
How has the experiences of poverty changed over the last thirty years. Six new videos drawing from the ITV Breadline Britain series in 1983, 1991 and 2013. Breadline Britain: the rise of mass poverty by Stewart Lansley and Joanna Mack is...

Young child with parents

The final report into child poverty and social exclusion finds 30% of children lack two of more of the child necessities and that child deprivation would be much higher if parents were not sacrificing their own living standards for their children...

The final report from the PSE qualitative research on the reality of life on low income records how people's perpetual struggles to make meagre budgets stretch eventually this takes its toll on their lives.

The PSE website

This  website is part of a major ESRC research project, Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK (PSE: UK) and offers a comprehensive research and teaching tool.

As well as providing full details of the PSE UK research project itself, it includes a searchable digest of recent news stories, reports and specially commissioned articles on poverty and social exclusion in the UK, video testimonies of living in poverty and details of projects encouraging collaboration between research and community groups.

PSE Research has the first results from the two PSE UK surveys, including the first report, The Impoverishment of the UK, and short accessible summaries under Key findings. Full data from the attitudes to necessities survey is now available to investigate under Explore the data and the top level results for the living standards survey can be found under Questionnaires.

Do contact us, if you have suggestions for improvements.


Breadline Britain - the rise of mass poverty by Stewart Lansley and Joanna Mack. Published by Oneworld on February 19, 2015. 

'Brilliant. Enlightening but disturbing' Amartya Sen