
4 March 2015

This paper provides evidence as a catalyst for informed discussion about arts and culture in Australia.


4 March 2015

This report delves into the nature of domestic and family violence and documents some of the work of the deeply committed people who provide services to victims and perpetrators of abuse.


3 March 2015

Describes the trends in living alone and describes the characteristics of people who live alone.


3 March 2015

CEW’s Westpac Case Study reveals how one of Australia’s biggest employers – led by one of the world’s most high-profile female CEOs – tackled gender diversity.


2 March 2015

This dictionary is intended to be the authoritative source of data definitions used by BreastScreen Australia to meet the need for national consistency in data collected for program monitoring and evaluation, and for accreditation of BreastScreen Australia services.


2 March 2015

Presents information on asylum claims, unauthorised arrivals and irregular migration in Australia and Europe, to help address some of the popular misconceptions that surround asylum issues.


27 February 2015

The Centre for Sport and Social Impact (CSSI) at La Trobe University was commissioned by AFL Victoria to determine the social value of a 'typical' community football club; specifically its social, health and community impact.


27 February 2015

This report recommends the Federal Government introduce a data retention scheme, but also recommends several changes to the proposed legislation.


27 February 2015

This review calls for major governance reform, an overhaul of Athletics Australia’s high performance practices and for the sport to be united under one structure.  


26 February 2015

This paper summarises literature on unemployment, mental health and Work for the Dole programs. 


26 February 2015

Examines the trends and drivers of growth in Australian international tourism with a view to understanding their implications for government policy.


26 February 2015

Presents analyses on hearing health outreach services provided to Indigenous children and young people in the Northern Territory.


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The never-ending climate change negotiations and the doubtful efficacy of belated implementation of adaptation/mitigation solutions necessitate exploration of other solutions to the existential crisis facing the microstates of the Pacific region. We can think of at least five alternatives,...


New Zealand faces a changing security environment. It can no longer rely on its distance from the world's trouble spots for safety. The rapid rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, is a game changer for this country. A well-resourced, globally focused terrorist entity,...


Norman Kirk, David Lange, Jim Bolger and Helen Clark - the prime ministers who have best promoted global diplomacy for New Zealand since 1945 - have already been highlighted in previous issues of this journal. The other players, a prime ministerial XI, are this article's album of record....


National security issues are complex in their character, have unclear boundaries as to their effects and involve stakeholders with both domestic and international agendas. The national security system must, therefore, deal with the issues on a system-wide rather than issue-by-issue basis, be...


Review(s) of: Out of the cold: The cold war and its legacy, by Michael R. Fitzgerald and Allen Packwood, Published by Bloomsbury, New York, 2013, 199pp, US$30.99.

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