Posts Tagged ‘Moussavi’

‘Reformist’ confusion stunts opposition protests

Yassamine Mather reports on the February 11 Revolution Day celebrations Last week’s official celebrations of the February 1979 uprising that brought down the shah’s regime in Iran stood in total contrast to the events of 31 years ago. The Islamic state’s lengthy preparations for the anniversary of the revolution included the arrest of hundreds of […] → Continue Reading ‘Reformist’ confusion stunts opposition protests

Show trials and apologetics

Just as Iranian ex-leftwingers in the west call for reconciliation between the two wings of the Islamic regime, the ruling faction clamps down on its rivals. Yassamine Mather reports The Stalinist show trial of Saturday August 1 – when a number of prominent ‘reformists’ appeared on Iranian state TV to ‘thank their interrogators’ before repenting […] → Continue Reading Show trials and apologetics

Iran: le debut de la fin

French translation of Yassamine Mather’s article ‘The Beginning of the End’ on the Carre Rouge website.

Numerous Videos from July 17 Protests

For some excellent video coverage on YouTube, follow the link to the Hamounism Blog

Moussavi to attend Friday prayers

From Reuters India: TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran’s opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi will attend Friday prayers this week in his first official public appearance since last month’s disputed election, a statement on his website said. Mousavi’s statement, posted late on Wednesday, confirmed a media report earlier this week that he would attend the prayers at Tehran […] → Continue Reading Moussavi to attend Friday prayers

Multiple ballots being filled out by officials

Death in the Dorms: Saeed Kamali Dehghan

From Guardian Online They came in the small hours, just as the dormitories were settling down for the night. Outside, Tehran was still in ferment, a city gripped by fury two days after a “stolen election”. Inside the dorms on Amirabad Street, students were trying to sleep, though nerves were jangling; just hours earlier several […] → Continue Reading Death in the Dorms: Saeed Kamali Dehghan

Iran: their solidarity and ours


Yassamine Mather examines a regime in crisis and looks to working class forces for a solution The continuation of demonstrations and protests against the Islamic republic of Iran, albeit on a smaller scale than two weeks ago, have fuelled further divisions at every level of the religious state: the Shia scholars of Ghom oppose the […] → Continue Reading Iran: their solidarity and ours

Beyond Moussavi: The Movement of the Iranian Masses

An article by Hopi Steering Committee Member David Broder on the Commune website: While in the last two years there were strikes on the Tehran bus network and in isolated factories, as well as illegal student protests thousands strong, the post-election demonstrations were by far the greatest challenge to the authority of the Ayatollahs’ regime […] → Continue Reading Beyond Moussavi: The Movement of the Iranian Masses

HOPI Cork Meeting – 2nd July


HOPI Cork Meeting Thursday 2 July Victoria Hotel Patrick Street 8pm Solidarity with the struggle in Iran. Down with the Islamic Regime! Release all the prisoners now! Speakers: Mick Barry Socialist Party Councillor Fariba Talebi, Iranian political activist Contact Anne on 086 23 43 238