iOS Programming Course 2012 - Lecture 1 iOS (Objective-C Primer)
iOS Programming Course 2012 - Lecture 1 iOS (Objective-C Primer)
iOS Programming Course 2012 - Lecture 1 iOS (Objective-C Primer)
Visit http://www.chupamobile.com to attend the entire course. Today's applications are increasingly mobile. Computers are no longer confined to desks and laps...
Objective-C Tutorial - Lesson 1: What You Need To Program and Programming Basics
Objective-C Tutorial - Lesson 1: What You Need To Program and Programming Basics
Objective-C Tutorial - Lesson 1: What You Need To Program and Programming Basics
Objective-C® for Dummies® by Neal Goldstein, Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., is the main source of information for this video. [This is a remake ...
Learning iOS: Create your own app with Objective-C! by Tianyu Liu
Learning iOS: Create your own app with Objective-C! by Tianyu Liu
Learning iOS: Create your own app with Objective-C! by Tianyu Liu
Ever wanted to build your own iOS app with Objective-C but didn't know where to start? Learn the basic introduction to iOS and get started making your cool apps on the App Store.
Learn Objective-C Mac/iOS Tut: 1 (For Beginner Programmers)
Learn Objective-C Mac/iOS Tut: 1 (For Beginner Programmers)
Learn Objective-C Mac/iOS Tut: 1 (For Beginner Programmers)
An introductory tutorial for beginning programmers to Mac/iOS Software development. These segment of video tutorials are for those interested in learning Obj...
"What should I learn first, Objective C or Swift?"
"What should I learn first, Objective C or Swift?"
"What should I learn first, Objective C or Swift?"
iOS Engineer, Eric Miller, brings some clarity to the growing debate about which development language up-and-coming software developers should learn first.
New to development or a pro who needs help? Just tweet your question to #AskADev. We’ll pick the best ones and have a developer answer them.
Objective C Tutorial For Beginners - Episode 1 - Variables
Objective C Tutorial For Beginners - Episode 1 - Variables
Objective C Tutorial For Beginners - Episode 1 - Variables
Objective C Tutorial For Beginners is a series that introduces the Objective C programming language and teaches you how to write code to build iPhone apps. L...
iOS Programming: Camera tutorial with Objective C and xcode 6
iOS Programming: Camera tutorial with Objective C and xcode 6
iOS Programming: Camera tutorial with Objective C and xcode 6
Learn how to make a simple camera with Objective C and xcode 6.
Curso de Iniciación a la programación en Objective-C. DesarrolloWeb.com / EscuelaIT
Curso de Iniciación a la programación en Objective-C. DesarrolloWeb.com / EscuelaIT
Curso de Iniciación a la programación en Objective-C. DesarrolloWeb.com / EscuelaIT
Primera sesión en abierto del curso de EscuelaIT para iniciarse en la programación, usando el lenguaje Objective-C y el entorno de desarrollo Xcode.
Objective-C Tutorial: Creating an iOS App for Absolute Beginners (Tut: 1)
Objective-C Tutorial: Creating an iOS App for Absolute Beginners (Tut: 1)
Objective-C Tutorial: Creating an iOS App for Absolute Beginners (Tut: 1)
This video is the first video in my iOS App Development collection! This is also the second video in my Objective-C tutorial.
An introductory tutorial for beginning programmers to iOS application development! These segments of video tutorials are for those interested in learning Objective-C for iOS and Mac OS X.
These tutorials cover the foundation of the language for the beginner and then they later evolve into more advanced topics.
Should I Learn Java or Objective-C First?
Should I Learn Java or Objective-C First?
Should I Learn Java or Objective-C First?
Should I learn Java or Objective C First?
Objective C is a pretty tight niche. You'll only be able to program for the iPhone.
There are other iOS devices.
Not a lot of them.
There are around a billion Apple computers, cell phones, iPads and other such devices.
What I mean is, there are job opportunities. Java runs on everything, from Microsoft computers to iPhones to Androids.
I've heard that learning one might make it easier to learn the other.
If you've only learned functional programming like in say Lisp, then learning Java will teach you how to think for objective oriented programming. And you'll learn how to use APIs, which are al
Objective-C vs Swift Comparison
Objective-C vs Swift Comparison
Objective-C vs Swift Comparison
Can you give me a non-techie Objective-C vs Swift comparison?
Objective-C is what Apple has had its OS written in for years. Swift is what Apple now says they want their OS written in for next year and beyond.
Objective C has a reputation for being hard.
It is. It is the C language, with its complicated syntax and grammar, with a lot of classes and manipulations to make a functional language an object oriented one.
How is Swift different?
Swift is a new language designed from the beginning to be object oriented. It is expected to be a lot easier to create commands, classes, references and so forth with objects.
I would not object to tha
Objective C and Mac OS X Development, Lecture 1
Objective C and Mac OS X Development, Lecture 1
Objective C and Mac OS X Development, Lecture 1
First lecture of Objective C programming course. Introduction to the course. Hello, World. Classes. Objects. Methods. Messaging. Course homepage -- http://wi...
Objective C Programming Tutorial - 1 - Setting up Xcode
Objective C Programming Tutorial - 1 - Setting up Xcode
Objective C Programming Tutorial - 1 - Setting up Xcode
Visit my website at https://buckysroom.org/ for all of my videos and tutorials! Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/TheNewBoston/464114846956315 Google+...
1. Introduction to Mac OS X, Cocoa Touch, Objective-C and Tools
1. Introduction to Mac OS X, Cocoa Touch, Objective-C and Tools
1. Introduction to Mac OS X, Cocoa Touch, Objective-C and Tools
(January 5, 2010) Alan Cannistraro starts the quarter with an introduction to Mac OS X, Cocoa Touch, and Objective-C. Part of Stanford's Winter Quarter 2010 ...
Should I Learn C or C++ Before Objective C?
Should I Learn C or C++ Before Objective C?
Should I Learn C or C++ Before Objective C?
Should I learn C or C++ before Objective C? Objective C is similar to all the other C languages. Objective C is limited to the Apple hardware family. I heard...
Stanford University Developing iOS 7 Apps: Lecture 3 - Objective C
Stanford University Developing iOS 7 Apps: Lecture 3 - Objective C
Stanford University Developing iOS 7 Apps: Lecture 3 - Objective C
This is a lecture of the course as it was published by Stanford University. It has Creative Commons rights.
Hello World tutorial For iOS iPhone App Development Beginners with xcode 6 IDE and Objective-C
Hello World tutorial For iOS iPhone App Development Beginners with xcode 6 IDE and Objective-C
Hello World tutorial For iOS iPhone App Development Beginners with xcode 6 IDE and Objective-C
Learn how to make a simple app using xcode 6 and objective-c. Please subscribe! I will add new videos regularly.
How to Make a Slide Out Menu with Objective-C in Xcode
How to Make a Slide Out Menu with Objective-C in Xcode
How to Make a Slide Out Menu with Objective-C in Xcode
Download The Project Files Here - http://archetapp.com/2014/07/14/how-to-make-a-slide-out-menu-with-objective-c-in-xcode/ Sorry about the moment of silence a...
Objective C Programming Tutorial - 25 - Synthesized Accessor Methods
Objective C Programming Tutorial - 25 - Synthesized Accessor Methods
Objective C Programming Tutorial - 25 - Synthesized Accessor Methods
Check out my blog http://thenewboston.blogspot.com/ Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe!
iPhone Apps 101: Create Your First iPhone App with Xcode 5 and Objective-C
iPhone Apps 101: Create Your First iPhone App with Xcode 5 and Objective-C
iPhone Apps 101: Create Your First iPhone App with Xcode 5 and Objective-C
iPhone Apps 101: Create Your First iPhone App with Xcode 5 and Objective-C Signup and save 30% with discount code YOUTUBE3: http://skl.sh/1llihmo Learn to cr...
iOS programming: MapKit Tutorial with Objective c and xcode 6
iOS programming: MapKit Tutorial with Objective c and xcode 6
iOS programming: MapKit Tutorial with Objective c and xcode 6
In this video you will learn how to use mapKit in xcode 6 with Objective C. : )
02_02_Первые шаги в Objective C
02_02_Первые шаги в Objective C
02_02_Первые шаги в Objective C
Первые шаги и знакомство с синтаксисом языка программирования Objective C Этот и другие уроки вы можете посмотреть на сайте обучающего проекта beSimple http:...
Видеоурок программирование на Objective-C. Урок 1. Hello, World!
Видеоурок программирование на Objective-C. Урок 1. Hello, World!
Видеоурок программирование на Objective-C. Урок 1. Hello, World!
Первый видеоурок из серии "Первые шаги в Objective-C".
Самый простой пример, с которого начинается знакомство с любым языком - Hello, World!
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