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An Attractive Candidate - By GOP Standards

by: deciminyan

Sun Mar 08, 2015 at 05:37:48 PM EDT

With 24 GOP U.S. Senate seats up for grabs in 2016, vs. only 10 Democratic seats, the Republicans will be scrapping for every one, hoping to retain their majority. If Senator Menendez is forced to leave prematurely, they will be no less dedicated to that 25th seat, whether it is in a special election or during the normal 2016 cycle.

There's another important factor in play here: whom Governor Christie appoints as an interim Senator until an election is held. He could appoint a placeholder, as he did when he rewarded loyalist Jeff Chiesa after the death of Senator Lautenberg, or he could appoint a person who would stand for election for the remainder of Menendez's term.

What are the characteristics of the man or woman the GOP would like to see fill that seat?

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Thoughts on a successor to Sen. Menendez were he to leave office soon

by: Bill Orr

Sun Mar 08, 2015 at 11:57:08 AM EDT

Following news of a possible indictment, questions arise regarding the ramifications of Sen. Bob Menendez relinquishing his job soon. So far it's only a possibility, and Menendez says he is not about to leave. Many people would regret losing his voice on immigration reform, but not so much on Iran, Cuba or some other matters. Nonetheless, he has been a reliable voter on the moderate to progressive wing of the Democratic party, and in most cases he and his NJ counterparts (Sen. Lautenberg and Sen Booker) have voted in tandem. Now we face the possibility of a new senator who might be neither a Democrat nor even moderate. Our last elected Republican senator was Clifford Case who left office 35 years ago and was succeeded by Bill Bradley.      

The first step would belong to Gov. Christie who would appoint a temporary senator. The last temporary senator he appointed was the respected but close confidante Jeff Chiesa following the death of Sen. Frank Lautenberg. Christie might like to appoint another close confidante, but many of them could be tainted as part of the governor's poor performance or even under investigation - all of which reduces their likelihood of winning in a later special election. A well respected Republican with no close working ties to Christie might have the best chance of holding on to the seat.

Christie however has not shown much concern for the role of N. J. senators. He appointed Chiesa not caring that Chiesa would not run in a special election, thus strengthening the possibility that a Democrat would recapture the seat, which is what happened with Senator Cory Booker's victory.

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Weekend News Roundup & Open Thread for March 7-8, 2015

by: Rosi Efthim

Sun Mar 08, 2015 at 09:51:43 AM EDT

Municipalities with trouble

  • Courier Post: Take the poverty of a row house's owner, add years of municipal neglect and you get the case study of 1510 Louis St. in Camden, the only building knocked down so far out of 593 earmarked for planned demolition by the administration of Mayor Dana L. Redd; $106,693.55 in liens for city & county taxes and bills, on a piece of land valued at $5,400.

  • "The fires are just as hot in Newfield as they are in Atlantic City." - Newfield Fire Company shuts down over borough dispute.

    All things Christie

  • Moran: From Christie to ExxonMobil, with love.

  • After ExxonMobil settlement,Christie heads to Iowa to argue against tougher water pollution regulations.
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    Dismantling the EPA

    by: deciminyan

    Sat Mar 07, 2015 at 02:40:00 PM EST

    Chris Christie has been a disaster for New Jersey's environment. From his pull out from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative to his stacking the Pinelands and Highlands Commissions with his proles, Christie has been a friend of polluters, not people. Here he is in Iowa, bragging about his dismal record.

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    Lessons not learned: Sen. Menendez and NJ Politicians Breaking Badly

    by: Bill Orr

    Sat Mar 07, 2015 at 11:46:32 AM EST

    It is too early to determine the fate of U. S. Senator Bob Menendez who CNN reported will be indicted on charges related to favors he provided to his largest campaign contributor, Dr. Salomon Melgen. Sen. Menendez has responded, "Let me be very clear - very clear. I have always conducted myself appropriately and in accordance with the law... I am not going anywhere." Whether these known favors involve only bending the rules or actually breaking the rules is not yet established. Nonetheless, his actions appear far less ethical than what we should expect.

    Unfortunately, this news about a New Jersey U. S. Senator is all too familiar as he would be the fourth in a generation to run afoul of the law. Similarly New Jersey congressmen have created their own problems. Hudson County, the political base of Sen. Menendez, has had its share of politicians breaking badly. Now our governor is under federal investigation with an uncertain future. Recent NJ history has provided plenty of warnings about the dangers of bending and breaking rules - warnings which all too frequently have not been heeded.  

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    Menendez: I am not going anywhere.

    by: Rosi Efthim

    Fri Mar 06, 2015 at 08:15:00 PM EST

    Senator Menendez delivered short remarks a few minutes after 7:30pm, followed by the same statement in Spanish. He took no questions. Text is on the jump page. Watch:

    Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

    Text of Menendez' statement is on the jump page.

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    BREAKING: Feds prepare criminal corruption charges against Senator Bob Menendez

    by: Rosi Efthim

    Fri Mar 06, 2015 at 02:44:26 PM EST

    UPDATE#3: Menendez to address media 7pm tonight.

    UPDATE#2: CNBC: Melgen is Medicare's highest paid doctor in the country.

    UPDATE: Brief statement from Menendez' office, below.

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    News Roundup & Open Thread for Friday, March 6, 2015

    by: Rosi Efthim

    Fri Mar 06, 2015 at 10:37:04 AM EST

    Sorry for the late roundup this AM, people. Flu is kicking my ass today - Rosi.

    Christie tries to govsplain his sketchy Exxon decision

  • Blah blah blah somebody else's fault blah blah blah.

  • Meanwhile, Christie's chief counsel, who he administration inserted into the process, had a stake in Exxon Mobil. Of course.

  • Don't be shocked at this story suggesting Christie's office was often hands on in civil cases like this.

  • Eustace: It's time to elect New Jersey's attorneys general.

    Flemington's white heritage flap ends with an apology

  • Nice, though it looks to me like somebody has somebody else in a Vulcan Death Grip.

    Loretta Weinberg

  • Weinberg at the White House working with other Dem legislators on a progressive alternative to ALEC.
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    Christie tries to govsplain developing Exxon scandal, goes after Campbell

    by: Rosi Efthim

    Thu Mar 05, 2015 at 03:44:46 PM EST

    When Gov. Christie's back is to the wall because of problems/issues/mistakes/scandals/random crap that arises on his watch - or due to his own direct policy and decisions, Christie reverts to type. He blames others, and by name to avoid dirt sticking to him. Where, frankly, it often belongs.

    And so it is that we get Christie's statement of today as the Exxon Mobil controversy reaches critical mass and national news. This is Chris Christie trying to govsplain away what he just got caught doing, by trying to throw Bradley Campbell - who was commissioner of NJ DEP when the Exxon lawsuits were filed and wrote this in the N Y Times yesterday - under the bus.

    Hat/tip Kevin Riordan of the Philadelphia Inquire. Try to contain your lunch:  

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    ICYMI, Watch: The Other PARCC

    by: Rosi Efthim

    Thu Mar 05, 2015 at 12:28:05 PM EST

    I've been in a flu fog for days, so somehow forgot to post this when it came out a few days ago. It's local, it's Jersey, and whether you have kids in NJ public schools or not, it's worth your watching. It's where your money's going, in many cases it's why your neighbors are aggravated.

    Also read this slammin' letter published both in the essential source for coverage of what's happening to Newark schools, Bob Braun's Ledger, and also in Huffington Post. It is titled PARCC is 30 Days of Destruction, and it's signed by 35 teachers at Newark's Science Park High School, consistently rated one of the top public schools in NJ and the nation.

    This is what's going on:

    The Other PARCC - Parents Advocating Refusal on High-Stakes Testing from nLightn Media on Vimeo.

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