Seine fishing (or seine-haul fishing) is a method of fishing that employs a seine or dragnet. A seine is a fishing net that hangs vertically in the water with its bottom edge held down by weights and its top edge buoyed by floats. Seine nets can be deployed from the shore as a beach seine, or from a boat.
Seines have been used widely in the past, including by stone age societies. For example, with the help of large canoes, pre-European Maori deployed seine nets which could be over one thousand metres long. The nets were woven from green flax, with stone weights and light wood or gourd floats, and could require hundreds of men to haul. American Native Indians on the Columbia River wove seine nets from spruce root fibers or wild grass, again using stones as weights. For floats they used sticks made of cedar which moved in a way which frightened the fish and helped keep them together. Seine net are also well documented in antiquity. They appear in Egyptian tomb paintings from 3000 BC. In ancient Greek literature, Ovid makes many references to seine nets, including the use of cork floats and lead weights.
Purse Seine Fishing
Using the seine net
How Seafood is Caught: Purse Seining
West Coast Seine Fishing Part 1
Seine boat fishing for sockeye
Seine Fishing
Ring Seine Fishing in Kerala
Industry embracing sustainable tuna fishing in the Pacific
Purse Seine Fishing - Different Methods
Catch limitation in demersal seine fishing
Tuna Purse Seine Fishing Raffaello
Salmon Seine Fishing: Discover the story of how salmon are harvested
Outer Banks Seine Net Fishing
Seine fishing on the shore of the Bay of Bengal at Bakkhali beach
Purse Seine Fishing
Using the seine net
How Seafood is Caught: Purse Seining
West Coast Seine Fishing Part 1
Seine boat fishing for sockeye
Seine Fishing
Ring Seine Fishing in Kerala
Industry embracing sustainable tuna fishing in the Pacific
Purse Seine Fishing - Different Methods
Catch limitation in demersal seine fishing
Tuna Purse Seine Fishing Raffaello
Salmon Seine Fishing: Discover the story of how salmon are harvested
Outer Banks Seine Net Fishing
Seine fishing on the shore of the Bay of Bengal at Bakkhali beach
purse seine fishing...donsol,sorsogon,.phil.
Beach seine fishing
Danish Seine
Purse Seine Fishing South Africa Part 1
m/v Jupiter purse seining for Caplin
southeast Alaska purse seining F/V Lady Liv 2014
Tuna Purse Seine Fishing on the Raffaello 2 Brailing
Cultural Traditions - Making Seine Fishing Net on Sapelo Island
Peche de la perche en UL- Session street fishing en Seine | GOPRO HD