Posts Tagged ‘Protest’

Video: Syrian Khamenei supporters attack anti-war Iranians

On January 28 around 300 protesters gathered at the American embassy to oppose the increasingly bellicose rhetoric against Iran and Syria. Called by the Stop the War Coalition under the title of ‘Stop the war before it starts: don’t attack Iran/Syria’, the protest was in many respects something that seasoned activists in the anti-war movement […] → Continue Reading Video: Syrian Khamenei supporters attack anti-war Iranians

Hopi Annual General Meeting 2011


This successful meeting on February 12 2011 agreed to launch the campaign ‘Free Jafar Panahi and all political prisoners in Iran!’ For a report (first published in the Weekly Worker) , click here For videos of the event, click here For John McDonnell’s speech which launched the campaign, click here Find below information on the […] → Continue Reading Hopi Annual General Meeting 2011

Videos: HOPI AGM 2011

Please click on the links to view the videos: Mark Fischer (Hopi secretary) opens Hopi AGM 2011 Wikileaks, war and revolution – Moshe Machover Wikileaks, war and revolution – Mike Macnair The situation in Iran – Ruben Markarian (Rahe Kargar) The situation in Iran – Yassamine Mather John McDonnell launches campaign ‘Free Jafar Panahi and […] → Continue Reading Videos: HOPI AGM 2011

Yassamine Mather: Sanctions take their toll

Yassamine Mather calls for international solidarity with Iranian workers Over the last two weeks the number of strikes in Iranian factories and workplaces has risen considerably. Workers have taken action in major plants such as South Pars Gasfields, Alborz Lastic Sazi, Ghaem Shahr textiles, Safa Louleh (pipe manufacturers), as have city council workers in Abadan. […] → Continue Reading Yassamine Mather: Sanctions take their toll

Manchester solidarity demo against executions in Iran


On May 13th around 30 members of Hands Off the People of Iran along, Iranian students and exiles demonstrated in support of the general strike in Iranian Kurdistan and protest the executions of five political prisoners on May 9th in Evin prison. Those executed were school teacher and trade unionist Farzad Kamangar, Ali Haydarian, Farhad […] → Continue Reading Manchester solidarity demo against executions in Iran

Threats over uranium enrichment aid regime

We don’t want nuclear power - we don’t want huge salaries. We work so that we can live - we don’t live to work.

Ahmadinejad uses the ‘enemy without’ to justify increased repression, arrests and the torture of the ‘enemy within’, writes Yassamine Mather The dramatic statements by Obama, Brown and Sarkozy about Iran’s undisclosed nuclear enrichment plant, made in a ‘breaking news’-style press conference on the first day of the G20 gathering in Pittsburgh, were clearly intended to […] → Continue Reading Threats over uranium enrichment aid regime

Protests as Ahmadinejad is sworn in

More videos after the break…

Hunger Strike in Berlin
