual hp m 476 toner hp m451dn manual hp m3035 hp m3035 maintenance kit Disclaimer: The owner of this page is a participation in the amazon service LLC associates programs an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. this content is provided as is and is subject to change or removal at any time.
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(Source: TZ Limited ) TZ Limited. ABN 26 073 979 272. 27 March 2015 ... Phone: +612 9222 8890 Fax: ... +612 9222 8890 Fax:
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noodls 2015-03-27(Source: Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited ) Letter. Ernst & Young. 8 Exhibition Street. Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia ... Tel: ... Fax: ... ey ... cfcl.
noodls 2015-03-27(Source: Texas House of Representatives ) by: Rep. Burrows, Dustin. 03/26/2015 ... -9:30 am) ... am) ... (512) 463-0671 Fax distributed by.
noodls 2015-03-27Ecopetrol Logo Facebook Twitter Pinterest. ×. Ecopetrol Logo. BOGOTA. , Colombia, March 26, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Ecopetrol S ... Fax:
PR Newswire 2015-03-27Feiplastic 2015 (http: //www. feiplastic. com. br/en/). Date: May 4 (Mon) to 8 (Fri), 2015. Place: Anhembi, Sao Paulo. Stand: ... Fax:
PR Newswire 2015-03-27The ruling Wednesday upholds the awards, with $20,765 owed to Aguirre and $12,500 payable to Peffer ... Fax 619-260-5094 ... -.
U~T San Diego 2015-03-27NEW DELHI: ... MEA has already set up a 24-hour control room to monitor the situation and respond to queries ... Fax:
The Times of India 2015-03-27Ecopetrol Logo Facebook Twitter Pinterest. ×. Ecopetrol Logo. BOGOTA, Colombia, March 26, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Ecopetrol S ... Fax:
PR Newswire 2015-03-27(Source: Fortescue Metals Group Ltd ) Media Release ... April, 2015 ... TEL +61 8 6218 8888 FAX +61 8 6218 8880 EMAIL fmgl@fmgl.
noodls 2015-03-27Share PhotoReddit✉. Henry Brady ... Document ... K ... WATCHDOG ... BLOW THE WHISTLECall 858-224-BARK or fax 619-260-5094 ... State Sen ... Page:
U~T San Diego 2015-03-27Ecopetrol Logo Facebook Twitter Pinterest. ×. Ecopetrol Logo. BOGOTA, Colombia, March 26, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Ecopetrol S ... Fax:
PR Newswire 2015-03-27Fax (short for facsimile), sometimes called telecopying, is the telephonic transmission of scanned printed material (both text and images), normally to a telephone number connected to a printer or other output device. The original document is scanned with a fax machine (or a telecopier), which processes the contents (text or images) as a single fixed graphic image, converting it into a bitmap, the information is then transmitted as electrical signals through the telephone system. The receiving fax machine reconverts the coded image, printing a paper copy. Before digital technology became widespread, for many decades, the scanned data was transmitted as analog.
Although businesses usually maintain some kind of fax capability, the technology has faced increasing competition from Internet-based alternatives. Fax machines still retain some advantages, particularly in the transmission of sensitive material which, if sent over the Internet unencrypted, may be vulnerable to interception, without the need for telephone tapping. In some countries, because electronic signatures on contracts are not recognized by law while faxed contracts with copies of signatures are, fax machines enjoy continuing support in business.[citation needed]
Lack of words, lack of reach
We're in to weapons when the powerless speak
It's a small game, with a big deduction
A fools parade, over the blown, when will we know?
That we should seek what we've sown
Is what you'll read (?)
Open doors, random keys
When we find ourselves, where shall we be?
Devil knowledge, headless state
Taking on, as we debate
When will know what we should see?
For what we saw, you know you'll read(?)
Running mind, howling banshee
No more a fugitive than you or I
The jealous cursed, crashed and burned
Beyond a countable way to die
When will know what we should see?
To what we saw, you know we'll read
When will know what we have lost
For what we've seen, it's final cost
I can only be myself
I can't be anyone else but me
Please don't need anyone else
Vlease don't be anyone else
You can't be
When will we know, what we have caused
The new chance rain, is it already lost?
When will we know?
I can only be myself
I can't be anyone else but me
When will we know?
I can only be myself
I can't be anyone else but me
Anyone else
Sunshine warming the small of my back
Whatever virtues I lack
You can't see 'til I move
'Til I move in the shade
Sunshine in the shade
Sunshine in the shade
Sunshine in the shade
But then inside, sometimes I feel so cold
Catching these self thrown blows
But enough of the future I see
A shadow belonging to me
Sunshine in the shade
Sunshine in the shade
Sunshine in the shade
Every man climbs a mountain
With the hope to make a stand
Every man makes a mountain
Of his life, a master plan
Light in the dark
Light in the dark
Gives me hope
Sunshine in the shade
Sunshine in the shade
Sunshine in the shade
The shade of life
Gives me hope
To me you're inside out and upside down
To me you're inside out and upside down
I opened a door in me
Like a cat with curiosity
Unwrapped the perfect present
And saw a new history
Panic politics don't get me down
Bible thump posturing won't turn me 'round
It seems the rules were made
For some other time
Too much money in the pipeline
Too much fighting overseas
Too much hatred in the heartland
Too much talking over me
Look around and listen
I don't exist without you in my life
I'm having a good time by the way
Sitting here wondering, how can I say
Those pretty pictures don't paint the truth
Very clever edits conceal a lie
If you want to hear the rules being made
You've got to have your ear pressed to the ground
Too many lost without a requiem
Too many lost without a cause
Too many win without a winner
Too many want to go to war
I'll climb the hill and look you down
To me you're inside out and upside down
I'll climb the hill and look you down
To me you're inside out and upside down
Too much money in the pipeline
Too much fighting overseas
Too much hatred in the heartland
Too much talking over me
I'll climb the hill and look you down
To me you're inside out and upside down
I'll climb the hill and look you down
To me you're inside out and upside down, upside down
I'll climb the hill and look you down, down, down
To me you're inside out and upside down
To me you're inside out and upside down
To me you're inside out and upside down
To me you're inside out and upside down
To me you're inside out and upside down
To me you're inside out and upside down
Some say a trick and some say a look
It's just a way of thinking after all
From underneath something concrete
It's just a way of coping, coping with it all
Some with revolt and some will obey
Who attains perfection and who's to say
A criminal or a cardinal
They're both frightened of angels
It doesn't mean much now
It's built for the future
It doesn't mean much now
It's built for the future
For some a walk, to some a dance
It's just a form of motion in one and all
Without dispute the least aware
And no doubt see the raging's of a fool
But first we look and then we spy
The man who has a vision wants it all
A sin so clean, rule supreme
The power to undermine
It doesn't mean much now
It's built for the future
It doesn't mean much now
It's built for the future
It doesn't mean much now
Built it up , build it up
It's for the future
Some say a trick and some say a look
Some say a trick and some say a look
And first a glance and then a chance
To make a simple gesture worth it all
A conquer all, desert stall
That serves a drink to people under this sun
At last the place, but now where's the time
To take in all the other points of view
Some are inert but one exists
To build a bridge
It doesn't mean much now
It's built for the future
It doesn't mean much now
It's built for the future
It doesn't mean much now
It's built for the future
It doesn't mean much now
It's built for the future
It doesn't mean much now
It's built for the future
It doesn't mean much now
It's built for the future
Some people make it, some people try
Some people break it, some people cry
Some people lose it, some people find
Some people lead us and some are behind
It's a slow, slow break up, that's what we find
It's a so, so make up, make up your mind
It's a slow, slow break up, that's what we find
It's a so, so make up, make up your mind
What is the point of being amused?
I see the people standing abused
They keep their faces buried in hands
They keep their plates clean, but underneath
Some people drink gin, some people dry
Some people drive cars and some people fly
Some people take trains, some people walk
Some people hold it and some people talk
It's a slow slow break up, that's what we find
It's a so so make up, make up your mind
What is the point of being amused
I see the people standing abused
They keep their faces buried in hands
They keep their plates clean, but underneath
They like to fly with the jet-setters
They want to be with the go-getters
And then the moment comes around
Once again we'll find
He's taking pills and drink just
To find his peace of mind
Some people do it, some people won't
Some people do da, some people don't
Some people Liepzig, some people Prague
Some people lucid and some people vague
It's a no go faker, that's what we find
It's a no no taker, what's on your mind?
It's a no go faker, that's what we find
It's a no no taker, what's on your mind?
What is the point of being amused?
I see the people standing abused
They keep their faces buried in hands
You left me shadows
Etched on the wall
You don't hear my whispers
I'm deaf from your call
Dream your lie in your tainted sun
Tell me I'm right when I'm left for dead
I wanna see you come in before I give in to you
You left me echoes
Footsteps in the hall
You marked the borders
I built the walls
Dream your lie in your tainted sun
Tell me who is right when I'm left for dead
Wanna see you come in before I give in
Don't be scared, don't be scared
You can face the truth of it all
Don't be scared, don't be scared
If you can't bear the weight of it all
In your tainted sun
So you hear my whispers
But that there's no doubt at all
But you still walk round the borders
And I'm, I'm stuck with the walls
Dream your lie in your tainted sun
Tell me who is right when I'm left for dead
Wanna see you come in before I give in
Don't be scared, don't be scared
You must face the truth of it all
Don't be scared, don't be scared
You can't bear the weight of it all
Don't be scared, don't be scared
You can't bear the weight of it all
Dream your lie in your tainted sun, baby
You tell me I'm right when I'm left for dead
Gotta see you rise, just an inch of the truth
Wanna feel your right, just an ounce of the truth
Wanna see you right, gotta fell you right
Wanna see the truth before I give in to you
Before I give in to you
But in your tainted sun, all I see is shadows
Oh no, no, no, no, no
No, whoa
I still love you baby
You know, you know
1 - You didn't see me
But I saw you
You didn't see me
But I saw you
I can remember those nights and days again
Sometimes I cry for what might have been, babe
You say you love me but how do you know
If I didn't leave you then where did you go
Repeat 1
Whatever's going on inside your mind
Think about us, think about us and give us some more time
And there's so much more I'm leaving unsaid, babe
Cuz there's that little voice inside of your head
Repeat 1
You're all about yourself
You can't see nobody else
You're all about yourself
You can't see nobody else
You're all about yourself
You can't see nobody else
You're all about yourself
You can't see nobody else
Repeat 1
Repeat 1
You're so into yourself babe, oh yes
Ah can't see nobody, nobody else
But I saw you baby
Cuz it's all about you girl, oh yeah
Every time I wear this shirt I think of you
All the dreams I have are always dreamt in blue
Every place I find myself I've been there with you
Abandoned loneliness, I ask why, why, why?
Why did you crucify me?
Strung up for your love
Was I so blind to see?
Pushed aside, sterilized, crucified
Looking back I see my faults, was I so wrong
To lock you up inside my arms? I thought I was being strong
Now I see you built the walls that keep me in
You turned my world around, and still I cry, cry, cry
Why did you crucify me?
Strung up for your love
Was I so blind to see?
Brutalized, immortalized, crucified
Abandoned loneliness
You turned my world around
Words were never said
Still I cry, cry, why?
Why did you crucify me?
Strung up for your love
Was I so blind to see?
Pushed aside, sterilized, crucified me
Strung up on your love
So blind to see?
Brutalized, immortalized
You're simply pushed aside and sterilized
Crucified me
I will not speak strangely of this
Just put myself where you are
Life is so much clearer adrift
Just put myself where you are
Your wish is my sentence
And your truce, I can't deny
Blocked veins in the system
I think there you are
So I just put myself where you are
I could come much closer than this
To put myself where you are
But if life is just to hold and resist
I'll lose myself
Your wish is my sentence
Your truce, I can't deny
Blocked veins in the system
I think there you are
So I just put myself where you are
I just put myself where you are
So your wish is my sentence
Your truce, I can't deny
Blocked veins in the system
I think there you are
So I just put myself where you are
I will not speak strangely of this
I just put myself where you are
Life is so much clearer adrift
I just put myself where you are
I could come much closer than this
Just put myself where you are
I will not speak strangely of this
Just put myself where you are
Chased by fools in a world of their own
Pushing aside all the signs that inspire
Avoiding the art to create a new issue
Someone with handcuffs who's chained to the past
If I'm changing then I'm changing
Take off your mask there's no place in my desk file
For someone who reasons
Regardless of new styles
Settled on a handshake, my first mistake
It's my life and I say, "What for this, this what for?"
I don't need those looks so pick your face off the floor
Justice may prove we should wait not provoke
To entertain must we stick to the rules?
If I'm changing oh won't you please let go?
Trapped by rules in a world that could breathe
Choking the spark, that creates, am I signing a new lease?
Ask yourself why? Before raising dead issues
You are someone who's lost touch and died in the clasp
I settled for a handshake, my first mistake
It's my life and I say, "What for this, this what for?"
I don't need those looks so pick your face off the floor
Justice may say we should wait not provoke
To entertain must we stick to the rules?
If I'm changing oh won't you please let go?
Oh won't you please let go?
Oh won't you please let go?
Oh won't you please let go?
If I'm changing, changing, changing, please let go
If I'm changing, changing, changing, please let go
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Tread carefully, leave no tracks behind
Move easily, don't stack what you find
Breathe deeply, always look ahead
Wide open, there's a space time won't touch
Switch back, turn back
Switch back, turn back
We'll have our turn to use what we've learned
And stand up into the light of our lives
So please yourself, feed yourself
Take a seat for this coming attraction
When you're feeling insecure, do you treasure it?
You should treasure it
Feel the pull of nature's course and treasure it
Treasure it
Switch back, turn back
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Switch back, turn back
Switch back, turn back
Think positive, leave the negs behind
Move easily, don't stack what you find
Breathe deeply, always look ahead
Wide open, there's a space
I say, wide open there's a space time won't touch
When you're feeling insecure, do you treasure it?
I treasure it
Feel the pull of nature's course and treasure it
Oh, I treasure it
Switch back, turn back
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
'Til you treasure it
Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value
I only wanted the truth, looking into
No more feelings of doubt
Then someone showed me the root of all evil
When all the lights were out
Shallow sleep, just leaning
Am I leaving the game?
I must be dreamin' lots of undercover
Dreams are always the same
When the nights close in
When the nights close
Well it's another night
I waste at the opera
With a permanent friend
I should have taken
Direction much sooner
Another night in the air
If the lights came on
If the lights came on
I'd switch myself
With someone else
Then I'd shake myself
Things start to happen when I
Things start to happen when
Things start
Oh, I can see myself running
But I'm standing still
And I can hear myself screaming
But there's no sound
Oh, when I wake up crying
Life brings me down
But it's not worth losing, until' it's found
Oh, I can see my way home, home
I close my eyes and I'm back by the ocean
My hair feels wet
I'm on the brink of a lifelong ambition
Whatever dream comes next
I'm the seat of a hearse and guess who's driving
I'm with you all the way
I hear the step of a fool, who's coming?
All night, never day
Then the lights come on
The the lights come on
I switch myself
With someone else
Then I shake myself
Things start to happen when I
Things start to happen when
Things start
I can see myself running
But I'm standing still
I can hear myself screaming
But there's no sound
When I wake up crying
Life brings me down
No it's not worth losing, until' it's found
Oh, I can see my way home
I'm at a house, all the windows are broken
It's where I once used to live
I must be losing, all my undercover
Dreaming always the same
I can see myself running
See myself running
I switch myself
I switch myself
I switch myself
I switch myself
I switch myself
Lost in battle overseas
Next thing you know you're on your knees
If you trust in someone on the screen
Then you'll be lost and overseas
Always sharing the time on your hands
Think of who plans the future for you
There's nothing you can do
So you're in a uniform
It's your calm before the storm
Where is it taking us
One sign of the cross and you're let loose
How long is the stretch of this hanger's noose
You kill someone just for gain
We end up losing just the same
Always sharing your time with no plans
Think of who hands the future to you
There's nothing you can do
So you're in a uniform
And it's your calm before the storm
Where is it taking us?
Where is it taking us?
What does it do for you?
This one sign of the cross
Lost in battle overseas
The last thing we need to know is on our knees
If you trust in someone on the screen
Then you'll be lost and overseas
Always sharing time on your hands
Think of who plans the future for you
There's nothing you can do
So you're in a uniform
It's your calm before the storm
Where is it taking us?
Where is it taking us?
What does it do for you?
This one sign of the cross
When you're hanging
From a parachute
Whistling wind
Might play your flute
So forget it
Lost traffic
Someone said
You couldn't fly the plane
So I guess
This journey's all in vain
So forget it
Lost traffic
We're on a lost plane
Should've taken the train
On a lost plane
So forget it
Flying high
But your fuel is low
How far can
A missing plane go?
Lost traffic
Tell you that
You're flying radar
But it's that much safer
To take your own car
On a lost plane
Should've taken the train
On a lost plane
So forget it
On a lost plane
Should've taken the train
On a lost plane
So forget it
Lost traffic
On a lost plane
Should've taken the train
Lost traffic
On a lost plane
Should've taken the train
Lost traffic
On a lost plane
Should've taken the train
Lost traffic
On a lost plane
Should've taken the train
On a lost plane
Should've taken the train
On a lost plane
So forget it
So forget it
On a lost plane
Should've taken the train
On a lost
On a lost plane
On a lost plane
Lost plane
I danced in the surf
At the edge of an ocean
Could have been someone else
Could have been anything at all
Don't deny that you ask yourself
How do you weigh in
This precious stone?
I stumbled on a flaw in the order
Unwrapped the gift spread
The sheet to the border
There's no virtue if there's no sin
How do you weigh in
This precious stone
At the point of no return?
This precious stone
At the point of no return?
Precious stone
At the point of no return?
Precious stone
At the point of no return?
And at the end of the day
There's no me without you
At the end of the day
There's no me without you
So how do you weigh in
This precious stone?
I'm a tick in the clock
Of old father time
Feel the beat to the rock
Under the palm of of my hand
Don't deny that you ask yourself
How do you weigh in
This precious stone?
At the point of no return
Precious stone
At the point of no return
Precious stone
At the point of no return
Precious stone
At the point of no return
We are passengers in time
Lost in motion, locked together
Day and night, by trick of light
But I must take another journey
We must meet with other names
Mmm, we must meet with other names
You touched my heart so deeply
You rescued me now free me
Don't watch me cry just see me go
I'll take away the strongest feelings
you will ever know
There will be no more isolation
in our secret separation
You touched my heart so deeply
you rescued me
Now free me
We are passengers in time
Lost in motion, locked together
Day and night, by trick of light
But I must take another journey
We must meet with other names
If you hold me you will hurt me
Be brave
We are matching spark and flame
caught in endless repetition
Life for life we'll be the same
I must leave before you burn me
I am the stranger who deserts you
only to love you
in another life
I'll bear one precious scar
that only you will know
Passengers in time, free me
Calm animals expect nothing
Live suspicious to balance out
The effect of reason on their sunrise
There's a moving hide
Calm animals with no shackles
Free on a shrinking plain
So presented, it's economics
Small wonder, the pastures die
Calm, calm, calm, calm, animals
Free on a shrinking plain
Calm, calm, calm
Adventures to roam alone
So civilized the code stifles
A race with gestures has lost its way
The chance was given to think social
But we choke on greed and excess
Going by, going by
Just for politics we live the lie
You cry, we cry
Investigate what your ancestors left you
A wreath, a God and belief in slavery
You fight away this monochrome pact
It's legal action, it's matter of fact
The Romans hailed a Sun God
The Christians tortured Jews
Together is that belief for you
Walkabout the rock
It may give you a few answers
Don't lie about the rock
Walkabout the rock
It gives me all the answers
Don't lie about the rock
What better way to conquer a nation
Than steal away its spiritual release
When after all the door is left wide open
Hey men of God, say what do you preach?
Walkabout the rock
It may give you a few answers
Don't lie about the rock
Walkabout the rock
It gives me all the answers
Don't lie about the rock
So maybe it's dream time
Close your eyes and drift away
Dream time
Close your eyes don't fight it
You believe what you believe
Without question, without waste
You inoculate the children
Against their reason, against their fate
You pray for mystical decisions
Through the gates
We are inside, this is our final state
Walkabout the rock
It may give you a few answers
Don't lie about the rock
Walkabout the rock
It gives me all the answers
Don't lie about the rock
Dream, dream time
Close your eyes and drift away
Dream time
Close your eyes
To every man a kingdom
For the better of man's estate
Dream time
You believe what you believe
Without question, without waste
There's no dream time
Walkabout the rock
It may give you a few answers
Don't lie about the rock
Walkabout the rock
It gives me all the answers
Man as a beast
Came down from the trees
Crawling around
Spread his disease
Was up on the rocks
Playing with fire
Inventing his needs
To quench the desire
Blood on his hands
Love on his mind
Hell as a future
Leaving Heaven way behind
All is fair in love and war (na)
Kiss me you fool it's love that we're all dying for
All is fair in love and war (na)
Head for the hills, who knows what all this fighting's for?
Man is a beast
Shame at the feast
Too much to eat
Throw out the waste
At the beggar's bare feet
Aim for the Moon
Shooting the stars
Insanity roaming the streets
But the sane drive new cars
Blood on his hands
Love on his mind
Selling the future
The debts are left behind
Up in the the alter zone
Man is a beast
Down in his structured home
Still man is a beast
Up on the rocks
Playing with fire
Inventing his needs
Oh, quench his desires
All is fair in love and war
Kiss me you fool it's love that we're all dying for
All is fair in love and war (na)
Time and patience always find the open door
Wo-ho, man is a beast
Liner, it was a fantasy sea cruise
It was a bet destined to lose
Across the waves, what was he thinking?
Sea shore, he had a wet foot in the sand
He was holding U.N. plans
Across the waves, what was he thinking?
All aboard before the storm
They've never seen a place like this before
Island in a forgotten latitude
And with colonial attitude
They took the chance for repossession
Grey skies there were no palm trees in the wind
And when a saint starts hiding sins
It's all aboard whilst peace is sinking
All aboard before the storm
Crossing swords before the dawn
Seen before, back in an infant's dream
Like a rubber duck, floating in the bath
So I sailed away on their time, Liner
Taking young lives in their prime, Liner
Harbor, I saw a flag waving goodbye
I saw a soldier's baby cry
What's it all for, that's what I'm thinking
Inside, I must he lacking true insight
Because I always sleep at night
Across the waves whilst men are
All aboard before the storm
Crossing swords before the dawn
Seen before back in an infant's dream
Like a rubber duck, floating in the bath
So I sailed away on their time, Liner
Taking young lives in their prime, Liner
Liner, to a distant shore
Another home falls by the wayside
A few old cushions stuffed with pride
A hand is shaking from the rubble
This is spirit still alive
A servant bares his occupation
Breaks his back just growing old
Never mind his views were taken
Just saw by the rules of old
Less cities, more moving people
Rushing out with pride
Less cities, more moving people
These hands that once were tied
A church bell rang for the occasion
The average man learns what's in store
Now he sees where life was taken
Fighting heat, but growing cold
Less cities, more moving people
Rushing out with pride
Less cities, more moving people
Hands that once were tied
Is this what we call education?
Just watch the wheel of time revolve
But why is this not what I'm thinking?
It's just one mind and the unknown
Less cities, more moving people
Rushing out with pride
Less cities, more moving people
Who just forgot their lives
Less cities, more moving people
Rushing out with pride
Less cities, more moving people
I love the breeze
What I miss is in the breeze
You are the breeze
I love the water
What I miss is in the water
You are the water
I love the life
What I miss is in the life
You are my life
I am possessed
What one I miss is my possession
Maybe you're still around
Maybe you could still be found
I love the life
What I miss is in the life
You are the life
And now I'm in distress
The one I want is my distraction
Maybe you're still around
Maybe you could still be found
What can I do or say
To see there's no holding back?
Seeing the old place reminds me
Maybe you're still around
Love the child
The child I kiss is in the man
You are the child
I am possessed
What I want is my possession
Maybe you're still around
Maybe you could still be found
What can I do or say
To see there's no holding you back?
Seeing the old place reminds me
Maybe you're still around
Maybe you're still around
When a dream survives the longest night
and the vision takes a hold
when a breath inspires it's a sign of life
you're the string and I'm the bow
Jump in the flow
just get carried by the flow
Where the bank defines the water's edge
the river in my spine
as we circulate maybe we shall collide
you're the space and I am the time
Jump in the flow
we get carried by the flow
Through a sleep I ride
feel like a night that shines
with a memory of long ago
we drank to them
said goodbye as friends
we survive, we survive it so
Back in the flow
carried by the flow
just look how far you've been
look how far you've come
all the things you've achieved
don't try and find any reason get carried by it
Driven out by thieves
I watch them pillage the planet
Fueled by a fattening greed
Trees fall to the hatchet
Chopping against the grain
Our spirits in a vacuum
Sadly ignore the pain
End arrives, we all lose, we all lose
Hope it comes, it comes, it comes around
Driven out, holding out, day by day survival
Castaways have silent lives
With the strength to rival you
I've been driving in my car
I used to be able to walk this far
Now I turn on the light
Used to be able to sleep at night
Cooking with microwaves
Warm up my food it's not seen the soil
Plugged into my TV, yeah
I'm used to the lies they're telling me, they're telling me
I hope it comes, it comes, it comes around
Driven out, holding out, day by day survival
Castaways have silent lives
With the strength to rival
Driven out, holding out
Know this will take up my best time
Driven out, holding out
With the strength to rival you
I've been hoping that we'll find
More to life than meets the eye
Can we escape the grind
And build a life that's more worthwhile?
Be rid of this empty pride
Full of selfishness inside
Bathe in a turning tide
Until then we all hide, we all hide
I hope it comes, it comes, it comes around
Driven out, holding out, day by day survival
Castaways have silent lives
With the strength to rival
Driven out, holding out
Know this will take up my best time
Driven out, holding out
With the strength to rival you
To rival you
Are you locked in the paranoia?
You should enjoy the sense of doubt
Breaking down the walls of institution
I'm going to let my paganism out
A god of light, baron of evil
Supposed to show me hallowed ground
But these our monsters we created
To civilize our primal shouts
Sense the adventure
Let those feelings out
Sense the adventure
Let the pagan out
Not just because you have your answers
It should not mean my views are seen in vain
An earthly bid for resurrection
Will never soothe the human pain
Sense the adventure
Let those feelings out
Sense the adventure
Let the pagan out
No war of rights to battle angels
Will ever justify these ends
Please recognize yourself in others
A generation makes amends
Are you locked out in no direction
You could escape to feed the mind
To an untrodden field of vision
Sensitivity will find
Sense the adventure
Let those feelings out
Sense the adventure
It could happen to you, it could happen to me or anyone
Treading the mill, coming-of-age, and it falls undone
Here we stand, are you lost for sure?
It could happen to you, it could happen to me or anyone
It's all about class, have you got a ticket?
It's all about worth, should we really buy it?
It's about time we shut it all out
It's about time we shut it all out
When it happens to you, it will happen to me and everyone
Part of the chain, we're holding hands and I'm holding on
Dare you pick the last fruit from the tree
If it belongs to you it belongs to me and everyone
It's all about class, have you got a ticket?
It's all about worth, should we really buy it?
It's about time we shut it all out
It's about time we shut it all out, shut it out
It's about time
It's about time
It's about time
It could happen to you, it could happen to me or anyone
Treading the mill, coming-of-age, and it falls undone
Here we stand, are you lost for sure?
It could happen to you, it could happen to me or anyone
It's all about class, have you got a ticket?
It's all about worth, should we really buy it?
It's about time we shut it all out
It's about time we shut it all out, shut it all [Incomprehensible]
Worth, should we ever try it
Class, can you really buy it
Worth, should we ever try it [Incomprehensible]
Class, can you really buy it [Incomprehensible]
Shut it all, class, shut it all, class
Can you really buy it, can you really take it
Class, can you really buy it
So correct me if I'm wrong
Though a day's twenty four hours long
How come you feel unwired and disconnected
Draw attention to yourself
Is your life a living hell?
Change your act, re-write the script the way you planned it
Radio news reports
Truth and fact distorts
And the world's majority is understated
If the views are on your mind
It's the wavelength you must find
Be prepared to hold your weight
Privilege you have the right
If you're on the frequency, yeah
If you're on the frequency, ooh yeah
So when you say that
There's always something else to do
There must be one thing you can try
There's always something else to do
When a week has just three days
It's the young that always pay
But who keeps the cold at bay with understanding
If there's a dying urge inside
To release forgotten pride
Don't rely on words of gloom, don't be disjointed
Privilege you have the right
If you're on the frequency, yeah
If you're on the frequency, ooh yeah
So when you say that
There's always something else to do
There must be one thing we can try
There's always something else to do
Heretic the witch was right
She had the frequency
She had the frequency
She has the potency
She has the potency
Energy the time is right
She had the frequency
To fight for decency
Privilege you have the right
If you're on the frequency, yeah
If you're on the frequency, ooh yeah
So when you say that
There's never anything to do
There must be one thing you can try
There's always something else to do
How I begin, tell me how, how?
I tune in, tell me how, how?
When do I tune in for now?
Draw attention to yourself
Are you tuned into the show?
She had the frequency
She has the potency
She had the frequency
She has the potency
Red skies at night, red skies at night
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh, oh
Red skies at night, red skies at night
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh, oh
Should have taken warning
It's just people mourning, running, hiding, lost
Couldn't find, find a place to go
So it's red skies at night, red skies at night
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh, oh
Should have taken warning
It was just people ignoring, running, hiding, lost
Couldn't find, find a place to go
So it's red skies at night, red skies at night
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh, oh
Red skies at night, red skies at night
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh
So someone's taking over
And it looks like they're aiming right at you and me
And everybody, everybody
Someone says, "We could be dead by morning"
Someone cries, oh, oh, leaving
Red eyes at night, red eyes at night
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh, oh
Red skies at night, red skies at night, red skies at night
Red skies at night, red skies at night, red skies at night
Red skies at night, red skies at night, red skies at night
Red skies at night, red skies at night, red skies at night
Red skies at night
Red skies at night, red skies at night
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh, oh
Red skies at night, red skies at night
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh, oh, oh oh oh, oh
Red skies at night, red skies at night
Phantom living
A ghost before my eyes
A deep thrill feeling
That someone roams my life
Sets off in the air at night
Steers me round to mother earth
Turns this search
Into a pair of learning eyes
Staring at a photograph
Doesn't stir the memory
Of something I thought would last
Underneath it all
Phantom living
Phantom living
I lose myself
With a distance in my mind
Throwing out deception
Emplanted, steals my time
I feel the meaning
Your words cannot describe
And perverts the answer
Of this action underlined
Staring at an open book
Just becomes the story
Of something I thought would last
Underneath it all
Phantom living
Phantom living
Phantom living
Phantom living
So staring at an open book
Just becomes the story
Of something I thought would last
Underneath it all
Phantom living
Phantom living
Phantom living
The deception with tact
Just what are you trying to say?
You've got a blank face, which irritates
Communicate, pull out your party piece
You see dimensions in two
State your case with black or white
But when one little cross leads to shots, grit your teeth
You run for cover so discreet
Why don't they do what you say?
Say what you mean oh, babe
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong
I know I listen too long but then
One thing leads to another
The impression that you sell
Passes in and out like a scent
But the long face that you see
Comes from living close to your fears
If this is up and I'm up, but your running out of sight
You've seen your name on the walls
And when one little bump leads to shock, miss a beat
You run for cover and there's heat
Why don't they do what they say?
Say what they mean
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong
I know I listen too long but then
One thing leads to another
Yeah yeah yeah
(One thing)
(One one thing leads to another)
But it's easy to believe, somebody's been lying to me
But when the wrong word goes in the right ear
I know you've been lying to me
It's getting rough off the cuff
I've got to say enough's enough
Bigger the harder he falls
But when the wrong antidote
Is like a bulge on the throat
You run for cover in the heat
Why don't they do what the say?
Say what they mean
One thing leads to another
You tell me something wrong
I know I listen too long but then
One thing leads to another
Yeah, yeah
(One thing, one thing leads to another)
(One thing, one thing leads to another)
(One thing, one thing leads to another)
One thing leads to another
(One thing, one thing leads to another)
(One thing, one thing leads to another)
It takes a whole night of moonlight
To shine on the path of my fate
One tiny sign to align me with time and space
When I'm hiding from somebody somewhere
When I'm scared on my feet
It takes sadness with all the delights
To make a whole day complete... so
Happy landing you've been there
Welcome back from disarray
Take my hand now to somewhere
Take me on, take me on, take me so far away
It takes more than a full tank of gas
To drive away from the past
We keep making promises
Knowing they just can't last
Are we tiring of pleasures
Designed to keep our heads in the sand
If you're out there in orbit, alive
Now's a good time to land... so
Happy landings, you've been there...
Rise from the ashes of fires started so long ago
Keep your chin up and cheer up
Cause life springs from the glow!
If the truth of the matter lies
Deep in our hearts
Are we waiting for luck to decide
When light breaks the dark... so
Happy landings you've been there...
Where you've been
Where you are
Heart of stone, I tried to reach you
Of the altar stone, I tried to warn you
But you were not alone you wouldn't take the call
You wear brimstone I tried to warm you
Always the same desire
After the tone they try to storm you
You are a voice alone and who dares to question
Forgotten at home how do you live with
Do you wear brimstone give me the call
Always the sign is fire
I'm being drawn by the heat
Always the same desire, hot
Through the telephone I tried to reach you
But if you're not alone I know your life is torn
I see your lover's tomb why don't you mention
To me whenever I call I'll try to warm you
Always the sign is fire
I'm being drawn by the heat
Always the same desire
You're not alone, always the sign is fire
Heart of stone, always the sign is fire
You're not alone, always the sign is fire
Heart of stone, always the sign is fire
You're not alone, always the sign is fire
Waitin' for the time when
I'll be near you
so close in your
in our drown
Don't make a sound
Waitin' for the song cos'
I don't want to break you
Won't kiss
in your in my drown
I feel you, come on
Bring me under round
through the day is on the emotion
Painted colors
Our red guitar
You're younger then you are
Waitin' for the time when
I'll be near you
so close in your
in our drown
Don't make a sound
Turn your eyes to the page
read about the living age
polish up your crystal ball
check the night before it falls
Let it go
Please beware of nature's witch
picks her berries from your ditch
and you'll be gone
turn you into orobas
turn you in, not one of us
and you'll have words to say about that
Let it go
(shredded evidence)
*Not so much as a word
not so much as a clue
not so much as a trace
disappear into the blue
Hell appears your living end
where you're left you will suspend
and you just dangle
they boil the fat, we chew the weed
they make the facts, we can't succeed
without a little trick up your sleeve
Let it go
*Not so much...
Turn your eyes to this bed/let it go
turn your eyes for me she said/let it go
clear your mind of other thoughts/let it go
take my hand you astronaut/let it go
Talkin' about stealin' the show no one would know
Talkin' about stealin' the show when they're all lettin' go
Take a look at the witch see the twitch in her eye
Tell me what did she feel?
Is this the way of the world take a boy and a girl
Show them lying is real
Then I see the edge I look I fall
Deeper and deeper
The more I see the more I fall there's no place to hide
You better take the call
Deeper oh, oh
Is it the smell of the oil the sweat and the toil
That makes livin' unreal?
The yuppie in the suit the man with a flute what did he steal?
It's beginning to break there is a mistake nowhere to go
A fool and his blood in the wrong neighborhood what price
Does he pay?
The further I see, I see the edge I look I fall
Deeper and deeper
The more I see the more I fall there's no place to hide
You better take the call
Deeper oh, oh
The further I see, I see the edge I look I fall
The further I see, there's no place to hide, gonna take the call
The further I see, when I see the edge I look I fall
There's no place to hide anymore
The further I see, we gonna stick out to the satellite
Deeper, I see, I see the edge I look I fall
And then, I see the edge I look I fall
Deeper and deeper
Oh yow
We gotta see the edge
A feeling like camphor, rushing through my tubes
A cooling drought, a rare interlude
Drowning depression to admire and trust
Who can watch a man making dust to dust?
One legal dose of environment
The ballad of a playground swing
There's a lonely dog, so misunderstood
He's left his chores to become someone's friend
Things are so enchanting, high on life
Then, once again, the flash of pines
Beck to this breathtaking view
Where the peeks are so high, full of encouragement
And the paints of the Gods' color code
Things are so enchanting, high on life
Things are where they can't be high on life
So, I'm thinking about my favorite dream
An adventure not out of bounds
It dries my eyes to know mother earth hears
I'm invisible to blue hounds
It pleases me to have a mind on the run
When the body is fixed, tied in shoes
What expression is left to fulfill the gap?
Just a nod will suffice, where you are?
And the feeling just ain't right
As I stare into the light
What a time to take a fall
I can't stand the night
And it's long in the tooth
But short in foresight
It's all that I have
And so I'll hold on tight
So I live
That's about all I can say
I breathe nearly every day
Some say that it's better this way
That I live, I live
Take a chance to hear the call
Make a stand to be so tall
'Cause it's all that you have
Like winter to follow the fall
Like winter to follow the fall
So I live
That's about all I can say
I breathe nearly every day
Some say that it's better this way
That I live, I live, wo oh, wa oh, I live
Some say that it's better this way
That I live, I live
And the feeling just ain't right
As I stare into the light
What a time to take a fall
I can't stand the night
And it's long in the tooth
But short in foresight
It's all that I have
So hold on tight
So hold on tight
So hold on tight
So hold on tight
So I live
That's about all I can say
I breathe nearly every day
Some say that it's better this way
That I live, I live, wo oh, wa oh, I live
Some say that it's better this way
You chase the fire
You paint the signs
I walk the wire
You shout lines
There was a time when my mind
Was made up by you
Is this a deja vu
Am I just missing you?
I've been here before and lived
To the thrill of it all
I might be in the dark
But I'm watching you
You, you chase the fire
But you can't take the heat
You, you slay the lion
And you won't taste the meat
Your look was all it took
To get me hooked on you
My eyes were closed
Now I'm watching you
You, you chase the fire
But you can't take the heat
You, you slay the lion
And you won't taste the meat
I've been here before and we chased
So you chase the fire
You paint the signs
I walk the wire
You shout lines
There was a time when my lines
Were made up by you
Is this a deja vu?
Am I just seeing through
You, you chase the fire
But you can't take the heat
You, you slay the lion
And you won't taste the meat, oh no
I've been here before and lived [incomprehensible]
And you, you chase the fire
You chase the fire
You chase the fire
You paint the signs
I walk the wire
You chase the fire
You paint the signs
I walk the wire
Don't tell me you, you're gonna chase the fire
I've to see that you, when you touch the fire
They say that you, witches don't burn
How much is enough?
Good enough, is not good enough
Don't complain that you've got it tough
With all you have, your life's a bore
Can't relax, you want so much more
Blind needs won't set you free
Can't you see that time is slipping away? But I got to say
How much is enough? When your soul is empty
How much is enough? In the land of plenty
When you have all you want and you still feel nothing at all
How much is enough, is enough
Gravity may bring you down
But harmony could spin you 'round
Information ariel says buy buy buy material
Give take all day long
Can't you see it's hopeless being strong
When you live it wrong?
How much is enough? When your soul is empty
How much is enough? In the land of plenty
When you have all you want and you still feel nothing at all
How much is enough? How much is enough?
Buy buy buy, buy buy buy
So give me your attention, I know it's getting late
While we were dreaming, something slipped away
We're drowning in possessions, playing tricks with our minds
Lost from one another, baby put your hand in mine
Time is slipping away, but it's not too late
How much is enough? When your soul is empty
How much is enough? In the land of plenty
When you have all you want and you still feel nothing at all
How much is enough?
How much is enough? How much is enough?
When you have all you want and you still feel nothing at all
How much is enough? How much is enough?
How much is enough? How much is enough?
One morale that needs the strengthening
A timely episode of fate, would you be there?
The sound of silence seems so deafening
To have to fight alone seems so [unverified]
Don't tell me
I can't finish what you started
I'm too far in to be without
Can't seem to preach without the practice
Far too many of us would like to get something started
The rush of youth, what it could achieve
Would create more than cruising out to plunder
All you need is faith, all you need is faith in yourself
Don't tell me
I can't finish what you started
I'm in too far in to be without
Can't seem to preach without the practice
Far too many scenes to be acted out
It's time for us to start restructuring
And my imagination, my imagination is my tool
Society won't have my ears for lecturing
All I have is my faith, all I have is my faith get away
Don't tell me
I can't finish what you started
I'm too far in to be without
Can't seem to preach without the practice
It's in my right more than my left
After you've taken from me
My freedom of speech or the light through my window
Just because you can't see
Should be heard by the deaf
Seen by the blind
Those who are too frightened to lose, so
This is a letter
A letter to both sides and
You're stuck in the middle
It's a middle with no left or right
What do you feel? How would you say
To the men that sit at the top?
That you don't give a damn
But you still need your land, so
This is a letter
A letter to both sides and
You're stuck in the middle
It's a middle with no left or right
This is a letter
A letter to both sides and
You're stuck in the middle
It's a middle with no left or right
Some don't have time to see man and his wrongs
Others just expect to lose
If you don't have the need to take hold of yourself
How can you expect to choose? So
This is a letter
A letter to both sides and
You're stuck in the middle
It's a middle with no left or right
So this is a letter
A letter to both sides and
You're stuck in the middle
It's a middle with no left or right
So this is a letter
Endlessly walking through a winter thats so bitterly cold
Christmas is coming all the stores are wrapped in their neon glow
But I don't feel festive
Oh I've lost the woman I held so dear
I'm so reflective as I think of all our happy years
I brush against a stranger,
So I turn to apologize
And I saw her, with another man, and a sparkle in her eyes
Does she love that man?
The way that I'm loving her still
Does she love that man?
For she has broken my will to survive
I walked to a cafe where I sat and stared at an empty wall
The waitress talked to me, but I could not hear her words at all
The only sound that I could hear was the screaming of my soul
My world revolved around one single thing I wish to know
Does she love that man?
The way that I'm loving her still
Does she love that man?
For she has broken my will to survive
The weather was changing, snow began falling
The sky became dark like the mood of my heart
I watched all the lovers
Sharing together, their smiles and laughter were painful reminders
I seem to recapture the moment I held her
I made her swear that she'd always be there
But she left me sorrow and fear of tomorrow
As soon as I wake there's a pain I can't shake in my heart
Does she love that man?
The way that I'm loving her still
Does she love that man?
For she has broken my will
Does she love that man?
The way that I'm loving her still
Does she love that man?
For she has broken my will
Does she love him?
Does she love him?
Does she love that man?
Just give me something to hold on
A piece of the world that won't go wrong
Is there somebody there I can talk to?
Somebody sharing the same view?
Facing the wind
One avenue that would lead to
A place on this earth, where we all grew
Longing for travel, we stood still
Watching a sky that was once blue
Facing the wind, facing the wind
Facing the wind, facing the wind
Each line we throw, gives us false hope
One ray of light, God, I can't cope
Thinking about what we all are
One human race that's gone too far
Facing the wind, facing the wind
I'm life, watching
I think I can
Measure the flow
I could swim that river
I'm fast breeding
I think I have
No cruise control
I can't stop the spiral
I'm sand wave, blown in the air
I come down in raindrop
I'm time passing
I think I know we'll meet again
We can climb the mountain
I'm life, watching
I think I can
Measure the flow
I could swim that river
I'm fast breeding
I think I have
No cruise control
I can't stop the spiral, spiral
I'm life, watching
I think I can
Measure the flow
I could swim that river
Take a breath, life
Feel it stretch, life
I'm sand wave, blown in the air
I come down in raindrop
I'm time passing
I think I know we'll meet again
We can climb the mountain
I'm life, watching
I think I can
Measure the flow
I could swim that river
I'm life, watching
I think I can
Measure the flow
Outside, I stretch the mind that hides within
New pride, I lose four walls that keep me tied
Outside, I breathe new air that reaches me
Fresh tide, does all the cleansing life can give
Tongue-tied, no words will match this point of view
Chastise, I don't belong as no one owns
Washing, flowing, taking, all my fears away
Rushing, blowing, touching, gives all life a grace
Washing, flowing, taking, all my fears away outside
Outside, I stretch the mind that hides within
New pride, I lose four walls that keep me tied
Washing, flowing, taking, all these fears away
Rushing, blowing, touching, gives my life a grace
Lost feelings return
so now maybe I can learn
to stop the world of a lie
this time around
Are we, are we
Are we ourselves?
Are we, are we
Are we ourselves?
Because seen through these eyes
we lead a double life
No one would know
So check it out
stepping out, here I go
Are we, are we
Are we ourselves?
Are we ourselves
and do we really know?
Most spirit returns
now maybe we've learned
to stop this whirl of a lie
To this earth we
are bound I ask you
Are we, are we
Are we ourselves?
(Are we ourselves)
Are we ourselves
and do we really know?
Who do we know?
Are we ourselves?
(Are we ourselves)
Ooh woh ooh woh
ooh woh ooh woh
(Are we ourselves)
Are we ourselves?
Do we really know?
(Are we ourselves)
Watching, waiting
Playing, who's who
Don't play to win
To be second to you
The door will open
When I suffer enough
Who'll hold this hand
When the going gets rough?
Such good intentions
Always nipped in the bud
What do you expect?
Well, you never could
If I stop laughing
Just to be at your door, oh
Always opinions
Turning you round
Always opinions
Turning you down
I don't play chess
But I could play with you
Not much impressed
Not who do you do
I saw it coming
You saw it his way
Always opinions
Turning you round
Always opinions
Turning you down
Never decisions, oh
Letting me know
Always conditions
Turning you round
I want you to draw the line
Why can't you
Make up your mind?
I know about you
But what about me? Yeah
Excuses all the time
Blew away with 'High insight'
No more good advice
So what about me? Yeah
I'm playing who's who, ooh, ooh
Who would have thought
This would turn into fact
The door's wide open
You've lost your act
I saw it coming
You saw in his way
Always opinions
Turning you round
Always opinions
Turning you down
Never decisions, oh
Letting me know
Always conditions
Turning you round
So now you've taken over
I'm playing who's who
All I feel is the shuttered room
The striped light of detention
All I smell is shattered bone
Far too relevant to mention
In the shuttered room
In my shuttered room
In my shuttered room
In my shuttered room
Small holes where lead kissed the walls
This is no crime of passion
How many died without a cause
Could it be pure invention?
In the shuttered room
In the shuttered room
In the shuttered room
In the shuttered room
Shuttered, shuttered, shuttered, shuttered room
In my shuttered room
Shuttered, shuttered, shuttered, shuttered room
In the shuttered room
The whimpered truths of the shuttered room
Mean so little as we reflect
Over bodies who fell in the pile
You know how the story is vile
In the shuttered room
In the shuttered room
In the shuttered room
In the shuttered room
Shuttered, shuttered, shuttered, shuttered
Shuttered, shuttered, shuttered, shuttered
Shuttered, shuttered, shuttered, shuttered room
A call is taken
The plans are made
The pawns are placed
For the masquerade
Closed hotel rooms
Off the Place Pigalle
All concealed
Behind the femme fatale
Take it from me
There's cameras in Paris
Take it from me
There's cameras in Paris
Political friction is greased by detente
One country can and another one can't
All the movements in a metaphor
Who is the sleeper found dead on the floor
Take it from me
There's cameras in Paris
Some papers are missing
Exposure's automatic
Exposure's automatic
Exposure's automatic
In Paris
Umbrellas rolling in Hyde Park
Announcement made don't be seen after dark
Tension rising in the Eastern Block
Who are the two men with the
Same swiss clock
Take it from me
There's cameras in Paris
Some papers are missing
There's cameras in Paris
So take it from me
There's cameras in Paris
Some papers are missing
Exposure's automatic
Exposure's automatic
Exposure's automatic
In Paris
So take it from me
There's cameras in Paris
Some papers are missing
Exposure's automatic
Exposure's automatic
Cameras in Paris
Cameras in Paris
How much is enough?
Good enough's not good enough
Don't complain that you've got it tough
With all you have your life's a bore
Can't relax you want so much more
Blind needs won't set you free
Can't you see that
Time is slipping away?
But I got to say
How much is enough when your soul is empty?
How much is enough in the land of plenty?
When you have all you want and you still feel nothing
How much is enough, is enough?
Gravity may bring you down (down) (down)
But harmony could spin you 'round (around)
Information ariel says buy, buy, buy material
Give take all day long
Can't you see it's
Hopeless being strong
When you've got live it wrong?
How much is enough?
Buy, buy, buy
Buy, buy, buy
So give me your attention
I know it's getting late
While we were dreaming
Something slipped away
We're drowning in possessions
Playing tricks with our minds
Lost from one another
Baby, put your hand in mine
Time is slipping away
But it's not too late
How much is enough?
How much is enough?
When you have all you want and you still feel nothing
How much is enough, is enough?
How much is enough, oh?