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Myslovitz & Marek Grechuta - Kraków
Magical Krakow - Magiczny Kraków
Kraków - film promocyjny
Uliczny Kombajn - Kraków o Warszawie
Kraków In Your Pocket - Kraków, Poland Highlights
Kraków (Polska) z lotu ptaka DRONem
Pharrell Williams - Happy ( KRAKOW IS ALSO HAPPY ) #HAPPYDAY
Żaneta i Michał - Taniec łączy ludzi KRAKÓW 24.05.2014r - Zaręczyny na Rynku Głównym w Krakowie
Kraków wita Bronisława Komorowskiego
Kraków – przyjedź i znajdź swoją historię
“Wyzwanie: Kraków” - debata kandydatów na Prezydenta Miasta Krakowa - Lajkuj Fanpage! - Subuj kanał! Będąc kiedyś w Wolbromiu w hotelu przeczytałem w ulotce jaka jest największa atrakcja Wolbromia - Leżący 40 km obok Kraków. Kłamali skurwysyny! Kraków jest największym wysypiskiem śmieci w całej Polsce. jeżeli chcielibyście zwiedzić kiedyś to miasto to ten poradnik powie Wam jak szalony i chujowy jest ten pomysł. Lepiej spierdolić do Tokio, Chicago, czy nawet na Spitzbergen! Jak ten tchórz Gonciarz! Rada dla lokalnych patriotów - Zluzuj ciperkę. Uwielbiam Kraków jak i inne miasta w Polsce. W tym poradniku jedziemy stereotypami powielanymi wciąż i wciąż, plus absurdalnymi i abstrakcyjnymi obserwacjami. Zanim więc podniesiesz na mnie maczetę pamiętaj - It’s just a prank bro! Poza tym też mam maczetę. Serdeczne dzięki dla Ajgora, któremu dzień po pomaganiu mi dziwnym trafem zajebali cały sprzęt i opierdolili chatę. Nie pomogło mu tow walce z wizerunkiem polskiego Justina Biebera…może jednak pomoże mu, kiedy wejdziecie na jego kanał i go zasubskrybujecie? Poza tym - to dobry dzieciak! Jeżeli chcecie zapytać Krzyśka #kiedyzapytajbeczke to wbijajcie tu: Pomóżcie też Gracjanowi stać się najbardziej znanym youtuberem w Krakowie! Pamiętajmy też o kabarecie Lekko Stronniczych, którzy mają nawet swoją stronę uauauiua (Tak naprawdę kocham chłopaków) Brawa dla R.A.U. za piękny dubstep hejnałowy i za muzę w podkładzie A miniaturkę machnęła Kosmoska A jak chcesz mnie pośledzić to zapraszam na:
Very nice!
Kraków, also Cracow, or Krakow (English /ˈkrækaʊ/), is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River (Polish: Wisł...
W dzisiejszym filmie tanie podróżowanie czyli Kraków za 10 zł ! MÓJ SKLEP INSTAGRAM GRUPA GLAMPAULA TEAM Mój drugi kanał GRAMPAULA _______________________ ♥ SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: TWITTER: GlamPaula vlogerka moda, uroda & lifestyle / Warszawa EMAIL: napisz do mnie: Paula Perczyńska skr. 145 08-110 Siedlce 2 ________________________________________
Zobacz więcej! Mówi się, że Kraków nie lubi Warszawy. Dlaczego? By rozwikłać problem Kostek udał się miasta smoka wawels... Kraków In Your Pocket editor Garret Van Reed takes us on a grand tour of Kraków from the Train Station (Dworzec Główny) to Kazimierz via the Planty, through Floriańska Gate down ulica Floriańska to Rynek Główny, the main market square with the magnificent Cloth Hall (Sukiennice) and St. Marys Basilica (Bazylika Mariacka) and the famous Heynal. Then past Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II) home on ulica Kanonicza and up Wawel Hill to the Cathedral, the Royal Castle and the Chakra stone. Back down along the Wisla to Skałka and into Kazimierz, Kraków historic Jewish quarter. For more information about everything to see and do in Kraków check out Kraków In Your Pocket:
Film dokumentalny o Twierdzy Kraków. Realizacja: Julian Rachwał, zdjęcia: Krzysztof Stawowczyk, Sebastian Stawowczyk, montaż: Paweł Augustynek Halny, muzyka: Krzysztof Suchodolski, produkcja: Julian Rachwał Film powstał w ramach Filmoteki Małopolskiej. Setna rocznica wybuchu I wojny światowej w Krakowie ma swoją egzemplifikację w postaci zespołu umocnień, szczególnie potężnych fortów, które z mniejszym lub większym uszczerbkiem przetrwały do naszych czasów. Przetrwały a więc stanowią dla filmu dokumentalnego znakomite tworzywo w warstwie obrazu i dźwięku – dzięki głosom wielu specjalistów rozkochanych w konstrukcjach największej twierdzy w Europie tamtych lat. Budzące podziw mocą przemyślanych założeń umocnienia Twierdzy Kraków w postaci pierścieniowo rozłożonych bastionów i fortów wraz z Kopcem Kościuszki (ważny punkt obrony fortecznej) stanowiły dla wojsk rosyjskich (twierdza powstawała głównie przeciw nim) zaporę nie do przebycia. Dzięki twierdzy miasto ocalało. Rosjanom udało się najdalej dotrzeć pod wzgórze Kaim koło Wieliczki gdzie rozegrała się znacząca bitwa I wojny przy zdecydowanym i zwycięskim udziale twierdzy. Film będzie więc opowieścią o historii tych umocnień i ich losem - już po wojnach – w naszym czasie. Czym są obecnie poszczególne forty, jaką funkcję przeznacza im nasz czas dzięki pomysłowości pasjonatów, na ile mają szansę istnienia w pokojowej rzeczywistości. Występują: prof. Mieczysław Rokosz, Michał Kozioł, Krzysztof Wielgus, Marcin Mikulski, Maciej Baszak, Franciszek Dziadoń, Bogumił Peschak, s. Małgorzata Borkowska, s. Benedykta Nogaj, Przemysław Jaskółowski
Kamera - DRON - Szymon Sitko Montaż - Maciej Kapuściński.
Be happy! Enjoy!
Krakowianie przywitali na Rynku Bronisława Komorowskiego okrzykami "zdrajca", "gdzie jest szogun"... Zobaczcie. Kraków, 8 marca 2015
“Wyzwanie: Kraków” - debata kandydatów na Prezydenta Miasta Krakowa Organizatorzy: Samorząd Studentów WPiA UJ OSOM - Ośrodek Studiów o Mieście Studenci dla Rzeczypospolitej Europejskie Centrum Rozwoju Europa Jutra Partnerzy: Demagog.PL Drugi Obieg Jagielloń Akademia Projektów Canviar Program 7
Trasa linii tramwajowej nr 50 Krowodrza Górka - Kurdwanów w Krakowie filmowana z kabiny motorniczego. Film powstał dzięki pomocy Miejskiego Przedsiębiorstwa ...
Relacja z trybun podczas 189. Wielkich Derbów Krakowa (21.03.2015)
Drogówka w Krakowie .
Zdjęcia wykonano w tych samych miejscach lecz w odstępie czasowym. Zobacz jak wyglądało to miasto kiedyś, a jak wygląda dziś.
Michał Rec Studio 791 44 81 83 Zapraszamy
Wszystkie bramki Wisły Kraków w T-mobile Ekstraklasie w sezonie 2013/14.
Katy Perry - Dark Horse Live In Kraków Krakow Arena / Poland 24.02.2015 Prismatic World Tour
Pamięci Marka Grechuty.
Zespół jedzie do Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie
Best of Krakow online travel guide with the city's most sought after destinations including The Wawel Castle, Grodzka Street, Rynek Glowny, St-Mary's Church, Kazimierz, Barbakan and the Wisła River The music soundtrack is track Leanne.mp3" composed by "Alchemorph Soundtracks" and under Creative Commons (CC-by-sa) licence, Attribution, Share Alike and approved for commercial purposes. An approximation to Kraków. Travel Guide Video. Video Guia de Viajes de Cracovia. Kraków / Cracow / Cracovia Polonia / Poland Travel / Viaj...
Audio-guide The audio-guide was prepared by historians and Cracow tour guides and recorded by a professional lector. There are 87 pieces presenting tourist a...
A guided tour of Prague Czech Republic and Krakow, Poland. For more detailed travel tips, visit
Extract from our entertaining and informative walking/travelogue DVD available from Thinking of going to Poland? Visit our FOOTLOOSE.TV feature page for travel tips & information
Create your own video on ! Wawel Hill, Old Town, Kraków. Wawel Cathedral. Sigismund and Waza Chapels, Wawel Cathedral. Wawel...
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Krakow, Poland - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions of Krakow, Poland. #5: Wawel Royal Castle - Amongst Europe's most beautiful royal complexes, monarchs started calling it home all the way back in the 11th century. #4: St. Mary's Basilica - A remarkable brick church in the middle of the city. Built in the 14th century, it has a world famous wooden altar. #3: Auschwitz - Located 30 miles from Krakow, you can visit the Auschwitz concentration camp and learn about its history. #2: Salt mines - Closed to Krakow, mining has occurred here for 900 years, a unique UNESCO World Heritage site. #1: Market Square - the city's central meeting point. Sit back and enjoy, a great place to soak in magnificent Krakow.
Extracts from our popular East European travel DVD ~ 3 city break ideas on one 120 minute DVD For more travel informati...
Krakow 2015, Where to go in Krakow?, Poland travel guide from Krakow airport arrivals. Information of map, history, museums, palace ,parks, theatre, metro, hotels, architecture, gallery, bus, zoo...., things to see in Krakow, do your points. Travel blog where travel points get shown more cities :
Cracow, the Magical City audio-guide is a modern and comfortable way of sightseeing for people who value freedom and independence. Colourful descriptions of ...
A look into my long weekend in Krakow, Poland. A truly beautiful, chilled out city that can be enjoyed on a very tight budget. Myself and my 3 friends spontaneously booked flights to Poland in February/March time not knowing what to expect. We had a wonderful weekend full of laughter, amazing food and some incredible experiences. A very emotional trip to Auschwitz left us with a deeper reflection and fuller understanding of the true horrors that went on during the time of Nazi Germany.
This is an extract from our DVD: FOOTLOOSE IN BUDAPEST PRAGUE & KRAKOW which you can find on Off we go to Nowa ...
Krakow Poland Travel - Kraków, is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River in the Lesser Poland region, the c... Krakow travel breaks Poland is Cracovia at its best. One of the best medieval cities to visit. A won...
May 7 was a rainy and overcast day in Krakow. My expert guide Monica first took me on a tour of the Krakow Ghetto, where from March 1941 about 15,000 Jewish residents were crammed into a small area of 320 buildings that used to be inhabited by only 3,000 people. The ghetto was liquidated by the Nazis between May 1942 and March 1943, when most of the inhabitants were deported to the Plaszow Labour Camp and to Auschwitz. The second stop on our walking tour on May 7, 2012 was the Schindler Factory, owned by the iconic entrepreneur Oscar Schindler who saved over 1,100 Jewish lives in his enamelware and ammunition factory during WWII. Since 2010 the factory has been turned into a museum that documents the Nazi occupation of Krakow with photos, movies, authentic artifacts and multimedia experiences. It's an amazing museum where I could have spent many hours, studying original photos and objects. The we crossed the bridge over into Kazimierz, Krakow's historic Jewish quarter. We visited the Old Synagogue, the Remuth Synagogue and its cemetery as well as the Temple, Krakow's lavishly ornamented Reform synagogue. Kazimierz also has a Christian part and in my walking tour with my expert guide Monica we visited three important Roman Catholic Churches: the Gothic Corpus Christi Church, St. Catherine's Church (also Gothic), and the lavish Baroque Church on the Rock, Poland's second holiest sanctuary. We also visited the Market Square of Kazimierz which now holds an ethnographical museum. At the end of our walking tour we crossed the entire Old Town of Krakow and headed north of the St. Florian's Gate to a local outdoor market where everything was on sale: fruits, vegetables, meat, clothing, household goods and much more. Shopping locally on the markets is still an important tradition in Poland. I was particularly fascinated by the country cheeses that are made in decorated moulds. They looked delicious... Finally, in the late afternoon, I took a tram and a local bus to the Benedictine Abbey of Tyniec which is located on a steep limestone outcropping on the right bank of the Vistula outside of Krakow. The monastery was founded in 1044 AD and is one of the oldest in Poland. Normally, there is a wonderful view from the abbey over the surrounding countryside, but not on this day due to the rainy weather.
May 7 was a rainy and overcast day in Krakow. My expert guide Monica first took me on a tour of the Krakow Ghetto, where from March 1941 about 15,000 Jewish residents were crammed into a small area of 320 buildings that used to be inhabited by only 3,000 people. The ghetto was liquidated by the Nazis between May 1942 and March 1943, when most of the inhabitants were deported to the Plaszow Labour Camp and to Auschwitz. The second stop on our walking tour on May 7, 2012 was the Schindler Factory, owned by the iconic entrepreneur Oscar Schindler who saved over 1,100 Jewish lives in his enamelware and ammunition factory during WWII. Since 2010 the factory has been turned into a museum that documents the Nazi occupation of Krakow with photos, movies, authentic artifacts and multimedia experiences. It's an amazing museum where I could have spent many hours, studying original photos and objects. The we crossed the bridge over into Kazimierz, Krakow's historic Jewish quarter. We visited the Old Synagogue, the Remuth Synagogue and its cemetery as well as the Temple, Krakow's lavishly ornamented Reform synagogue. Kazimierz also has a Christian part and in my walking tour with my expert guide Monica we visited three important Roman Catholic Churches: the Gothic Corpus Christi Church, St. Catherine's Church (also Gothic), and the lavish Baroque Church on the Rock, Poland's second holiest sanctuary. We also visited the Market Square of Kazimierz which now holds an ethnographical museum. At the end of our walking tour we crossed the entire Old Town of Krakow and headed north of the St. Florian's Gate to a local outdoor market where everything was on sale: fruits, vegetables, meat, clothing, household goods and much more. Shopping locally on the markets is still an important tradition in Poland. I was particularly fascinated by the country cheeses that are made in decorated moulds. They looked delicious... Finally, in the late afternoon, I took a tram and a local bus to the Benedictine Abbey of Tyniec which is located on a steep limestone outcropping on the right bank of the Vistula outside of Krakow. The monastery was founded in 1044 AD and is one of the oldest in Poland. Normally, there is a wonderful view from the abbey over the surrounding countryside, but not on this day due to the rainy weather.
One of many great new museums in Kraków is the excellent Rynek Underground Museum. When the Main Market Square was renovated, they found so much of archaeolo...
La "historia" del viaje a Cracovia,Polonia,en compañia de buenos amigos. Dar las gracias a Igle,Mush,Fon,Pinta,Akas,Procis,Xuacu,Richi y Fer por unos dias geniales. Unos dias que nunca se olvidaran,por mucho tiempo que pase. Un saludo y gracias a tod@s por pasaros! PaZ Canal de Twitch --- Twitter ---!/richar1979BC Instagram ---
What a tour: Budapest, Krakow and Prague are the three hottest destinations in Eastern Europe! These incredibly elegant cities have been reborn after the devastation of the 20th century (WWII and the Cold War). Our Eastern Europe teen tour delves into the fascinating modern histories’ of these three amazingly rich, diverse cultures. Join us for a European student travel adventure! To learn more about this amazing trip please visit our website
Come along with Olivia, Ingram and Everett as they visit Kraków, Poland. The history of this amazing city starts with a fire-breathing dragon. You'll also le...
Are beers with berry preserves modern and historic? Krakow itself certainly is. TurnHere, Inc., produces Internet video for a variety of businesses across th...
Food and restaurants - Krakow is famous of the highest concentration of restaurants and pubs per square kilometer in Poland. Check it out! Entertainment and night life - no comments. More at:
AM in the Company's registered seat at 14 Władysława Warneńczyka street in Kraków.
noodls 2015-03-27... of the former hotel was presented by Marek Dunikowski of the Kraków-based architectural studio DDJM.
noodls 2015-03-27(Source: PKP Cargo SA ) ... The design of A4 Business Park was created by a well-known Kraków-based architectural studio DDJM.
noodls 2015-03-25Completion and opening of Pascal in Kraków ... Complex in Kraków, Poland, in the first half of 2014.
noodls 2015-03-23(Source: ... 9,000 sqm. The design of A4 Business Park was created by a well-known Kraków-based architectural studio DDJM ... pct.
noodls 2015-03-19... southern ones and to provide a link between the Gdańsk, Warsaw, Kielce and Kraków agglomerations.
noodls 2015-03-18... in Kraków, 4thDepartment of Land and Mortgage Registry keeps Land and Mortgage Register No.
noodls 2015-03-17After leaving Oswiecim, we had a free day in Kraków ... selling the beautiful amber Kraków is known for.
noodls 2015-03-13of Kraków in which Mr Remigiusz Baliński is Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board - made the ...
noodls 2015-03-13From his Kraków-set tale of a "kid-eating dragon" to memories of growing up with his brother, who ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-03-10Chemików 1, 32-600 Oświęcim), entered to the Register of Entrepreneurs of Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy ...
noodls 2015-03-09In addition to Wrocław, the awards are held in Warsaw, Łódź, Poznań, Toruń, Rzeszów, Szczecin, Katowice, Kraków and Gdańsk.
noodls 2015-03-06Wisła Kraków is one of the oldest and most successful Polish football clubs. It ranked third and have won 13 titles.
Football Sierra Leone 2015-03-04Kraków (Polish pronunciation: [ˈkrakuf] ( listen)) also Cracow, or Krakow (English /ˈkrækaʊ/), is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River (Polish: Wisła) in the Lesser Poland region, the city dates back to the 7th century. Kraków has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Polish academic, cultural, and artistic life and is one of Poland's most important economic hubs. It was the capital of Poland from 1038 to 1569; the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1569 to 1596; the Grand Duchy of Kraków from 1846 to 1918; and Kraków Voivodeship from the 14th century to 1999. It is now the capital of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship.
The city has grown from a Stone Age settlement to Poland's second most important city. It began as a hamlet on Wawel Hill and was already being reported as a busy trading centre of Slavonic Europe in 965. With the establishment of new universities and cultural venues at the emergence of the Second Polish Republic and throughout the 20th century, Kraków reaffirmed its role as a major national academic and artistic centre. The city has a population of approximately 760,000 whereas about 8 million people live within a 100 km radius of its main square.
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson (born October 25, 1984), known by her stage name Katy Perry, is an American singer, songwriter and actress. Perry grew up with gospel music, and during her first year of high school she pursued a music career as Katy Hudson, releasing her first studio album called Katy Hudson which failed to chart. She recorded a solo album later, which was never released. After signing with Capitol Music Group in 2007, her fourth record label in seven years, she adopted the stage name Katy Perry.
She first gained recognition with the release of her first mainstream album, One of the Boys in 2008, which spawned three Billboard Hot 100 top-ten songs—"I Kissed A Girl", "Hot n Cold" and "Waking Up In Vegas". Perry supported the album with her Hello Katy Tour. In 2010, her third studio album, Teenage Dream (2010), which topped the Billboard 200 chart, and spawned five number one singles—"California Gurls", "Teenage Dream", "Firework", "E.T." and "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)"—Teenage Dream was the only album (after Michael Jackson's Bad)—to do so, and the first female in history to achieve this milestone. She embarked on the California Dreams Tour, which grossed nearly $60 million worldwide. Perry re-released the album under the name of Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection on March 26, 2012, and the re-release has already spawned the number-one single "Part of Me".
Dark horse is a term used to describe a little-known person or thing that emerges to prominence, especially in a competition of some sort or a contestant that seems unlikely to succeed.
The term began as horse racing parlance. A dark horse is a race horse that is not known to gamblers and thus is difficult to place betting odds on.
The earliest-known use of the phrase is in Benjamin Disraeli's novel The Young Duke (1831). Disraeli's protagonist, the Duke of St. James, attends a horse race with a surprise finish: "A dark horse which had never been thought of, and which the careless St. James had never even observed in the list, rushed past the grandstand in sweeping triumph."
The term has been used politically in such countries as Peru, Philippines and United States.
Politically, the term reached America in the nineteenth century when it was first applied to James K. Polk, a relatively unknown Tennessee Democrat who won the Democratic Party's 1844 presidential nomination over a host of better-known candidates. Polk won the nomination on the ninth ballot, and went on to win the presidential election.
Midnight bright full moon shines the street is cold and quiet
An open window a naked room a creature's lonely cry
All your prayers they're useless now a man will turn to beast
Tonight until the morning comes he's ruled by evil greed
The ruler of the night the devil in disguise
He'll trap you all the way the victim of the change
In his cell the beast is kept but no chains can hold him back
Inside his blood is boiling hot his order is attack
If he hits you no use to run he fetches you to your doom
Hear the wind howl it seems so far away
But it's just cheating to you
Cos it's roaring and waiting for the day to overthrow all rules
Lightning flashing clouds veil sun and sky
The stormbell will be tolled
Now find shelter and pray for none is safe
So ancient stories told
Look out the storm is coming
The sleeping beast's aroused
And if you don't give under find cover
Then you'll be struck by thunder
Black days dark nights a shadow in our hearts
But hope must not be lost
Cos if our minds succumb we will never last
All darkness is bad host
So fight that power it's deadly if it reigns
Devours light and soul
Curse that master to die or win's our chance
Destroy that foul dark lord
Once there'll be a time without any life
And in our space there'll be kinda light
A new day will dawn like the first morn
A planet will rise out of misty disguise
Oceans blue meadows too a lonely plain a settled aim
The prince arrives as human life to labour hard to rule on earth
Praise thy God for the day
Humble be what you pray
You're just flesh thru my will
In seven days I will regain my realm
Birth was given to earth the burden of life
To please and rejoice the eternal heights
But not very long the word was read wrong
For favour they fought just named a new lord
Hatred for love envy for help
War on the world relyin' on his word
Instead of a life of laughter and joy man chose pain
Words spoken'n vain
So the devil he has done his work
Seven day's creation man will burn
Stars and angels just wonder
Why is man keen on destroin'
Well, it's friday noon, the bell is tolled
And life's spilling out on the streets
The drudging's done, the weekend's to come
My heart takes up a faster beat
Watch out here comes the thunder
Kicking out the jams
Join us we won't give under
'Til the new day breaks
Nightout we gonna hit the town
Nightout make a mess around
Nightout dive into fun
Hope that you'll be around
When you're lost and alone well just come along
Help us turn the seats upside down
Forget what you've got on your mind and live't up
Tomorrow'll come soon enough
Livin' high 'n' easy's long as we've got time
We synchronize our steps and habits
We're tied to mental chains
Why not tear them down?
We condemn pleasure and we banish laughter
In a world of cold rocks
I need human warmth!
Show me the action
Life's main attraction
The only question:
Will we and if, how will we live?
On and on and on we dig our way
We search for the treasure
On and on and on we try and turn
The key to all pleasure
On and on and on in light of day
We'll shake off the shadow
On and on and on we look ahead
Sights set on a new tomorrow
The freeze is fright'ning but I won't lose hope
That these empty eyes will vanish
They are so cold
Youth is a fire and I pray to God
That a little glow forever
Your smile is sparkling evil your eyes promise betrayal
Your beauty's like a signal to false testimony
You bird of prey don't make no prisoners
No bodyaches to cure
Inside the sleeve of sweet red wine your aim is still obscure
A spider dressed as butterfly all men are gone on you
A blink'f your eye to testify, you'll take anywho
Involve them in the sweetest charms
Bite in your poisoned teeth
You take their money take their heart you don't give no relief
You rape them tap them make them lose their head
You make them promise love until they're dead
Never never tell no lie
Never, never ever tell no lie
You step into the danger zone her net is woven tight
You're in the smell of her perfume she's whispering sweet lies
Oh Lord don't tempt me you may think
But soon your willpower breaks
Cos she and her death instinct enveloped you in a haze
You start to tremble fall into her arms
Her dirty laughter hushes away her charms
Never tell me ever
Never tell me ever
The Gods have sent an angel to find it is my task
She's radiant like the sun comes with a blast
And my doubts are still increasing
Whether I haven't found her yet
Cos there's light when you're appearing in my world
Don't tell me open secrets 'bout your descent and creed
Just take me to your homeland lay a claim on me
Make me make me make me believe it's you
Make me make me make me believe it's you
Your eyes are filled with promise to save my haunted soul
And if you don't mind save my body too
Cos I need to feel divinity in a rocking world of doubt
So come along and make my rational lights go out
I pray you to convince me take me to cloud nine
There is not in the harbour the chaingang's got the guard
In the steamin' hot disaster slavery is fighting hard
And the rifles scream: no mercy die now or be free
In the haze some took a galley in search of liberty
Criminals desperate resign
Innocent plea for their lives
Animals wounded they cry
They've got no chance on the galley without aim
On the ocean storm is wailing some have gone over board
And the captain he is praying: "bless our souls please my Lord"
In the morning silent mourning of the ship that knows all plain
On the bottom it tells the story of the galley without aim
Shadows fall on the harbour's scenery
A silent call of a galley moving smooth
A dead old ship a sign names it "Liberty"
And still remains the memory of the
Running away from the spotlights
The vision of dreams becomes real
Shadows chase : I'm in the final race
I've been framed I ain't guilty
But now I'm serious case
Pray for me the world's my enemy
Night hide my figures or I will be damned
A sudden light in the darkness
I'm trapped if I can't fly
Betrayal the wood's on fire
The hunter's ready to strike now
Their guns are pointed at me
I'm running the odds against me
Send me a safeguard Lord take me away
Danger the fire's around me
Danger I'm in for the last race
Danger life's blood evades me
Cao Ge - Chen Mo Wan Ju
Bian cheng le yi ge ying
Yin cang le zi ji
Ai qing kun nan hu xi
Wo shi chen mo wan ju
Zhi zhuo dui ni wu xian qi
Mo hu wo zi ji
Bu yuan sheng shang bai qi
Shu le ni de you xi
Ni he ta
Dui jie yong bao
Wo kan dao
Wei shen me ai shang ni de ren shi wo
Wei shen me yi xiang qing yuan de ren hui nan guo
Wei shen me dui ni she bu de zong shi wo
Ai shang ni xu yao na zhen qing yi
Shou zai ri ji li
Ji mo tian tian bu xiu xi
Rang tian mi quan ye wang ji
Xing fu bu zai mei li
Ke shi wo hui zai yi
Zhi zhuo dui ni wu xian qi
Wo mo hu wo zi ji
Bu yuan yi sheng shang bai qi
Shu le ni de you xi
Ni he ta
Dui jie yong bao
Wo kan dao
Wei shen me ai shang ni de ren shi wo
Wei shen me yi xiang qing yuan de ren hui nan guo
Wei shen me dui ni she bu de zong shi wo
Ai shang ni xu yao na zhen qing yi
Shou zai ri ji li
Wei shen me dui ni she bu de zong shi wo
Hai shi ni xu yao na zhen qing yi
Zhen ai ni de ren hui nan guo
Wei shen me dui ni she bu de zong shi wo
Hai shi ni xu yao na zhen qing yi