3 Buns in Under 5 Minutes
NO HEAT HAIRSTYLES: 4 Easy Messy Buns!| HauteBrilliance
Lace Braided {Sophia Lucia} Bun | Updo Hairstyles
8 Minute Buns
How To Make A Perfect Ballet Bun
The Messiest of Buns Tutorial
Easy messy buns for long hair
Perfect Messy Buns Hair Tutorial
Wie man Hamburger Buns ganz einfach selber macht
3 Messy Buns in Under a Minute!
Steak 'N Cheese Buns - Handle It
Hot Buns™ hair accessories how-to | Top TV Stuff
Eggless Ladi Pav Bread Buns Recipe - Feather Soft | Pav Bhaji, Vada Pav, Dabeli.. Eggless Baking
Dog Endz is a coming of age online drama by young dynamic writers Michael Kyei and Adrian Scott set in a south east London council estate, in a world of postcode gangs and their dangerous dogs. When Corey, an awkward loser, saves puppy Ghost from being drowned he has little knowledge of the journey that he is about to take. Standing up to the Neighborhood Watch and their urban terriers, Cory finds he has a talent as a dog whisperer. And when Hannah, his heart's desire, sides with him to start their own dog show on the estate, he becomes the local hero, even with the gang.
Jonathan Hemlock is an art history professor and collector who finances his hobby by performing the odd sanction (assassination) for an obscure government bureau. He is forced to take a case where he must find out which of the members of a mountain climbing team is the Russian killer he has been given as a target by joining an expedition to climb the treacherous Eiger.
Keywords: .38-snubnose-revolver, action-hero, african-american, airport, albino, alps, ambush, art, art-teacher, assassination
HIS LIFELINE - held by the assassin he hunted.
EASTWOOD is the man . . Eiger is the location . . and the sanction - is a licence to kill!
Revenge atop a Swiss Mountain... one of his team is a killer but who?
Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: You still here?::Pope: Now really, you don't expect me to just walk out that door, do you, sweetheart?::Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Door or window, it's your choice.
[Hemlock throws Pope out of his office]::Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Don't for get your trench coat. How's anybody gonna recognize you without your disguise?
Miss Cerberus: I was expecting you before this. Mr. Dragon does not like to be kept waiting.::Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Oh, the impatient albino.::Miss Cerberus: I don't think Mr. Dragon's affliction is a joking matter.::Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: I thought it was rather humorous, myself. A spy network being run by a bloodless freak who can't stand light or cold.::Miss Cerberus: Or germs. Are you healthy?::Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Should I turn my head and cough?::Miss Cerberus: No known infections?::Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Nothing other than the usual, syphilis, running sores, and the clap.
Jonathan Hemlock: However you never know. Sometimes people do things they thought they'd never do again. Like rape, for instance. Yeah I thought I'd given up rape but I've changed my mind.
[Referring to Hemlock's written assessment]::Jemima Brown: Crap?::Jonathan Hemlock: Excuse me? You did just start this conversation off by saying crap didn't you?
Jonathan Hemlock: I can't believe that you're a stewardess.::Jemima Brown: Actually I'm not, I'm a skyjacker in a drag.::Jonathan Hemlock: Oh, that's reassuring, just give your name and I report you to the proper authorities when we land.::Jemima Brown: Jemima::Jonathan Hemlock: And I'm Uncle Ben...::Jemima Brown: I'm serious, that's really my name... Jemima Brown, my mother was hooked on being ethnic.::Jonathan Hemlock: Or else turned on by a pancake. As long as we both agree that it's to much for a black chick to have the name of Jemima.::Jemima Brown: Well I don't know, I mean people don't forget you when you name is Jemima.::Jemima Brown: I don't think people would forget you if your name was Alfred.
Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: It's dangerous, child, to come to conclusions when you don't have any facts. Now let me lay some on you. Sure Dragon knows what he's doing, just like he knew what he was doing when he worked for the Nazis during World War II.::Jemima Brown: What?::Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Oh, you didn't know that, did you? Yes your "wrap him up in red, white, and blue" Mr. Dragon's a goddamn Hessian, that's what he is. And he'd sell out the other side as fast as he'd sell out our side. And he'd sell out his mother, too, if the bloodless freak had one.
Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: You think it's so awful the other side has a germ formula? It's against the Geneva Convention, isn't it, and they stole it from us. Well what the hell are we doing with it in the first place? We're not supposed to have one either.::Jemima Brown: And you don't see any difference between their side and our side?::Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Yeah, I see a difference. But as long as we have Dragon and Pope working for us, how bad can the other side be?
Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: You betrayed the both of us in Asia, and we lived, no thanks to you. Now you people have killed Henri in Zurich.::Miles Mellough: I didn't actually kill him, you know.::Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Well I probably won't *actually* kill you.::Miles Mellough: That's very little comfort.
[Hemlock strands Mellough in the middle of the desert]::Miles Mellough: Jonathan, you're not going to leave me out here? Oh, Jonathan, for chrissakes, kill me but don't leave me here!
3 Buns in Under 5 Minutes
NO HEAT HAIRSTYLES: 4 Easy Messy Buns!| HauteBrilliance
Lace Braided {Sophia Lucia} Bun | Updo Hairstyles
8 Minute Buns
How To Make A Perfect Ballet Bun
The Messiest of Buns Tutorial
Easy messy buns for long hair
Perfect Messy Buns Hair Tutorial
Wie man Hamburger Buns ganz einfach selber macht
3 Messy Buns in Under a Minute!
Steak 'N Cheese Buns - Handle It
Hot Buns™ hair accessories how-to | Top TV Stuff
Eggless Ladi Pav Bread Buns Recipe - Feather Soft | Pav Bhaji, Vada Pav, Dabeli.. Eggless Baking
Chinese Pork Buns Recipe / 豬肉白菜包子
Change The Way You Look At Buns In 90 Seconds
Hot Cross Buns Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics - Cartoon Animation Rhymes & Songs for Children
Messy Buns For Short Hair ❤︎
Hips, Buns, and Thighs
How To: Messy Bun | Zoella
Mini Buns Hair Tutorial (Cute + Easy)
Chinese Bread Buns / Mantou 馒头
How to Make Steamed Chinese Meat Buns (Baozi) 包子
A bun is a small, usually sweet, bread. Commonly they are hand-sized or smaller, domed in shape, with a flat bottom. A bun can also be a savory bread roll similar to a bap or barmcake.
Basic buns are usually made using flour, sugar, milk, yeast, cardamom, and butter. Sometimes they contain sultanas and currants as well, and the iced bun is topped with an icing and sometimes filled with jam. Other fillings do occur. Varieties of buns do exist, such as round sticky buns, currant buns or iced buns.
"Bun" may also refer to a kind of filled dumpling, as Chinese baozi and the Lutonian Halapchi.
A bun can be long and skinny, short and round, and come in many different shapes and sizes.
In North England and Ireland, a bun is also a name given to small cakes, e.g. sponge buns, currant buns and butterfly buns.
Long hair is a hairstyle. Exactly what constitutes long hair can change from culture to culture, or even within cultures. For example, a woman with chin-length hair in some cultures may be said to have short hair, while a man with the same length of hair in some of the same cultures would be said to have long hair.
Scientists view long hair as playing a large part in natural selection among many species, since long, thick and healthy hair or fur is frequently a sign of fertility and youth. As hair grows slowly, long hair reveals several years of a person's health status and reproductive fitness. Hair length is significantly correlated with female attractiveness, as rated by men as well as women. Hair length and quality can act as a cue to especially a woman's youth and health, signifying reproductive potential. The prevalence of trichophilia (hair partialism or fetischism) is 7% in the population, and very long hair is a common subject of devotion in this group.
Ways of life often viewed as more rigid, such as soldiers and religious cultures, often have explicit rules regarding hair length. For example, Buddhist monks shave their heads as part of their order of worship. Even outside religious structures, cultures often associate male long hair with ways of life outside of what is culturally accepted. Subservient cultures, for example, are sometimes detected by their rulers through hair length, as was the case with the Gaelic Irish under English rule and the Moors under Spanish rule in Medieval Spain.
Vs 1:
It really hurts to say this, yes it does.
But after a while sweet love just ain't enough.
So many settle for less just because.
Maybe I'm more in love with what it was.
But wat gets so confusing baby, You and Me.
It's been so much confusion lately.
You couldn't see that you were losing me.
Well, I'm alone now, but I ain't lonely.
I'm on my own now, but I ain't the only.
Honestly, I'm fine,
I'll take this time to concentrate on me.
And I got possibility to keep me company.
Won't you just assume he doesn't care.
To internalize it all just isn't fair.
So I address the problem so that he's aware.
But I still feel all alone even when he's there.
Maybe we can fix it baby, I know we can.
If I make you miss it baby, Then maybe you'll understand.
(feat. Luther Vandross)
The closer i get to you
The more you make me see
By giving me all you got (tell me more)
Your love has captured me
Over and over again
I tried to tell myself that we
Could never be more than friends
But all the while, inside , i knew it was real
The way you make me feel
Lyin' here next to you
Time just seems to fly
Needing you more and more (more and more)
Let's give love a try
Sweeter and sweeter love grows
And heaven's there for those
Who fool the tricks of time
With hearts of love we'll find
True love in a special way
Come a little closer so that we can see
Into the eyes of love
Just a little closer let me speak to you
I want to softly tell you something
Come a little closer let me whisper in your ear
Cuz i wanna tell you something
Move on in real close so we can celebrate
In December
Every sign has it's own mode
I was in love with a Sagittarius
See the emotions he put me through
From Capricorns to Aquarius
They all got their different minds
The affection of a Virgo
Which sign matches good with mine?
I was in love with a Sagittarius
He blew my mind
He also had a flip side
Too much like a Gemini
He was freaky like a Taurus
The way he handled me, yeah
Flirtatious like an Aries
Which sign is best for me?
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, oh
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
I love all y'all
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, oh
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
I love all y'all
I wish he was a Virgo
The same sign as me
And know how to show me love
'Cause I've been hurt by a Pisces
I wish he was a Virgo
The same sign as me
And know how to show me love
'Cause I've been hurt by a Pisces
I want him sexy like a Scorpio
The way he holds me close, yeah
Sensitive as a Cancer
Every sign from coast to coast
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, oh
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
I love all y'all
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, oh
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
I love all y'all
I can't explain why I love him
Bossy like Leo's do
Got game like an Aquarius
Switch moves after he been with you
Fun like a Libra
He stays on my mind
He's so unpredictable
He reminds me of every sign
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, oh
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
I love all y'all
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, oh
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
I love all y'all
Every sign from the first to the last
Everyday of the month has its good and its bad
I love you all, all 12 signs
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, oh
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, oh
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, oh
Every one of these signs you know
You blowing me away
No matter when you?re born
For sure with me, you okay
I love every one of y?all
No matter what sign you are
January to December
Here?s my open arms
I was in love with a Sagittarius
I was in love with a Sagittarius
I was in love with a Sagittarius
I was in love with a Sagittarius
He is always laughin' and flirting with me
And you act like you don't even care
As a matter of fact you've been real distance lately
Actin' like I'm not even there
He says that you don't deserve a girl like me
I'm startin' to think that he's right
Baby, if you let him take me from you
I guess I finally see
If you let him take me from you
You never wanted me
If this happen
Then it proves that your was never true
If you let him take me from you, baby
If you let him take me from you
Why is that, when we go out
Out together as one big crew
I tried to chill with you, dance or whatever
And your homeboy is more interested than you
He pays more attention to me than you lately
I'm tended to pay attention too
Baby, if you let him take me from you
I guess I finally see
If you let him take me from you
You never wanted me
If this happen
Then it proves that your was never true
If you let him take me from you, baby
If you let him take me from you
Boy, when I tried to show some affection to you
You act like you got better things to do
You want some lovin' that's when it's cool
But, baby boy, I'm not a fool
Baby, if you let him take me from you
I guess I finally see
If you let him take me from you
You never wanted me
(Wanted me)
If this happen, then it proves that your was never true
(No, no, no, how could you let him take your woman)
If you let him take me from you, baby
If you let him take me from you
(How you gonna let him take me from you)
If you let him take me from you
I guess I finally see
If you let him take me from you
No, no, you never wanted me
If this happen, then it proves that your was never true
(Just, let me go, let me go, just let me know)
If you let him take me from you, baby
If you let him take me from you
If you let him take me from you
To be or not to be, not!
Hold up, bring the beat back
Stop! I ain’t ready yet
Wait! Let me fix my hair, yes, yes
Yes ma'am, yes ma'am
Now pass me my dress, yes
I think I’m ready
Been locked up in the house way too long
It’s time to get it
'Cause once again he’s out doing wrong
And my girls are so real
Said it’s been a minute since I had some
He’s been acting up
But he won’t be the only one
'Cause when he acts up, that’s when you put it on
Get him uptight, this is your song
Hold out your back, time to impress
Pull out your freakum dress !
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, every woman got one
Oh, shut it down when the time comes
Oh, pull out the big guns
Oh, and put your freakum dress on
Soon as he saw me
Turned on by how the dress was fittin' right
Short and backless
See my silhouette in the moonlight
Such an attraction
Keep tellin' me how my outfit’s so nice
Little did he know
Ha, my man gon' take it off tonight
'Cause when he acts up, that’s when you put it on
Get him uptight, this is your song
Hold out your back, time to impress
Pull out your freakum dress
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, every woman got one
Oh, shut it down when the time comes
Oh, pull out the big gun
Oh, and put your freakum dress on
All the ladies, you ain't these
All dressed up in your dresses
And your bestest with no reason
Get ready to freakum, freakum
When you put it on it’s an invitation
When they play your the song, get on up and shake it
Work it out your back, you don’t have to waste it
Spin it all around then take it to the ground and
When you put it on it’s an invitation
When they play your the song, get on up and shake it
Work it out your back, you don’t have to waste it
Spin it all around then take it to the ground and
'Cause when he acts up, that’s when you put it on
Get him uptight, this is your song
Hold out your back, time to impress
Pull out your freakum dress
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, put your freakum dress on
Oh, every woman got one
Oh, shut it down when the time comes
Oh, pull out the big guns
Oh, and put your freakum dress on
Ladies look it here
When you been with your man for a long time, oh
Every now and then you gotta go in the back of that closet
And pull out that freakum dress, oh
I got my freakum dress on
I got my freakum dress on, oh
I got my freakum dress on
I gotta give up to quiet
The storm that rages inside
The way that I hid my damage pride
You gave me away
And I've had enough
I imagine the words I say to you
I'm finding strength to follow it through
I'm ready to change
I'm letting go, I'm letting go
We're only friends, We're only friends
Tonight we'll let the music free our soul
So let it show, So let it show
We can't pretend, we can't pretend
We only find ourselves by loosing all
Control (x8)
I'm opening up
Show me a sign I can't relieve
These crazy emotions flow through me
I'm gonna explode
You take me away
And what is my ordinary life
I wont be afraid of what we might find a love I can hold
I'm letting go, I'm letting go
We're only friends, We're only friends
Tonight we'll let the music free our soul
So let it show, So let it show
We can't pretend, we can't pretend
We only find ourselves by loosing all
Nothing ventured nothing gained
New horizon ready to paint
With every breath you take me away
I'm letting go, I'm letting go
We're only friends, We're only friends
Tonight we'll let the music free our soul
So let it show, So let it show
We can't pretend, we can't pretend
We only find ourselves by loosing all
Diamonds used to be coal
Look young cause they got soul
That's why they're beautiful
And my heart used to be cold
'Til your hands laid on my soul
Baby, that's why you're beautiful
I'm not wondering why....
The sky's blue; that's not my business
All I know is I....
Look up and tell myself
"Be patient, love...that could be us..."
Lovers used to make love
And die just to give us
Their piece of the beautiful
Remember when we made love?
Wasn't it beautiful?
Don't ask me why
The sky's blue; that's not my business
All I know is I....
Look up and tell myself
"Be patient, love...that could be us..."
Diamonds used to be coal
Look young cause they got soul
And my heart used to be cold
'Til your hands laid on my soul
Baby, that's why you're beautiful
Somebody's got to stay deep in love
That could be us..
That's why we're beautiful
That's why you're beautiful
Why, why
That's why you're beautiful
That's why you're beautiful
Verse 1:
i read all of the magazines
while waiting around
you said you couldn't wait to see me
but you got stuck in town
so turn off the phone
now we're finally alone
and some moments at the end of the day
feel your touch and it's the sweetest
your kisses are my weakness
i never want them to go away
i wanna feel you in my heart (heart)
as i look into your eyes (eyes)
no need to get busy so lets take our time
and make slow love slow love
and every minute that we have (have)
it goes too fast (fast)
wanna show you how to rock it
so this feelin last and
make slow love slow love
slow love slow love slow love all night
Verse 2:
it is just a few little things
that you gotta know
a girl will give you all of her heart
when it's happening slow
i need a little laughter
and love will follow after
lets take this chance to steal away
your kisses are delicious
and no one is gonna miss us
tonight i realy want you to stay
i wanna feel you in my heart (heart)
as i look into your eyes (eyes)
no need to get busy so lets take our time
and make slow love slow love
and every minute that we have (have)
it goes too fast(fast)
wanna show you how to rock it
so this feelin last and
make slow love slow love
slow love slow love slow love all night
so im callin out do you hear my cries?
dont have to say goodbye
your the breath on my skin cherish the taste
it's far too good to go to waste
feel my desire
make sweet love all through
all through the night
make love through the night
i wanna feel you in my heart (heart)
as i look into your eyes (eyes)
no need to get busy so lets take our time
and make slow love slow love
and every minute that we have (have)
it goes too fast (fast)
wanna show you how to rock it
so this feelin last and
make slow love slow love
slow love all night
i wanna feel you in my heart (heart)
as i look into your eyes (eyes)
no need to get busy so lets take our time
and make slow love slow love
and every minute that we have (have)
it goes too fast (fast)
wanna show you how to rock it
so this feelin last and
make slow love slow love
Come take my hand
I wont let you go
I'll be your friend
I will love you so deeply
I will be the one to kiss you at night
I will love you until the end of time
I'll be your babe
Promise not to let me go
Love you like crazy
Now say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go
Say say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go
Say say you'll never let me go
Take you away from here
There's nothing between us but space and time
I'll be your own little
Star let me shine in your world
I'll be your own little universe
Babe your girl
Come take my hand
I wont let you go
I'll be your friend
I will love you so deeply
I will be the one to kiss you at night
I will love you until the end of time
I'll be your babe
Promise not to let me go
Love you like crazy
Now say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go
Say say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go
Say say you'll never let me go
Babe let me be the one
To show you that I really love you
Cuz I wanna be the one to love you babe lets go(go)
Babe lets go
I wanna survive
In this loving that you giving
I aint frontin
Can you just let me love you babe from head to toe
Babe lets go
Boy come to me(come to me)
Let me turn your rain into sun(let me love you babe)
You don't have to worry(no no)
I wont let my love fade(no no)
Allow my love into your soul... (1... 2... 3...)
I just wanna love you
I just wanna be with you
I'll never let you go
Bring your love to me
Come take my hand
I wont let you go
I'll be your friend
I will love you so deeply
I will be the one to kiss you at night
I will love you until the end of time
I'll be your babe
Promise not to let me go
Love you like crazy
Now say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go
Say say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go
*Si j’étais iun garçona*
Si j’étais un gars
Même que pour une journée
Je sortirais du lit le matin
Enfilant n’importe quoi et j’irais
Prendre une bière avec les gars
Et courir apres les filles
Me traînassant avec qui importe
Et personne ne pourrait rien me dire
Ils seraient pour moi
Si j’étais un gars
J’pense qu’ je pourrais comprendre
Comment c’est que d’aimer une fille
Je jure que j’ serais un meilleur homme
Je l’écouterais
J’sais combien ça fait mal
Quand tu perds le désire de ton coeur
Parce qu’il te néglige
Et tout ce que tu as es détruit
Si j’étais un gars
J’éteindrais le téléphone
Dire à tous que c’est cassé
Pour leur faire croire
Que je couchais seul
Me mettant en première place
Écrivant les règles en passant
Je sais qu’elle resterait fidèle
Attendant mon retour à la maison
Si j’étais un gars
Je pense que je pourrais comprendre
Comment c’est que d’aimer une fille
Je jure que j’ serais un meilleur homme
Je l’écouterais
J’ sais combien ça fait mal
Quand tu perds le désire de ton coeur
Parce qu’il te néglige et
Et tous ce que tu as es détruit
C’est un peut trop tard pour que tu reviennes
Me dire c’était une erreur
Pensant que je pardonnerais
Tu pensais que j’aurais attendu
T’as eu tord
Mais t’es qu’un gars
Tu comprends rien du tout
Comment c’est que d’aimer une fille
Et un jour tu le regretteras
Tu ne l’écoutes pas
Tu t’en fiches de ses douleurs
Jusqu’ à ce que tu la perdes
Parce que tu l’as négligée
Et tout sous tes mains se détruita
I changed my life for you and all that you could do
Is betray me, how could you play me
You got me doing things I know I shouldn't do
Am I crazy to live this way see
I know I'm wrong, I'm shamed everyday
We're not as one, but you think it's okay
My life is not meant to be lived this way, this way
You promised me one day we would be
Husband and wife but it seems to me
You're moving further away from me, from me
Lord I'm trying to do what's pleasing in your sight
But I'm in love, right now I'm caught up
Instead of leaving, I know that you'll be right by my side
And you'll make a way, just have your way
I spent too much time playin wife on many nights
Keepin you happy, giving you all of me
I wake up every morning feeling guilty cause you're lying next to me
Father forgive me, thought by now we'd be married
Four months ago you promised me
By now I'd have my wedding ring
You've shown no committment to me, to me
I cannot blame you for using me
If I continue to let this be
Cause shacking with a man just ain't me, ain't me
Lord I'm trying to do what's pleasing in your sight
But I'm in love, right now I'm caught up
Instead of leaving, I know that you'll be right by my side
I wish i could look in your eyes
And tell you how i feel
Right now inside
Baby i know that it's real
So real so real, so real
How i wish i could be with you
How i wish i wish i wish i could be with you right now
Every morning, every afternoon, every night
I wanna be with you
It don't matter if we go to the park or watch a play
Stay in the hotel room all day
I just wanna be with you
I love everything about you
From your old school tennis shoes
To the way you move when you're dancing with me
Do you remember our first kiss
It wasn't long enough
Remember the first time
We spent those weeks together
They were not long enough
All of our conversations
All of your sweet pages
They're never long enough
When it's time for me to leave
It's so hard to say good-bye
I never want to say good-bye
I never ever want to say good-bye
One day we'll make love
Finally i'll be yours
Only you only you
I could love you
but It's too late
I already love you
I love you
I love you
Every step I make
And every breath I take
I took cuz I cant wait
To be closer to you
Baby you're so sweet
You give me cavities
I get a stomach ache
If I cant be with you
At night I fall asleep
And I dont wanna wake up
Cuz you are in my dreams
A heavenly creation
In the body that
I only wanna share with you
Everything I do is just for you
Countin every second til we rendezvous
And I cant wait
To give my love to you
Cuz everything I do is just for you
Baby we will never finish
To be continued
Separation cant change
The love I feel for you
I'm gonna definitely be affectionate
Snuggle up tonight lets get real intimate
Only you can satisfy my appetite
Cuz when it comes to love
You get me get so excited
I wanna taste your lips
My body melts in bliss every time
Everything I do is just for you
Countin every second til we rendezvous
And I cant wait
To give my love to you
Cuz everything I do is just for you
Everything I do is just for you
Countin every second til we rendezvous
And I cant wait
To give my love to you
Cuz everything I do is just for you
You are my
(you are my)
Everything I want and
Everything I need and
Everything worth waiting for
For better or for worse
Constant craving
Your love enslaves me
Everything I do is just for you
Countin every second til we rendezvous
And I cant wait
To give my love to you
Cuz everything I do is just for you
Give it to me baby
I wanna give it to you
Give it to me baby
I cant wait
Everything I do is just for you
Everything I do is just for you
Everything I do is just for you
Everything I do is just for you
Everything I do is just for you
Everything I do is just for you
I cant wait to give you my love
Baby I see you
That look in your eyes
Hips that keep shaking
mysterious style
exotically tempting
familiar to me
That Creole Sexy it's all over me
So all my redbones get on the floor
and all my yellow bones get on the floor
and all my brown bones get on the floor
Then you mix it up and call it Creole
Creole! When I look real good
Whenever I talk real good
whenever I bounce real good
Just in case you wanna know the secret CREOLE
When she look that good
whenever she talk that good
whenever she bounce real good
Ladies if you wanna know it's your secret CREOLE
Bad bad bad bad redbone
bad bad bad bad yellow bone
bad bad bad bad brown bone
bad bad bad bad to the bone
For all of my brown bones
that make a good?
And all of my redbones that make a good sauce
the yellow bone flavor is familiar to me
mix it all together it's a delicacy
So all my redbones get on the floor
and all my yellow bones get on the floor
and all my brown bones get on the floor
Then you mix it up and call it Creole
Creole! When I look real good
Whenever I talk real good
whenever I bounce real good
Just in case you wanna know the secret CREOLE
When she look that good
whenever she talk that good
whenever she bounce real good
Ladies if you wanna know it's your secret CREOLE
Bad bad bad bad redbone
bad bad bad bad yellow bone
bad bad bad bad brown bone
bad bad bad bad to the bone
So all my redbones get on the floor
and all my yellow bones get on the floor
and all my brown bones get on the floor
Then you mix it up and call it Creole
Creole! When I look real good
Whenever I talk real good
whenever I bounce real good
Just in case you wanna know the secret CREOLE
Bad bad bad bad redbone
bad bad bad bad yellow bone
bad bad bad bad brown bone
[ verse 1 ]
Got to know one thing before you ask my name
Be straight up and tell me whats your aim
A girl like me see i dont play no games ( no no )
That's why I say
If you want to be with me go all the way
Do what you go to do just in this stage
Is it real or is this just a fake
tell me
What's good with you bay bay
Want to get to know me
What's really good bay bay
Do you have a lady
And name your hood bay bay
Where you from and where you be
What's good with you bay bay
What's good with you bay bay
[ verse 2 ]
Your sitting over there tryna figure out what to say
Make up your mind right now dont contemplate
You know that i dont have time to waste ( no no )
Where do we go
What this thing could be we'll never know
There is just no way that we can flow
If you aint being honest from the go ( tell me )
[ chorus ]
What's good with you bay bay
Want to get to know me
What's really good bay bay
Do you have a lady
And name your hood bay bay
Where you from and where you be
What's good with you bay bay
What's good with you bay bay
[ bridge ]
Dont try playing with my mind
Boy i dont have no time
For something that i know aint good for me
Dont hesitate to say
You feel the inner strength
Want to know
Should i take the chance with you
[ chorus ]
What's good with you bay bay
Want to get to know me
What's really good bay bay
If you have a lady
And name your hood bay bay
Where you from and where you be
What's good with you bay bay
What's good with you bay bay
What's good with you bay bay
Want to get to know me
What's really good bay bay
Do you have a lady
And name your hood bay bay
Where you from and where you be
What's good with you bay bay
What's really good bay bay
What's good with you bay bay
What's really good bay bay
And name your hood bay bay
- You know you really, really, really, really,
want to be with me
So why don't you stop beating around the bush
and come and give it to me
Derek we can make beautiful music together
if you only stop resisting the only woman that you really want
and its not wifey
- Hey! You're real social
I don't like the way you're looking
Don't get too close
I'm about to take you down to booking
- C'mon and touch me D I know you want to
- Look, I only need your prints,
don't really care about your frontal
- I don't see me living another day
without your tender kisses
Why don't we retire to the room,
put on some Luther, light some incents
Get to know one another just a little better
than we do now
- You trying to act like I'm not a cop
- You can bring the cuffs, if you would like to,
if that's your style
- Looks let's get it straight, you cease and disist
I got some platinum bracelets
I'm about to squeeze on ya wrists
- But you don't understand the way that I feel,
the pain I could heal
- I could lose my job for this,
there is no way we could chill
- So why you bring me this far,
now let's try to be real
Cause only time will reveal
if you still playing the field
Every second that you stay is like an hour we will
I got a couple days to kill,
either you down or you peel
I don't want anything without you in my life,
you are my baby
Why don't you forget about your girl
and say you want me as your lady
Get to know one another just a little better
than we do now
Give in to everything you're feeling and surpressing
Let's make love now
- Nah, I don't think so,
your body is like weed smoke though
Light-headed, feel ya eyes saying please don't go
- It ain't about getting locked
cause it's your steeze I need
My heart don't lie, come over D and feel my beat
- Oh no! Cause I can see your skin is soft
You know, but I dont wanna pay the cost to be with you
- You can't deny your feelings for us,
you know it's true
- I've got a girl, but really now I'm feeling you
I wanna do it, but I don't
You know, I'd feel your vibe, but I'm so full of decency
- Go with your instints and I'm sure it leads to me
Yeah .. uh huh
What up girl, yeah
I hear all that
That's real nice and all that
It's been, it been good though
Cause it's been a year
It been real good
Cause it been so good
In the summertime all over again
Tell me somethin
Out of all the guys that approach me
Walking up to me like they know me
You were the one that stayed aside
Waited a while and took your time
You don't know how impressing
Your curiousity was to me
It was the fourth day of July
Looked in my eyes and saw that I
I wanted more than just a man (man)
I needed a friend (I want a friend)
Someone I can talk to
Someone who'll really listen
When you touched my hand
The sun got brighter then
Trusting you I close my eyes
And felt our love begin
It was the summertime (when we fell in love)
It was the summertime (when heaven shined on us)
It was the summertime (baby there is nothing like the)
Summertime, summertime
Now it's been a year and we're closer
Fall in love again when I hold ya
I know that God set you aside
For me and now, you are my prize
Wanna grow old with ya
Fill our house with your pictures
Have a son for you
A little girl for me
Together we'll raise a family
I wanna understand everything you talk about baby
That's my word, cause I feel the same way
You know what I mean?
I've been feelin this way for a long time too
And a .. it's like I wanna be a daddy
I wanna be your lover
Your everything, I just wanna share life with you
Just like yo
That's why I tell you I love you
I use to sit back and analyze on how we first met
A year ago on the barbershop steps
You and your friends walked past me
I called you back like "come here sexy have a word with you yet, please?"
Congratulations on bein my gift
God wrapped you up tight and he preserved my wish
I'm not a psychic it's just that I'm in tune with such
I swear the vibes got heavy when we got real close
My whole demeanor caused me to ask questions and stare at you strangely
Have I found my baby?
If so then tell me now
Look like you was 'bout to say somethin, you just broke a smile
Gave you the number and I said I'd dial (yeah)
A year later we on the block like "bow"
Tell me somethin, is it me or we up to somethin?
Love to love ya, your my friend and my woman
This is Theodore, that's right
I keep hearin this all in my head over and over
I can't get it out, it's crazy
You know what I'm sayin baby
This joint is real, I like that
You’ve got me
You’ve got me
You’ve got me
You’ve got me speechless
Where you been baby
Waited for you all day
Waited for you to use the key
That opens my place
My heart starts trembling
As I hear your footsteps pace
Lock opens, doorknob turns
There appeared your face
Going outta my head I think I’m loosing all my mind
Drive me crazy burning candles making love all night
Feels so strange it feels so crazy to be in your world
In your arms lost for words
You’ve got me!
You’ve got me
You’ve got me
You’ve got me
You’ve got me speechless
Laying so closely
I feel your skin rubbing and touching me
Only sweat between us
Feeling you kissing and pleasing me
I rub your back
I kiss your neck
I know that you love when we touch like that
I can feel you need me
Feels so good to me
Feels so good to me
Going outta my head I think I’m loosing all my mind
Drive me crazy burning candles making love all night
Feels so strange it feels so crazy to be in your world
In your arms lost for words
You’ve got me!
You’ve got me
You’ve got me
You’ve got me
You’ve got me speechless
Yes, yes, yes
Yes, yes, yes
Speechless, all I can say
Yes, yes, yes,
All I can say is
Yes, yes, yes, yes
Kiss me
Hold me
You’ve got me
I lay alone awake at night
Sorrow fills my eyes
But I'm not strong enough to cry
Despite of my disguise
I'm left with no shoulder
But everyone wants to lean on me
I guess I'm their soldier
Well, who's gonna be mine?
Who's there to save the hero
When she's left all alone?
And she's crying out for help
Who's there to save the hero?
Who's there to save the girl
After she saves the world?
After she saves the world
I bottle all my hurt inside
I guess I'm living a lie
Inside my mind each day I die
What can bring me back to life?
A simple word, a gesture
Someone to say you're beautiful
Come find this buried treasure
With eyes lead to a pot of gold
Who's there to save the hero
When she's left all alone?
And she's crying out for help
Who's there to save the hero?
Who's there to save the girl
After she saves the world?
After she saves the world
I've given too much of myself
And now it's driving me crazy
(I'm crying out for help)
Sometimes I wish someone would just come here
And save me, save me from myself
Who's there to save the hero
When she's left all alone?
And she's crying out for help
Who's there to save the hero?
Who's there to save the girl
After she saves the world?
After she saves the world
Boy you'll be the death of me
You’re my James Dean
You make me feel like I’m seventeen
You drive too fast, you smoke too much
But that don’t mean a thing
‘cause i’m addicted to the rush
‘Cause I rather die young
Than live my life without you
I rather not live at all
Than live my life without you
You know i’ve been in love before
You’re the first one ever seen
That burns like gasoline
So light a match, turn off the lights
I’m holding on to you
‘cause this might be a last night, oh
‘Cause I rather die young
Than live my life without you
I rather not live at all
Than live my life without you
What i’m telling you
I’m giving you my life, it’s in your hands
And what i’m gonna do
Is be a woman and you can be a man
And I wanna say
Nobody understands what we’ve been through
I rather give up everything
Than to live my life without you
‘Cause I rather die young
Than live my life without you
I rather not live at all
Don't you worry about a club just come and lay up under me tonight
I was out shopping thinking of something I should get you
Cause I've been gone so many weeks and I've missed you
Don't wanna do nothing more than just stare at your face
And let you know I'm happy you're my best friend
Part of this watching boy I owe you
For being always here to talk to
Taking time out starting with the day for my babe
We're gonna hit the floor at home
We'll let the candles be your light tonight
And Imma DJ all of your songs
You ain't gotta worry about a club just come and lay up under me tonight
Oh, boy if you just called I'm on my way
When it comes to my baby I bring my best
It's just you and me all night
Don't worry about no club just come and lay up under me tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Don't worry about no club just come and lay up under me tonight
Let's open a bottle of the vintage I've brought you
I model sexy pictures right on top of you
10 years together still feels like we're making love for the first time
Like I'm in high school sneaking with my boyfriend
Part of this watching boy I owe you
For being always here to talk to
Taking time out starting with the day for my babe
We're gonna hit the floor at home
We'll let the candles be your light tonight
Well, Imma DJ all of your songs
You ain't gotta worry about a club just come and lay up under me tonight
We're gonna hit the floor at home
We'll let the candles be your light tonight
Boy, Imma DJ all of your songs
You ain't gotta worry about a club just come and lay up under me tonight
Boy, if you just called I'm on my way
When it comes to my baby I bring my best
I just wanna party tonight
Cause it obvious to see that you are where you wanna be
Just let me look at you
Ooh, you look so sexy
Boy, I wanna taste
You already which way
When I groove with you
Ooh, you feel so good
Boy, your my favorite place
Just come and lay under me
We're gonna hit the floor at home
We'll let the candles be your light tonight
Imma DJ all of your songs
You ain't gotta worry about no club just come and lay up under me tonight
We're gonna hit the floor at home
We'll let the candles be your light tonight
Well, Imma DJ all of your songs
You ain't gotta worry about a club just come and lay up under me tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight
You are alone, and I'd be a piss
I got no one else to blame
You didn't know I was a risk
And it's such a crying shame
How you bet all of you and wanted nothing else for me
But come back sometimes for you but else I met you was only
I couldn't see but now I know that I acted selfishly
I should of known that I let you down and caused you so much misery
And never to plea, and never to plea, and never to plea, and never to plea
All of the times you used to cry
Because I would let you down
All of the times I should of tried a little more to be around
But I didn't know you were hurting I was just too blind
Only thing I know for certain another you I'll never find
I couldn't see but now I know that I acted selfishly
I should of known that I let you down and caused you so much misery
Give it to mama
Give it, give it
Give it to mama, mama
Give it
Give it to mama, mama
For some strange reason
You done pleasin' me like it's okay
Like a perm that's been left too long
It's starts to burn, the result is it just won't take
(I can see)
Now it's all coming so clear to me now
(I can see)
Misinterpreted all my naiveness
Was just thinking if I had no you than I can't do
My stock just went up over 2 million
So if you want to, you got the green light
So if you want to, you got the green light
So if you want to, you got the green light
So if you want to, you got the green light
Give it to mama
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, red light, green light
Some see me say I should be trophied
'Cause it gets no stronger
Ladies y'all know, yeah, girl y'all know
This pimp *ish gets no older
Is that a threat? What's another threat?
Yep, that's another threat, from you, you can get no colder
You got the green light, you lookin' right
You holdin' up traffic, green means go!
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, red light, green light
(I said you're holdin' up traffic, green means go!)
So if you want to, you got the green light
So if you want to, you got the green light
So if you want to, you got the green light
So if you want to, you got the green light
Give it to mama
(Go, go, go, go)
Ain't no problem, you can go
I'm gon' find somebody else
(Go, go, go, go)
So why not move along?
You got the green light so you can go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, red light, green light
I gave all I could give
To my love, my heart
Now we're facing the end
Of what you did from the start, my love
You're holdin' up traffic, green means go!
So if you want to, you got the green light
So if you want to, you got the green light
So if you want to, you got the green light
So if you want to, you got the green light
Give it to mama
(Go, go, go, go)
Ain't no problem, you can go
I'm gon' find somebody else
(Go, go, go, go)
So why not move along?
You got the green light so you can go
Go, go, go, go
verse 1
you say that he's wrong
you say that he's no good
leave him alone cuz he's gonna hurt you
but what they don't know
is how he makes me feel
you say that he creeps always running the streets
he's playing the game and he'll neva love me
you say that he's fake but why does it feel so real
no matter whatcha say i aint going nowhere
no matter whatcha think immma alwys be there
the love that we share, it lives inside of me
no matter whatcha hear its all in the past
no matter whatcha feeling this love's gon' last
the heart of his soul, it breathes inside of me
my man, he makes me feel so special
my man, he makes me feel so precious
my man, he makes me feel wonderful
my man, with him i'm so comfortable
my man, he makes me feel so special
my man, he makes me feel so precious
my man, he makes me feel wonderful
he's thugged out but he's my man
verse 2
you say you don't trust him cuz he's been locked up
you say that he trouble cuz he hang out in the strip club
but you were young once so you should understand
you say that you know
so you been a witness
you say its fo sho
say he got a mistress
until you can show me i'm gon' stand by him
If tomorrow all the things were gone
I'd worked for all my life
And I had to start again
With just my family by my side
I'd thank my lucky stars
To be living here today
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom
And they can't take that away
And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I gladly stand up next to you
And defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA
From the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee
Across the plains of Texas from sea to shining sea
From Detroit down to Houston to New York to L.A
Well there's pride in every American heart
And it's time to make a change
That I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
And who gave that right to me
And I gladly stand up next to you
And defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA
And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
And who gave that right to me
And I gladly stand up next to you
And defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
Girls, we run this mother (yeah) [4x]
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Some of them men think they freak this like we do
But no they don't
Make your cheque come at they neck
Disrespect us no they won't
Boy don't even try to touch this
Boy this beat is crazy
This is how they made me
Houston, Texas baby
This goes out to all my girls that's in the club rocking the latest
Who will buy it for themselves and get more money later
I think I need a barber
None of these n***** can fade me
I'm so good with this
I remind you I'm so hood with this
Boy I'm just playing
Come here baby
Hope you still like me
F' you pay me
My persuasion can build a nation
Endless power, the love we can devour
You'll do anything for me
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
It's hot up in here DJ don't be scared to run this run this back
I'm repping for the girls who taking over the world help me raise a glass for the college grads
41 rollin' to let you know what time it is, check
You can't hold me
I work my 9 to 5, better cut my check
This goes out to all the women getting it in you're on your grind
To other men that respect what I do please accept my shine
Boy you know you love it how we're smart enough to make these millions
Strong enough to bear the children then get back to business
see, you better not play me oh come here baby
Hope you still like me, F' you pay me
My persuasion can build a nation
Endless power, the love we can devour
You'll do anything for me
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who are we?
What we run?!
The world
(Who run this mother?)
Who are we ?
What we run!?
The world
(Who run this mother?)
Who are we?
What do we run?!
We run the world
(Who run this mother?!)
Who are we?!
What we run?!
We run the world!!
Your all alone
and I did this
I got no one else to blame
You didn't know
I was a risk
And it's such a crying shame
And you gave me all of you and wanted nothing else from me
But to make sometime for you but all I made you was lonely
I couldn't see
But now I know
That I acted selfishly
I should've known
That I let you down
Caused you so much misery
Forever to bleed
Forever to bleed
Forever to bleed
Forever to bleed
I should've been there
I should've been there
I should've been there
I should've been there
All of the times
You used to cry
Because I would let you down
I'm losin time
I should've tried
a little more to be around
But I didn't know that you were hurting, I was just too blind
Only thing I know for certain: another you i'll never find.
I couldn't see
But now I know
That I acted selfishly
I should've known
That I let you down
Caused you so much misery
Forever to bleed
Forever to bleed
Forever to bleed
Forever to bleed
I should've been there
I should've been there
I should've been there
I should've been there
I'm filled with regret
I'm gonna tip and soak myself in misery
Now in your life
I'll take more time,
No more yearning without me
But it hurts to think of you all by yourself but now I see
And I apologize for all the times I left you home waiting for me
I couldn't see
But now I know
That I acted selfishly
I should've known
That I let you down
Caused you so much misery
Forever to bleed
Forever to bleed
Forever to bleed
Forever to bleed
I should've been there
I should've been there
I should've been there
I should've been there
I'm gonna be there (I'm gonna be there)
I'm gonna be there (I'm gonna be there)
I'm gonna be there (I'm gonna be there)
I'm gonna be there
I'm gonna be there (I'm gonna be there)
I'm gonna be there (I'm gonna be there)
I'm gonna be there (I'm gonna be there)
Oh, woo, oh
You give me fever
Fever, oh, oooh
Hoo, oh
You give me fever
Fever in the morning
Fever when it's late at night
You give me fever (fever)
Fever when you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
You give me fever (fever)
Fever in the evening
Fever all through the night
You give me fever, yeah (fever)
Fever when you're with me
Fever when you love
He's so sweet
He's so good to me
He's so intelligent
He's so confident
My baby's so damn sexy (oh)
My baby put the fever on me (oh)
My baby knows just what to do (oh)
You got me boilin past a hundred and two (oh)
You give me a fever
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Never know how much I love you
Never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me
I get a fever that's so hard to bear
You give me fever (fever)
When you kiss me and fever when you hold me tight (fever)
You give me fever
In the mornin and fever all through the night
My baby's so damn sexy (oh)
My baby put the fever on me (oh)
My baby knows just what to do (oh)
And got boilin me past a hundred and two (oh)
Give me a fever
Everybody's got a fever
That is somethin you all know
Fever isn't such a new thing
Fever started long ago
Romeo loved Juliet
And Juliet felt the same
When he put his arms around her
He said Julie baby you're my flame
Thou give me fever
When we kisseth
A fever with the flaming youth
Fever I'm on fire
Fever yeah, I burn forsooth
Captain Smith and Pocahontas
Had a very mad affair
When her daddy tried to kill him
She said Daddy, oh don't you dare
He gives me fever
With his kisses
Fever when he holds me tight
I'm his Mrs.
And Daddy won't you treat him right
Now that you've listened to my story
Here's the point that I have made
Chicks were born to give ya fever
Be it fahrenheit or centigrade
They give ya fever
When ya kiss em
Fever if you live ya learn
Fever until you sizzle
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
Til ya sizzle
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to...
When I'm here in your arms I feel love in my heart, I can breathe
Not even mention myself I don't care I'm with you, you with me
I never wished on a star when a star ain't got nothing on me
'Cause I can wish you in my dreams.
When I close my eyes I feel like I'm alive
'cause I can fall asleep knowing that tonight you will be here with me, ohh.
(Let me know) If this is a dream (Oh Oh Oh)
Then I don't wanna know, (I don't wanna know)
'Cause I ain't 'bout to be without you babe, (without you babe) ohh.
(Let me know) If this is a dream (Oh Oh Oh)
Then I ain't letting go (I ain't letting go)
'Cause everything I love is about you babe (about you babe)
So I'd rather be here dreaming than waking up with nobody home
oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh,
If that's the only way to be with you then dreaming you is where I belong
oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh.
I think the luckiest girl in the whole wide world could be me
I get to be with the one that I love anytime I please
I feel like I can stay forever beyond eternity
It's like I'm where I'm supposed to be.
When I close my eyes I feel like I'm alive
'cause I can fall asleep knowing that tonight you will be here with me, ohh.
(Let me know) If this is a dream (Oh Oh Oh)
Then I don't wanna know, (I don't wanna know)
'Cause I ain't 'bout to be without you babe, (without you babe) ohh.
(Let me know) If this is a dream (Oh Oh Oh)
Then I ain't letting go (I ain't letting go)
'Cause everything I love is about you babe (about you babe)
So I'd rather be here dreaming than waking up with nobody home
oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh,
If that's the only way to be with you then dreaming you is where I belong
oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh.
It took a lifetime just to get with you, to be with you baby
And now that I'm here with you I'm gonna take it in breathe you in. Yeah yeah
And if I am dreaming, let the dream be that I'm awake
'Cause I rather dream about you than be living life wthout me and you. You...
(Let me know) If this is a dream (Oh Oh Oh)
Then I don't wanna know, (I don't wanna know)
'Cause I ain't 'bout to be without you babe, (without you babe) ohh.
(Let me know) If this is a dream (Oh Oh Oh)
Then I ain't letting go (I ain't letting go)
'Cause everything I love is about you babe (about you babe)
So I'd rather be here dreaming than waking up with nobody home
oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh,
If that's the only way to be with you then dreaming you is where I belong
oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh.
(Let me know) If this is a dream (Oh Oh Oh)
Then I don't wanna know, (I don't wanna know)
'Cause I ain't 'bout to be without you babe, (without you babe) ohh.
(Let me know) If this is a dream (Oh Oh Oh)
Then I ain't letting go (I ain't letting go)
'Cause everything I love is about you babe (about you babe)
So I'd rather be here dreaming than waking up with nobody home
oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh,
If that's the only way to be with you then dreaming you is where I belong
Square-cut or pear shaped,
These rocks don't lose their shape.
Diamonds are a girls best friend.
Diamonds are a girls best friend.
Diamonds! Diamonds!
I don't mean rhinestones!
I'm a world wide woman WWW you can log on anywhere you're girl can take you there.
World Wide Woman WWW you know I'm the type of girl.
I'm a world wide woman WWW you can log on anywhere you're girl can take you there.
Beyonce World Wide Woman WW W you know I'm the type of girl.
International no specific area code whether it's them project homes over seas on them coble stones roads.
I can just divide a globe what you need and all the essentials believe me I'm whatcha looking for login Bee backslash O N C each day baby.
I'm a world wide woman WWW you can log on anywhere you're girl can take you there.
World Wide Woman WWW you know I'm the type of girl.
I'm a world wide woman WWW you can log on anywhere you're girl can take you there.
Beyonce World Wide Woman WW W you know I'm the type of girl.
If it's like a MAC you want maximize the full potential baby if you connect with me I'm just like your high speed cable.
Even if u gotta fly to where they drive on the passenger side I'll be the like the Audubon when you get on you won't know how to let go.
Browsing wont do, u got 2 click right here come find me I'll assure you the places you've never been I'll take you.
I'm a world wide woman WWW you can log on anywhere you're girl can take you there.
World Wide Woman WWW you know I'm the type of girl.
I'm a world wide woman WWW you can log on anywhere you're girl can take you there.
Beyonce World Wide Woman WW W you know I'm the type of girl.
I want love like any World Wide Woman would need
I know you think that can't be
Still got sensitivity
Lyrics In my world it's hard to get off intensity
but you feel so damn real to me
Lyric Come take the lead
Enjoy this world with me
[Chorus: 2x]
I'm a world wide woman WWW you can log on anywhere you're girl can take you there.
World Wide Woman WWW you know I'm the type of girl.
I'm a world wide woman WWW you can log on anywhere you're girl can take you there.
Beyonce World Wide Woman WW W you know I'm the type of girl.
I'm a world wide woman WWW you can log on anywhere you're girl can take you there.
World Wide Woman WWW you know I'm the type of girl.
I'm a world wide woman WWW you can log on anywhere you're girl can take you there.
How ya doin', hug me, baby
You know I don't ask for much
But for a girl spendin' time alone
Can be pretty rough
But I get a knock on my door
You know it's yours for sure
We can't wait for the bedroom
So we just hit the floor
Is y'all alright
I don't know but I know
What's happened to me, girl, hey
Is y'all alright
Break it down now
He gotta work it out
He gotta work it out
A brother gotta work it out
Chad, blow your horn now
Come on, Chad, blow your horn now
So we're shakin' back and forth now
Just keep it comin', babe
Treat my body like a guitar
You gotta, you gotta keep on strummin'
But in the back of my mind
Is it gonna be the last time?
Well, if it ain't about eleven
And you gon' keep it comin'
Well baby, with me that's fine
Is y'all alright
I don't know but I know
What's happened to me, girl
Is y'all alright
Break it down now
He gotta work it out
He gotta work it out
Brother gotta work it out, oh, oh
Chad, blow your horn now
Come on, Chad, blow your horn now
I like this, ooh, ooh, hey
Look-a here, bring it
So baby, hold me
Like you don't wanna let go
I'm feelin' sexy
'Cause boy, you're workin' it out
My love, you've given me a taste of your honey
I want the whole beehive
I'm gonna call you my sugar to fly high
The sweetest time, wait, the time
You gotta work it out
You gotta work it out
Oh, you gotta work it out
I like it when you hold your own
I like it when you hold your own
I like it when you hold your own
I like it when you hold your own
Austin, better work it out
Foxxy, better work it out
AP3, better work it out
It ain't for everybody
Welcome to Hollywood, baby
(Take a picture)
Uh huh, you coming with?
(Let's not even talk about it)
Let's do it
(Let's go)
I see your jealousy as you watching
You watching
It's kinda sexy to me how you watching
You watching
I see your face
(I see your face)
You wanna touch it
(You wanna touch it)
Come to my place
(Come to my place)
And let's discuss it
(Let's chop it up)
Tonight you'll be a superstar
Come let me sign you up
(Let's get into it)
Ooh, it's the lights
(You blinded by the)
(You need that)
Ooh it's the lights
(You blinded by the)
(You need that)
You gots to get it
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Do you want it?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
But you don't need it
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Until you do
Oh, oh, oh
Until you do
Oh, oh, oh
I see your face
(I see your face)
You wanna touch it
(You wanna touch it)
Come to my place
(Come to my place)
And let's discuss it
(Let's chop it up)
Tonight you'll be a superstar
Come let me sign you up
Ooh it's the lights
(You blinded by the)
(You need that)
Ooh it's the lights
(You blinded by the)
(You need that)
You hear em screamin'
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Cameras rollin
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
You so addicted
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Like Hollywood
Oh, oh, oh
Ain't nothin' like Hollywood
Oh, oh, oh
And everybody's warning you about it
And once you taste you can't live without it
Not 'cause you choose to not live without it
It's now a part of you
(It's now a part of you)
And everybody warning you about it
And once you taste you can't live
Ooh, it's the lights
(It's the lights)
Ooh, it's the lights
(So addictive)
Now you wanna be seen, male groupies
Now you've become what you once despised
James Dean, John Beluchi
Blow your whole life, tryna live in the lights
Heroin's followin', Marilyn, hoppin' over the edge
Just like Janice Joplin, river Phoenix,
Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Morrison
All of them ended by Hollywood
I see your face and a
You wanna touch it and
Come to my place and
We can discuss it, Hollywood
Welcome to Hollywood
It doesn't matter where you been
Or what you did wrong
It doesn't matter who you are
You're always welcome
It only matters that your heart believes
And you confess
If you committed any sin you'll be forgiven
Callin on all of God's children
Time to come home
If you wanna be delivered
Time to come home
I've been rescued by the savior
Time to come home
If you wanna be in His favor
Time to come home
Come on home
Come on come on home
oooh yeah yeah
come on home
If you cant see your way out
And you're drowning in your regrets
If you have everything you want
But you still cant find happiness
Cuz when you feel like you're forsaken
Life can be so hopeless
Maybe you need to come home
So your life can be planned
God's children
Time to come home
If you wanna be delivered
Time to come home
I've been rescued by the savior
Time to come home
If you wanna be
you need to be
Time to come home
Don't bare the burden all by yourself
(By yourself)
The Redeemer's here He's gonna give you help
(Give you help)
Come unto him and he will give you rest
For any heart that's heavy laden for salvation
Calling all God's children
Time to come home
If you wanna be delivered
Time to come home
I've been rescued by the savior
Time to come home
If you wanna be in his favor
Time to come home
My home
Your home
In his everlasting arms
My home
Your home
In his everlasting arms
Don't you know its time to come home
Time to come home
Deliver me
I've been rescued by the savior
Dont you wanna be in his favor
My home
Your home
In His everlasting arms
My home
Your home
In His everlasting arms
If you wanna be in his favor
My home
Your home
In His everlasting arms
My home
Your home
In His everlasting arms
There's three things I like about the summertime
Drop tops, long hot nights and summer love
Hey yo, B
Tell 'em what time it is
Let' s go
Out of all the guys that approached me
Walking up to me like they know me
You were the one that stayed aside
Waited a while and took your time
You don't know how impressing
Your curiousity was to me
It was the fourth day of July
Looked in my eyes and saw that I
I wanted more than just a man (man)
I needed a friend (I want a friend)
Someone I can talk to (oh)
Someone who'll really listen (yeah)
When you touched my hand (yeah yeah)
The sun got brighter then (brighter then)
Trusting you I closed my eyes
And felt our love begin
It was the summertime (when we fell in love)
It was the summertime (when heaven shined on us)
It was the summertime (baby there is nothing like the)
Summertime, summertime (ohh)
Now it's been a year and we're closer
Fall in love again when I hold ya
I know that God set you aside
For me and now you are my prize
Wanna grow old with ya
Fill a house with ya pictures
Have a son for you, a little girl for me
Together we'll raise a family
I wanted more then just a man
I needed a friend
You are my best friend (yeah)
Someone I could talk to
Someone who'll really listen (yeah)
When you touched my hand (yeah)
The sun got brighter then (brighter then)
Trusting you I closed my eyes
and felt our love begin
Yo let me holla at you for a sec
So what's in gonna be, him or me? (yeah)
We can cruise the world for pearls
And bare boots for girls
Summertime in the linen, fresh fruit
Livin the life that's forbidden for just you (let's go)
No worries you ain't gotta be stressed out
No hurries you ain't gotta be rushed out
Sit back relax ma take your time
Now have a taste of the finest wine
Every minute that we have's a blessing to me
And in your heart you's a "Child of Destiny" (that's right)
Them hot summers that we had especially
Love who you is girl, you bring out the best of me
And it's like that, you know it's like that (that's right)
And that's your plan, where's your hand let me ice that
You my heart ain't no chance you could fight that
The summertime, when you hot baby take that, take that
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies
Now put your hands up
Up in the club, we just broke up
I'm doing my own little thing
Decided to dip and now you wanna trip
Cause another brother noticed me
I'm up on him, he up on me
Don't pay him any attention
Just cried my tears, for three good years
Ya can't be mad at me
Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
I got gloss on my lips, a man on my hips
Got me tighter in my Dereon jeans
Acting up, drink in my cup
I can care less what you think
I need no permission, did I mention
Don't pay him any attention
Cause you had your turn and now you gonna learn
What it really feels like to miss me
Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh
Don't treat me to the things of the world
I'm not that kind of girl
Your love is what I prefer, what I deserve
Here's a man that makes me then takes me
And delivers me to a destiny, to infinity and beyond
Pull me into your arms, say I'm the one you own
If you don't, you'll be alone
And like a ghost Ill be gone
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies
Now put your hands up, oh, oh, oh
Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Yo where the brother by my side at?
Yo you really need to stop that
Get it right!
It's not even like that
Try to get a job before we livin on a box flat
Put it on that and here's ya demo you can shop dat
It's funny how things turn around
Last night you tryna get down you act like you down
Any other time it's like you steady hatin on Brown
I'm tryna see my name in lights you tryna short it out the ground
You're the one that's got it twisted cause I'm right by your side
I had a bad day you jumpin' on my back for a ride
What can a man say I'm on the run, just for your auditionin
Callin on you every night it's like you never listenin
You're the one that's switchin up gettin to specifics
When you say that I'm just dreamin I be rollin like a Michelin
Carmen you just trippin cause you know I love you infinite
Just so we could be here look at everything I did for this
So why you actin like that
You don't have to take it anymore fight back
I came too far to turn around and just hike back
Trying to get me sidetracked see me on the corner where the sign of the time at
And yo I came from the projects now I want the condos
Trying to be a star and now you messin up my cosmo
But you can't find something if you walkin' wit a blindfold
Carmen I can see right through you with my eyes closed
Grown man to finance
You actin like a nuisance
You're the one that's in the club and tryin to do a new dance
Songs you got me singin like my name was Bobbly Blubland
I like to feel so high and
You feel good feeeling low
I like my colors vivid
And you paint yo colors bold
I like see the world
And you like your weekends home
But I've been staying behind
While you refuse to go!
Cuz you are you such a burden
But you're the weight above my shoulders
And even though I'm hurtin'
It still feels like each time I'm growning
When I thought that we'd grow up and grow together at the same time
Guess I you passed by
At that old stop sign
At that old stop sign
You like to sleep all day
And I like my minutes old
Ilike trips to the movies
Watch T.V. all night long
I like to go out dancing
And you go out just to hang
And i've been right beside you
losing me and doing the same
Cuz you are such a burden
But you're the weight above my shoulders
And even though I'm hurtin'
It still feels like each time I'm growing
When I thought that we'd grow and grow together at the same time
Guess I passed you by
At that old stop sign
At that old stop sign
I looked around
And baby you were gone
Where did I lose you honey
I even slowed down
Thought you would follow
But you took your own roads honey
I've been travelin', travelin', travelin'
Only to find out I'm making this trip all alone
And I've been staying behind while you refuse to go!
Cuz you are such a burden
But you're the weught above my shoulder
And even though I'm hurtin'
It still feels like this each I'm growing
When I thought that we'd grow up and grow together at the same time
Guess I passed yuo by
At that old stop sign
Yea yeaaaaaaa!
This is for them 20 somethings
Time really moves fast, you were just sixteen
This is for them 30 somethings
That didn't turn out exactly how your mom and dad wanted you to be
This is for them 40 somethings
Well raise up your glass and laugh like a muthaf#*%er
This is for them 50 somethings
Hey, you're halfway there, baby take it to the head
Mom and dad, tried to hide the world
Said the world is just too big for a little girl
Eyes wide open, can't you see
I had my first heels by the age of 13
Mom and dad, tried to hide the boys
I swear that just make them want me more
At 14, they asked what I wanna be,
I said baby 21, so I get me a drink
I'm not a teacher, babe
But I can teach you something
Not a preacher
But we can pray if you wanna
Ain't a doctor
But I can make you feel better
But I'm great at writing physical love letters
I'm a freak, all day, all night
Hot, top, flight
Boy you're out of sight
And i'm crazy, all day, all night
Who needs a degree when you're schoolin' life
Schoolin' life....oh oh oh....schoolin' life....
This is for them pretty somethings
Living in a fastlane, see you when you crash babe
This is for them sexy somethings
That body can't always get ya out of everything
This is for them bitter somethings
Stop living in regret, baby, it's not over yet
And this is for them chipper somethings
That's high on life, baby, put me on your flight
I'm not a teacher, babe
But I can teach you something
Not a preacher
But we can pray if you wanna
Ain't a doctor
But I can make you feel better
But I'm great at writing physical love letters
I'm a freak, all day, all night
Hot, top, flight
Boy you're out of sight
And i'm crazy, all day, all night
Who needs a degree when you're schoolin' life
Schoolin' life....oh oh oh....schoolin' life....
You know it costs to be the boss
One day you'll run the town
For now make your life what you decide
Baby, party til the fire marshal, shuts this sucker down
I'm not a teacher, babe
But I can teach you something
Not a preacher
But we can pray if you wanna
Ain't a doctor
But I can make you feel better
But I'm great at writing physical love letters
I'm a freak, all day, all night
Hot, tap, sway
Boy you're out of sight
And i'm crazy, all day, all night
Who needs a degree when you're schoolin' life
Schoolin' life....oh oh oh....schoolin' life....oh oh oh
There's not a real way to live this...for real
Just remember stay relentless....oh yeah, oh yeah
Don't stop running until it's finished
Satellites flashing by
It's a beautiful state we're in
But how can we love in isolation?
Think how happy we can be when we just try
When nothing like we seem
Passionate words are never spoken
You don't know how I bleed
When I leave your side
In your eyes, love's alive
You've come untied
'Cause we're flashing by
Like satellites, satellites
Take all the rules away
How can we live if we don't change?
We're always on display
Let's run and hide
In our eyes, love's alive
We've come untied
'Cause we're flashing by
Like satellites, satellites
If we don't communicate
We'll exist in our own space
We have all the love we need
While we're apart I cannot breathe
Satellites flashing by
Oh oh oh I, oh oh oh I
If I wrote a book about where we stand
The title of my book would be "Life with Superman"
That's how you make me feel
I count you as a privilege
This love is so ideal
I'm honored to be in it
I know you feel the same
I see it everyday
And all the things you do
And all the things you say
You are my roc
Baby you're the truth
You are my roc
I love to rock with you
You are my roc
You're everything I need
You are my roc
So baby rock with me
I wanna kiss ya, feel ya, please ya just right
I wanna touch ya, love ya, baby all night
Reward ya, for all the things you do
You are my roc
I love to roc with you
I love to roc with you
Oh oh oh I
If I were try to count the ways
You make me smile
I'd run out of fingers
Before I run out of timeless
things to talk about
Sugar you keeps it going on
Make wanna keep my lovin strong
Make wanna try my best
To give you what you want and what you need
Give you my whole heart, not just a little piece
More than a minimum, I'm talking everything
More than a single wish, I'm talking every dream
You are my roc
Baby you are the truth
You are my roc
I love to roc with you
You are my roc
You're everything I need
You are my roc
So baby roc with me
I wanna kiss ya, feel ya, please ya just right
I wanna touch ya, love ya, baby all night
Reward ya, for all the things you do
You are my roc
I love to roc with you
I wanna roc with you
There's options I dont want them
They're not worth my time
Cause if it's not you, oh no thank you
I like us just fine
You're a roc in the sand
You're a smile in a cry
You're my joy through the pain
You're the truth through the lies
No matter what I do
I know that I can count on you
Oh oh oh I, oh oh oh I
You are my roc
Baby you're the truth
You are my roc
I love to rock with you
You are my roc
You're everything I need
You are my roc
So baby roc with me
I wanna kiss ya, feel ya, please ya just right
I wanna touch ya, love ya, baby all night
Reward ya, for all the things you do
You are my roc
I love to roc with you
I love to roc with you
Oh oh oh I, oh oh oh I
I wanna kiss ya, feel ya, please ya just right
I wanna touch ya, love ya, baby all night
Reward ya, for all the things you do
You are my roc
I love to roc with you
Oh my god
You done lost yo muthafucking mind
You must have lost yo mind
You must've just lost yo mind
(Yo mind)
You must've just lost yo mind
(Yo mind)
They told me bout all the lies
(The lies)
I took you back all those times
You must have lost yo mind
(Lost yo mind)
You must have lost yo mind
(Yo mind)
That Chloe Crop bag ain't mine
(Wasn't mine)
Many earrings must I find
(I find)
You must've just lost yo mind
I could shed so many tears
But I won't let you see me crying
Now it all adds up
Even the numbers
Let me exactly hear
Bet you you wonder
I know how my mama felt
Getting ran over
But this ain't a cycle here
This one is over
Something told me to check my time
If I'm the one that's always crying
Now that it's over
I can move on from here
Glad that it's over
So glad that it's over
I could've told ya
It's all in the atmosphere
I can't control ya
But I'm not a pushover no more
You must've just lost yo mind
(Lost yo mind)
You must've just lost yo mind
(Lost yo mind)
They told me bout all the lies
(All the lies)
I took you back all those times
You must've just lost yo mind
(Yo mind)
That Chloe Crop bag ain't mine
(Wasn't mine)
Many earrings must I find
(I find)
You must've just lost yo mind
Could shed
But you won't let me see you crying
If she really loves ya
Than that's what ya need to build
I'm more than yo woman
I know you don't love her
I painted it for ya
But you picked the colors
At night you'll get over
Yea, like you will never
I trusted
You after
All these years
And I'm
The one
That's always crying
Now that it's over
I can move on from here
Glad that it's over
So glad that it's over
The melody told you
Exactly the pain I feel
Reap what you sow, boy
I'm not a pushover
You must've just lost yo mind
(You lost it, lost yo mind)
You must've just lost yo mind
(Lost yo mind, hey)
They told me bout all the lies
(All the lies)
I took you back all those times
(I took you back too many times)
(Lost, oh)
(Yo, oh)
(Mind, oh)
You must've just lost yo mind
(Lost yo mind)
That Chloe crop bag ain't mine
(That Chloe crop bag it wasn't mine, wasn't mine)
Many earrings must I find
You must've just lost yo mind
I always knew you were counterfeit
That's what you get
I see you crying
(You lost yo mind)
Excuses after excuses
(You lost yo mind)
Pretending that we exclusive
(You lost yo mind)
I stuck around all these years
(You lost yo mind)
I dried and cried all yo tears
(Oh, oh)
You despite my fears
To keep
On trying
Now that it's over
I can move on, boy
Glad that it's over
So glad that it's over
You just confirmed it
This ain't a warning
Ya living a double life
You must've lost yo mind
You must've just lost yo mind
(You crazy)
You must've just lost yo mind
(You crazy)
They told me bout all the lies
(You lost yo mind)
I took you back all those times
(Tell you one mo time)
You must've just lost yo mind
(You lost yo mind)
That Chloe Crop bag ain't mine
(It was not mine)
Many earrings must I find
You must've just lost yo mind
(You must've just lost yo mind)
You just lost yo mind
We gon take it to the moon take it to the stars how many
people you know can take it this far,I'm supercharged.We
bout to take this whole thing to mars.Now we gon take it
to the Moon take it to the stars,you don't know what we
would do to make it this far.So many scars I'm bout to
take this whole thing to mars. then (kanye west part).we
gon take it to the moon take it to the stars,how many
people you know can take it this far.Im super charged,we
bout to take this whole thing to mars.now we gon take it
to the moon take it to the stars,you dont know what we
would do to make it this far,so many scars,bout to take
this whole thing to mars.then Kanye west part and Jay z's
Ay yo B This a good look right here Yeah Bad Boy baby Uh ay yo B
I been wantin' to explain to you
what it is that you do to me
Got me open I am so in love with lovin' you
Touch in places no one else has
ever made me feel incredible
When you touch me I feel sexy
No one else like you
Got me goin' off all the love you give me (you give me)
I'd be crazy to ever want to leave
I love the way your hands alone run by me (touch me)
Please don't say your gonna stop lovin' me (so keep on)
Keep givin' your love to me (oh)
Keep givin' your love to me (oh)
When you givin' yor love to me (oh)
It's like you makin' love to me (oh)
I loose all control when you are here
and baby it amazes me
How could someone be so sexy
and love like you do
Baby do you understand the power that you possess over me
Can't escape this feeling and I don't think I want to
It's crazy how much I'm in love with you
It's all cause you love me the way you do
Don't want no other love but you
Cause no one else has ever made me feel this good
Makin' love to me
Makin' love to me
Makin' love to me
Makin' love to me
Makin' love to me
Ya lo ves, ya lo ves, te olvidé, olvidé!
Ya lo ves, ya lo ves, ya lo ves amor esta vez, te olvide!
En el closet, en un rincon estan tus cosas, esto se acabo!
Te juro que ya no te aguanto más,
no te quiero ya ni como amante
esta vez no ganarás,
te puedes marchar,
y no vuelvas jamas
Y si acaso piensas,
que esta vez voy a perdonar,
ya verás que nunca más
me vuelves a engañar,
ya largate!
que sabes tu de mi no me hagas reir,
tu creías que eras imprecindible
Pero sin tu amor no voy a morirme, baby
que sabes tu de mi no me hagas reir,
Me verás con otro hombre a mi lado
Ya lo ves traidor voy a sustituirte,a olvidar tu amor
Ya me cure del dolor,
ya te saqué de mi corazón
Vete con ella solos los dos
Pobre de ti, largate me das asco
Tu eres mi luz, Pero hay amores
que matan de daño
me canse de ti,
ya no soy aquella infeliz
Y si acaso piensas que esta vez
voy a perdonar, ya verás
Que nunca más me vuelves a engañar
Ya largate
que sabes tu de mi, no me hagas reir,
tu creías que eras imprescindible
Pero sin tu amor no voy a morirme,baby
que sabes tu de mi no me hagas reir,
Me verás con otro hombre a mi lado
Ya lo ves traidor voy a sustituirte,
voy a olvidar tu amor
ya no soy nada para ti
alguien que no conoces
Lo nuestro se acabó
tanto daño al fin lo destruyó
Nunca lloraré por ti
Porque ya me cansé de ti
No eres mas inprescindible
ya lo ves ya lo ves,
te olvidé, te olvidé
ya lo ves ya lo ves,
ya lo ves amor esta vez te olvidé
Te olvidé, te olvidé
ya lo ves traidor voy sustituirte
voy a olvidar tu amor
que sabes tu de mi, no me hagas reir
tu creias que eras imprescindible
pero sin tu amor no voy a morirme,baby
que sabes tu de mi, no me hagas reir
Me veras con otro hombre a mi lado
ya lo ves traidor voy a sustituirte,baby
que sabes tu de mi, no me hagas reir
tu creias que eras imprescindible
pero sin tu amor no voy a morirme
No hay mas que hablar terminamos
este cuento al fin se ha acabado
me verás con otro hombre a mi lado
ya lo ves traidor voy a sustituirte
It's really been weighing on me,tell me what did I do?
To have ya'll hatin on me,When I don't have nothin to prove.
Sometimes I shake my head,when I'm layin down in my bed.
Thinkin bout the things been said,when you really don't know me yet.
Gotta clear up some things there have been many things said about me!
So many opinions,so many judgements,preconcieved.
It's outta my character for me to feed in to ya,give it a rest.
You must admire me spend so much time with me consuming your head.
(I can't take no more)I think it's time for me to let it all out.
(I can't take no more)Why my name always up in your mouth?
(What you hate me for?)I'm so tired of all of these lies.
(I can't take no more)No more,no more,no more,oooh
(2nd Verse)
It's really been weighing on me,i'm not myself lately.
I feel a little incomplete,but i'm not gonna lose no sleep.
I keep it all in my mind,cause it gotta get better in time.
Why don't you live your life?And let me live mine.
Gotta clear up some things there have been many things said about me!
So many opinions,so many judgements,preconcieved.
It's outta my character for me to feed in to ya,give it a rest.
You must admire me spend so much time with me consuming your head.
(I can't take no more)I think it's time for me to let it all out.
(I can't take no more)Why my name always up in your mouth?
(What you hate me for?)I'm so tired of all of these lies.
(I can't take no more)No more,no more,no more,oooh
(2nd Bridge)
Yoou,yoou,yoou,don't know,yoou,yoou,yoou,don't know.
Yoou,yoou,yoou,don't know,yoou,yoou,yoou,don't know.
(Repeat Chorus Twice)
If you search for tenderness,
it isn't hard to find.
You can have the love you need to live.
But if you look for truthfulness,
you might just as well be blind.
it always seems to be so hard to give.
Is such a lonely word,
everyone is so untrue.
Its hardly ever heard,
and mostly what i need from you.
I can always find someone,
to say they sympathize.
If i wear my heart out on my sleeve,
but i don't want some pretty face,
to tell me pretty lies.
All i want is someone to believe.
Is such a lonely word,
everyone is so untrue.
Its hardly ever heard
and mostly what i need from you.
I can find a lover,
i can find a friend.
I can have security until the bitter end.
Anyone can comfort with promises again.
I know
I know
When i'm deep inside of me,
don't be to concerned
i wont ask for nothing
while i'm gone.
But when i want sincerity
tell me where else can i turn.
When your the one that i depend upon.
is such a lonely word,
everyone so untrue
Its hardly ever heard
- The cards never lie, my last breath a sigh
and now I think about if it's my time to die
I don't know what I was thinking, steady wasting time with Hill
and I need to live my life because my time is unforgiven
I can't understand how my life changed around
Manifest my destiny, is it the brown of the ground?
Blue skies are turning gray it's the point of indecision
Believing in the cards
You might start
Returning to your vision
- Oh Girlfriend, get your mind on line
Don't spend your time cause you can't waste your time
Everyday like it's your last, But you must fear divine
Intervention comes and snatch up all your dreams from behind
You feel it and you got to let them know it
Your heart and that's the feeling that you go with
If you have a dream you need to go and let them know it
Cause you could wake up in the morning and it could be over
- No, No, No, No
I don't wanna, I don't wanna
I don't wanna go
Just, Just, Just let me stay home
Let me live my dream, let me see another dawn
No, No, No, No
I don't wanna, I don't wanna
I don't wanna go
Just, Just, Just let me stay home
Let me live my dream, let me see another dawn
- Carmen, don't listen cause the cards have deceit
Just slide him the money, we don't need a receipt
Truth only exists within the eyes of the beholder
Plus he's kind of young for fortune telling
and probably should be older
- But the cards never lie, I thought I told you
Now it's her time to try, to reach her goals before she reaches the light
- This is love
It's like I'm trying to throw my life away
Sometimes love is all you got and other times it makes you pay
- But when you finally rise
Then you'll realize
- The windows to the soul are not the hips but the eyes
- Oh You could wish on the stars but they dead, just a light
- But they shine just as bright as they did their entire life
No, No, No, No
I don't wanna, I don't wanna
I don't wanna go
Just, Just, Just let me stay home
Just let me live my dreams, let me see another dawn
No, No, No, No
I don't wanna, I don't wanna
I don't wanna go
Just, Just, Just let me stay home
Oh no she didn’t
Oh yes she did
Hey, hey, hey
We about to catch a case
About to catch a case
We about to catch a case
About to catch a case
I’m about to catch a case
Hey, hey, hey, hey
(Verse 1)
Excuse me
That’s the second time you bumped into me
Excuse, huh, whatcha say
One of ya’ll better get her
Cuz I don’t wanna get up in it
You just called me a gold digger
Now I gotta get up in her
Hold my
Somebody get my bag
Hold my
I need a stick up my hair
Three seconds
I’m ‘bout to lose control
Call the cops
Cuz I’m ‘bout to let go
Where my hardcore ladies from the front to back
And if you ready for war, where the ump you at
Where my soul sistas at
Where my soul sistas at
Where my soul sistas at
Don’t hold me back
We about to catch a case
About to catch a case
We about to catch a case
About to catch a case
I’m about to catch a case
Hey, hey, hey, hey
We about to catch a case
About to catch a case
We about to catch a case
About to catch a case
I’m about to catch a case
Hey, hey, hey, hey
(Verse 2)
Usually I keep my cool and keep it movin’
But you know just what you’re doin’
Arm is swinging, now get through it
We can do it
You wanna prove it
Then go ‘head and make yo move
Unless you’re scared
Cuz if you’re scared I can understand
You might be showin’ off
Tell me is it for your man
You brought him to the cause
Maybe that’s how you can get down
And if you don’t then you can pray
Where my hardcore ladies from the front to back
And if you ready for war, where the ump you at
Where my soul sistas at
Where my soul sistas at
Where my soul sistas at
Don’t hold me back
(Chorus 2x)
We about to catch a case
About to catch a case
We about to catch a case
About to catch a case
I’m about to catch a case
Hey, hey, hey
We about to catch a case
About to catch a case
We about to catch a case
About to catch a case
I’m about to catch a case
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Where my hardcore ladies from the front to back
And if you ready for war, where the ump you at
Where my soul sistas at
Where my soul sistas at
Where my soul sistas at