12 Mar


Tariq Ali & Luke Stobart: Podemos, crisis & movements


Alexis Tsipras & Pablo Iglesias at a Syriza election rally

Within a year of its creation, Podemos became the main opposition party in Spain. Analyses of its rapid rise have centred on its unorthodox and ambitious political approach and the different forms of participatory democracy practised (however imperfectly). Less has been said about the relation between the Podemos phenomenon and the Spanish context of major […]

04 Mar

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The worrying re-legitimation of Golden Dawn


The 2013 arrest of Golden Dawn leader Nikolaos Mihaloliakos

The intervention of SYRIZA MP and Speaker of the House Zoi Konstantopoulou during the first (and so far sole) session of the Greek Parliament sent a chill through the country’s anti-fascist movement. The Speaker proposed the postponement of the parliamentary sitting because the District Attorney had not given permission to the MPs of Golden Dawn […]

Filed under: fascism, Featured, Greece

01 Feb


Zombie social democracy in shock landslide win


‘Shit, now what do I do?’

Assert, don’t defend. Fight, fight, fight. —Andrew Bolt, “[Abbott] Government behind 46 to 54. But here’s how it can recover”, 15 December 2014 [Campbell Newman] just seemed arrogant and beyond the control of voters — a fatal flaw in Australian politics. Abbott hasn’t had Newman’s freedom to smash through as he tackles another Labor debt, […]

27 Jan


Some thoughts on the deal between Syriza & ANEL



This was written as part of Kevin’s live blogging of the post-election manoeuvres, in response to the shock many readers felt at Syriza’s coalition agreement with the right-wing ANEL (Independent Greeks). We thought it deserved a standalone post that people could come back to easily, before Kevin delivers his final dispatch — a  full post-election […]

Filed under: Featured, Greece

24 Jan

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Dispatch from Athens #12: Show some Left initiative


Protest outside the ERT occupation, June 2013

NOTE: Kevin’s liveblog of the election is already up & running HERE Let’s show some initiative on the Left It’s pouring down in Athens. It’s not put a dampener on people’s spirits, however. A quick visit to the local square for a coffee brought me into an animated discussion with a fluid group of people […]

Filed under: Featured, Greece

23 Jan

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Dispatch from Athens #11: Voices from Syriza’s Left


Dimosthenis Papadatos-Anagnostopoulos, editor-in-chief of Red Notebook

Voices from Syriza’s Left “Communist”, “Eurocommunist”, “radical Left”, “anti-capitalist”, “plural”, “a coalition of the radical Left”, “a new Left”, “a recomposition of the old Left”, “Left-reformist”… There are many characterisations of Syriza. In part, that is a reflection of the heterogeneous make-up of the coalition, which was founded in 2004 and turned itself into a […]

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