History & Introduction

IPEG, short for International Political Economy Group, was formed in 1971 on the initiative of Susan Strange, then with the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House. It received a limited amount of funding from the Economic and Social Research Council of the UK in 1974, and became affiliated with the British International Studies Association (BISA) after that organisation was founded in 1974. IPEG has functioned continuously since 1971 except for a brief interval in the late 1980s, and counts among its past Convenors the likes of Susan Strange, Fred Hirsch, Roger Tooze, Geoffrey Underhill, Randall Germain, Rorden Wilkinson, Nicola Phillips, Paul Langley and Stuart Shields. Phoebe Moore is the current Convenor.

Purposes and Activities of IPEG

The most important feature and dimension of this Working Group is that we bring discussions about the most important elements impacting lives in the context of our contemporary global political economy. To bring our cutting edge research ideas and research into discussion with a wide range of scholars and practitioners, IPEG members run workshops and events, organise and participate in panels at BISA Conferences every year, publish work in our Discussion Papers series and get involved with this tremendously active research working group. For a full explanation see our Purposes and Activities page.

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IPEG Book Prize

IPEG awards a book prize every year for a monograph published in the previous calendar year. Ian Bruff is the current Book Prize Chair. Find out more by reading the book prize mission statement.


Recent events:

BISA Working Group Guidelines