Electronics is the branch of physics, engineering and technology dealing with electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies. The nonlinear behaviour of active components and their ability to control electron flows makes amplification of weak signals possible and is usually applied to information and signal processing. Similarly, the ability of electronic devices to act as switches makes digital information processing possible. Interconnection technologies such as circuit boards, electronics packaging technology, and other varied forms of communication infrastructure complete circuit functionality and transform the mixed components into a working system.
Electronics is distinct from electrical and electro-mechanical science and technology, which deals with the generation, distribution, switching, storage and conversion of electrical energy to and from other energy forms using wires, motors, generators, batteries, switches, relays, transformers, resistors and other passive components. This distinction started around 1906 with the invention by Lee De Forest of the triode, which made electrical amplification of weak radio signals and audio signals possible with a non-mechanical device. Until 1950 this field was called "radio technology" because its principal application was the design and theory of radio transmitters, receivers and vacuum tubes.
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
The Story of Electronics (2010)
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
Electronics Haul + GIVEAWAY!
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
Electronics Tutorial #9 - Capacitors - Part 1
Electronics Tutorial #0 - Introduction
Basic Electronics Part 1
A really bad bit of Chinese electronics
Electronics Projects, with LittleBits
Electronics Tutorial #2 - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
Vintage Electronics Find
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
A film about music for architecture. Japanese percussionist Marcos Fernandes reconnects with his homeland by staging elaborate concerts in four historical buildings designed by his grandfather Uheiji Nagano (1867-1937) in Yokohama, Kyoto, Okayama and Matsue.
Paul Stevens' high school science project has gotten a little out of hand. He just built an atomic bomb. Now he's got 11 hours to make sure it doesn't work.
The switch is set... The clock has started... Time's running out!
Dr. John Matthewson: What do you think you're doing?::Paul Stephens: Well I thought we'd start out with kissing, and then we might move onto the fancy stuff.
Official: Sir, what about evacuation?::Lt. Colonel Conroy: Evacuation? Of who?::Official: The people.::Lt. Colonel Conroy: Oh, you mean New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Canada... those people?
[first lines]::Dr. John Matthewson: Now, the beta synchrotron sends the electrons through this magnet which bends the course of them down to the reaction vessel. Stay away from that elbow joint. All right. Bran, you want to get that? Now, this is a tunable excimer laser. It's tuned to the exact resonance of the plutonium-239 that's in the reaction vessel down at that end. Now, I think we're all set. Hit it.
Dr. John Matthewson: You try to tough it out with them, they'll lock you in a room somewhere and throw away the room.
Jenny Anderman: Why are you doing this?::Moore: Because life, my dear, is more than just freezing toads.
Lt. Colonel Conroy: You mean I'm gonna die because some asshole didn't bring a pair of pliers?
Paul Stephens: I never thought I'd say this to anybody, but I got to go get the atomic bomb out of the car.
[as he starts to take apart a nuclear bomb before it goes off]::Dr. John Matthewson: Anybody want to make a bet?
[last lines]::Dr. John Matthewson: It's okay. I did something.::Elizabeth Stephens: What happened?::Paul Stephens: Everything.::Dr. John Matthewson: Tell you about it later. Let's get out of here.
Jenny Anderman: This isn't funny. Do you know what this is like? It's like when you read about, I don't know, Anne Frank or something and you say to yourself, Jesus why didn't they do something. The whole world is collapsing. They just sat around, life as usual, maybe it'll go away, but it never goes away it only gets worse and nobody thinks about the future. What's the matter?::Paul Stephens: Who's Anne Frank?
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
The Story of Electronics (2010)
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
Electronics Haul + GIVEAWAY!
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
Electronics Tutorial #9 - Capacitors - Part 1
Electronics Tutorial #0 - Introduction
Basic Electronics Part 1
A really bad bit of Chinese electronics
Electronics Projects, with LittleBits
Electronics Tutorial #2 - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
Vintage Electronics Find
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
Basic/Advanced Tools & Materials for Electronics
Small electronics massively overloaded
Leah Buechley: How to "sketch" with electronics
How to make an Electronic USB 4Gb
Sephira - Deep Electronics (Chillout / Psybient / Psychill / Psychedelic Mix)
Secret to Learning Electronics - Fail and Fail Often
How to refine gold from electronics, 1 pound gold fingers
Electronics Tutorial #8 - Diodes - practical applications
Flite Test | Waterproofing Electronics
Electronics Tutorial #9 - Capacitors - Part 2
Lecture - 1 Introduction to Basic Electronics
Undercover Boss | Season 6 Episode 12 | Peavey Electronics | FULL EPISODE
Electronics Tutorial #6 - Analog and Digital Electronics
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redFrog Computer and CNC Electronics Part 1
WIPRO Electronics City Onam 2014
EEVblog #280-1 - Talking Electronics - History - Part 1 of 5
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