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中井貴一 Kiichi Nakai 中国映画『戦国』映画の帝王版メイキング 誰もがオンステ・オフステで帝王の座を狙う
Railways (2010) English subbed trailer RAILWAYS 49歳で電車の運転士になった男の物語
Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles - Trailer
kizuna311 #10 中井貴一「守らずにいられない」朗読
kizuna311 #35 中井貴一「うつくしい朝」朗読
中井貴一×古沢良太×行定勲 舞台「趣味の部屋」公開稽古ダイジェスト
中井貴一、「理想的なかかあ天下」に持論 広末涼子らと愛を語る 映画『柘榴坂の仇討』初日舞台あいさつ
星之守護犬 11月24日上映.mpg
docomo Xiトーク24「ホットケーキ」中井貴一
docomo Xiトーク24「消しゴム」 中井貴一
Keywords: guerilla-war, korean-war, north-korea, red-army
RAILWAYS 49歳で電車の運転士になった男の物語 Reiruweizu: 49-sai de densha no untenshi ni natta otoko no monogatari Yoshinari Nishikori movie. Hajime Tsutsui (Kiichi Nakai) wo...
一流企業に勤めていた主人公が母の病をきっかけに人生を見つめ直し、新たな一歩を踏み出していく姿を描いた感動作『RAILWAYS 49歳で電車の運転士になった男の物語』。4月12日、この映画の完成披露会見が東京會舘で行われ、主演の中井貴一をはじめ、高島礼子、本仮屋ユイカ、三浦貴大、奈良岡朋子、佐野史郎、甲本雅裕、錦織...
Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles ---------------------------------------------------- Gouichi Takata has a strained relationship with his son Kenichi Taka...
チケット情報 【公演期間・会場】3/22(金)~4/14(日)PARCO劇場ほか.
さまざまな人々に希望をつなげる[kizuna311]#10。 俳優・中井貴一さんが朗読するのは、谷川俊太郎作「守らずにいられない」。 被災された方々、それを見守り心を痛める世界の人々へのメッセージとして、心を込めて朗読しました。 今回、kizuna311のコンセプトに詩...
さまざまな人々に希望をつなげる[kizuna311]#35。 俳優・中井貴一さんが朗読するのは、銀色夏生作「うつくしい朝」。 被災された方々、それを見守り心を痛める世界の人々へのメッセージとして、心を込めて朗読しました。 今回、kizuna311のコンセプトに詩人・銀色...
劇場版アニメ「怪盗グルーのミニオン危機一発」(21日公開)の日本語吹き替え版完成報告会が9月2日、東京都内で行われ、キャラクターの声優を務めた笑福亭鶴瓶さん、芦田愛菜ちゃん、中島美嘉さん、中井貴一さんが登場した。 「怪盗グルーのミニオン危機一発」は、10年に公開された「怪盗グルーの月泥棒」の続編で、怪盗グルーはア...
2013年3月22日(金)から上演が始まった 中井貴一さんらの出演舞台「趣味の部屋」の 公開舞台稽古の一部を動画で公開しました。 公開舞台稽古に先だって行われた囲み取材の登壇者は 脚本の古沢良太さん、演出の行定勲さん、 出演者の中井貴一さん、戸次重幸さん、原幹恵さん、川平慈英さん、白井晃さんの7名。 ◇エントレの...
★『オリコン芸能ニュース』チャンネル登録はこちら 【関連動画】 佐藤健、『るろ剣』完結編封切りに感慨「伝説を残せたら」 水谷豊、"杉下右京の紅茶注ぎ"を生披露 伊勢谷友介、オヤジギャグ披露 「ウイスキーン」 俳優の中井貴一(53)が20日、都内で行われた主演映画『柘榴坂の仇討』の初日舞台あいさつに出席。作品の中で「最も心に残った愛」という問いに「あの…私まだこの映画を観ておりませんので」と苦笑すると「撮影現場の感じだけでいいますと、たぶん、それがカットになっていることもあるので先に阿部さんお願いします」と阿部寛に託した。
改編自村上貴同名人氣漫畫的《星之守護犬》,以人與狗不離不棄的感情打動了萬千觀眾,首兩天在日本上映時便收逾1億4千萬日圓票房,被封為2011年必看的「必哭電影」。 這動人故事透過一個冷漠公務員和一個發明星夢的女孩追查出來,兩人發現鎮上一名大叔在秋田犬Happy陪伴下走完人生最後一段旅程,兩人亦因此重新思考自己的人生...
docomo docomo 2012 ------出演者------ 中井貴一
Green Carpet I went there to see Jackie chan ジャッキー・チェン 中川翔子 江角マキコ 岡田将生 榮倉奈々 剛力彩芽 生瀬勝久 小池徹平 芦田愛菜 阿部寛 黒木メイサ 溝端淳平 中井貴一 臼田あさ美 野田総理 野田佳彦 枝野幸男 皆藤愛子.
1991年8月23日フジテレビで放送、この時スーちゃん35歳。 田中好子:橋口由美子(健次郎の兄嫁) 中井貴一:橋口健次郎 三上博史:ウエノ・ノブオ(橋口健次郎の息子) 阿藤快:阿藤(特別高等警察の刑事)
當這智慧的光芒從皇宮放射出來的那一刻起, 中國唐朝這個偉大的帝國開始了太平盛世.
National Geographic's The Great Indian Railway © ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Filmed in 1995, this documentary is a nostalgiac look at the end of...
Head to the most remote and spectacular railways in the British Isles. Explore the stunning scenery of the Scottish Highlands for traces of Queen Victoria's ...
Travel to County Durham's gorgeous countryside to uncover remnants of the earliest railroads that were defunct long before the invention of the steam locomotive. Then to Darlington to uncover traces of the world's first public railway in the most unexpected places. Visit the North Yorkshire Moors by steam railway. Visit the beautiful city of York and much more
Made in 1989 this was my first home-grown venture as 'Festival Video'. It starts with an interview with Maxitrak's Andy Probyn giving an overview of the comp...
Discover how the newly invented steam locomotive spread rapidly through the south of England, transforming London - and people's everyday lives. Head to the ...
Another successful year of preserved running for myself has come to a close. And once again i have made a review of my favorite scenes taken from heritage ra...
An educational movie about jobs available within the railways of Great Britain during the mid/late 1940's. Covers some of the less glamourous jobs withing th...
Railways of the Great War with Michael Portillo EP2 Railways and Railwaymen Called to Action BBC Documentary 2014 World War I was a railway war. Michael Portillo finds out how the railways helped to precipitate a mechanised war, shaped how it was fought, conveyed millions to the trenches and bore witness to its end. He takes to historic tracks to rediscover the locomotives and wagons of the war that was supposed to end all war and hears the stories of the gallant men and women who used them in life and in death. Michael travels through Britain uncovering railway stories from the Great War. His journey begins in England's north east where he finds out about the brave railwaymen who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Moving south to Oxfordshire he learns how the manufacturing expertise of the railways turned a crisis into a victory. In Hampshire, Michael meets the proud son of a railwayman who, as a Royal Engineer, taught soldiers to be railwaymen and trained railwaymen to be soldiers. Finally, on the south coast he meets the big guns that turned the tide of war.
The description can be read as follows; 1) A very clean AC Chair Car coach of 12123 Mumbai Cst Pune Deccan Queen. 2) Just after leaving Masjid, managed to capture Panvel EMU (Harbour Line) magnificiently climbing the bridge of Sandhurst Road station and at the same time, my train bends a beautiful curve and skips Sandhurst Road station. I also managed to capture more than 100 years old Heritage Hancock Bridge. This bridge will be demolished shortly as its too old and height is too low for changing traction from 1.5KV to 25KV. 3) An uninterrupted capture from Dadar to Thane, 25kms in golden sunlight. The stations that we skip are Dadar, Matunga, Sion, Kurla, Vidyavihar, Ghatkopar, Vikhroli, Kanjur Marg, Bhandup, Mulund and Thane. 4) We do a constant 100-105kph run from Kopar to Thakurli stations. Deccan Queen was introduced on 01/06/1930 and it became the first train in India to get a Superfast status. It has gor 2S (Second Sitting), AC Chair Car and MST coaches (Monthy Season Ticket). This train was well known for Dining Car (DC) coach. It was a sight sitting in DC, enjoying the journey with delicious snacks. From past few months, DC coach has been removed and its replaced by PC (Pantry Car) coach. The videos of Dining Car coach and snacks onboard Deccan Queen can be seen as follows; The 2S coach can be seen as follows; Camera: SONY HDR PJ50E
Filmed during the holy month of Ramadan, this is a journey from India into Bangladesh on a train that reunites the region of Bengal. Partitioned in 1947, Bengal was divided in half, creating East Pakistan - a satellite state ruled by Pakistan. It was an unwelcome occupation. In 1971 they fought a war of independence and East Pakistan became the People's Republic of Bangladesh. 37 years later, the first train ran between India and Bangladesh - the Maitree Express. Maitree means friendship. It takes 12 hours to make the 392km journey from Kolkata to Dhaka, and staffing on the train is almost the same on both sides of the border. They speak the same language, share a history, and they all love fish. Amirul, once a freedom fighter in the war of independence, now plays announcements and religious tapes on the Maitree. Aalo supports his family by selling chocolates on the train but has a problem with the 30-degree heat. Sixteen-year-old Abdullah ran away from home and a madrasa. Now he sells papers on Dhaka's trains and platforms, hoping for a brighter future. Gautam Bannerjee is a guard on the Maitree and a respected astrologer. Can his calculations foretell the future? Urmi Rahman, a writer, was born in Bangladesh, married an Indian and lives in Kolkata, but she is very clear about her identity. Krishendu Basu is happy with his life. Not only a guard, he is also a tabla player, photographer and self-confessed foodie. But music is his passion. These stories of people who work, travel or depend on the Maitree Express take us on a journey through history, sharing their hopes, needs and desires - on India's frontier railways. Hide description India's Frontier Railways Programme website Credits
Indian Railways (IR) operated by the Government of India through the Ministry of Railways is one of the world's largest Railway networks comprising 115,000 KM (71,457.687 miles) of track over a route of 65,436 km (40,660 mi) and 7,172 stations. IR came into Operations on the 16 April 1853 (161 years ago) and is ranked among the World's Top 10 Employers providing Employment to over 1.4 million Indian Citizens. IR serves more than 23 million passengers daily (roughly half of which counts for Suburban passengers) and transports about 1050.18 million tons of freight load a year. Here I dedicate a Specially compiled video of the Great Indian Railways to all the Rail enthusiasts on the account of ' The Railzone ' reaching 10K Subscribers on its Second Birthday ( Jan 12th ) and still growing big. I sincerely thank all the viewers for your Support towards the growth of the Channel. Hope you enjoy watching the specially compiled video. INDEX of Contents Time Stamps : 0:27 MURUDESHWAR 0:42 DUDH SAGAR WATER FALLS 1:33 RO-RO Roll On Roll Off 2:00 TRAIN ON SEA , RAMESWARAM 2:48 ALCo's AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVES 3:06 WDP-1 . WDM-2 ,WDM-3A , BALDIES 5:06 WDM-3D , WDG-3A , WDM-3F 7:04 WDS-4 SHUNTERS 7:48 NARROW GUAGE TRAINS 8:30 EMD - ELCTRO MOTIVE DIESELS 8:48 WDP-4, WDP-4B , WDP-4D 10:23 FIRST WDG-4 GT46MAC 12001 11:03 WDG-4 11:18 WAP-1, WAP-4 , WAP-5 , WAP-7 14:08 WAM-4 14:55 WAG -5, WAG-6 , WAG-7 , WAG-9 17:28 WCAG-1 , WCAM-1 , WCAM-2 , WCAM-3 18:36 METER GUAGE TRAINS 20:53 SUBURBAN TRAINS 21:12 DMU - DIESEL MULTIPLE UNITS 21:34 EMU - ELECTRIC MULTIPLE UNITS 22:35 HEAVILY POWERED TRAINS 24:55 COUPLED FREIGHT TRAINS 25:53 LUXURY TRAINS 27:00 INAUGURAL TRAINS 28:13 RAJDHANI EXPRESS - THE KING OF TRAINS 29:50 SHATABDI EXPRESS - THE KING OF INTERCITY EXPRESS 30:52 JAN SHATABDI, THE POOR MAN's SHATABDI 31:31 HYBRID LHB 31:53 DOUBLE DECKER EXPRESS 32:18 DURONTO'S THE UNSTOPPABLE 33:20 PREMIUM TRAINS - THE MONEY MAKERS 33:57 THE POOR MAN's CHARIOT 34:35 AIR CONDITION EXPRESS 35:12 AGGRESSIVE TRAINS 35:42 RISK TAKERS 36:49 ROLLER COASTERS & GRADIENTS 38:02 MONSOON MAGIC 39:44 THE BEAUTY OF THE NIGHT 42:35 HILLS, SNAKES & CURVES 44:13 HORSE SHOE CURVE 45:26 RIVERS , BRIDGES & VIADUCTS 47:49 THE FLAG EXCHANGE 48:16 CLASHING TRAINS 48:35 TRIANGLES 48:46 TROLLS 49:01 DEAFENING HONK 49:28 PARALLEL RUNNERS 50:00 HARDCORE SMOKERS 51:10 TUNNELS
Small report with pictures - Looking back at the year 2013 in terms of Rail-fanning for m...
A video outlining gameplay for the boardgame Railways of the World. For more game info, Part I: Gameplay Runthrough (static cam) Part II: Extended Gameplay (static cam) Part III: Final Thoughts ----------------- Hey Everybody! Today Paulo Runs Through "Rahdo's Goofs" If you find Goofs I didn’t notice Please leave Timestamps :) Thank You 13:40 You can do up to 4 Tracks but once you reach a city you can't build anymore tracks that round, even if you have the money to do so
Pas e Parda 22nd February 2015, Pas e Parda Nadia Naqi 22 February 2015, Pas e Parda with Nadia Naqi on News One 22nd Feb 2015, Motivate Us By Subscribing on: Today's Topic: Khawaja Asif Telling Load Shedding in Pakistan, Imran Khan Press Conference in Haripur, Misbah-ul-Haq Press Conference After Losing Match Against West Indies, Pakistan vs West Indies, World Cup Special Transmission, Performance of Pakistani Team in World Cup, Pakistani Cricket Team's Defeat By West Indies - 22 February 2015 Today's Guest Pas e Parda: Nadia Naqi Watch Pakistan Talk Shows Latest: ---------------------------------- Jaiza with Ameer Abbas on Dawn News 22 February 2015 Power Lunch with Iftikhar Kazmi on Din News Q&A; With PJ Mir with PJ Mir on Din News Khabar Say Khabar with Fareed Rais on Dawn News Hum Sub with Mahrukh Fahad Qureshi in Capital Tv Mazaq Raat with Nauman Ejaz on News One Seedhi Baat with Muhammad Shahbaz Mian on Capital TV Mazrat Kay Sath with Saifan Khan on News One Khabar Roze Ki with Waheed Hussain on Roze News inFocus with Reham Khan with Dawn News 22 February 2015 Siasat Aur Riasat with Mustafa Niaz on Din News Aaj Shahzaib Khanzada Ke Saat with Shahzaib Khanzada on Aaj News Khara Sach with Mubashir Lucman on Ary News Belaag with Mudasir Iqbal on Capital TV 220PM With Nadia Mirza on News one Islamabad Tonight with Shaukat Paracha on aaj News Sachi Baat with Fahad Shahbaz and Dr. S. K Niazi on Roze News Public Opinion on News One - 22 February 2015 Independence Avenue on Voa News 8pm with Fareeha with Fareeha Idrees on Waqt News Capital Talk with Hamid Mir on News One Islamabad Say with Tanzeela Mazhar on Jaag Tv Aaj With Saadia Afzaal with Saadia Afzaal on aaj News Takrar with Nadia Naqi on Express News Tonight With Jasmeen with Jasmeen on Abb Takk News 22 February 2015 Inkaar with Javed Iqbal on Capital TV News Eye with Mehar Abbasi on Dawn News On The Front with Kamran Shahid on News One Off The Record with Kashif Abbasi on Ary News 22 February 2015 Beyond Headlines with Muhammad Azeem on Din News Assignment with Aniqa Nisar on Waqt News News Room with Ayesha Baksh on News One Pas e Parda with Nadia Naqi on News One News Plus with Faisal Shakeel on Capital TV Analysis With Asif on Roze News 22 February 2015 Aakhir Kab Tak with Irtaza on News One Power Lunch with Iftikhar Kazmi on Din News Khabar Yeh Hay with Nadia Naqi on News One Pakistan At 22 with Shazia Khan on aaj News Live with Dr Shahid Masood 22 February 2015 Pakistan Live News Channels: ---------------------------- A Plus, Aag TV, Aaj News, Ahlebait TV, AKS TV, ALite, Ameen TV, APNA News, ARY Digital, ARY Musik, ARY News, ARY Qtv, ARY Zauq, Asset Plus, ATV, Awaz News, Azan TV, Business Plus, Chalta TV, Channel 5, City 42, CNBC News, DAM TV, Dawn News, Dhoom TV, Din News, News One, E Pakistan News, Express News, Express Entertainment, Film World, Filmazia, Fun TV, G Kaboom, Geo News, Geo Super, Geo TV, Good News TV, Hadi TV, Haq Tv, Health TV, Hidayat TV, Hum TV, Index TV, Indus Music, Indus News, Indus Vision, Info TV, Isaac Tv, Kashish TV, Kay2 TV, Kohenoor TV, Labbaik TV, Madani Channel, Mahboob Television Network (MTN)Mahboob Television Network (MTN), Masala TV, Mashriq TV, Metro One, Metro One, MTV Pakistanl, Music Station, News One, Noor TV, Oxygene, Oye TV, Oye TV, Pakistan Net TV Internet Streaming Only, Play TV, Prime TV, PTV Global, PTV Home, PTV National, PTV News, Raah TV, R World, Roshni TV, Royal News, Rung TV, SAMAA TV, Silver Screen, Sohni Dharti, Starlite, Style 360, Such TV, Sun Biz, Today News, Tv2day, Ujala TV, Value TV, Venus TV, Vibe TV, Virtual Television, Waqt News, ZindagiMUSIC, ZindagicinemaTV Network, ZINDAGI NEWS Televisiona Don't forget to Motivate us by Subscribe on:
BBC Four Monsoon Railways ( A Documentary Film Based On Indian Railways)
My first foray into foreign steam on a trip organised by a friend of my dad to Germany to visit the Harz Mountain Railways. We stayed in a lovely hotel in th...
Part of the Documentary BBC - The Great Indian Railways Part 2
ΚΑΛΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ, σας ευχαριστώ όλους για την υποστήριξη, εύχομαι υγεία, τύχη και καλά σιδηροδρομικά ταξίδια σε όλους! HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE, i wish a happy, lucky new year to everyone and happy rail moments to all trainspotters! Thank you for your everlasting support to my channel!
When Captain Wataru Yuuki takes Big One into deep space to rescue a stranded space-train, the routine rescue mission turns into an all out war when an enemy ...
My Love for Indian railways started at a very young age, the pictures at beginning of the video is of me. I was lucky to have taken a picture with AJJ WAP1 #...
Model World is owned by the BBC, No copyright infringement intended. Another TV programme lifted from a dusty VHS tape, recorded in 1994. Model World was ori...
WATCH : One Hell of a Gradient;=UU2NzJuX6FTyOhoBrFj9Ms1Q Catch yet another unique compilation - Roller Coasting Trains over the Monster gradients , something which is not commonly found across all parts of the Indian Railways. These gradients are largely found in the Deccan plateau where the terrain is extremely rough and uneven. The South Western Railway Zone of Indian Railways stands top when it comes to these Monster Gradients how ever the average speed of Trains in the Zone takes a major dip due to the unavailability of flat straight lines. The freight trains especially require High Horse Powered Locomotives to work efficiently in these terrains, most of the freight trains here are operated by EMD's either Single or Double depending on the load they need to carry for sufficient braking and to avoid Wheel slips, never the less ALCo's still do wonders. Hope you enjoy watching this video. Locomotives Captured : WDM-2 , WDM-3A , WDM-3D, WDG-3A , WDP-4,WDG-4 ,WAP-4 , WAP-7 Index of Trains Captured with Time Stamps: 0:12 PATRATU WDG-4 , BTPGLN WAGONS (PETROLEUM), DODBELE 1:35 KRISHNARAJAPURAM WDM-2 , 56278 YESVANTPUR - CHIKKAMAGALUR FAST PASSENGER 2:59 GOOTY EMD 2X WDG-4 , BOST-HS & BOXN WAGONS , DODBELE 4:27 KAZIPET WDG-3A , 16201 BANGALORE - SHIMOGA TOWN INTERCITY EXP, SOLDEVANAHALLI 5:30 HOWRAH WAP-4 , 15902 DIBRUGARH - BANGALORE WEEKLY EXP. , TYAKAL 7:02 ITARSI WDM-3D, 17310 VASCO - YESVANTPUR WEEKLY EXP. , BHAIRANAYAKANAHALLI 8:49 KRISHNARAJAPURAM WDM-3A , 56225 BANGALORE - TUMKUR PASSENGER , DODBELE 10:00 HUBLI WDG-4 , BTPGLN WAGONS (PETROLEUM), DODBELE 10:35 VATVA WDG-3A , 19567 TUTICORIN - OKHA VIVEK EXPRESS , TYAKAL 12:14 KRISHNARAJAPURAM WDP-4, 16201 BANGALORE - SHIMOGA TOWN INTERCITY EXP, BHAIRANAYAKANAHALLI 15:41 LALLAGUDA WAP-7 , 12610 BANGALORE - CHENNAI EXPRESS , TYAKAL 16:39 HUBLI WDG-4, 16557 MYSORE - BANGALORE RAJYA-RANI EXP. ,HEJJALA 17:43 HUBLI WDG-4, BCNHL FREIGHT WAGONS , BAIYAPPANAHALLI
Spring and Mediterranean sea shore
HŽ putnički vlakovi snimljeni na prugama u okolici Dugog Sela. Passenger trains on lines near Dugo Selo. 1. B 702 Osijek-Našice-Virovitica-Koprivnica-Križevci-Zagreb-Karlovac-Ogulin-Delnice-Rijeka. 2. 2206 Koprivnica-Križevci-Vrbovec-Dugo Selo-Sesvete-Zagreb. 3. B 415 Schwarzach-St.Veit-Villach Hbf-Jesenice-Ljubljana-Zagreb Gl.Kol.-Vinkovci-Šid-Beograd. 4. 2209 Zagreb-Dugo Selo-Vrbovec-Križevci-Lepavina-Koprivnica. 5. 8036 Dugo-Selo-Sesvete-Zagreb-Zaprešić-Savski Marof-Harmica. 6. B 745 Zagreb Gl. Kol.-Dugo Selo-Banova Jaruga-Novska-Nova Gradiška-Slavonski Brod-Vinkovci. 7 Srne i fazani na željezničkoj pruzi. Hrvatske Željeznice, Ožujak 2015. Croatian Railways, March 2015. Camcorder: PANASONIC HDC-SD 40
May 4, 2014 At least 15 passengers were killed and 87 injured when four bogies of the Diva-Sawantwadi passenger train derailed in Central Railways,Maharashtra. The engine and four coaches of the train derailed at about 9.30am just outside a tunnel near Nidi village. There were also reports of a part of train being stuck inside a tunnel. According to Raigad police, at least 10 passengers were "feared dead" and 50 injured. CR officials said that the route between Diva and Roha comes under their jurisdiction, and the officials were expediting the process of rescuing passengers. Railways has announced an ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh to the relatives of those killed, Rs 50,000 to the grievously injured and Rs 10,000 to persons who sustained minor injuries.The locals have come to the rescue of passengers, with many providing transport, water and medical first-aid. -Aditya Kambli.
A Quiz for all Pakistan rail Fans: What station is this?
12533 Lucknow/LJN - Mumbai/CSTM Pushpak Express and 12105 Mumbai/CSTM - Gondia/G Vidarbha Express cross each other at Vikhroli, Central Railway, Mumbai. - Sriram SN
India's Frontier Railways Season 1 Episode 2 : The international railway line runs for just 20 miles from Janakpur in Nepal to Jaynagar junction in India and is now under threat of closure. The train and the track are in a dilapidated state and derailments are common and the engine often breaks down. India's Frontier Railways - Season 1 Episode 2 "The Last Train in Nepal" India's Frontier Railways - Season 1 Episode 2 "The Last Train in Nepal" India's Frontier Railways - Season 1 Episode 2 "The Last Train in Nepal" India's Frontier Railways - Season 1 Episode 2 "The Last Train in Nepal"
Caroline Lucas is our first Green MP and she has been working tirelessly to fight for policies that will make a difference - she has put forward a Bill to bring the railways back into public hands. In the last five years rail fares have shot up by around 20%. We're paying more and more for a service that delivers less and less. If you like the sound of our values and our policies - from sorting out the railways, to creating a fairer society - then we urge you to go out and Vote Green this May, knowing that you could help us change politics in Britain for good.
Filmed on March 18th 2015. Messines-Alte Station is 12km north of Tunes. The station is actually in the town of Sao Batolomeu de Messines, Messines being 5km to the east and Alte a further 5km. The station is situated on the line to Lisbon and is now the last and most northerly station in the Algarve. Unstaffed, the station only sees 6 passenger trains a day of which only 4 actually stop here so this video contains 50% of the daily action! There are 2 platforms, of which only one is now used, The original station building and the goods shed still remain. The line here has already risen from the coastal plain and continues from here to cross the Serra do Caldeirao. In steam days this would have been a watering stop and as will be seen one of the old water towers still remains. Thanks for watching.
22602 SIRADI EXPRESS hauled by TNP twin WDM 3A locomotives 14139 and 14140 chugging hard and passes SVR / Sevvapet Road at a descent speed .
All the YDM4's in this video are from Mhow diesel loco shed Camera: Canon SX30 IS
68011 & 82303 on 1H55 1312 Birmingham Snow Hill to London Marylebone. 68014 on 0J68 1248 Banbury to Stourbridge Jn Depot, both seen at Olton running about on time.
Indias Frontier Railways – Season 1 Episode 2 – Full Episodes Life on a short Nepalese railway line which is now under threat of closure. India's Frontier Railways, 2. The Last Train in Nepal,Indias Frontier Railways – Season 1,Indias Frontier Railways – Season 1 Episode 2,Indias Frontier Railways – Season 1 Episode 2 – Full Episodes
Documentary focus is on the return of Nigerian railways.
Writan By Neha Kamble Editar By Vinita Dodke
Boundary markers can be found at these coordinates- 53 50' 16.03"N 02 44' 58.42"W The London and North Western Railway (LNWR, L&NWR;) was a British railway company between 1846 and 1922. It was created by the merger of three companies – the Grand Junction Railway, the London and Birmingham Railway and the Manchester and Birmingham Railway. In the late 19th century the L&NWR; was the largest joint stock company in the world. In 1923 it became a constituent of the London, Midland and Scottish (LMS) railway, and, in 1948, the London Midland Region of British Railways: the LNWR is effectively an ancestor of today's West Coast Main Line.
At least 5 people were killed and around 150 others injured when the engine and two coaches of the Dehradun-Varanasi Janta Express derailed near Bachrawan Railway Station in the district on Friday. SUBSCRIBE toNews24 here: Follow News24 on Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Google+:
12619 Matsyagandha Exp with OFFLINK ED WDP4D 40171 departs from Roha 2wards Beautiful Konkan Railway and 10104 Mandovi Exp with KJM WDP4 20046 departs 2wards Mumbai.
Nottsborough Victoria is currently being built by Mr. Andrew Emmett who is a BRM Australia member and modeller like me. His layout is based upon the operations of the London Midland & Scottish Railways (LMS) and the London & North Eastern Railway (LNER) in the 1920s and 1930s. Footage taken on Sunday 12th of October 2014.
Centre To Develop Railways, Forms A Committee Under Chairmanship Of Ratan Tata
You will see the usual action on D2 hope you enjoy-Hayden © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2015
Location: Angamaly for Kalady railway station,Kerala. Time: 30th January 2015 05:00PM 12625 Thiruvananthapuram - New Delhi Kerala Superfast Express hauled by Erode (ED) WAP4 22627 slowly skipping Angamaly station. The Kerala Express is a super fast express train of the Indian Railways that runs between New Delhi and Trivandrum Central. It is a daily train that covers a distance of 3,034KM with 40 stops. It is longest daily running train in India and also holds the record for the longest electric engine hauled train between New Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram Central. It is also called 'King of Overtakes' because it overtakes almost every train in its route except for Rajdhanis and Shatabdis. It was introduced in the year 1976 as Kerala-Karnataka Express (KK Express) starting from New Delhi to Trivandrum and Bangalore, with bifurcation at Jolarpettai Jn. In 1980, it was split into two trains, Kerala Express and Karnataka Express with Kerala Express again split at Palghat Jn and one of the portions diverted to Mangalore. It overlapped with the Jayanti Janata which bifurcated at Shoranur with one part of the train going to Cochin Harbour and the other to Mangalore. Later, these two trains were merged to form the Kerala Mangala Exp. In 1990, after a separate train to Mangalore was introduced, it began to run along its present route. It was a non daily train initially and had shared the same time slot with the Tamil Nadu Express, Andhra Pradesh Express and the Karnataka Express. However, after its conversion into a daily train it received its own time slot. Called the ‘Evergreen city of India’, Thiruvananthapuram is the capital of the state of Kerala. The city comprises beautiful beaches, long stretches of palm fringed shorelines, windy backwaters and historical structures. Along with its natural and historical significance, the city is also popular for its ancient temples that are renowned for its architecture and which makes Thiruvananthapuram as one of the most visited pilgrim centers of India. 12625 departs Trivandrum at 11:15AM daily and arrives New Delhi at 01:45PM on 3rd day. Travel Time: 50h 30m 40 halts Distance: 3034 km Average Speed: 60 km/hr 12626 departs New Delhi at 11:25AM daily and arrives Trivandrum at 02:35PM on 3rd day. Travel Time: 51h 10m 39 halts Distance: 3034 km Average Speed: 59 km/hr Major stoppages: Trivandrum Central (Kerala) - Kollam - kayamkulam - Kottayam - Ernakulam Jn - Thrissur - Palakkad - Coimbatore - Erode - Salem - Jolarpettai - Katpadi - Tirupati - Renigunta - Gudur - Vijayawada - Warangal - Balharshah - Nagpur - Itarsi - Bhopal - Bina - Jhansi - Gwalior - Agra - Mathura - Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin - New Delhi (National Capital Territory) Loco link: Erode (ED) WAP4 Loco reversal: At Ernakulam Jn Rake Sharing: No Rake Sharing; total 7 rakes
Railway minister Suresh Prabhu on ... They have said we want to work together to make railways better.
The Times of India 2015-04-12A special railway police team led ... Saravanan, Inspector, Arakkonam Railway Police Station arrested V.
The Hindu 2015-04-12... for cooperation between Indian Railways and French Railways for this semi-high speed rail project.
The Times of India 2015-04-12Money not an issue for reviving railways, Suresh Prabhu says: ... Railway stations to be child-friendly :
The Times of India 2015-04-12Money not an issue for reviving railways, Suresh Prabhu says ... Railway stations to be child-friendly.
The Times of India 2015-04-12Did the railway make a poor decision by allowing the filming of the adult movie on their train?
The Inquisitr 2015-04-12"China has made a number of railway stations and roads along the border with India.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-12"Indian Railways will soon set up a station in Arunachal Pradesh near the India-China border," Parrikar told the media.
DNA India 2015-04-12"South Caucasus Railway" is to enter the Armenian and Georgian tourist markets ... of railway transport.
Topix 2015-04-12He specifically mentioned defence, urban development, railways and healthcare as some of the sectors ...
DNA India 2015-04-12FROM the rusting metal of dozens of trains scattered about the Bolivian desert to railway relics in ...
Big News Network 2015-04-12Railways have announced weekly special trains in the Kochuveli-Indore-Kochuveli sector via Konkan ...
Big News Network 2015-04-12... and technology academy as well as a German railway station to take stock of railway modernisation.
The Times of India 2015-04-12Railways (RAILWAYS 49歳で電車の運転士になった男の物語, Railways 49-sai de Densha no Untenshi ni Natta Otoko no Monogatari?) is a Japanese film released on 29 May 2010. The film was produced by Shūji Abe, directed by Yoshinari Nishikōri, and stars Kiichi Nakai and Reiko Takashima. The movie tells the story of a 49-year-old office worker, who quits his job in Tokyo to become a train driver on the rural Ichibata Electric Railway in Shimane Prefecture.
G g7
Love won't annihalate hatred
It builds you up till youve had enough
then wont lewt you be
g g7
Fame, wont alleviate heartache
knocks at your door gives youthe score
then wont let you be
Just when you say no more
A hand asks for the key
g bflat am
I never wanted to be in Quasimodo's Dream
g bflat
Shall I beg the ringmaster please
Tell me am I wrong girl
For being a fan of yours
That's why I'm singing this song girl
And I wanna take you on tour
Maybe you can give me backstage passes
24/7 open access
Headline you can be the artist
One night you can be the star just
Know that I'm a fan from afar that
Loves you and really thinks your perfect
Now that it's all on the surface
I just need to let you know that
Girl it's all about U (x8)
It seems, that we must be trading places
I am a fan of yours and to you I am just faceless
Face it, I probably ain't the first to say this
Really, I loved you when you used to tape shit
But still, I feel you're getting even better
My friends tell me you made it and I said you won't forget us
And if she came on stage to take my heart I would just let her
Staring into this crowd thinking here is where I get her
Maybe you can give me backstage passes
24/7 open access
Headline you can be the artist
One night you can be the star just
Know that I'm a fan from afar that
Loves you and really thinks your perfect
Now that it's all on the surface
I just need to let you know that
Girl it's all about U (x8)
I've been searching for so long
That when I find her it's gonna be all about you
But for now
Imma keep searching
Is she on the left?
Is she on the right?
Is she in the middle?
Is she on the bottom?