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Havdalah (Learn the blessings!) - Moishe House Rocks
Moshav: Shabbos Havdalah & "Eulogy Song" at Shlomo Carlebach's Yarzeit at Happy Minyan
How to Havdalah
How To Havdalah
הבדלה Havdalah
Maccabeats Sing Havdalah - Partners In Torah Shabbaton 2014
Yehuda Green - Havdalah & Kumzits
Havdalah at Reb Carlebach Concert
Havdalah Motzei Shabbat Zachor 5772
Spring Regional Havdalah 2013
Caron Dale sings Havdalah
Havdalah - a beautiful and simple primer
Shlomo Carlebach - Havdalah - ר' שלמה קרליבך הבדלה
Come learn the Havdalah blessings with Moishe House and Elana Jagoda! With a little help from our karaoke style video, you can practice blessing the wine, sp...
http://JooTube.TV David Swirsky and Yehuda Solomon lead Havdalah at LA's Happy Minyan's annual Shlomo Carlebach Yarzeit Concert. Nov. 8, 2014 They sing their "Eulogy Song" in tribute to Shlomo Carlebach and "Mizmor L'David" [58]
Katie Bauman (, Associate Rabbi at Temple Israel in Memphis (, recites the blessings for Havdalah:...
Learn How To Perform The Havdalah Ceremony With The How To Rabbi Havdalah
Havdalah with the Berman, Kramer, and Levi family.
שרים לשבת אברימי רוט, יצחק מאיר,יצחק מילר,שמחה פרידמן, רן שבח תאטרון גשר יפו 4.12.14 ניהול מוסיקלי עירן קליין מנחה אבי רט צילום יעקב פלברבאום בחסות המחלקה לרבות תורנית עיריית תל אביב בניהולו של שמואל דגניה
We bid goodbye to Shabbat and welcome the new week with wine, spice, light, and their blessings in song: Hinei El yeshuati, evtach velo efchad, ki ozi vezimrat yah, Adonai vayehili liyeshuah. Ushavtem mayim besasson mima’anei hayeshuah. La'Adonai hayeshuah, al amcha virchatecha, selah. Adonai tzeva'ot imanu, misgav lanu, Elohay Ya'akov, selah. Adonai tzeva'ot, ashray adam botayach bach. Adonai hoshi'ah, hamelech ya'anaynu veyom koraynu. Layehudim hayetah orah vesimcha vesason vikar. Kain tehiyeh lanu. Kos yeshuot esa uveshaym Adonai ekrah. Behold, G-d is my savior, I will trust G-d and not be afraid, for my strong faith and song of praise for G-d will be my salvation. You will draw water joyously from the wellsprings of salvation. Salvation is the G-d's; may Your blessing rest upon Your people. G-d of the heavenly armies is with us; the Lord of Ya'akov is a fortress protecting us. G-d of the heavenly armies, happy is the individual who trusts You. G-d, redeem us! The King will answer us on the day we call G-d. The Jews had light, happiness, joy and honor; may we have the same. I will raise the cup of salvation and call out in the name of the G-d. Baruch atah, Adonai, Elohaynu melech ha'olam, boray pri hagafen. Blessed are You, G-d, our Lord, King of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. Baruch atah, Adonai, Elohaynu melech ha'olam, boray minay vesamim. Blessed are You, G-d, our Lord, King of the universe, Creator of the different spices. Baruch atah, Adonai, Elohaynu melech ha'olam, boray me'oray ha'aysh. Blessed are You, G-d, our Lord, King of the universe, Creator of the fire's lights. Baruch atah, Adonai, Elohaynu melech ha'olam, hamavdil bayn kodesh lechol bayn or lechoshech bayn Yisrael la'amim bayn yom hashevi'i leshayshet yemay hama'aseh. Baruch atah, Adonai, hamavdil bayn kodesh lechol. Blessed are You, G-d, our Lord, King of the universe, who separates between the holy and the profane; between the light and dark; between Israel and the other nations; between the seventh day and the six days of the week. Blessed are You, G-d, who separates between the holy and the profane. Then we sing Eliahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet), who will herald the Messiah's arrival, may it be today! Learn more about Jewish wisdom, history, and humor at
Havdala and Kumzits with Yehuda Green at Yeshiva Aderes Hatorah Alumni Shabbos Achdus with Rabbi Chaim Zvi Senter in the Tarrytown Doubletree on January 5, 2...
Happy Minyan's cantor Yehuda Solomon leads Havdalah.
Yeshivat Har Etzion Havdalah in the Beit Midrash Motzei Shabbat Zachor 5772!
Benji Kurnick saying Havdalah at Spring Regional 2013.
Caron Dale sings this beautiful Havdalah melody.
Cantor Mark Childs teaches a simple Havdalah ceremony to mark the end of the Sabbath day. Anyone can learn the prayers, melody, and rituals. See his website ...
"Havdalah By Reb Shlomo Carlebach Zt"l" ר' שלמה קרליבך הבדלה.
Debbie Friedman concert tribute 2/6/11.
Shlomo Carlebach Returns to Earth to Make Havdalah !!!Yehuda Green reciting Havdalh Carlebach style on a cold Motzei shabbos in Williamsburg.
Havdalah service directed by Rabbi Ezran Magain David Sephardic Congregation SF, California.
Our Saturday night ritualistic ceremony, saying good by to the Sabbath queen to usher in a happy new blessed week.
Live Havdalah from the Klatzko home in Monsey New York featuring Brooklyn College and IDT students.
For more on the 2013 Biennial, go to
Created to help teach children the havdalah (havdallah) blessings, "Shalom Shabbat Shalom" -- meaning either "Goodbye, Shabbat, goodbye" or "Goodbye, Shabbat...
Maqam Huzzam/Siga+Kurd {@ Ades Synagogue, Jerusalem}Nahari spices it up with a Turkish Tune {Ana H' Hoshia Na} Then he slowly advances into an Ashkenazic imp...
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Douglas moved seamlessly from this observation to quoting the Jewish Havdalah blessing at the end of ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-16... then Havdalah ("ha-mavdil bein kodesh le-kodesh"); last but not least is Zeman ("she-hechiyanu").
Huffington Post 2015-04-06... Shabbat dinner, observe the Sabbath as a day of rest and perform the Havdalah service as a family.
National Public Radio 2015-02-10... lighting of candles; the lighting of a multi-wicked Havdalah candle, signals the end of the Sabbath.
The Examiner 2015-02-08"ON THE PULSE OF MORNING": ... Free, but tickets are required for a head count. http: ... "HUMAN FAMILY": ... PM Havdalah service; 6:15
The State 2015-02-02"ON THE PULSE OF MORNING": ... Free, but tickets are required for a head count. http: ... "HUMAN FAMILY": ... PM Havdalah service; 6:15
The State 2015-02-02Maroa Ave ... The Jan. 31 event — "Shabbat Shirah, Shabbat of Song" — starts with Rabbi Rick Winer leading Havdalah service.
Fresno Bee 2015-01-30The event will start with a Havdalah service -- marking the symbolic end of Shabbat and Jewish ...
Lehigh Valley 2015-01-3016 and ends Dec ... Chabad of Dallas will host a menorah lighting and Havdalah service at 7 PM 18208 Preston Road, Dallas.
The Dallas Morning News 2014-12-12This special Shabbat closed with a Havdalah concert at Beth Sholom.
noodls 2014-11-18A gala is planned at the temple Saturday night, during which the congregation will mark havdalah, a ...
Lehigh Valley 2014-11-07... singing and words of inspiration), Torah classes, programs for kids and a musical Havdalah service.
Sun Sentinel 2014-11-03The meaning of the seventh day is the necessity to separate and distinguish, the Hebrew word for which is "havdalah".
The Independent 2014-10-24Havdalah (Hebrew: הַבְדָּלָה, meaning 'separation') is a Jewish religious ceremony that marks the symbolic end of Shabbat and holidays, and ushers in the new week. Shabbat ends on Saturday night after the appearance of three stars in the sky. Some communities delay the Havdalah in order to prolong Shabbat.
Havdalah is recited over kosher wine or kosher grape juice, although other beverages may be used if wine or grape juice are not available. On completion of the Shabbat, a special braided Havdalah candle with more than one wick is lit, and a prayer is recited. It is customary to gaze at one's fingernails reflecting the light of the candle. Spices, often stored in a decorative spice container, are handed around so that everyone can smell the fragrance. In many Sephardi and Mizrahi communities, branches of aromatic plants are used for this purpose. After Yom Kippur, a candle is used, but not spices.
It has long been customary to beautify and honor the Mitzvah of Havdalah by placing the spices in an artistically beautiful spice box, called a besamim.