- published: 07 Mar 2017
- views: 4487
A streamliner is a vehicle incorporating streamlining in a shape providing reduced air resistance. The term is applied to high-speed railway trainsets of the 1930s to 1950s, and to their successor "bullet trains". Less commonly, the term is applied to fully faired recumbent bicycles. As part of the Streamline Moderne trend, the term was applied to passenger cars, trucks, and other types of light-, medium-, or heavy-duty vehicles, but now vehicle streamlining is so prevalent that it is not an outstanding characteristic. In land speed racing, it is a term applied to the long, slender, custom built, high-speed vehicles with enclosed wheels.
The first high-speed streamliner in Germany was the "Schienenzeppelin", an experimental propeller driven single car, built 1930. On 21 June 1931, it set a speed record of 230.2 km/h (143.0 mph) on a run between Berlin and Hamburg. In 1932 the propeller was removed and a hydraulic system installed. The Schienenzeppelin made 180 km/h (112 mph) in 1933.
Brand-new products and services are those introduced to a market along with a new brand.
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Diep is a 2005 Dutch drama film about the 14-year-old girl Heleen (played by 15-year-old Melody Klaver).
Many scenes are in extreme close-up.
Heleen practises tongue kissing first on her arm, then on another girl who is her friend, then does it with boys. On holiday in France she likes a French boy Bernard (Hunter Bussemaker). However, when she tells him she loves him, she is uncomfortable with the bold way he starts touching her. Axel (Stijn Koomen) is a childhood friend who is in love with her. However, Heleen is more interested in Axel's English friend Steve (Damien Hope). Heleen is torn between her mother's statement that sex is like eating a sandwich, and Steve's that "sex should be like a voyage to the sublime, without true love no sublime". Steve rejects sex with Heleen.
Encouraged by Steve and Axel, Heleen smokes some cannabis, but she does not really like it. Also her mother Quinta (Monic Hendrickx) encourages her to do it. She also encourages Heleen to give Axel a kiss; after all, they had a fake marriage as young children. Provocatively Heleen gives Axel an elaborate tongue kiss in Quinta's presence.
Gretsch Streamliner Guitars - So Good That Rob Bought One!
NEW FASTEST SHOOTING TANK IN THE GAME?!? - Diep.io Brand New StreamLiner Tank Game Vs Arena Closers!
Streamliner Trains - America's Beautiful Locomotives
STREAMLINER NEW FASTEST SHOOTING TANK! Diep.io Max level Streamliner Vs Mothership Vs Arena closer
1937 Gougeon Streamliner Test Drive September 12, 2011
Gretsch G2420T Streamliner vs G5420
For more info on Gretsch Guitars go here - https://www.andertons.co.uk/b/258/gretsch Rob is using a Victory V30 amp with no pedals, & Lee is using a Victory V40 with a JHS Muffaletta Fuzz & a Dod Looking Glass Boost. Cheers!! Rob & Lee Greetings I'm Rob Chapman, I am a guitarist from Brighton in the UK. I am the frontman and guitarist for Dorje, demonstrator for Andertons Music and I am also the founder/owner of Chapman Guitars. I love making videos about guitar tuition, demonstration, reviews, and studio things like coffee/pizza and Diablo. Twitter: twitter.com/robchapmanmusic Facebook: www.facebook.com/officialrobchapman Subscribe to my channel by clicking this magic button: http://bit.ly/1il3TH0
Diep.io Brand New Class Called "Streamliner" - This Is The New Fastest Shooting Tank On Diep.io - One Constant Stream Of Bullets - This New Class Is Weak To Snipers - Getting 95K+ Scores On Domination With The Brand New Tank Class! Diep.io is a highly addictive browser game that adds guns and an RPG-esque leveling up system to the (already fun) massively multiplayer blob on blob action of Agar.io. The basics of the gameplay in Diep.io is similar to Agar.io, with you starting off as a little underpowered weakling and destroying inanimate shapes and other players as you attempt to level up and decimate the opposition. The addition of guns and the RPG-style levelling up system are game-changers though – the biggest blob doesn’t always win in Diep.io, skill and specialisation matter too. Y...
Thanks For Watching Please Subscribe For Newest Agar.io Slither.io , Diep.io GamePlay Videos http://agar.io/ http://slither.io/ http://diep.io/ Song 1: Alan Walker - Fade [NCS Release] Song 1link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM7SZ5SBzyY Song 2: DEAF KEV - Invincible [NCS Release] Song 2link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2X5mJ3HDYE Song 3:Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart [NCS Release] Song 3link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK2aIUmmdP4
Hey there! Welcome to JUST.iO! Discover the fun of .iO games here with Gordon! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In today's video, I checked out the new tanks from the Diep.io new update! "Spread shot": This thing has 11 guns! But it dosen't mean it's more powerful. In Diep.io, i have a golden rule: The more spreaded the bullets are, the weaker the tank is. And here we have the spread shot... It's just impossible to defend itself. "Streamliner": I laughed several times while playing against another streamliner, looks like a water gun war... Just like all the tanks having little bullets, it's very hard to stop big ones with them. A bullet from a Ranger can pass through 100 bullets from the Streamliner! By the way, it has 5 barrels. Rating to "Spread Sho...
This was suppose to be Chattanooga Choo Choo but I was unhappy with it, so instend I made a fan favorite. Ya I know some might say its been done before, but stay toon for the 20th video.
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Mercury was the name used by the New York Central Railroad for a family of daytime streamliner passenger trains operating between midwestern cities. The Mercury train sets were designed by the noted industrial designer The success of the Mercury led to Dreyfuss getting the commission for the 1938 redesign of the NYC's flagship, the 20th Century Limited, perhaps the most famous train in America.
Subscribe :D ►http://bit.ly/292gQwW Do you like the Streamliner new updated tank? Diep.io MAx level Streamliner Vs Mothership Vs Arena closer (diep.io) Thanks for watching! Like , share and subscribe for more :D This gun shoots 20 shots in one second!!! STREAMLINER NEW FASTEST SHOOTING CANNON! DIEP.IO NEW UPDATED SPREADSHOT AND STREAMLINER! ARENA CLOSERS Vs New Best Op Tanks / FFA DOMINATION(diep.io) I played with the new updated tanks in #Diep.io with the new streamliner and spread shot tanks on mothership Mode vs the Immortal Arena closer with some awesome Motership Battle and fastest shooting tank streamliner the Arena closer and Mothership. The new update brought 2 new op tanks to allow more teamplay in diep.io. Gameplay with the max level Streamliner new tank Diep.io Update and som...
I am not paid, or endorsed by Gretsch in any way. All comments are my own, and all guitars are paid for by me. Know Your Gear T shirtshttps://teechip.com/knowyourgear5#id=0&c;=584130&sid;=fruit-of-the-loom-cotton-t&s;=front Check out the Know Your Gear Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/Knowyourgear/?ref=hl