Facebook pentru mobil

Păstrează legătura cu prietenii tăi, oriunde ai fi.

    Facebook for iPhone

    Explore the world around you.
    • See who you're sharing with more easily
    • Edit your posts and comments on iPad
    • Bug fixes
  • What’s new

    Facebook for Android

    Keeping up with friends is faster than ever.
    • Use icons to express feelings and activities
    • Edit your posts and comments
    • Create and share new photo albums
  • What’s new

    Introducing Facebook Home

    Put friends at the heart of your phone.
    • Glance at your phone for friends' updates
    • Chat from any app using chat heads
    • Get notifications on your home screen

Alte aplicaţii de mobil

Vezi direct locurile preferate de pe Facebook cu aplicaţiile noastre independente.

Ai o pagină de Facebook? Descarcă Pages Manager pentru iOS sau Pages Manager pentru Android.