A vice president (British English - government: vice-president; business: director) is an officer in government or business who is below a president (managing director) in rank. The name comes from the Latin vice meaning 'in place of'. In some countries, the vice president is called the deputy president. A common colloquial term for the office is vee-pee, deriving from a phonetic interpretation of the abbreviation VP.
In government, a vice president is a person whose primary responsibility is to replace the president on the event of his or her death, resignation or incapacity. Vice presidents are either elected jointly with the president as his or her running mate, elected separately, or appointed independently after the president's election.
Most, but not all, governments with vice presidents have only one person in this role at any time. If the president is not present, dies, resigns, or is otherwise unable to fulfill his or her duties, the vice president will generally serve as president. In many presidential systems, the vice president does not wield much day-to-day political power, but is still considered an important member of the cabinet. Several vice presidents in the Americas held the position of President of the Senate; this is the case, for example, in Argentina, the United States, and Uruguay. The vice president sometimes assumes some of the ceremonial duties of the president, such as attending functions and events that the actual president may be too busy to attend; the Vice President of the United States, for example, often attends funerals of world leaders on behalf of the President. In this capacity, the vice president may thus assume the role of a de facto symbolic head of state, a position which is lacking in a system of government where the powers of head of state and government are fused.
Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr. (pronunciation: /ˈdʒoʊsɨf rɒbɨˈnɛt ˈbaɪdən/; born November 20, 1942) is the 47th and current Vice President of the United States, serving under President Barack Obama. A Democrat, he was a United States Senator from Delaware from January 3, 1973 until his resignation on January 15, 2009, following his election to the Vice Presidency.
Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania and lived there for ten years before moving to Delaware. He became an attorney in 1969, and was elected to a county council in 1970. Biden was first elected to the Senate in 1972 and became the sixth-youngest senator in U.S. history. He was re-elected to the Senate six times, was the fourth most senior senator at the time of his resignation, and is the 15th-longest serving Senator in history. Biden was a long-time member and former chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. His strong advocacy helped bring about U.S. military assistance and intervention during the Bosnian War. He opposed the Gulf War in 1991. He voted in favor of the Iraq War Resolution in 2002, but later proposed resolutions to alter U.S. strategy there. He has also served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues related to drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties, and led creation of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and Violence Against Women Act. He chaired the Judiciary Committee during the contentious U.S. Supreme Court nominations of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas.
Joe Biden: Our Touchy-Feely Vice President | SUPERcuts! #165
Smoking Weed with the President of Uruguay: Full Length
Vice President Biden's Bizarre, Creepy Interaction with Senator's Daughter
Surprise! It's Vice President Joe Biden!
C-SPAN: Full Vice Presidential Debate with Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden
Joe Biden: Being Vice President Can Be a 'Bitch'
Vice President Biden Goes Viral!
Vice President Biden Takes the Oath of Office
Election 2012 | Biden vs. Ryan: Complete Vice Presidential Debate | The New York Times
TOLOnews 02 March 2015 Exclusive Interview with Second Vice President
Vice President Biden Speaks in Guatemala about Investing in Central America
Interview with ICBC vice president Zhang Hongli
VP Debate Highlights Songified
Inspired by the actual CIA mind-control experimentation project, MK-Ultra, 'Signals 2' is the second installment of the sci-fi feature tetralogy series, 'Signals.' The storyline continues to follow Nick Marconi, an American soldier victimized by his government's experiments upon him. Tortured by the life and death decisions he must make everyday as he meets people in need of his healing powers, he trudges on, unable to age or die, in search of a son he never knew, and yet the boy also possesses the same powers as Nick. He has also lost the power to telepathically connect with his soul mate as he used to, making his 'life-sentence' on Earth all the more unbearable.
Keywords: digit-in-title, number-in-title, numbered-sequel, second-part, sequel
Is a hero truly a hero?
The best comedy about the worst President ever.
WHEELMEN...An Unlikely Group Of Heroes!
Some terrorists kidnap the Vice President of the United States and threaten to blow up the entire stadium during the final game of the NHL Stanley Cup. There is only one way and one man to stop them...
Keywords: 1990s, action-hero, assassin, assassination, bazooka, blood-spatter, body-landing-on-a-car, bodyguard, bone-as-weapon, box-office-flop
Terror goes into over-time.
Action goes into overtime
They said Game 7 would be a war. They didn't know the half of it.
Some games you can't afford to lose.
This Christmas, action goes into overtime.
Vice President: What kind of lunatic are you?::Joshua Foss: The best kind.
McCord: [Pointedly] I'm having a very bad day.
Play-by-Play Announcer: It's so loud in here, I can barely hear myself think.::Color Commentator: You don't have to think, Mike. It's hockey.
Joshua Foss: [Stopping a Secret Service Agent at gunpoint] Go ahead. Dead heroes get the best funerals!
Joshua Foss: What do you want?::Joshua Foss: What do I want? World peace, an end to bigotry and no more mini malls. What am I gonna get? And I am gonna get it! That, boys and girls, is really hot.::Vice President: [unmoved and a little annoyed] What is your objective?::Joshua Foss: My objective? [shudders] I get funny all over when you talk like that.
Play-by-Play Announcer: He hit his head on the ice. He hit it so hard that his kids will be born dizzy.
[In the locker room]::Tyler: Hey! There's Brad Tolliver. Dad he doesn't have a rocking chair.::Tolliver: A what?::Tyler: My dad says you should sit in a rocking chair, while you are on the ice.
Play-by-Play Announcer: OH STOP THE PRESS
Blair: You're crazy!::Joshua Foss: Me? Ha! I'm not the one paying some neanderthal 40 million dollars a year to skate up and down the ice.
2nd Hostage: [in the Vice President's box-suite, one of Foss's hostages is having a seizure of some kind. Another hostage is examining the first]... This man needs a doctor!::Joshua Foss: [walks over and guns down the ailing first hostage]... Not anymore.
Ad man/genius William Weldon resents his wife Margaret's meddling in his business, even though her suggestions are often on target. The situation gets put to its toughest test when Weldon tries to market an eccentric inventor's embalming fluid, which turns out to be a hair remover.
Keywords: hair, scientist
Joe Biden: Our Touchy-Feely Vice President | SUPERcuts! #165
Smoking Weed with the President of Uruguay: Full Length
Vice President Biden's Bizarre, Creepy Interaction with Senator's Daughter
Surprise! It's Vice President Joe Biden!
C-SPAN: Full Vice Presidential Debate with Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden
Joe Biden: Being Vice President Can Be a 'Bitch'
Vice President Biden Goes Viral!
Vice President Biden Takes the Oath of Office
Election 2012 | Biden vs. Ryan: Complete Vice Presidential Debate | The New York Times
TOLOnews 02 March 2015 Exclusive Interview with Second Vice President
Vice President Biden Speaks in Guatemala about Investing in Central America
Interview with ICBC vice president Zhang Hongli
VP Debate Highlights Songified
Vice president speech
What are the duties of the Vice President?
Vice President Biden Delivered Remarks on Foreign Policy | Institute of Politics
Previewing the Vice President's Trip to Guatemala
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President Noynoy Aquino Guests on GGV (Gandang Gabi Vice)
ICBC Vice President on the challenges Chinese banks face globally
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The Vice President Hosts a Medal of Valor Ceremony
Vice Podcast Special with José "Pepe" Mujica
PM Modi at Luncheon hosted by US Vice President Joe Biden & US Secretary of State John Kerry
Watch the Full 2012 Vice Presidential Debate
Vice Presidential Candidates Debate - Bush vs. Ferraro
ToonTown VP (Vice President ) R.I.P
Conligus Vice President Webinar (Italian) at (05/01/2015) with Aron Steinkeller
State Department Lunch Honoring Vice President Xi Jinping of China
The Vice President Speaks at the Working Families Summit
SPEECH of Vice President Jejomar Binay on Makati City Hall 2 (18 September 2014)
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EL-30 Series: Talk by Ms. Bharathi Baskar, Vice president, CITI Bank(Part 2)
Conligus Masterclass: Inside the Reward plan (With Vice President, Staffan Liback)
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Vice President Joe Biden's Remarks at the 2012 Democratic National Convention - Full Speech
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The Republicans VS The Democrats In A NBA Jam Basketball Match
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PDM Interview
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