5 Kids Who Got Revenge On Their Bully
People who got the best revenge
Ever this is our list of 5
Kids who got revenge on their bully
1. This clip will sit with a lot of people who had to put up with bullies during school. This wasn't the first time young
Casey had to endure physical bullying from his assailant. When you are on the outside looking in, you wonder why this big kid is taking flak from this much smaller skinny kid, is because Casey was taught to avoid violence at all cost. There is a problem though, you can only poke the beast so much before he fights back and enough was enough. He slammed his bully to the ground before walking away to avoid anymore mess. The limping at the end makes it all the more sweet. To give credit, the bully went on national TV to apologise after the event, but the damage was already done, to both his leg and his ego.
2. This is one of those videos we don't have any names for but it's extremely satisfying anyway as the guy who quite evidently doesn't want to fight, gets fists in his face none the less. This guy is far too heavily intoxicated to fight back, so we ask you to keep an eye on the grey t-shirt in the background, he is about to deal out some justice that only
Batman could dream of. What we do know is this whole thing came about because of an argument around who was in front of who in line for some pizza.
The world is filled with this kind of idiot. The guys over 6 foot, had one too many beers at the bar and suddenly they think they can get away with anything. This guy was very wrong. Acting the fool on the behalf of his friends he decides a random guy in the line is deserving of a pizza slapped in his face. As he sits back down and throws some other insults it's not long before the guy who got slapped decides its time to teach this guy a lesson and he sends over his own slice, in the form of a mammoth sized slap, to knock this bully out cold. His friends, once with big mouths to run off, become very sheepish and luckily for us they keep filming.
4. This guy here goes by the name of Low
Tier God; he is one of those classic online douchebags who hype himself up with bravado because he hits the gym in real life.
No doubt, a bully during his school days.
The guy on the right here goes by the moniker Viscant. They're both vloggers who take gaming seriously and enter in various competitions.
Over the course of several months, Viscant beat
LTG many times during online
Street Fighter games, amounting to 26-6 in Viscount's favour. LTg was so pissed about it he called him out to have a tournament game live. He even went as far as to physically intimidate his opponent because of his small and tiny wwww win streak*. As per the online record, it doesn't take long for Viscant to obliterate him again and gives him the neck slice
sign. And, adding insult to injury without even throwing a punch, he delivers a finishing line no finishing move could match.
5. We start off this list with just the perfect piece of come uppance you will see. The hooligan who has obviously sunk a few too many cans of beer during this race event, decides to start getting a bit mouthy and offensive to various members of the crowd.
Nobody likes to cause a scene so he probably thinks he's quite safe, then again he probably thinks he's tough as nails with all the beer in his bulging gut. When told to go away he throws an uneasy swing at the guy in the green hat and that's the start of his downfall. He gets his vest torn, a punch to the face from the guy he called nerd, choked down and needs other onlookers to save him a real beat down! And top it all off, like the sauce on an ice cream cone, his bloodied nose is followed by tears of sadness. He even tries to carry on but his day is done.
Back to the trailer park, dude