Domestic Robot Servants
Domestic Robot Servants
Domestic Robot Servants
Here's a list of the handiest mechanical minions money can buy! Are any of these guys in the Robot Hall of Fame? Click here to find out: http://www.komando.c...
Domestic robot
Domestic robot
Domestic robot
Read more: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18833 An open source robot is bidding to become the standard research model.
Robot-Era Project: the shopping scenario
Robot-Era Project: the shopping scenario
Robot-Era Project: the shopping scenario
The video shows the shopping delivery service from a shop to home. This kind of service involves the three robotic platforms integrated in Robot-Era: Outdoor robot, Condominium robot and Domestic robot.
Robot Housekeeper
Robot Housekeeper
Robot Housekeeper
Robots that can do your laundry and your dishes? The future looks lazy. Check out our Robot themed playlist @ http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0D129A9...
RoboWoW - The World's First 3-in-1 Domestic Robot!
RoboWoW - The World's First 3-in-1 Domestic Robot!
RoboWoW - The World's First 3-in-1 Domestic Robot!
http://www.robomow.com Meet RoboWoW -The only robot that can vacuum your home, clean your pool and mow your lawn! Learn more about this amazing new innovatio...
Domestic Service Robot Dynamaid
Domestic Service Robot Dynamaid
Domestic Service Robot Dynamaid
The video shows a demonstration of the domestic service robot Dynamaid. The robot was developed at the Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group of University of ...
DomController - Control Karotz domestic robot
DomController - Control Karotz domestic robot
DomController - Control Karotz domestic robot
Remote control Karotz, let it speak, move ears, animate LED, recognize RFID tags,... Know more on http://www.domcontroller.com/
Turkish domestic robot AKINCI-2
Turkish domestic robot AKINCI-2
Turkish domestic robot AKINCI-2
The first commercial products manufactured in Turkey AKINCI-2 humanoid mobile robot able to stand on his feet, able to walk, able to identify multiple object...
China creates domestic robots
China creates domestic robots
China creates domestic robots
Lego NXT domestic robot open yogurt creation mindstorm 2.0
Lego NXT domestic robot open yogurt creation mindstorm 2.0
Lego NXT domestic robot open yogurt creation mindstorm 2.0
A lego nxt mindstorms 2.0 creations, a domestic robot which open a yogurt ! it's the third part of a collection of household robots after light a candle and ...
The Domestic Robot In The Home 1950s Style - Household Appliances in Service
The Domestic Robot In The Home 1950s Style - Household Appliances in Service
The Domestic Robot In The Home 1950s Style - Household Appliances in Service
Leave It to Roll-Oh- How we compare having a household robot - Roll-oh - with modern home appliances to help the housewife in 1950s.
Domestic Robotics - Leave it to Roll-Oh, our Fun loving Retrobot
Domestic Robotics - Leave it to Roll-Oh, our Fun loving Retrobot
Domestic Robotics - Leave it to Roll-Oh, our Fun loving Retrobot
Tongue-in-cheek film showing a domestic robot freeing housewives of their chores (and intimating that their work is hardly necessary); actually a promo showi...
Robots For Professional and Everyday Use - Advanced Robotics - Domestic Robots
Robots For Professional and Everyday Use - Advanced Robotics - Domestic Robots
Robots For Professional and Everyday Use - Advanced Robotics - Domestic Robots
http://www.socialmunch.com - Social Network, Video Chat & Social Discovery Experts have been promising for decades to put a robot in everyone's home - and fi...
Home Built Remote Control Domestic Robot - V1.0
Home Built Remote Control Domestic Robot - V1.0
Home Built Remote Control Domestic Robot - V1.0
WHAT IF...Domestic robots could be self-sufficient?.. Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots
WHAT IF...Domestic robots could be self-sufficient?.. Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots
WHAT IF...Domestic robots could be self-sufficient?.. Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots
Exhibit at the WHAT IF... Exhibition in the Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin in 2009 Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots, 2008 by James Auger, ...
Introducing "Bender" my iRobot Roomba 780 Domestic robot
Introducing "Bender" my iRobot Roomba 780 Domestic robot
Introducing "Bender" my iRobot Roomba 780 Domestic robot
I just got an iRobot Roomba 780 vacuum cleaner. Seems pretty good fun!
Domestic robot plans its way to the kettle - University of Birmingham
Domestic robot plans its way to the kettle - University of Birmingham
Domestic robot plans its way to the kettle - University of Birmingham
In this video the University of Birmingham Intelligent Robotics Lab, acting as part of the EU-funded CogX consortium, demonstrate how their Dora the Explorer...
Past and Present Domestic Robots by RobotShop.com
Past and Present Domestic Robots by RobotShop.com
Past and Present Domestic Robots by RobotShop.com
www.RobotShop.com Brief video segment from RocketBoom Tech discussing the history of domestic robots, current domestic robot products as well as commercials ...
World's First Emotional Home Robot
World's First Emotional Home Robot
World's First Emotional Home Robot
Artificial intelligence is still a work in progress, but if you're simply looking for robotic companionship, We may have a humanoid for you. The Japanese mob...
RobotExpert.co.uk - domestic robots
RobotExpert.co.uk - domestic robots
RobotExpert.co.uk - domestic robots
Robot Vacuum Cleaner and Floor Washing Robot from iRobot: http://www.robotexpert.co.uk.
scuba: our family's first domestic robot
scuba: our family's first domestic robot
scuba: our family's first domestic robot
some shots of my new scuba scrubbing the kitchen floors.
Domestic Robot - Tonight I Get Down (on myself)
Domestic Robot - Tonight I Get Down (on myself)
Domestic Robot - Tonight I Get Down (on myself)
www.myspace.com/domesticr0b0t The first video from musician and visual artist Domestic Robot. This video is for a song off the upcoming "I'm the Captain of a...