- published: 03 May 2016
- views: 26
Wermund, Vermund or Garmund is an ancestor of the Mercian royal family, a son of Wihtlaeg and father of Offa. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle makes him a grandson of Woden, but the Danish histories written by Saxo Grammaticus disagree with this concept.
According to the Gesta Danorum, his reign was long and happy, though its prosperity was eventually marred by the raids of a warlike king named Athislus, who slew Frowinus, the governor of Schleswig, in battle. Frowinus's death was avenged by his two sons, Keto and Wigo, but their conduct in fighting together against a single man was thought to constitute a national disgrace, which was only reconciled by the subsequent single combat of Offa.
It has been suggested that Athislus, though called king of the Swedes by Saxo, was really identical with the Eadgils, king of the Myrgings, mentioned in Widsith, and Frowinus and Wigo are identified with the Freawine and Wig who figure among the ancestors of the kings of Wessex.
He is mentioned in lines 1958-1963 of the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf as Garmund the father of Offa of Angel and grandfather of Eomer.
2016 4th of July Fireworks show by Matt Cole filmed by Jen Wermund
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Tying thoughts straight around your tongue
Celebrate in the heart song
Hope stream the swim nose bleeds
Foreseen your life's a street
Run more, dance your back
The most on... off that stops
No luck... the stars
Mantra, to seek the sparks
The cut, the book of...
Don't cleanse your morning light
At last turned this old...
The clouds are the wrong way now
The turned is one I held