Posts Tagged ‘iran’

The masses bear the brunt

John Kerry: to the deadline and beyond

Yassamine Mather assesses the latest extension of negotiations between Iran and the 5+1 powers On November 24, for the second time in a year, Iran and the 5+1 world powers failed to reach an agreement over Tehran’s nuclear programme, and the deadline for finding a ‘comprehensive’ deal had to be extended yet again.

Descent into regional chaos, horror and fragmentation

Last week, the leader of the Islamic state (formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or Isis) appeared in Friday prayers in Mosul addressing Muslims worldwide. At least this is what his supporters claimed after a week when the organisation had declared the territory under their control a “caliphate”. On July 3 the […] → Continue Reading Descent into regional chaos, horror and fragmentation

Iran: Arrogance and the supreme leader


The sharp improvement in the relations between the United States and the Islamic Republic (and subsequently between the United Kingdom and Iran) has been remarkable – Washington is seriously considering military cooperation with Iran over the civil war in Iraq. Above all else, this is a reflection of the absence of any strategy by the […] → Continue Reading Iran: Arrogance and the supreme leader

Video: Who is Hassan Rouhani and what does his victory mean for the Iranian working class?


Yassamine Mather (chair, Hands Off the People of Iran) is interviewed by Mark Fischer (secretary, Hopi)   Who is Hassan Rouhani and what does his victory mean for the Iranian working class? from Hands Off the People of Iran on Vimeo.

Iran: Boycott sham elections


 Yassamine Mather advocates a boycott and stresses the need for regime change from below   On May 22, the US moved closer to imposing a full trade embargo against Iran, as the Senate reaffirmed US support for Israel – should it be “compelled to attack Tehran’s nuclear programme in self-defence”. The Senate voted unanimously to […] → Continue Reading Iran: Boycott sham elections

Iran: Election farce exposes regime’s crisis


The Iranian elections are a travesty Supporters and apologists of Iran’s Islamic Republic in Respect,1 Counterfire2 and the Socialist Workers Party3 have in the past told us that Iran is not a dictatorship. It has democratic elections to determine the president and the composition of its parliament … The regime’s 11th presidential elections have demonstrated […] → Continue Reading Iran: Election farce exposes regime’s crisis

Boycott the vetted election, not the mass protests!

Hashemi Rafsanjani: last-minute capitalist candidate

The Islamic republic is bitterly divided at the top and subject to crippling international sanctions. Yassamine Mather analyses the political situation in the run-up to the June 14 presidential poll (First published in the Weekly Worker) On the last available day, ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani arrived at the ministry of the interior to register himself as […] → Continue Reading Boycott the vetted election, not the mass protests!

Though watched and muzzled, independent labour unions are stirring

From The Economist DURING a Persian new year’s party (in late March) at Iran’s flagship South Pars project in the Persian Gulf, where the world’s largest known gasfield is being tapped, a labourer called on Iran’s workers to unite. Behnam Khodadadi demanded better pay and conditions, and a proper trade union. Around 1,500 workers stopped […] → Continue Reading Though watched and muzzled, independent labour unions are stirring

Blogger Sattar Beheshti dies in custody

Sattar Beheshti, who ran a blog critical of the Iranian regime, was arrested on October 30 for comments made on Facebook, and handed over to the ‘cyber police’. After a night in Evin prison, where he complained about threats and beatings, he was moved to an unknown location. By November 3rd he was dead, with […] → Continue Reading Blogger Sattar Beheshti dies in custody

Video: Yassamine Mather responds to her critics on the ‘Iran Tribunal’

Hands Off the People of Iran has been criticising the “Iran Tribunal” for its pro-imperialist agenda and links to funds that campaign for “regime change from above”, like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). In this video, Yassamine Mather responds to some criticisms leveled against Hopi.