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DescrI due marescialli è un film del 1961 diretto da Sergio Corbucci e interpretato da Totò e Vittorio De Sica. In un ruolo secondario si evidenzia anche un brillante Gianni Agus. Classico...
Alberto Sordi, in una sua intervista, parla di Vittorio De Sica Visita il nostro Sito Ufficiale:
Parte finale.
regìa LUIGI COMENCINI - Pane amore e ....... fantasia (1954)
Hailed around the world as one of the greatest movies ever made, Vittorio De Sica's Academy Award--winning Bicycle Thieves (Ladri di biciclette) defined an e...
Regia di Giorgio Bianchi. Con Antonio Cifariello, Vittorio De Sica, Elke Sommer, Mario Carotenuto, Silvia Pinal, Marco Tulli, Raffaele Pisu, Alberto Talegall...
Le Mille facce di Vittorio De Sica, un Grande Regista che ha fatto Onore all'Italia: Quattro Volte Premio Oscar.
THE MONTE CARLO STORY (1956) starring Marlene Dietrich, Vittorio De Sica and Arthur O'Connell; original screenplay by Samuel A. Taylor, Marcello Girosi and D...
Il film è articolato in 3 episodi, ambientati nelle 3 città italiane più grandi (Napoli, Roma e Milano) tutti interpretati dalla coppia Sophia Loren - Marcello Mastroianni, diretti dal regista Vittorio De Sica, su soggetti scritti da tre grandi autori della cultura italiana.
From the film "Gli Uomini, Che Mascalzoni" ... Year: 1932.
Uno dei film più belli del grande regista De Sica. Posto questa scena perché rappresenta la mia prima (ed ahimé ) ultima apparizione cinematografica. Io sono...
Sindaco: Ma tu sai chi sono io? Mi riconosci o fingi di riconoscermi? Vigile: Dispiacente, io in servizio non riconosco nessuno....
Vittorio De Sica sings "Munasterio 'e Santa Chiara"
tańczą Sophia Loren i Vittorio De Sica w filmie "Pane, amore e... " (1955) (A boy went back to Napoli because he missed the scenery) (The native dances and t...
Il maresciallo Antonio Carotenuto (Vittorio de Sica), donnaiolo attempato dovrà adattarsi alla monotona e tranquilla vita di paese. Supportato dalla domestic...
ci ubriachiamo.
Dal Film di Alessandro Blasetti del 1951 "ALTRI TEMPI" l'arringa difensiva di Vittorio De Sica nel capitolo conclusivo "IL PROCESSO DI FRINE"
Quando a Mario viene concessa la libertà provvisoria, il suo caso viene affidato a un eccentrico principe del foro, logorroico e stravagante. Il bigamo è un ...
Vittorio De Sica - Tu, solamente tu Tu, solamente tu non ritorni più per riposar sopra il mio cuor, che sognando di te, ti vorrebbe vicino, sempre e solo per...
Terza parte della tetralogia "Pane, amore e...", preceduto da Pane, amore e fantasia e Pane, amore e gelosia e seguito da Pane, amore e Andalusia, il film po...
Il mio omaggio alla imminente fine del mondo, sottotitolato in Inglese.
L'indimenticabile grande regista Vittorio De Sica, intervistato da Radiomontecarlo nel 1972 durante le riprese del film "Lo chiameremo Andrea" con Mariangela Melato e Nino Manfredi. Una rara intervista a disposizione di tutti coloro che amano il grande cinema italiano e che hanno amato Radiomontecarlo dell'era di Noel Coutisson; quest'intervista, è tratta dalla raccolta personale di una delle grandi voci che hanno fatto la storia dell'emittente monegasca, ovvero quella di Roberto Arnaldi al quale è dedicato questo modesto canale in suo ricordo.
aka: "Anna of Brooklyn", "Fast and Sexy" starring: Vittorio De Sica, Gina Lollobrigida, Amedeo Nazzari, Peppino De Filippo, Mario Girotti (aka Terence Hill !) - "Nascita della Repubblica" - Seconda parte. «Il 2 Giugno». Sceneggiatura: Fabrizio Onofri e Vittorio De Sica. Regia di Vittorio ...
Daria Bignardi intervista Christian De Sica tra aneddoti e racconti dal suo ultimo film "Amici miei - come tutto ebbe inizio". Nel corso dell'intervista si p...
A man and his son search for a stolen bicycle vital for his job. Director: Vittorio De Sica Writers: Luigi Bartolini (novel), Cesare Zavattini,
Betamax-Rip .......... Ein junges Paar versucht in Rom eine eigene Wohnung zu finden. Die Wohnung der Schwiegereltern ist jetzt schon hoffnungslos überbelegt und die Suche nach einer neuen Unterkunft bleibt ohne Erfolg. So nutzen sie als letzten Ausweg ein italienisches Gesetz aus, das besagt, dass die Bewohner eines auf öffentlichem Boden über Nacht gebauten Hauses nicht vertrieben werden dürfen,eine sehr riskante Sache, denn nur wenn auch das Dach fertig gestellt wurde, verzichteten die Behörden am nächsten Morgen darauf, die Hütte wieder abreißen zu lassen. Der Film mündet in einen Wettlauf gegen die Zeit.
Media hora por día de arte y pensamiento por el escritor Martín Riva. Programa Creo que Martín Riva. De lunes a viernes a las 22 horas, por Personaje Cultura...
Talk show di enzo Coletta. Puntata dedicata a Vittorio De Sica, il grande nato a Sora (Fr). Tra gli ospiti Luigi Gulia, Luigi Susi, Maria Pia Colananni, Franco Pasqualini.
Gina Lollobrigida é Anna, uma mulher que volta para sua cidade de origem para rever os velhos amigos, depois de ter se realizado profissionalmente como atriz...
What is Vittorio De Sica? A documentary report all about Vittorio De Sica for the blind and visually impaired or for homework/assignment. Vittorio De Sica (7 July 1901 – 13 November 1974) was an Italian director and actor, a leading figure in the neorealist movement. Intro/Outro music: Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under CC-BY-3.0 Text derived from: Text to Speech powered by Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0: S_Kragujevic,_Vittorio_De_Sica,_1959.JPG from Vittorio_De_Sica_(1962).jpg from Vittorio_De_Sica.jpg from 220px-Vittorio_De_Sica.jpg from 200px-Vittorio_De_Sica.png from Vittorio_De_Sica.png from Darounmilione-DeSica-Almirante.png from M.Clift_V_De_Sica_Stazione_Termini_1953.jpg from Amit_Bose_-_Vittorio_De_Sica_-_Il_Tetto_-_Rome_-_1954-55.jpg from 20100616171257!Alberto_sordi_e_vittorio_de_sica_1957.jpg from
Manuel De Sica è ospite di Nicola Ferrante nello spazio Arancio di Nel cuore dei giorni e ricorda insieme a noi il padre, il grande Vittorio De Sica. Nelfilm...
regia di Giorgio Bianchi con Vittorio De Sica, Alberto Sordi, Tina Pica, Susanna Canales, Anne Vernon, Juan Calvo Commedia b/n durata 109' Produzione Italia 1957 Trama Narra le vicende di Alberto, un romano nipote di un tranviere, che ha un'edicola in via Veneto. Attratto dallo sfavillante mondo che si vede passare davanti ogni giorno, decide di tentare la scalata.
Chi era davvero Vittorio De Sica? Qual era la sua vita privata, la sua famiglia? Come preparava i suoi film? Come viveva il successo e cosa rappresentavano p...
Adriana De Mauro loves Cesar Braggi, but Cesar, honoring his father's dying wish, allows his brother, Antonio, to marry Adriana. As fate wills, Antonio dies ...
Il quartiere di Roma un po' diverso da come è oggi e la profezia del cambiamento è tutta nella canzone d'inizio cantata da Ninetto nostro. E comunque, Roma mia, sei sempre la mejo. Trastevere è un film commedia diretto da Fausto Tozzi Interpreti e personaggi Nino Manfredi: Il brigadiere Carmelo Mazzullo Rosanna Schiaffino: Caterina Peretti; Rama Vittorio Caprioli: Don Ernesto Ottavia Piccolo: Nanda Vittorio De Sica: Enrico Formichi Leopoldo Trieste: Il professore Mickey Fox: Sora Regina Milena Vukotic: Delia, la moglie del professore Gigi Ballista: Il conte Ronald K. Pennigton: Kerry, il ragazzo suicida Luigi Uzzo: Cesare Lino Coletta: Alvaro Diotallevi Don Powell: John Rossella Como: Teresa, la prostituta Fiammetta Baralla: Gigliola, la prostituta grassa Enzo Cannavale: Straccale', il vedovo della prostituta Renata Nino Musco: Il brigadiere al quale si rivolge Enrico Formichi Luigi Valanzano: Il barista Stefano Colazingari: Il figlio di Straccale' Marcella Valeri: La sorella di Sora Regina Lino Murolo: Il poliziotto Goffredo Pistoni: Sor Toto, il marito di Sora Gertrude Luciano Pigozzi: Il furibondo che scatena la lite Vittoria Di Silverio: La signora vicino al furibondo che scatena la lite Olga De Marco: Iolanda, la prostituta, figlia di Sora Gertrude Gérard Boucaron: Checco, il figlio maggiore di Sora Gertrude Alberto Ciaffone: Unknown Gina Mascetti: Sora Gertrude Bruno Ciangola: Unknown Franca Scagnetti: La moglie che cerca di calmare il marito Enrico Formichi: Il sagrestano Carlo Gaddi: Il ragazzo vicino al furibondo che scatena la lite Annarosa Garatti: La signora affacciata alla finestra con il bambino in braccio Vittorio Fanfoni: Pierre Stefano Oppedisano: Gaston Non accreditati: Leonardo Benvenuti: Il finanziere Ada Crostona: Sora Filomena Iolanda Fortini: La signora che scopre la cicoria Annunziata Fuciarelli: Una signora al funerale (dietro Luigi Uzzo) Alba Maiolini: La signora che fuma Nerina Montagnani: Sora Rosa, la mamma di Sora Gertrude
Film Schade, dass du eine Kanaille bist 1954 'Schade, dass du eine Kanaille' ist eine italienische Filmkomödie unter der Regie von Alessandro Blasetti. Schauspieler: Marcello Mastroianni: Paolo Sophia Loren: Lina Vittorio De Sica: Linas Vater Giorgio Sanna: Peppino Michael Simone: Totò Margherita Bagni: Elsa Wanda Benedetti: Valeria Maria Britneva: Englische Touristin Handlung: Der römische Taxifahrer Paolo, eine ehrliche Haut, möchte sich die erste Rate für sein neu erworbenes Fahrzeug verdienen. Zwei junge Männer in Begleitung der reizvollen Lina lassen sich an den Strand von Ostia fahren. Dort entfernen sie sich scheinbar, und Lina lockt Paolo vom Wagen weg, doch der versuchte Diebstahl scheitert. Da die Männer entwischt sind, will Paolo das Mädchen aufs Kommissariat bringen. Kurz vor dem Ziel gelingt es auch ihr zu entkommen, und Paolo möchte sie vergessen, bis sie ihm wenig später wieder über den Weg läuft. Bald macht Paolo Bekanntschaft mit Linas Familie, vorerst ohne zu durchschauen, dass sie von kleinkriminellen Fertigkeiten leben: Der vornehme Vater ist Taschendieb, die Grossmutter bemächtigt sich seines Geldbeutels und die Kinder wissen, wie man die Reifen eines Wagens entwendet. Paolo fühlt sich von der schlagfertigen und eloquenten Lina durcheinandergebracht und wird doch von Neuem von ihr angezogen. Ein Zigarettenetui mit einer Liebeswidmung von „L.“, das sie ihm schenkt, erweist sich als bei seinem Chef gestohlen. Als Linas Vater es nach einem Diebstahl eilig hat, nach Hause zu kommen, steigt er in Paolos Taxi und drängt ihn zur schnellen Fahrt, die in einen Zusammenstoss mit einem indischen Diplomaten mündet. Der leicht verletzte Paolo sieht sich mit einer Zahlungsforderung über 90.0000 Lire konfrontiert. Er gesteht Lina, die sich um seine Verletzungen kümmert, seine Liebe ein, was sie zunächst zurückweist. Plötzlich bemerkt er, dass Lina, ihr Vater und die zwei Burschen in einen Linienbus steigen und nimmt dort ebenfalls Platz. Lina macht den Lockvogel und lenkt einen Herren ab, dem ihr Vater die Brieftasche stiehlt. Paolo verhindert das Delikt und dirigiert die Familie, das Opfer und seine Ehefrau, einen mitfahrenden Polizisten und Zeugen aufs Kommissariat. Durch geschickte Taktik gelingt es Linas Vater, die Versammelten zu verwirren und Paolo, der ja dringend viel Geld braucht, als Verdächtigen hinzustellen. Der Fall löst sich in Luft auf. Lina wartet auf Paolo, fordert ihn auf, sie zu ohrfeigen, und sie beschliessen zu heiraten.
Film di Luigi Filippo D'Amico con Vittorio De Sica, Antonio Cifariello, Franco Fabrizi, Aroldo Tieri.
Il film era originariamente basato su una sceneggiatura intitolata "La chiromante", incentrata completamente sul personaggio interpretato da Franca Valeri, e...
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Vittorio De Sica nació en Sora,7 de julio de 1901,falleciendo en Neully-sur-Seine-Francia-16 de noviembre ,1974. Actor y director fue figura clave del movimi...
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Watch the entire movie SUNFLOWER on Fandor: An Academy Award® nominee for Best Score (Henry Mancini), SUNFLOWER is a grandly emotional mel...
Eleonora Brown, l'attrice che interpretò il personaggio di Rosetta nel film "La ciociara" insieme a Sophia Loren, è ospite di Nicola Ferrante nello spazio Ar...
Woman Times Seven Vittorio De Sica 1967 Shirley MacLaine Alan Arkin.
Santosh Sivan Masterclass excerpt Subscribe: Watch the full event here: At the 2014...
Two Women is a 1960 Italian film which tells the story of a woman trying to protect her teenaged daughter from the horror of war. The film stars Sophia Loren...
Film: Indiscretion of an American Wife (1954) with Montgomery Clift and Jennifer Jones Directed by Vittorio De Sica.
Available on DVD from A heart-felt drama directed by Vittorio De Sica (Bicycle Thieves) - the filmmaking trio De Sica, Loren and Mastroianni - who remain to-date the undisputed Italian film royalty - became the most successful film team in Italy with their films bringing home Oscars and or Cannes Awards as well as fame and fortune around the world. Here, they are a the very top of their game with Loren and Mastroianni as the newly-wed lovers torn apart by War, who never give up on one another despite almost impossible odds. Mastroianni is the soldier left to die in the howling snow of Russia; and Loren his young bride who fights all the odds of post war Russia to find the man she said she would never leave! Extras include - Sophia Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Documentary (54 min); an exclusive candid personal interview with Loren with never before seen footage of Loren's life & features her family and close friends such as Woody Allen, Giorgio Armani, plus a photo Gallery from the film and documentary. Starring Sophia Loren Marcello Mastroianni Lyudmila Savelyeva Director Vittorio De Sica
a brief clip of Elke telling Joan Rivers about the haunting of her house....wish I had more of the interview but this little bit better than nothing, as very little else of her on youtube. She came here from Germany and had a successful career in Hollywood. The following curtesy of Wikipedia: She was spotted by film director Vittorio De Sica while on holiday in Italy, and started appearing in films there in the late 1950s. She quickly became a noted sex symbol and moved to Hollywood in the early 1960s. She also became one of the most popular pin-up girls of the time, and posed for several pictorials in Playboy magazine (September 1964 and December 1967). She became one of the top movie actresses of the 1960s and made 99 movie and television appearances between 1959 and 2005, including A Shot in the Dark (1964) with Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau, The Art of Love (1965) with James Garner and Dick Van Dyke, The Oscar (1966) with Stephen Boyd, Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number! (1966) with Bob Hope, the Bulldog Drummond extravaganza Deadlier Than the Male (1966), and The Wrecking Crew (1969) with Dean Martin; Sommer was the leading lady in each of these films. In 1964, she won the Golden Globe Awards as Most Promising Newcomer Actress for The Prize, a film in which she co-starred with Paul Newman and Edward G. Robinson. For more information on Elke, see Wikipedia.
Movie Trailer: Marriage Italian Style [Classic Italian Comedy by Vittorio De Sica] Watch the entire movie YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW on Fandor: Winner of the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar® at the 1964 Academy Awards. Watch the entire movie MARRIAGE ITALIAN STYLE on Fandor: One of the most famous and funniest Italian comedies of all time, MARRIAGE ITALIA. Watch the entire movie SUNFLOWER on Fandor: An Academy Award® nominee for Best Score (Henry Mancini), SUNFLOWER is a grandly emotional mel. Academy Award® Winner Sophia Loren and Academy Award® nominee Marcello Mastroianni team up in all three hilarious sexual escapades in this delightful comedy .
Rome – Italian director Vittorio De Sica’s 1971 foreign-Oscar winner “The Garden of the Finzi-Continis’” will be re-issued in a digitally restored print funded by Italian fashion ......
IMDb 2015-03-20LOS ANGELES, March 11, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- For three decades, the Cineteca di Bologna, one of Europe's most renowned archives for film restoration and preservation, organizes the summer festival, Il Cinema Ritrovato (rediscovered cinema) ... Il Cinema Ritrovato ... Marriage Italian Style (Vittoria De sica, 1964); A Fistful of Dollars (Sergio Leone, 1964); Fellini's Roma (Federico Fellini, 1972) ... Richard P ... Vittorio De Sica ... ....
PR Newswire 2015-03-11From All My Sons to The Crucible and beyond, the great playwright captured America’s financial, as well as existential, desperation. Economically modern … A View from the Bridge directed by Ivo van Hove. Photograph. Tristram Kenton. Veronica Horwell. Monday 2 March 2015 15.21 GMT Last modified on Monday 2 March 2015 15.22 GMT ... Related ... Miller knew the neorealist movies by Vittorio De Sica and Roberto Rossellini which showed just that ... ....
The Guardian 2015-03-02By Kevin Jagernauth ... 0 ... It's bit interesting to see De Sica's "Shoe Shine" trump "Bicycle Thieves" in Welles' estimation, and it's just as interesting that the notoriously incomplete "Greed" still ranks (and having seen the recent semi-restoration that made the round a few years back, the movie is great, even with chunks cut out of it) ... Vittorio De Sica) ... ....
Indiewire 2015-02-20James Bond movie Spectre suffers yet another setback in Rome http.// — IndyFilm (@TheIndyFilm) February 16, 2015. The director of the latest Bond movie, Sam Mendes, is filming in Rome. Specifically, Mendes wanted to shoot some scenes in the ancient Verano Cemetery ... The ancient Roman burial grounds also houses other notable Italians such as Vittorio De Sica and Giuseppe Ungaretti ... ....
The Inquisitr 2015-02-17Eddie Redmayne as a transgender painter, a School of Rock TV series, and a new Wes Anderson animation are all in the pipeline for the 2015 Oscar nominees. Oscars ... By Peter Yeung. 1.34PM GMT 17 Feb 2015. Comments ... Inspired by a typically esoteric source – Vittorio De Sica’s 1954 Italian film, The Gold of Naples – the director will reunite with co-writer Roman Coppola, following on from The Darjeeling Limited (2007) ... 1 ... ....
The Daily Telegraph 2015-02-17February 13th. The Bad Seed (1956) 68%. Getting the censors to sanction The Bad Seed, the story of a potentially truly evil child, was a battle for Warner Brothers. Still, it's a striking film for its time. And stick around for the credits. Nominated for ... Airing at. 8am PT, 11am ET ... Airing at ... If you've never seen it, I suspect you'll be stunned to learn the bulk of director Vittorio De Sica's cast is comprised of non- professional actors ... Jr....
Rotten Tomatoes 2015-02-14In today's roundup of news and views ... Christoph Huber tells us how he rediscovered Vittorio De Sica ... Two very fine career surveys ... ....
IMDb 2015-02-05Agata Trzebuchowska in a scene from Ida. Photograph. AP. Guy Lodge. Wednesday 4 February 2015 12.30 GMT ... Choose your own gripe ... That’s no accident ... If the portmanteau format doesn’t strike voters as too slight — it’d be the first such film to win since Vittorio De Sica’s Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 50 years ago — Argentina may well repeat its giant-killing coup of 2009, when The Secret in Their Eyes trumped A Prophet and The White Ribbon....
The Guardian 2015-02-04It's a chilly January morning in Manhattan and Elliott Erwitt, now 86, is photographing two dogs and their owner in his eighth-floor apartment overlooking Central Park ... It symbolised Nixon's pugilistic bearing for the rest of his career ... "I've been lucky," says Erwitt ... Interestingly, his greatest inspirations are Modigliani's poetic paintings and the Italian Neorealist movies of Roberto Rossellini, Vittorio De Sica and others....
The Independent 2015-02-03On the other hand, he was delighted to see that Criterion sells Vittorio De Sica’s “The Bicycle Thief” as “Bicycle Thieves,” which Östlund claims is a much better, in fact ......
IMDb 2015-01-23During her career (which spans six-and-a-half decades of her total eight - and still shows no sign of ending), she has worked with the Who's Who of the film industry and she gives insightful accounts of Ponti (who despite being two decades older became her husband), Cary Grant (who wanted to marry her), director Vittorio De Sica, Marcello ......
The Times of India 2015-01-18... Francisco, shorts in London, a Vittorio De Sica retrospective in Vienna and a documentary festival in Tokyo....
IMDb 2015-01-16Vittorio De Sica (7 July 1901 or 1902 – 13 November 1974) was an Italian director and actor, a leading figure in the neorealist movement.
Four of the films he directed won Academy Awards: Sciuscià and Ladri di biciclette were awarded honorary Oscars, while ieri, oggi, domani and Il giardino dei Finzi Contini won the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar. Indeed, the great critical success of Sciuscià (the first foreign film to be so recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) and Ladri di biciclette helped establish the permanent Best Foreign Film Oscar. These two films generally are considered part of the canon of classic cinema.Ladri di biciclette was cited by Turner Classic Movies as one of the 15 most influential films in cinema history.
Ironically, for an artist considered one of the Italian cinema's greatest and most influential directors, De Sica's sole Academy Award nomination was for acting, when he received a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nod for playing Major Rinaldi in American director Charles Vidor's 1957 adaptation of Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, a movie that was panned by critics and proved a box office flop. De Sica's acting was considered the highlight of the film.