International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are principles-based standards, interpretations and the framework (1989) adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
Many of the standards forming part of IFRS are known by the older name of International Accounting Standards (IAS). IAS were issued between 1973 and 2001 by the Board of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). On April 1, 2001, the new IASB took over from the IASC the responsibility for setting International Accounting Standards. During its first meeting the new Board adopted existing IAS and Standing Interpretations Committee standards (SICs). The IASB has continued to develop standards calling the new standards IFRS.
IFRS are considered a "principles based" set of standards in that they establish broad rules as well as dictating specific treatments.
International Financial Reporting Standards comprise:
IAS 8 Par. 11
"In making the judgement described in paragraph 10, management shall refer to, and consider the applicability of, the following sources in descending order:
What are US GAAP and IFRS - Video Slides 1-20
IFRS 15 - Revenue with Contracts from Customers
US GAAP vs. IFRS on the Financial Statements
Internationale Rechnungslegung - Lektion 1: Grundlagen der IFRS
Webcast: IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting
Deloitte - What is IFRS?
Hedge Accounting IAS 39 vs. IFRS 9
International Financial : Reporting Standards (IFRS)
IFRS 2 Share-Based Payment
Top changes in IFRS 2013 and 2014
IFRS 3 / IFRS 10 Introduction to Consolidation and Group Accounts
Principais dúvidas sobre as IFRS com o professor Eduardo Assumpção - parte 1
Grant Thornton: What is IFRS?
CFA Level II Key differences between US GAAP and IFRS PART I
What are US GAAP and IFRS - Video Slides 1-20
IFRS 15 - Revenue with Contracts from Customers
US GAAP vs. IFRS on the Financial Statements
Internationale Rechnungslegung - Lektion 1: Grundlagen der IFRS
Webcast: IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting
Deloitte - What is IFRS?
Hedge Accounting IAS 39 vs. IFRS 9
International Financial : Reporting Standards (IFRS)
IFRS 2 Share-Based Payment
Top changes in IFRS 2013 and 2014
IFRS 3 / IFRS 10 Introduction to Consolidation and Group Accounts
Principais dúvidas sobre as IFRS com o professor Eduardo Assumpção - parte 1
Grant Thornton: What is IFRS?
CFA Level II Key differences between US GAAP and IFRS PART I
IFRS 3 Business Combinations - Summary
IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements - summary
IFRS: King on this Street (IFRS vs GAAP rap)
IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements - summary
Grant Thornton: ¿Qué son las NIIF? (IFRS)
IFRS Pequenas e Médias Empresas -- Sevilha Contabilidade
Quickies IFRS 15
IFRS 11 תקן דיווח כספי בינלאומי
IFRS 10 תקן דיווח כספי בינלאומי
CFA Level I - US GAAP vs IFRS - Part I (of 2)
Certifiate in IFRS Distance learning - Module 1
Canal IFRS 03 - Estoques
IFRS sur l'évaluation de la juste valeur : Êtes-vous prêt ?
Canal IFRS 01 - Ativo Imobilizado
IFRS 9 with Darrel Scott from the IASB
Ciências Contábeis IFRS Visão Histórica
IFRS13 Fair Value Measurement - summary
Canal IFRS 14 - Demonstrações contábeis e notas aplicativas - OUTUBRO 2012
Converting US GAAP to IFRS Financial Statements
Hedge accounting: what will IFRS 9 amendments mean for you?
志光出版社 - 簡國倫IFRS破題講座精華
capacitacion 2 ifrs
Canal IFRS 04 - Redução ao valor recuperável de ativos
McKonly & Asbury Webinar - International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Changes
Canal IFRS 06 - Seção 35 - Adoção inicial
Book Review | Financial Accounting: Ifrs Edition Working Papers
Ifrs Accounting Standards
Curso de Jardinagem pelo Pronatec no IFRS Câmpus Restinga
Book Review | Ifrs 13 Fair Value Measurement. Eine Kritische Wurdigung Der Bestimmung Des Kapi
Book Review | The Adequacy Of Ifrs 7 Within The European Electricity Industry
Book Review | Bilanzierung Von Pensionsruckstellungen Nach Hgb, Ifrs Und Us-Gaap Und Ihre Ausg
Book Review | Ifrs 4 Phase Ii By Sascha Hopfmann
Book Review | Bilanzpolitische Spielraume Nach Hgb Und Ias/Ifrs Im Vergleich
Book Review | Ifrs Made Easy By Steven M. Bragg
Forex and Share Based Payments IFRS 2
Ind AS IFRS Demystified with Chairman Ind AS (IFRS) Implementation Committee
C'est quoi le normes IFRS en Comptabilité?
شاهد تجربة أستاذ شريف إسماعيل في البرنامج التدريبي IFRS Certificate مع د ابراهيم صابر
IFRS 9 - Sesión 1- V Jornada FAIF
Novedades IFRS - Sesión IV - FAIF
Turma 33 2014 IFRS Campus Sertão
Book Review | Der Standard Ifrs 1 Zur Erstmaligen Anwendung Der Ifrs
Book Review | Segmentberichterstattung Nach Ifrs. Analyse Der Dax 30 Konzerne Bayer Und Basf
Book Review | The Accounting Of Deferred Taxes Under Ifrs By Michael Mehnert
Book Review | Latente Steuern Nach Ifrs Und Hgb: Bilanzierung Und Bewertung
IAS 16 - IFRS Property, Plant & Equipment (Fixed Assets) 2 of 2
The keeper did a hunting go
Under his cloak he carried a bow
All for a shoot, a merry little doe
Among the leaves so green, oh
Jacky boy
Sing me well
(Very well)
Hey, down, ho, down, very, very down
Among the leaves so green, oh
To my head on down, to my whole on down
Hey, down, ho, down, very, very down
Among the leaves so green, oh
The first, oh, she did cross the plain
The keeper fetched her back again
Where she's now she may remain
Among the leaves so green, oh
Jacky boy
Sing me well
(Very well)
Hey, down, ho, down, very, very down
Among the leaves so green, oh
The next doe, she did cross the brook
The keeper fetched her back with his hook
Where she's now you may go and look
Among the leaves so green, oh
Jacky boy
Sing me well
(Very well)
Hey, down, ho, down, very, very down
Among the leaves so green, oh
To my head on down, to my whole on down
Hey, down, ho, down, very, very down
Among the leaves so green, oh
The keeper did a hunting go
In the woods he caught the doe
She looked so sad that he had to let her go
Among the leaves so green, oh
Jacky boy
Sing me well
(Very well)
Hey, down, ho, down, very, very down
Among the leaves so green, oh
To my head on down, to my whole on down
Hey, down, ho, down, very, very down
Among the leaves so green, oh
To my head on down, to my whole on down
Hey, down, ho, down, very, very down
I'm gonna lay down my sword and shield
Down by the riverside and study war no more
Down by the riverside I'm gonna lay my burden down
Down by the riverside I'm gonna lay my burden down
Down by the riverside I'm gonna lay my burden down
And I'll study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more, study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more, study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more
Down by the riverside I'm gonna walk with the Prince of Peace
Down by the riverside I'm gonna walk with the Prince of Peace, Hallelujah
Down by the riverside I'm gonna walk with the Prince of Peace
And I'll study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more, study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more, study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more
I'm gonna beat my sword into a cloud down by the riverside
I'm gonna beat my sword into a cloud down by the riverside, yes it is
Beat my sword into a cloud down by the riverside
And I'll study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more, study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more
I ain't gonna study war no more, study war no more
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to all on that day?
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to?
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to?
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to all on that day?
Run to the moon, "Moon, won't you hide me?"
Run to the sea, "Sea, won't you hide me?"
Run to the sun, "Sun, won't you hide me all on that day?"
Lord said, "Sinner man, moon'll be a bleeding"
Lord said, "Sinner man, sea'll be a sinking"
Lord said, "Sinner man, sun'll be a freezing all on that day"
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to?
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to?
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to all on that day?
Run to the Lord, "Lord, won't You hide me?"
Run to the Lord, "Lord, won't You hide me?"
Run, run, "Lord, won't You hide me all on that day?"
Lord said, "Sinner man, you should've been a praying"
Lord said, "Sinner man, should've been a praying"
Lord said, "Sinner man, should've been a praying all on that day"
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to?
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to?
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to all on that day?
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to?
Oh, sinner man, where you're gonna run to?
We will rally round the flag, boys, rally once again
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
We will rally from the hillside, gather from the plain
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
The Union forever, hurrah boys, hurrah
Down with the traitor and up with the star
While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
We are springing to the call of our brothers gone before
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
And we'll fill the vacant ranks with a million free men more
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
The Union forever, hurrah boys, hurrah
Down with the traitor and up with the star
While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
We will welcome to our numbers, the loyal, true and brave
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
And although they may be poor, not a man shall be a slave
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
The Union forever, hurrah boys, hurrah
Down with the traitor and up with the star
While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again
Poor Liza, poor girl, oh Liza Jane
Poor Liza, poor girl, she died on the train
You go down the new cut road
I'll go down the lane
You can hug an old fence post
I'll hug Liza Jane
Poor Liza, poor girl, oh Liza Jane
Poor Liza, poor girl, she died on the train
Poor Liza, poor girl, oh Liza Jane
Poor Liza, poor girl, she died on the train
Somebody stole my old bull dog
And I'd wish they'd bring him back
He run the big hogs over the fence
And the little one through the crack
Poor Liza, poor girl, oh Liza Jane
Poor Liza, poor girl, she died on the train
Somebody stole my old blue hen
And I'd wish they'd let it be
She laid two eggs everyday
And suddenly she laid three
Poor Liza, poor girl, oh Liza Jane
Poor Liza, poor girl, she died on the train
Poor Liza, poor girl, oh Liza Jane
Poor Liza, poor girl, she died on the train
I'm gonna get me sticks and mud
To build my chimney higher
To get that goddam Worton cat
For putting out my fire
Poor Liza, poor girl, oh Liza Jane
Poor Liza, poor girl, she died on the train
Poor Liza, poor girl, oh Liza Jane
Me father was the keeper of the Eddystone Light
And corded a mermaid one fine night
From this union there came free
A porpoise and a porgy and the other was me
Yo ho ho, the wind blows free
Oh, for the life on the rolling sea
One night, while I was trimming of the glim
Singing a verse from the evening hymn
A voice from the starboard shouted, "Ahoy"
And there was me mother, a-sitting on the buoy
Don't be ridiculous the buoy is a jubilant male
No a buoy, it guides the ships to sail
Tell me what has become of my children of three ?
My mother then she asked of me
One was exhibited as a talking fish
And the other was served on a chafing dish
Yo ho ho, the wind blows free
Oh, for the life on the rolling sea
Then the phosphorous flashed in her seaweed hair
I looked again me mother wasn't there
Her voice came echoing out of the night
"Where the devil with the keeper of the Eddystone Light"
Oh, yo ho ho, the wind blows free
Here I sit on Buttermilk hill
Who can play me, cry my fill
And every tear and turn of milk
Johnny is gone for a soldier
I sold my rock, I sold my reel
I even sold my spinning wheel
To buy my love a sword of steel
Johnny is gone for a soldier
Behold my, I loved him so
Broke my heart to see him go
And only time can heal my wound
Johnny is gone for a soldier
Here I sit on Buttermilk hill
Who can play me, cry my fill
And every tear and turn of milk
I was born in East Virginia
North Carolina, I did go
There I met the fairest maiden
Her name and age I did not know
Her hair it was a light brown color
Cheeks that were a ruby red
On her dress she wore white lilies
Where I long to lay my head
I was born in East Virginia
North Carolina, I did go
There I met the fairest maiden
Her name and age I did not know
Cotton doves know my sorrows
Cotton doves don't know my pain
Once they've courted one another
They never fly away again
I was born in East Virginia
North Carolina, I did go
There I met the fairest maiden
Her name and age I did not know
Go tell Aunt Rhodie
Go tell Aunt Rhodie
Go tell Aunt Rhodie
That the old gray goose is dead
The one she's been saving
The one she's been saving
The one she's been saving
The one she's been saving
To make a feather bed
The old gander's weeping
The old gander's weeping
The old gander's weeping
The old gander's weeping
Because his wife is dead
And the goslings are mourning
The goslings are mourning
The goslings are mourning
The goslings are mourning
Because their mother's dead
She died in the mill pond
She died in the mill pond
She died in the mill pond
She died in the mill pond
From standing on her head
Go tell Aunt Rhodie
Go tell Aunt Rhodie
Go tell Aunt Rhodie
Go tell Aunt Rhodie
On a Monday I was arrested
On a Tuesday I was locked up in jail
On a Wednesday my trial was tested
On a Thursday nobody to give my bail
Lord it's all, almost done, Lord it's all, almost done
Oh, Lord it's all, almost done
And I ain't gonna see those pretty girls no more
Take these stripes, stripes them of my shoulder
Take these chains, chains from around my legs
Well, these stripes, no they don't worry me
But these chains, these chains are gonna kill me dead
Lord it's all, almost done, Lord it's all, almost done
Oh, Lord it's all, almost done
And I ain't gonna see those pretty girls no more
Well, she whispered, she whispered to her mama
She said ?Mama I can't see how he stands
'Cause he's only, he's only sweet sixteen, Lord
But they're drive him, they're driving him like a man"
Lord it's all, almost done, Lord it's all, almost done
Oh, Lord it's all, almost done
And I ain't gonna see those pretty girls no more
Well, I know, I know that someday
These gates, these gates gonna open wide
And we'll be gone, gone from here singin'
But the captain, we've gonna leave him inside
Lord it's all, almost done, oh, Lord it's all, almost done
Oh, Lord it's all, almost done
The cuckoo is a pretty bird, she sings as she flies
She brings us the tidings and tells us no lies
She feeds on the pretty flowers in the spring of the year
And sings of my false love in a voice true and clear
A-walkin' and a-talkin', a-walkin' goes I
To meet my false lover and hear him deny
But if I'm forsaken, I have not fore sworned
And he surely mistaken to think I shall mourn
For I can love little and I can love long
And I can love a sweetheart 'til a new one comes along
I can hug him, I can kiss him and prove my heart kind
And turn my back on him and likewise my mind
A-walkin' and a-talkin', a-walkin' goes I
To meet with my true love, we'll meet by and by
To walk and talk together it's all my delight
I've got a home in that rock, don't you see?
I've got a home in that rock, don't you see?
Between the earth and sky I thought I heard my Savior cry
You better get home in that rock, don't you see?
Now, the rich man Davies lived so well, don't you see?
Rich man Davies lived so well, don't you see?
Rich man Davies lived so well, when he died he had a home in hell
He had no home in that rock, don't you see
A poor man Lazurus poor as I, don't you see?
Poor man Lazurus poor as I, don't you see?
Poor man Lazurus poor as I when he died he held my home on high
He had him a home in that rock, don't you see?
Now, God gives no other rainbow sign, don't you see?
God gives no other rainbow sign, don't you see?
God gives no other rainbow sign, no more water but fire next time
You better get a home in that rock, don't you see?
You better get a home in that rock, don't you see?
You better get a home in that rock, don't you see?
Between the earth and sky I thought I heard my Savior cry
You better get a home in that rock, don't you see?
Wish I was in bowling greens
Sitting in my chair
When I'm around my pretty little gal
When I'm around my dear, when I'm around my dear
Bowling Green, hey
Good old Bowling Green
Going through this worried world
Going through alone
Going through this worried world
I ain't got no home, I ain't got no home
Bowling Green, hey
Good old Bowling Green
I wish I was a bumble bee
Flying through the air
Take my true love by my side
Touch her if you dare, touch her if you dare
Bowling Green, hey
Good old Bowling Green
Going back to Bowling Green
Don't know how or when
When I get to Bowling Green
I'll never leave again, I'll never leave again
Bowling Green, hey
Good old Bowling Green
Bowling Green, hey
As I was out riding one morning for pleasure
I spied a young cowboy-a riding along
His hat was throw'd back and his spurs were jingling
And as he was riding he was singing this song
Whoopee ti yi yo, get along little dogies
It's your misfortune ain't none of my own
Whoopee ti yi yo, get along little dogies
You know that Wyoming will be your new home
When spring comes along we'll round up the dogies
We'll stick on their brands and we'll bob off their tails
Pick out the strays, then the herd is inspected
And the very next day we'll go out on the trail
Whoopee ti yi yo, get along little dogies
It's your misfortune ain't none of my own
Whoopee ti yi yo, get along little dogies
You know that Wyoming will be your new home
We'll ride on the Prairies' across the wide rivers
And on through the flats where there's never a town
Our horses are weary, we're tired and we're hungry
They still, little dogies stop roaming around
Whoopee ti yi yo, get along little dogies
It's your misfortune ain't none of my own
Whoopee ti yi yo, get along little dogies
You know that Wyoming will be your new home
Tide is a-comin' and the dogies are straying
They're farther from home than they've been before
Come on little dogies it's time to be rollin'
When we get to Wyoming we'll roll no more
Whoopee ti yi yo, get along little dogies
It's your misfortune ain't none of my own
Whoopee ti yi yo, get along little dogies
You know that Wyoming will be your new home
Well, when I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
When I'm on my journey don't you weep after me, try it
When I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
I don't want you to weep after me, try it again, you'll find
Oh, when I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
When I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
Oh, when I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
I don't want you to weep after me
Well now, every lonely river must go home to the sea
Every lonely river must go home to the sea
Yes, every lonely river must go home to the sea
I don't want you to weep after me
High up on the mountain, leave my sorrows down below
High up on the mountain, leave my sorrows down below
High up on the mountain, leave my sorrows down below
I don't want you to weep after me
When the stars are falling and the thunder starts to roll, oh yeah
When the stars are falling and the thunder starts to roll
When the stars are falling and the thunder starts to roll
I don't want you to weep after me
Oh, when I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
When I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
When I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
I don't want you to weep after me, one more time
Oh, when I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
Oh, when I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
When I'm on my journey don't you weep after me
We are almost down to the shore
Peter, Peter on the sea
Drop your nets and follow me
We are almost down to the shore
Fight on, fight on
Children don't turn back
We are almost down to the shore
I said, "Fight on, fight on"
Children don't, don't you turn back
We are almost down to the shore
God told Moses on the mountain top
He said, "Keep on going and don't you stop"
We are almost down to the shore
Fight on, fight on
Children don't, don't you, don't you, don't you turn back
We are almost down to the shore
Fight on, fight on
Children don't turn back
We are almost down to the shore
Moses almost lost his mind
When God said, "Moses, you got to stay behind"
We are almost down to the shore
Walk together by Gods demand
Bound to reach the Promise Land
We are almost down to the shore
Fight on, fight on
Children don't, don't you, don't you, don't you turn back
We are, we are almost down to the shore
Fight on, fight on
Children don't turn back
I came home the other night as drunk as I could be
I saw a horse in the stable where my horse ought to be
I said to my wife, my pretty little wife, explain this thing to me
What's this horse doing here in the stable where my horse ought to be
Well, you old fool, you blind fool can't you plainly see
It's nothing but a milk cow that my mother send to me
Ah, I've traveled this wide world over, ten thousand miles or more
But a saddle and a bridle on a milk cow I never did see before
(A saddle and a bridle on a milk cow I never did see before)
I came home the next night so drunk I could not see
And there was a hat on the hat rack where my hat ought to be
I said to my wife, my pretty little wife, explain this thing to me
What's this hat doing here on the hat rack where my hat ought to be
Oh, you old fool, you blind fool can't you plainly see
It's nothing but a chamber pot my mother send to me
Ah, I've traveled this wide world over, ten thousand miles or more
But a J.B Stetson chamber pot I never did see before
(A J.B Stetson chamber pot I never did see before)
I came home the next night as drunk as I can be
I spied some pants upon the chair where my pants ought to be
Well, I said to my wife, my pretty little wife, explain this thing to me
What are these pants doing here on the chair where my paints ought to be
Oh, you old fool, you blind fool can't you plainly see
It's nothing but an old dish rag that my mother send to me
Ah, I've traveled this wide world over, ten thousand miles or more
But cuffs and a zipper on a dish rag I never did see before
(But cuffs and a zipper on a dish rag I never did see before)
I came home the next night as drunk as I could be
And there was a head on the pillow where my head ought to be
I said to my wife, my pretty little wife, explain this thing to me
What's this head doing here on the pillow case where my head ought to be
Oh, you old fool, you blind fool can't you plainly see
It's nothing but a melon that my mother send to me
Ah, I've traveled this wide world over, ten thousand miles or more
But a mustache on a mashmelon I never did see before
(A mustache on a mashmelon I never did see before)
You made me a pallet on the floor
Oh, yes, you made me a pallet on the floor
When I had no place to go you opened up your door
And you made me a pallet on the floor
I was broke and so dissatisfied
I was broke and so dissatisfied
I was broke and dissatisfied and I nearly died
Then you made me a pallet on your floor
Oh, yes, you made me a pallet on the floor
You made me a pallet on the floor
When I had no place to go you opened up your door
And you made me a pallet on the floor
I don't want to see this town no more
Don't ever want to see this town no more
But if I ever do it'll be on account of you
Because you made me a pallet on your floor
Oh, yes, you made me a pallet on the floor
You made me a pallet on the floor
When I had no place to go you opened up your door
And you made me a pallet on the floor
So don't turn a stranger from your home
Don't you ever turn a stranger from your home, oh no
Don't turn a stranger from your home
For a day may come when you'll be roamin'
Looking for a pallet on the floor
You maybe looking for a pallet on the floor
You maybe looking for a pallet on the floor
When I had no place to go you opened up your door
And you made me a pallet on the floor
When I had no place to go you opened up your door
I woke up this mornin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
I woke up this mornin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
I woke up this mornin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah
Walkin' and talkin' with my mind
My mind it was stayed on freedom
I was walkin' and talkin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
I was walkin', I was talkin', talkin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah
Thinkin' and movin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
Oh, thinkin' and movin' with your mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
Thinkin' and movin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah
Walk, walk, walk, walk
Walk, walk, walk, walk
(With my mind on freedom)
Walk, walk, walk, walk
Walk, walk, walk, walk
(With my mind, my mind on freedom)
I met my brother on the street
(Walk, walk, walk, walk)
He had a smile on his face
(Walk, walk)
With his mind on freedom
(Walk, walk)
Now I met my sister on the street
(Walk, walk, walk, walk)
She had a smile on her face
(Walk, walk)
And her mind on freedom
(Walk, walk)
Hallelu, Hallelujah
Singin' and prayin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
Singin' and prayin' with my mind
My mind it was stayed on freedom
Singin' and prayin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah
Oh, now I woke up this mornin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
Oh, now I woke up this mornin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
Now, I woke up this mornin' with my mind
My mind, it was stayed on freedom
Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
When the stars begin to fall
Oh, sinner what will you do
Oh, sinner what will you do
Oh, sinner what will you do
When the stars begin to fall
You'll weep for the rocks and mountains
You'll weep for the rocks and mountains
You'll weep for the rocks and the mountains
When the stars begin to fall
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
When the stars begin to fall
Will there be time to find salvation
Will there be time to find salvation
Will there be time to find salvation
When the stars begin to fall
Who will hear the shout of victory
Who will hear the shout of victory
Who will hear the shout of victory
When the stars begin to fall
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
When the stars begin to fall
Three gates to the north and three in the south
There's three in the east and three in the west
There's twelve gates to the city, Hallelujah
Oh, what a beautiful city
Oh, what a beautiful city
Oh, what a beautiful city
Twelve gates to the city, Hallelujah
Well, there are so many ways to get us to the city
So many ways to get us to the city
There are so many ways to get us to the city
Twelve gates to the city, Hallelujah
Oh, what a beautiful city
Oh, what a beautiful city
Oh, what a beautiful city
Twelve gates to the city, Hallelujah
And you can walk right in and you'll be welcome in the city
Walk right in, you'll be welcome in the city
Walk right in, you'll be welcome in the city
Twelve gates to the city, Hallelujah
And you can come from the east to the middle of the city
And you can come from the west to the middle of the city
And we will be all together in the middle of the city
Twelve gates to the city, Hallelujah
Oh, what a beautiful city
Oh, what a beautiful city
Oh, what a beautiful city
Twelve gates to the city, Hallelujah
Who's gonna make up my dyin' bed when I die?
Who's gonna make up my dyin' bed when I die?
Who's gonna make up my dyin' bed?
Who's gonna make up my dyin' bed?
Who's gonna make up my dyin' bed when I die?
Who's gonna take my soul to Heaven when I die?
Who's gonna take my soul to Heaven when I die?
Who's gonna take my soul to Heaven?
Who's gonna make up my dyin' bed?
Who's gonna take my soul to Heaven when I die?
Oh, when I get that true religion, Halleluj'
Oh, when I get that true religion, Halleluj'
Oh, when I get that true religion
True religion will carry through
Oh, when I get that true religion, Halleluj'
Train time man, train time, train time
I'm a depot man, I go down to the depot
Early in the morning 'fore the sun come up
I ain't joking man and I wait for that five o ten to come up the line
I can hear her movin' early in the morning
Before the sun come up way down the line
She don't stop at this depot man
She goes right on through like the crack of dawn
But I go out on that depot platform man
And I wait for that five o ten to come up the line
I go out on that depot platform, I stand right near the edge
And I wait for that train to come by me
The early in the morning before the sun come up
And when that train's come and gone man
There is one thing that I know, I'm lying
Long as noon, I go out along the road
And I watch the road gang lighten up the track
I can hear the foreman hollering man
Ay, big boy can't you move it, big boy move it
Can't you hear that ball of fire
Coming down the line man, she's right on time
It's okay big boy you got it straighten out
Move on down the line
This is a small depot, just a dock way out on the line
The only vision I had in my mind,
Was indecision blocking me from stopping time,
My watch was wrong my time had gone.
Take a break now from asking me,
Why even waring masks was not enough to hide,
Just don't be fooled by my disguise.
I tell you something, my halo has gone.
Left with nothing, this sorrow goes on.
A broken arrow has pierced through my skin,
It's time to give in.
The only mission we undertook,
Right was making honest lovers join their evil side,
And shoot each other in their backs.
Innocent hearts and innocent minds,
Are easy targets angels prey upon at night,
So don't be fooled by their disguise.
I tell you something, my halo has gone.
Left with nothing, this sorrow goes on.
A broken arrow has pierced through my skin,
It's time to give in.
Don't get caught in the middle,
'Cause something will swallow you.
If you thought it was simple,
Well some things are hard to do.
If you're feeling at ease,
It's 'cause somebody believes in you,
Because somebody believes in you.
I tell you something, my halo has gone.
Left with nothing, this sorrow goes on.
A broken arrow has pierced through my skin,
Is there a reason that the meanings won't collide?
Is there a feeling that the planets can't unite?
This is for every heart and every face worldwide,
This is for every face in sight.
Is your body bursting at the seams?
No going back on what you believe,
No losing track of things that you've seen.
If your body's fallen to it's knees,
No point in hiding under a dream.
It's going worldwide or that's how it seems.
Is this the journey you imagined all along?
Was it the sleepless night that proved you to be wrong?
Is it the heavy heart and changing pace that's gone?
Is it the steady curve were on?
Is your body bursting at the seams?
No going back on what you believe,
No losing track of things that you've seen.
If your body's fallen to it's knees,
No point in hiding under a dream.
It's going worldwide or that's how it seems.
It's going worldwide,
It's going worldwide,
It's going worldwide,
It's going worldwide,
It's going worldwide,
It's going worldwide.
There'll be no reason that the meanings wont collide,
There'll be no reason that the planets can't unite.
This is for every heart and every face in sight,
Line up the stars,
Lead me to the sun.
Line up the stars and what do you see,
A picture of me, or an image that's lost.
Turn up the heat and what do you find,
With quicker heartbeat comes a quickening of time.
Line up the stars,
Lead me to the sun.
Lead me to the sun.
I'll change for you if that's what you want me to do.
Line up the tides and what do you see,
A breaking wave of lost opportunity.
Line up the waves on top of the sea,
Horizons changing like it's changing scenery.
Line up the stars,
Lead me to the sun.
Lead me to the sun.
I'll change for you if that's what you want me to do.
I'll change for you,
If that's what you want me to do.
Line up the stars,
Lead me to the sun.
Lead me to the sun.
I'll change for you if that's what you want me to do.
I arrive, my head's above the clouds, I feel alive.
I tell a lie, I see you in the mirror walking by,
And I hope to God I'll never lose the feelings that I have.
It'll never last, she said.
Put your hands above your head slowly,
If you ever die inside don't surrender,
'Till you find the last of the broken hearts.
The last of the broken hearts.
Going slow we're moving in the right direction though,
I tell the truth I'm sitting by the window watching you,
And I hope to God I'll never lose the feelings that I have.
It'll never last, she said.
Put your hands above your head slowly,
If you ever die inside don't surrender,
'Till you find the last of the broken hearts.
The last of the broken hearts,
The last of the broken hearts,
The last of the broken hearts.
It'll never last, she said.
Put your hands above your head slowly,
If you ever die inside don't surrender,
'Till you find the last of the broken hearts.
The last of the broken hearts,
The last of the broken hearts,
The last of the broken hearts,
Are you floating at the speed of light?
Did you notice I'm a speeding type?
No is the answer.
Go a little faster.
But we'll be moving,
Yeah we stay cruising at 1000 feet,
You sold your soul for free.
It's really something,
To be afraid of nothing at 1000 feet,
You saved yourself for me.
Are you healing from the scars you caused?
Did you notice that the scars were yours?
No is the answer.
Go a little faster.
But we'll be moving,
Yeah we stay cruising at 1000 feet,
You sold your soul for free.
It's really something,
To be afraid of nothing at 1000 feet,
You saved yourself for me.
Put your face first through the cloud cover,
And if you're faithless, find another.
And if you need to we'll find a lover.
We'll be moving through the cloud cover.
But we'll be moving,
Yeah we stay cruising at 1000 feet,
You sold your soul for free.
It's really something,
To be afraid of nothing at 1000 feet,
(I) wanna show to you alone
The world around us high and low
Glowing stars and dancing moon
Happy I' cause happy you
Close your eyes and make a wish
Could it be a scorching kiss?
You're my sweetest mountain dew
Happy I' cause happy you
For our dreams come true
They always do
Watching the sunrise, beautiful red skies
Hoping this day will never end
Singing a love song with a perfect rhyme
A song of love composed for you
Love brings passion, love brings joy
Love brings riches we enjoy
All is wonder, all is new
Happy I' cause happy you
For our dreams come true.........
Watching the sunrise
Babe, it looks great!
Singing a love song
Babe, it sounds great!
Hush now my baby
Be still and don't cry,
sleep like you're rocked by the stream
Sleep and remember, my lullaby
and I'll be with you when you dream
Drift on a river
that flows through my arms
Drift as I'm singing to you,
I see you smiling, so peaceful and calm
Holding you I'm smiling too
Here in my arms
safe from all harm
holding you I'm smiling too
Hush now my baby
Be still and don't cry,
sleep like you're rocked by the stream
Sleep and remember, my lullaby
and I'll be with you when you dream
Here in my arms
safe from all harm
holding you I'm smiling too
Sleep and remember, this river lullaby
I'll be with you when you dream
For salvation, Kaddish,
For redemption, Kaddish,
For forgiveness, Kaddish,
For health, Kaddish,
For all the wars victims, Kaddish,
For all the holocaust victims, Kaddish
Why do I cry at night?
Why do I feel so bad?
Something holds me tight
It's something in the air.
I have a prayer, a prayer,
A prayer from my heart
Night after night after daylight,
Memories of home...
With the fire from the fireworks up above me
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain at hand
You run for cover in the temple of love
You run for another but still the same
For the wind will blow my name across this land
In the temple of love you hide together
Believing pain and fear outside
But someone near you rides the weather
And the tears he cried will rain on walls
As wide as lovers eyes
In the temple of love: Shine like thunder
In the temple of love: Cry like rain
In the temple of love: Hear my calling
In the temple of love: Hear my name
And the devil in black dress watches over
My guardian angel walks away
Life is short and love is always over in the morning
Black wind come carry me far away
With the sunlight died and night above me
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain inside
You run for cover in the temple of love
You run for another it's all the same
For the wind will blow and throw your walls aside
With the fire from the fireworks up above
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain
You run for cover in the temple of love
I shine like thunder cry like rain
And the temple grows old and strong
But the wind blows stronger cold and long
And the temple of love will fall before
This black wind calls my name to you no more
In the black sky thunder sweeping under ground and over water
Sounds of weeping will not save
Your faith for bricks and dreams for mortar
All your prayers must seem as nothing
Ninety-six below the wave
When stone is dust and only air remains
In the temple of love: Shine like thunder
In the temple of love: Cry like rain
In the temple of love: Hear the calling
And the temple of love is falling down
In the temple of love: Shine like thunder
In the temple of love: Cry like rain
In the temple of love: Hear my calling
In the temple of love: Hear my name
In the black sky thunder sweeping under ground and over water
Sounds of weeping will not save
Your faith for bricks and dreams for mortar
All your prayers must seem as nothing
Ninety-six below the wave
When stone is dust and only air remains
The only haven you can trust
And the devil in black dress watches over
My guardian angel walks away
Life is short and love is always over in the morning
Black wind come carry me far away
With the fire from the fireworks up above
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain
You run for cover in the temple of love
I shine like thunder cry like rain
And the temple grows old and strong
But the wind blows stronger cold and long
And the temple of love will fall before
This black wind calls my name to you no more
In the temple of love you hide together
Believing pain and fear outside
But someone near you rides the weather
And the tears he cried will rain on walls
As wide as lovers eyes
In the temple of love: Shine like thunder
In the temple of love: Cry like rain
In the temple of love: Hear the calling
Goo lai be alek ya uma
Goo lai be alek ya ward
Noo goom elei alek abu ya
Ye da woo alek el ard
So many dreams
And more I gave you
'Cause I knew that you are the one
So many dreams
And more I gave you
I believed in you - my only one
Amore, all that I need is you
Amore, all that I need is you
So many times for you I waited
Now I want to force
The dreams to stay
So many hopes
And more were realised
I can't wait to make
The dream come true
Amore, (aaah)
all that I need is you
Amore, (aaah)
all that I need is you
Amore, all that I need is you
Ahhh Galbi
Galbi ya heb il hawa
La tin na ou mini
Min fain tarik al ma hiba
La da chil galbak
You stole my heart
You stole my soul
You take my breath away
What Can i do
What can i sayWhen you're so far away
What Can i do
What can i sayWhen you're so far
Ahhh Galbi
Galbi ya heb il hawaLa tin na ou mini
Galbi ya heb il hawaLa tin na ou mini
Ma had bi gay rak sha bi
Al ka si wa sini
Ma had bi gay rak sha bi
Al ka sini
I want to fly!...
My eyes are like a little bird's
A bit afraid
My eyes are like a little bird's
A bit ashamed
I'm flying so far away
Soon we'll play another game
We need luck to go on
We need luck to go on
I'm flying so far away
I need your help YAH YAH YAH
The Hina ceremony is now
The Hina ceremony is now
Hina ceremony is now
Hina ceremony is now
Oh... oh... oh... oh...
I want to fly!...
I want to fly!...
Na na na na...
I want to fly!...
Don't cast me away
When I start to fade
When my mind's unmade
Don't forsake me
When my strength has ebbed
Don't forsake me.
I know the day will come,
I know the day will come
And all my life will be haze and spark
Don't ever leave me in the dark.
Don't cast me away
When I start to fade
When my mind's unmade
Don't forsake me
When my strength has ebbed
Don't forsake me.
Oh, Oh, Oh,
Im Lost Little Girl
I'm Lost, Little Girl
I'm lost
I'm lost
I'm lost
Little girl I'm lost
No religion, no god
No salvation, no god
No religion, no hope
No mercy, no hope
No second chance for the betrayed
No second life for the despised
No religion, no god
No love, no sex at all
I can feel your contempt
Feel it eating up my body
Misanthropes are always right
Now I'm only food for pigs
Nihilism, nihilism!
Misanthropes are always right
Misanthropes are always right
Misogynists quite often
I'm lost
I'm lost
I'm lost
Little girl I'm lost
No religion, no god
No salvation, no god
No religion, no hope
No mercy, no hope
No second chance for the betrayed
No second life for the despised
No religion, no god
No love, no sex at all
I'm not waiting for a change
It's too late to reconsider
Misanthropes are always right
I'm lost little girl
I'm losing every trail
Misanthropes are always right
Misanthropes are always right
Mysogynists quite often
Misanthropes are always right
Mysogynists quite often
Misanthropes are always right
Mysogynists quite often
I'm lost
I'm lost
I'm lost
I'm lost
I'm lost
I'm lost
I'm lost
Little girl I'm lost
Little girl I'm lost
No religion, no god
No salvation, no god
No religion, no hope
No mercy, no hope
Gavriel, what do you ask
Behold, you know the paths of the sky
Come to me, it's good when two are together Gavriel
All the ends of the earth
Touch at nightfall
As you pass overhead - Gavriel
Angel travelling through the heavens
Angel seeking the stars
He wants to see
If the waters have abated*
For this boy, I prayed - Gavriel
For this night, I waited - Gavriel!
Gavriel, if God should lock
The gates of the Garden of Eden
Come down to me, angel of ancient times Gavriel
The shadow still remains
Your cloak spreads the evening
And a clash of swords is heard - Gavriel
Gavriel, praying boy
While you say the poetry (prayers) of heaven
Don't forget the poetry of two (people)**
When you're down and troubled
And you need some loving care
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend
If the sky above you
Grows dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind begins to blow
Keep you head together
And call my name out loud
Soon you'll hear me knocking at you door
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend
When people can be so cold
They'll hurt you, and desert you
And take your soul if you let them
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend
You've got a friend
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend
Go on
My Ethiopian boy
Go on
Go fight for your own
One day, you will see
Your mind will be free
I love you
Go on
My Ethiopian boy
Go on
You are not alone
One day, you will see
Your mind will be free
Cry oh baby cry oh baby cry
My brothers are still far away too far
Thousands years of yearning in your sigh
Cry oh baby cry for a sign
My brothers are there
Nobody cares
Nobody cares
If they are homeless
My brothers are there
Nobody cares
Can't someone see
How they need a homeland
My brothers are there
Nobody cares
No one should ever
Be homeless
My brothers are there
Nobody cares
Can't someone see
How they need a homeland
Cry oh baby cry oh baby cry
Cry oh baby cry oh baby cry
This is a tragic past love
I've been there once before
This is a tragic past love
Which is haunting me more and more...
One day, one day
You cast a spell on me once again
Again and again...
Fear was in your eyes
We had more than love
I was in your life
You couldn't change your mind
Oh... we had more than love
One day, one day
I want to see you
Yeah, yeah yeah, we need the rain
Yeah, yeah yeah, to wash the trains
Endless nights
Tortured days
Trains of no return
Law-El ani agraw aneni To God I call, please answer me
Avka bachawl lailaw aneni I cry every night, answer me
Ten tal umawtawr aneni Give us dew and rain, answer me
Oh aneni Oh, answer me
Oh, don't let them grow again
Oh, no not again
Don't let them roll again
The trains of no return
Yeah, yeah yeah, we need the rain
Yeah, yeah yeah, to wash the trains
Endless nights
Tortured days
Trains of no return
Law-El ani agraw aneni To God I call, answer me
Aneni, aneni Answer me, answer me
Sham za'aku kolot anenu There voices cried out, answer us
Ba'aru orot anenu Lights burned, answer us
Netzach Yisrael anenu Eternal One of Israel, answer us
Hu lo y'shaker He will not fail us
Kawl ha'or kawl hachoshech All the light, all the darkness
Sheyoter mikawl ra'u eich Which more than anything, saw how
Din ha'Elohim molech The law of God rules
Hem gam mevakshim They also plead
Yeah, yeah yeah, we need the rain
Yeah, yeah yeah, to wash the trains
Endless nights
Tortured days
Trains of no return
Don't let them grow again
Don't let them burn again
Don't let them roll again
The trains of no return
We need the rain
Don't let them grow again
Don't let them burn again
Fire on the sky
Colors flying through her mind
Desert touch the sky
Here at the place where she will die
She is looking far far away
It seems there's no escape
From a prison without bars
Only to follow the bright star
She's running all the way
Only yesterday
A little girl, a little girl
Longing for her mother's world
She was just a little girl
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ho mirage
She's running all the way
Only only yesterday
A little girl, a little girl
Longing for her mother's world
I was just a little girl
A little girl, a little girl
Longing for her mother's world
I was just a little girl
Ah... ah... ah... ah... Mirage
Day after day, night after night
Nothing in love is black or white
Deep down inside, trying to touch
Wanting to say, "I love you so much"
Wish for a star, sparkling light
Don't run away, just hold me tight
Deep down inside, trying to touch
Wanting to say, "I love you so much"
Ahava, tomorrow we will find
Ahava, a way into the light
Ahava, you and I
Yo vo cha yom, le cha ve li
Ya vo cha yom, koo lo she li
Bli mil ha ma, bli ema
Rak ahava, le ne sha ma
Ahava, tomorrow we will find
Ahava, destiny is calling
Ahava, you and I
[Foreign Content]
Don't run and hide, don't hold me tight
I'm going there to see the light
I wish to know the magic star
I wish to know the [Incomprehensible]
Ahava, tomorrow we will find
Ahava, a way into the light
Ahava, you and I
I see you on the street and you walk on by
You make me wanna hang my head down and cry
If you gave me half a chance you'd see
My desire burning inside of me
But you choose to look the other way
I've had to work much harder than this
For something I want don't try to resist me
Open your heart to me, baby
I hold the lock and you hold the key
Open your heart to me, darlin'
I'll give you love if you, you turn the key
I think that you're afraid to look in my eyes
You look a little sad boy, I wonder why
I follow you around but you can't see
You're too wrapped up in yourself to notice
So you choose to look the other way
Well, I've got something to say
Don't try to run I can keep up with you
Nothing can stop me from trying, you've got to
Open your heart with the key
One is such a lonely number
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Open your heart, I'll make you love me
It's not that hard, if you just turn the key
Don't try to run I can keep up with you
Nothing can stop me from trying, you've got to
Open your heart with the key
Open your heart, I'll make you love me
It's not that hard, if you just turn the key
Tell me why
Tell me why
You run?
My mother's always told me
Don't forget
Remember who you are
Listen to the voice
That plays in your head
Make the right choice
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
You run?
My mother says, my mother says
Tell me why
Tell me why
You run?
I had to see it my way
'Cause life is very short
The more I try to learn
The less I seem to know
Oh - I cry in my bed
Ye... I miss my home
The home I can't forget
I hear my mother's voice
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
You cry?
My mother says, my mother says
Don't run away
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
You run?
My mother says, my mother says
Tell me why
Tell me why
Don't run away
Tell me why
Tell me why
You cry?
Don't run away
Don't run away
Tell me why
Tell me why
When I'm losing patience
So hard to smile
Come and sit with me together
You are the one
All the weekdays are over
I worked so hard
All the weekdays are over
I feel so down
What will be tomorrow
Happiness or sorrow
Who will open up my door
Wish me luck
Wish me luck
What will be tomorrow
Happiness or sorrow
Who will open up my door
Wish me luck
Wish me luck
Wish me luck
Wish me luck
The desert wind
From the East
Binding us together
Oh... oh... oh... oh...
Dance for me Taw Shi
The day has come to prove
To prove your love
Oh... oh... oh... oh...
Dance for me Taw Shi
Among the two
I prefer you
I want to see you
Set fire to the night
Among the two
You must come through
Oh let me see you
Set fire to the night
Oh... oh... oh... oh...
Dance for me this dance
Oh... oh... oh... oh...
Chant with me this chant
So follow me
Across the sand
To where the music's playing
Oh... oh... oh... oh...
Dance for me Taw Shi
The sands will blow
A thousand years
The rythm still remains
Oh... oh... oh... oh...
Dance for me Taw Shi
Among the two
I prefer you
I want to see you
Set fire to the night
Among the two
You must come through
Oh let me see you
Set fire to the night
Oh... oh... oh... oh...
Dance for me this dance
Oh... oh... oh... oh...
Chant with me this chant
Oh, oh YAH YAH
Oh, oh YAH YAH
I want to see you
Set fire to the night
Oh let me see you
Set fire to the night
I want to see you
Set fire to the night
Can't you see in this time of fear
People are hiding their tears
In this time we need someone to hear
Someone to feel
I hope you see
The same as I see
I hope you see
Like I do
I hope you see
As far as I see
I hope you see
Like I do
As you know - wild is the wind
So wild is all of our life
No time to hate - only to love