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Home Market insights MARKET INSIGHTS

  • Global IPOs Pricing Above Range in 2015 at Highest YTD Activity Since 2007

    Global IPOs Pricing Above Range in 2015 at Highest YTD Activity Since 2007

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  • European Financial Sponsor M&A Highest Since 2007

    European Financial Sponsor M&A Highest Since 2007

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  • Actavis Prices Second-Largest Corporate Bond on Record

    Actavis Prices Second-Largest Corporate Bond on Record

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  • Emerging Markets Loan Volume Lowest Since 2005

    Emerging Markets Loan Volume Lowest Since 2005

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  • EMEA IB Revenue at Lowest YTD Level Since 2003

    EMEA IB Revenue at Lowest YTD Level Since 2003

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Actavis sells $21 billion of #bonds, the second-biggest corporate deal ever http://t.co/HppD2yHoAC via @WSJ @Dealogic $ACT
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Europa adquiere empresas americanas por 150.000 millones http://t.co/DLn3ukD0Py via @expansioncom @Dealogic
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