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.30 M1 Carbine 250 Yards Shooting
Browning .30 cal
AMT Automag III .30 Carbine Semi Auto Pistol Overview - Texas Gun Blog
FX Boss .30 CRUSHING Pest Birds (when I didn't miss)
M1 Carbine .30 caliber WW2 Service Rifle
Browning 1919A4 30 cal. machine gun
F.Charm feat. Ligia - 30 De Grade [Videoclip Oficial]
FX Boss .30 - ShotCount, Trigger, Power, Loudness
FX Boss .30 Airgun Review - AOA
Armas, Carabina .30
30 Surprise Eggs!!! Disney CARS MARVEL Spider Man SpongeBob HELLO KITTY PARTY ANIMALS LittlestPetSh
Thirty Seconds To Mars - The Kill (Bury Me)
Build a .30 Cal Machine Gun: DIY
FightNGear Shoots the Ruger Mini .30 and the WASR AK
Target shooting the .30 M1 Carbine at a laser-measured 250 yards in a stiff 10-15 mph wind. Using iron sights, no scope. This rifle is a 1943 Inland/General ...
Browning .30 cal.
Unlisted Slow-Motion Footage: Blog Post on this Video: Blog P...
One of the coolest little guns ever made. For what they lack in power, they make up for in close range accuracy, portability, and ease of use.
Quick video of the Browning .30 caliber M1919A4 machine gun. Caliber = .30-06, Rate of fire = 500 rounds per minute, Service = Allied military forces from WW...
Descarcă în exclusivitate pe shopul nostru: Booking / Concerte: Florin Nedelcu +40 721 929 622 / / impre...
The FX Boss .30 is fresh off the line, and will soon be in short supply thanks to Fredrik Axelsson (FX Airguns) winning the Extreme Benchrest tournament (Nov...
We are taking a look at the .30 caliber Boss from FX Airguns. We put this air rifle through its paces at 20 and 50 yards, test for chronograph information, and look over all the great features the Boss has to offer.
Armas, Policia, Calibre .30, usadas pela PM.
Unboxing 30 Surprise Eggs!!! Disney CARS MARVEL Spider Man SpongeBob HELLO KITTY PARTY ANIMALS LittlestPetShop and other eggs! 30 Surprise eggs: Surprise egg...
Music video by Thirty Seconds To Mars performing The Kill (Bury Me). Pre VEVO play counts 47587509. (P) 2006 Virgin Records America, Inc.. All rights reser...
For the second build for Indy Moguls WAR MOVIE MONTH, Zack shows you how to build a .30 Caliber Machine Gun for less than $60! Keep in mind that there will b...
I shoot the Wasr and compare it to a mini .30 Ruger Ranch Rifle. The 30 Carbine, 32 H&R; Magnum and 32 NAA have been added to our Critical Defense lineup. Since their in...
Deer Hunting .30 Carbine M1 Inland Rifle. Shot at 1:54 then a replay from the GoPro. Mix of GoPro footage and 1080p camera. Big buck, 3 X 4 rack dropped using Herter's 150 grain soft point bullet. Shot was at about 200 yards.
Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The M-1 30 caliber Carbine. This legendary weapon fought throughout Europe to the Islands of the Pacific during WWII. Then on the K...
Music video by Thirty Seconds To Mars performing Closer To The Edge. Pre VEVO play counts 8,228,715. 2010 Virgin Records America, Inc. Directed by: Bartholomew Cubbins
Here we have the Real-Gun exclusive 1:1 scale Browning .30 cal Paintball Machine Gun. Including the marker itself, remote high pressure air system, force fee...
This is it. A gun that hits what you aim it at. I'm very impressed.
FX BOSS .30 cal.
In this episode I was joined by Alex Honeywell (junior HFT superstar and winner of the RSN10 memorial cup 2012) for some ratting with a 30 cal test rig desig... This is a video with a Auto Ordinance .30 Carbine in a Paratrooper model. This set up has a top rail with a red dot and a sing...
Ay Yapım Resmi Facebook Sayfası..... Medecezir'i İlk izleyen siz olun... For Official YouTube Channel click here..... للانتقال إلى القناة الرسمية على اليوتيوب اضغط هن ...ا Нажмите здесь, чтобы перейти на официальный канал в YouTube.... Medcezir 31.Bölüm Fragman için tıklayın... "Medcezir" 30. Bölümüyle 11 Nisan Cuma akşamı saat 20.00'de Star TV'de... Yaman, Sude ile Kenan arasında yaşananları Miraya karşı sır olarak saklamak zorunda kalır. Leyla'nın hayatlarına yeniden girdiği bir dönemde Yaman'ın suskunluğu, Mira'yı şüphelendirir ve huzursuz eder.. Yaman iki ateş arasında kalır. Yaman, ağabeyinin geleceğini altüst etmesini engellemek için Kenan'la sert bir şekilde yüzleşir. Kenan'ın küçük oyunu dalga dalga büyür ve sonunda Selim'in hayatını hedef alan gerçek bir tehdide dönüşür. Ender'in Selim'i korumak için alacağı tedbirler yaşanacakların önüne geçemez. Selim, sonunu kimsenin tahmin edemeyeceği bir kumpasın içine düşer. Mert'le Ender'in gizlice yaptırdıkları DNA testi Asım Şekip Kaya'yı kritik bir kararın eşiğine getirir. Sedef'le Faruk'un restoran açılışı, Serez ailesi için güzel sürprizlere ev sahipliği ederek başlarken, Yaman'la Mira arasında gelgitlere bir yenisi ekler. Gece herkes için hiç beklenmeyen bir şekilde sonuçlanacaktır. Medcezir Fragmanlar için tıklayın... Medcezir HD bölümler için tıklayın... Medcezir Özel Videolar için tıklayın... Medcezir Seçilen Sahneler... Medcezir Click For English Subtitle... Daha fazlası için tıklayın... Yeni yapımlarımızı görmek için tıklayınız?... Ay Yapım Resmi Web Sitesi...
Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level 1 will burn fat with this interval training fitness system, combining strength, cardio, and abs workouts that blast calories to get you shredded and ripped. This workout is from Jillian Micheal's the DVD 30 Day Shred. Click here to sign up for the BeFit newsletter for workout tips, recipes and more!;_medium=youtube&utm;_campaign=top10 Click Here to Subscribe to the BeFit channel: For full selection of great workouts like this one, visit the BeFit Channel on YouTube: Check out our official website at: Check us out on Facebook Follow us on Twitter at: Check us out on Google+ Check us out on Pinterest
Un dresseur de chien EXCEPTIONNEL sur le site : César Millan Des vidéos complètes et extrait de son livre.. Découvrez aussi,-T...
【現場直播】雨傘革命 直播各區集會現場實況,見證港人自己香港自己救,風雨中抱緊自由! Live broadcast of Umbrella Revolution. Witness Hong Kong people fight for their own city, embracing freedom despite adversities. 專頁: 蘋果日報主頁: 即 like 蘋果fb:
"Los que sueñan" El cirujano Federico Müller (Mike Amigorena) soñó que se besaban con Lorena (Florencia Bertotti) en el medio de una operación muy riesgosa. Pero justo entró su esposa y los despertó. Mirá lo que pasó: Andrea (Araceli González) cometió un error muy grande y se terminó fugando con Ernesto al campo, para alejarse de todo su entorno. Mirá lo que les pasó y que complicó todo el plan: Mónica (Mercedes Morán) y el Tano (Dady Brieva) soñaron mucho con este momento y finalmente pudieron abrir su propio restó. No te pierdas el show de stand up que realizó Alejandro (Mauricio Dayub). El Dr. Müller (Amigorena) contrató a Lorena (Bertotti) sin tener mucha expectativa en lo que iba a hacer esta inocente estudiante de medicina, pero de a poco fue creciendo esa química en la clínica y ahora comienza a sentirse el amor que hay entre ellos. Es por eso que el cirujano comenzó a soñar con su asistente, en el que se besaban en el medio de una operación muy complicada. Pero justo llegó la mujer de Federico (Amigorena) y los encontró juntos en el consultorio. Andrea (González) se emborrachó e hizo un papelón en el vivo del noticiero de Laura (Isabel Macedo), es por eso que se fugaron con Ernesto al campo para pasar un día muy lejos de la ciudad y de todos los problemas. Pero su nuevo compañero de ruta se fue a buscar agua y terminó borracho y perdiendo las llaves. Después comenzaron a discutir y terminaron insultando a los gritos. Mónica (Morán) cumplió uno de los mayores sueños de su vida: abrir un restaurante propio. Pero este no es un restó cualquiera porque es socia del Tano (Brieva), un hombre que está conquistando su corazón. Pero hubo algo en lo que no estaban de acuerdo para la inauguración y ya tuvieron el primer cruce. Él contrató a Alejandro (Dayub) para que haga un stand up y ella no quería saber nada con eso.
[Thai-Movie] Fabulous 30 - 30 กำลังแจ๋ว
Villás Béla - A meditáció jelentése ima és teremtés ....2007. 08 .30.
The Hutts attempt to retake Nal Hutta outpost. The Game: Installation Guide: Blog: Stream: Twitter: Facebook: Community: - ▼How to SUPPORT Me▼ My Patreon if you want to support me: ▼Where to FOLLOW Me▼ Website - YouTube - Twitter - Twitch - Facebook -
I am finally the proud owner of a Winchester Model 94, pre-64 vintage. The caliber is the "All American" caliber of .30-30. It's good to have a .30-30 back in the stable; now I can sleep better. :-) Subscribe Here → Follow My Twitter Here → Follow My Facebook → Part.30 Survival PS4
LAJME 19 .30 27.10.2014
Não se aparte da tua boca o livro desta lei; antes medita nele dia e noite, para que tenhas cuidado de fazer conforme a tudo quanto nele está escrito; porque então farás prosperar o teu caminho, e serás bem sucedido. Josué 1:8
★★★★★ ---Ajude o Canal--- Curta o vídeo Se-inscreva no Canal VLW Um Grande Abraço a Todos!!! CURTA A PÁGINA NO FACEBOOK: TWITTER:
This is part one of a 2 part video series. In this video, I'll take you through the casting process of the 160 grain 30-30 Winchester bullet. I hope you enjo...
Policias do 14ºBPM realizaram uma operação na Vila Aliança e apreenderam 3 fuzis e uma arma ponto 30 que é capaz de derrubar uma aeronave e deixando 4 traficantes mortos e um baleado. AF 11 Week 1 :: วันศุกร์ ปลุก 8 .30 อาหารเช้า ออกกำลังกาย ตอน 1 click here to download mp3 Al qur'an 30 Juz. Syeikh Maher Al Muaiqly
In this video from the Point-of-Aim bench, we are taking a look at working up testing loads for my M1 Garand. We take a look at the powder choices and the projectile we decided to use. Facebook: Blogger:
Hiking from Maenlichen to Kleinescheidegg 2 .30 hrs 2012 with views of Eiger, Moensch, and Jungfrau mountains at the end
Это видео создано с помощью видеоредактора YouTube (
Fx Boss .30 mira MTC Génesis botella carbono huggett supressor
I need more cow bell !
Takes me a few to zero. Check then re-check. And then. Pow right in the kisser.
Surprise, surprise, surprise. Should of had another camera on that !!!!
Read the full article on at the following link: Field Testing ... Unlisted Slow-Motion Footage: Blog Post on this Video: Blog P... FX Boss .30 CRUSHING Pest Birds (when I didn't miss) FX Boss .30 CRUSHING Pest Birds (when I didn't miss)
Прохождение Dying Light с отличным геймплеем. Дорогие друзья, не забудьте подписаться и поставить лайк! Если понравилось видео, не забудь нажать - Наша группа Vk - ✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖ Всем привет! На Моем канале вы сможете найти много интересных и увлекательных видео в частности по игре майнкрафт и не только:) В основном я занимаюсь прохождением карт Майнкрафт, по этому прохождение карт в Minecraft - у нас частая рубрика. Так-же у меня на канале вы сможете найти Летс-плеи (Lets play, Lp) По майнкрафт с модами, выживание в майнкрафт, Голодные игры Minecraft, планируем рубрику обзоры модов для Майнкрафт. Еше я люблю различные приколы, в скором времени есть цель записать прикольные видео по Майнкрафте и другим играм. По этому если тебе понравится какая-то карта в Minecraft то поставь этому видео лайк и подпишись на мой канал, тебя ждем море интересного, позновательного и увлекательного Видео. И все это только в FullHD качестве!
Full PS Drag Mods Fully port matched Crisp even at break in settings
hey aca nuevo video, disfrutalo y comparte para que mas gente se divierta :3
Testing the rumor that North Korean soldiers' clothing could stop .30 carbine bullets. Winter clothing and Level IIA body armor is placed at 75 yards and backed by clay to simulate a soldier's body. It is then shot with a .30 carbine rifle loaded with Prvi Partizan 110 gr FMJ to determine whether the clothing could actually stop .30 carbine. Big thanks to Oheeeoh for the ammo, rifle, transportation, shooting... Okay, pretty much all I did was freeze some rags. Looks like The Box O' Truth did a similar test with similar results:
Check out our friends at Tradiciones De Mi Pueblo for Authentic Peruvian Cuisine. Located in historic downtown Plainfield NJ . Best Food , Great Price!
Facebook: TURN ANNOTATIONS ON Alright, let the struggle begin. Not only could Tactibeard not manage to load his rifle, he couldn't hit the blood bag! I hope you do enjoy the fail and let us know how you feel about it! -uploaded in HD at
Shooting AR 15 223 with a Yankee Hill Machine Company Phantom SS QD. Makes it very fun to shot. Minaska Outdoors is a FFL/SOT and has the best pricing around.
Yes we did actually get shot, it was pretty crazy and fun. Quick but fun shotgun battle. M3 Shorty vs M3 Police. Airsoft at the Construction Site Part 3. 1 of over 400 airsoft war games videos at Filmed by the No1 YouTube video maker in Scotland, over 120 MILLION hits. Sco... Airsoft Combat Sports. 2 clips from random games we played a week ago. Airsoft Skirmish. THE BEST. This is a fun game go to unit Airsoft in winder ga. Gun cam view of the NATO Forces team attempting to capture and extract a vip safely from the Russian National Liberation Front team. All of our good guns where broken(aeg's) so in these videos we are using our pistols! telford airsoft team exercise. clips from an interdiction match. ohyeah. ai Airsoft War .30 CAL M249 L96 JG G36C Scotland Airsoft War .30 CAL M249 L96 JG G36C Scotland
1 of over 400 airsoft war games videos at Filmed by the No1 YouTube video maker in Scotland, over 120 MILLION hits. Sco... Airsoft Wars .30 CAL, M4, M16, L85... AIRSOFT GRENADE BLOWS UP IN MY FRICKIN FACE!!! 1 of over 400 airsoft war games videos at Filmed by the No1 YouTube video maker in Scotland, over 120 MILLION hits. Sco... Airsoft Wars .30... awesome music. Created on March 30, 2009 using flipshare. 1 v 1 skirmish. Ryan and Dom Vs Alex, Matt N, and Matt R. 1 of almost 500 airsoft games videos at Filmed by the No1 YouTube video maker in Scotland, over 130... 1 of over 400 airsoft war games videos at Filmed by the No1 YouTube video maker in Scotland, over 120 MILLION hits. Sco... SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE March 24, 2012 WWII Field. Airsoft War M16, M4, G3/SG1 .30 Cal Browning Section8 Scotland Airsoft War M16, M4, G3/SG1 .30 Cal Browning Section8 Scotland
First time plinking with my FX Indy .30
Matchday 30 ... Manchester City 30 +34 61 3. Arsenal 30 +27 60 4. Manchester United 30 +25 59 5 ... Everton 30 ...
Goal 2015-03-22Matchday 30 ... Manchester City 30 +34 61 3. Arsenal 30 +27 60 4. Manchester United 30 +25 59 5 ... Everton 30 ...
Goal 2015-03-2210.30 ... CSI Christ Church, 1558, Trichy Road, 6.30 ... Enviro Meet, Hotel Tamil Nadu, 5.30 ... Graduation Day, 9.30
The Hindu 2015-03-22Bundesliga Bayern Munich’s 8-0 thrashing of Hamburg their biggest win in over 30 years From the web ... Matchday 30.
Goal 2015-03-22Matchday 30 ... Manchester City FC 30 61 3. Arsenal FC 30 60 4. Manchester United FC 30 59 5 ... FC 30 54 6.
Goal 2015-03-226:30 PM to 8:30 ... 6:30 PM to 8:30 ... 6:30 PM to 8:30 ... 6:30 PM to 8:30 ... 6:30
noodls 2015-03-22Matchday 30 ... Manchester City FC 30 61 3. Arsenal FC 30 60 4. Manchester United FC 30 59 5 ... FC 30 54 6.
Goal 2015-03-22Matchday 30 ... Manchester City FC 30 61 3. Arsenal FC 30 60 4. Manchester United FC 30 59 5 ... FC 30 54 6.
Goal 2015-03-22Matchday 30 ... Manchester City FC 30 61 3. Arsenal FC 30 60 4. Manchester United FC 30 59 5 ... FC 30 54 6.
Goal 2015-03-22Matchday 30 ... Manchester City FC 30 61 3. Arsenal FC 30 60 4. Manchester United FC 30 59 5 ... FC 30 54 6.
Goal 2015-03-22Matchday 30 ... Manchester City FC 30 61 3. Arsenal FC 30 60 4. Manchester United FC 30 59 5 ... FC 30 54 6.
Goal 2015-03-22Matchday 30 ... 13:30 ... Manchester City FC 30 61 3. Arsenal FC 30 60 4 ... Southampton FC 30 53 7 ... FC 30 53 8.
Goal 2015-03-22Matchday 30 ... 13:30 ... Manchester City FC 30 61 3. Arsenal FC 30 60 4 ... Southampton FC 30 53 7 ... FC 30 53 8.
Goal 2015-03-22Year 30 (XXX) was a common year starting on Sunday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Vinicius and Longinus (or, less frequently, year 783 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 30 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.
Lights out girl I'm coming in
I can't talk but I can sing to you
So paralysed and moving
I can tell I'm falling behind
Come on
Are you ready now
Hey girl I'm coming in
Take back my everything now
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I'm stuck here inside the wheel
Turning around turning around
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I'm stuck here inside the wheel
Turning around turning around
I'll make me believe
I'll make me believe
I'll make me believe
I'll make me believe
I'll make me bleed
I'll make me bleed
I'll make me bleed
I'll make me bleed
What the fuck!
Are you ready now
Hey girl I'm coming in
Take back your everything now
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I'm stuck here inside the wheel
Turning around turning around
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah Yeah
I'm stuck here inside the wheel
Turning around turning around
Are you ready now
Hey girl I'm coming in
Take back my everything now
Take take take take take
Are you ready now
Hey girl I'm coming in
Take take take take take
Do you know the feeling
When you wake up find your way to the bathroom
Stare at yourself from eye to eye
Feeling relieved the innocence is still there
Time to turn over baby
Time to turn loose
No limits no lines
That's yesterdays news got a rhythm in my rhyme
Still shootimg up so high
Got a ritual crime but I ain't no slave of time
It's just like waking up from the strangest dream
All the sudden
All the people at your own age
Are gone got fat familiazed and wrecked
You're like the last of the lost boys of neverever land
That's it
Time to turn over baby time to turn loose
No limits no lines
That's yesterdays news got a rhythm in my rhyme
Still shooting up so high
Got a ritual crime but I ain't no slave of time
Over my body the shadows played
It wasn't night and it wasn't day
Counting something what have I found
Thirty diamonds in my hand
Thirty miles
The world unfolds
Thirty miles
A pot of gold
I often think of America
I often dream of shooting a gun
Thirty years I'm still a child
Looking for something in a smile
Thirty miles
The world unfolds
Thirty miles
A pot of gold
Listen here in my song
Thirty miles won't be long
Thirty diamonds
Birds of fire
Sparkle like the summer sky
Thirty diamonds
Thirty miles
Looking for something in your smile
I'm looking for something in your smile
I'm looking for something
Aturdido y abrumado por la duda de los celos
se ve triste en la cantina a un bohemio ya sin fe
con los nervios destrozados y llorando sin remedio
como un loco atormentado por la ingrata que se fue
Se ve siempre acompañado del mejor de los amigos
que le acompaña y le dice ya esta bueno de licor
nada remedias con llanto, nada remedias con vino
al contrario la recuerda mucho más tu corazón
Una noche como un loco mordió una copa de vino
y el hizo un cortante filo que su boca destrozo
y la sangre que brotaba confundiéndose con el vino
en la cantina este grito a todos estremeció
No te apures compañero si me destrozo la boca
no te apures, que es que quiero con el filo de esta copa
borrar la huella de un beso, traicionero que me dio
Mozo sirva me la copa rota
sírvame que me destroza
esta fiebre de obsesión
Mozo sirva me la copa rota
quiero sangrar gota a gota
el veneno de su amor
Mozo sirva me la copa rota
sírvame que me destroza
esta fiebre de obsesión
Mozo sirva me la copa rota
quiero sangrar gota a gota
el veneno de su amor...
Sent ya bitch a dick pic and now she need glasses
Turn a bitch slick rick now if I flashed it
Ate a couple pills took the bud out the plastic
Flicking cigarette ashes bitch I stay blasted
Microphone Cassius
Magic with the sick shit
Said I post to been dead
But bitch I'm still up in this bitch
Verbal herbal poison
Words I cortisone
Fucked pregnant bitch
Save money on her abortion
I feel like Billy Corgan
In a church playing the organ
Covering too short
Smoking a Newport
Hurt hoping drugs a help the pain a go away
And all these thoughts in my head made the sane go astray
Step inside a mind
That revolves around the rhyme
And he close his eyes see visions of white lines
Dying in the arms of a blond blue eyed 20 something
Don't know her name now the paramedics chest pu
30 something black male OD'ed off pills that he wasn't prescribed
But they took his life
Let behind a daughter that doesn't really even know him
Because her momma thought he wouldn't make a living off them poems
But it was a long journey on a rocky road
Had a hoody and a jacket on the bus in snow
Walking in the cold on the way to the studio
Smoking on a loosey that was just a couple yrs ago
Dropped a couple free mixtapes on the net
And niggas tried to front like it wasn't all that
But guess what bitch I'm coming back
Guess what bitch I'm coming back
Signed to fools gold and everything's all gnarly
Bitches want my number just to get up in party
Came along way from extension cords in the window
Borrowing neighbors power just to plug up the Nintendo
Where the ovens never closed and stoves never off
Every winter so cold niggas sleeping scarves
But I would always tell myself that this shit of get better
You know who you is you the greatest rapper ever
So now the pressures on em to prove that voice right
Some people never know they goals he know his whole life
So now his turn up fixing up to bat
Pitching singles to the label when I use to pitch crack
Never learned to rap I just always knew how
So ever since 8 I knew what I would now
When I turned 28 they like what u gone do now
And now a nigga 30 I don't u heard me
So the last ten years I been so fucking stressed
Tears in my eyes let me get this off my chest
The thought of no success it got me chasing death
Doing all these drugs in hopes of OD'ing next
It's alright i forgive you,
I couldn't be mad anyways.
It's alright there's no problem,
You like him, that's A-okay.
It's alright, i'll go away now.
I can take a hint.
It's funny how this world don't see,
You and me together.
It's funny how anyone can see this,
Except you and sometimes, me.
It's alright there's no problem.
I'll get over you eventually.
There's just one thing i gotta ask you tho,
How can i get over a goddess like you?
It's funny how this world don't see,
You and me together.
It's funny how you just don't see,
You don't see how much i care.
It's alright that you don't see,
This smile that i'm faking.
It's alright i'll go away now,
Well, we never had the time to plan our life past 30
We were bullet proof, through the roof, nothing could ever hurt it
Never gave a damn about the other side of the hill
Nothing could stop us, nothing ever will
And when we hit the stage, Lord you'd never know
30 came and went a long time a go
We rocked the 80's like we thought they would never end
We can still bring the house down like we did way back when
We can cuss, we can fight, we can go all night
Still tear it up even though
30 came and went a long, long time ago
We were 25, so alive, nothing but the road on our minds
It was a rocked out, knocked out, sold out show every time - know that
We were jukebox dreaming and that life we make our stand
Burning through the night, headed for the promise land - you know where that is
Well we must've lost track of time cause we didn't know
30 came and went a long time ago
We rocked the 80's like we thought they would never end
We can still bring the house down like we did way back when
We can cuss, we can fight, we can go all night
Still tear it up even though
30 came and went a long, long time ago
We rocked the 80's like we thought they would never end
We can still bring the house down like we did way back when
We can cuss, we can fight, we can go all night
Still tear it up even though
30 came and went a long, long time ago
We can cuss, we can fight, we can go all night
With the help of pharmaceuticals
30 came and went a long, long time ago