Coordinates: 36°5′57″N 43°19′39″E / 36.09917°N 43.3275°E / 36.09917; 43.3275 Nimrud is an ancient Assyrian city located south on the river Tigris in modern Iraq. In ancient times the city was called Kalhu. The Arabs called the city Nimrud after the Biblical Nimrod, a legendary hunting hero (cf. Genesis 10:11-12, Micah 5:6, and 1Chronicles 1:10).
The city covered an area of around 16 square miles (41 km2). Ruins of the city are found in modern day Iraq, some 30 kilometres (19 mi) southeast of Mosul. The ruins are located in the District of Al Hamdaniya, within 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) of the village of Noomanea. Nimrud has been suggested as the site of the biblical city of Calah or Kalakh.
Assyrian king Shalmaneser I made Nimrud, which existed for about a thousand years, the capital in the 13th century BC. The city gained fame when king Ashurnasirpal II of Assyria (c. 880 BC) made it his capital. He built a large palace and temples on the site of an earlier city that had long fallen into ruins.
Ashur-nasir-pal II (transliteration: Aššur-nāṣir-apli, meaning "Ashur is guardian of the heir") was king of Assyria from 883 to 859 BC.
Ashurnasirpal II succeeded his father, Tukulti-Ninurta II, in 883 BC. During his reign he embarked on a vast program of expansion, first conquering the peoples to the north in Asia Minor as far as Nairi and exacting tribute from Phrygia, then invading Aram (modern Syria) conquering the Aramaeans and neo Hittites between the Khabur and the Euphrates Rivers. His harshness prompted a revolt that he crushed decisively in a pitched, two-day battle. According to his monument inscription while recalling this massacre he says "their men young and old I took prisoners. Of some I cut off their feet and hands; of others I cut off the ears noses and lips; of the young men's ears I made a heap; of the old men's heads I made a marinet. I exposed their heads as a trophy in front of their city. The male children and the female children I burned in flames; the city I destroyed, and consumed with fire." Following this victory, he advanced without opposition as far as the Mediterranean and exacted tribute from Phoenicia. On his return back home he moved his capital to the city of Kalhu (Nimrud).
Iraq's Lost Treasures (the treasure of Nimrud)
“ISIL terrorists bulldoze ancient city of Nimrud near Mosul”
Archaelogical site of Nimrud before destruction
ISIS militants bulldoze ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud, destroy priceless historical artifacts
Iraque: Cidade arqueológica de Nimrud destruída pelo grupo Estado Islâmico
Irak : le site archéologique de Nimrud détruit par l'EI
ISIS Bulldoze Ancient Nimrud City in Iraq!
The Treasure of Nimrud - Part 1 / 3
The Treasure of Nimrud - Part 2 / 3
The Treasure of Nimrud - Part 3 / 3
L'Isis con le ruspe nell'antica Nimrud
Condenan destrozos de Estado Islámico a la ciudad antigua iraquí de Nimrud y otras noticias
Digital Reconstruction of the Northwest Palace, Nimrud, Assyria
Assyrian Nimrud Treasure
Iraq's Lost Treasures (the treasure of Nimrud)
“ISIL terrorists bulldoze ancient city of Nimrud near Mosul”
Archaelogical site of Nimrud before destruction
ISIS militants bulldoze ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud, destroy priceless historical artifacts
Iraque: Cidade arqueológica de Nimrud destruída pelo grupo Estado Islâmico
Irak : le site archéologique de Nimrud détruit par l'EI
ISIS Bulldoze Ancient Nimrud City in Iraq!
The Treasure of Nimrud - Part 1 / 3
The Treasure of Nimrud - Part 2 / 3
The Treasure of Nimrud - Part 3 / 3
L'Isis con le ruspe nell'antica Nimrud
Condenan destrozos de Estado Islámico a la ciudad antigua iraquí de Nimrud y otras noticias
Digital Reconstruction of the Northwest Palace, Nimrud, Assyria
Assyrian Nimrud Treasure
Estado Islámico destruye la ciudad asiria de Nimrud, joya arqueológica de Irak
Iraq, l’Isis saccheggia e distrugge l'antica città assira di Nimrud
ISIS bulldozes Ancient Assyrian City of Nimrud in Iraq
Iraq - The Secret of Nimrud _____ آثار عراقيه
The Legend of the Nimrud Lens
Gosub - Eyes of Nimrud
Gottland - Nimrud
Assyria: Treasures of Nimrud
Winged lion Palace of Ashurnasirpal II Nimrud Iraq Neo-Assyrian c. 883-859 BC British Museum London
British Museum Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Leones Alados de Nimrud en el British Museum
Nimrud 052
Nemrut Dagh
The Kings: From Babylon to Baghdad 1
سرقة العراق_0001.wmv
شرح أحدى المنحوتات التي وجدت في القصور الاشورية في نينوى العراق
Travel to Egypt with the Olivers | Egyptian Video & Travelogue | Egypt Nile River Cruise
Hammar Marsh and Jebel Sinam, Iraq, September 2010
Part 4 of 23, Jay Smith British Museum Tour
1920's Excavations of Ur Exhibit at University of Pennsylvania Archeology Museum
Lake Bled | The Natural Beauty Of Slovenia | Part 2 [HD]
Selorejo Dam, Between The Facility And Recreation
Precious Jewels of the Sultan Amaze Us at Topkapi Palace Treasury
Secret Treasures of Florence - History Documentary - National Geographic
Hidden treasures of the Whitsundays
Louvre Museum - Sumerian Civilization
The Ishtar Gate of Babylon at the Pergamon Museum
Pure gold dolls unvieled in Japan (Reuters)
There must be another way (Einaich)
There must be another
Must be another way
Einaich, achot
Kol ma shelibi mevakesh omrot
Avarnu ad ko
Derech aruka, derech ko kasha yad beyad
Vehadma'ot zolgot, zormot lashav
Ke'ev lelo shem
Anachnu mechakot
Rak layom sheyavo achrei
There must be another way
There must be another way
Aynaki bit'ul
Rakh yiji yom wu'kul ilkhof yizul
B'aynaki israr
Inhu ana khayar
N'kamel halmasar
Mahma tal
Li'anhu ma fi anwan wakhid l'alakhzan
B'nadi lalmada
l'sama al'anida
There must be another way
There must be another way
There must be another
Must be another way
Derech aruka na'avor
Derech ko kasha
Yachad el ha'or
Aynaki bit'ul
Kul ilkhof yizul
And when I cry, I cry for both of us
My pain has no name
And when I cry, I cry
To the merciless sky and say
There must be another way
Vehadma'ot zolgot, zormot lashav
Ke'ev lelo shem
Anachnu mechakot
Rak layom sheyavo achrei
There must be another way
There must be another way
There must be another