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Australian National Data Service

Our Vision: More Australian researchers reusing research data more often

ANDS is enabling the transformation of:

Data that are: to Structured Collections
that are:
Unmanaged Managed
Disconnected Connected
Invisible Findable
Single-use Reusable


Australian Research Data Commons
ANDS is building the Australian Research Data Commons: a cohesive collection of research resources from all research institutions, to make better use of Australia's research data outputs.

Research Data Australia
Research Data Australia, ANDS’ flagship service, provides a comprehensive window into the Australian Research Data Commons. It is an Internet-based discovery service designed to provide rich connections between data, projects, researchers and institutions, and promote visibility of Australian research data collections in search engines.

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ANDS is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program.

The ANDS Members are:

Webinar: Flying solo: data librarians working outside of (traditional) libraries

Thursday, 5 March 2015  12.30-1.30pm AEDT  Register

Research Data Alliance

Join the 5th Plenary in San Diego, 9-11 March 2015 

ANDS Final Report 2009-14

The Final Report for NCRIS & ARDC EIF 2009 - 2014 is available

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