Kazmi, Kazemi or Kazimi is a surname, originally from the family of Muhammad's great-grandson Imam Musa al-Kadhim. Kazmis belong to the Sayyid community. People belonging to the Kazmi family can be found all over the world especially in Iran, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and India.
Notable people with this surname
Syed Ali Akbar Kazimi, first Indian education minister who was sent to Kenya for upliftment of education there. He was also a famous Marsiyakhwan (Tehtul Lafz) and was considered best during his era, he also wrote a Marsiya on his ancestors struggle in Azadari movement. He was from Ali Nagar Pali, Jehanabad district of Bihar, India.
Sir Syed Sultan Ahmad KCSI, he also traced his lineage from Imam Musa Al-Kazim, but didn't wrote Kazimi after his name as it was not a fashion during his era. He was from Ali Nagar Pali, Jehanabad district of Bihar, India.
Ahmad Saeed Kazmi, Sufi scholar of international fame from Multan, Pakistan
Arsalan Kazemi, Iranian basketball player
Farhad Kazemi, Iranian football manager