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Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies
Economic Inequality: AFC Wimbly Womblys #167
Income Inequality Impairs the American Dream of Upward Mobility
Wealth Inequality in America
This Is The Income Inequality Video CEOs Don’t Want Americans To See
An Animated Video Explains Economic Inequality
American Dream Myth - Stiglitz on Income Inequality
A TED Talk on Income Inequality by Nick Hanauer
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wealth Gap (HBO)
Paul Krugman & Tony Atkinson in Conversation | Inequality and Economic Growth
Elizabeth Warren and Thomas Piketty Discuss Economic Inequality
Richard Wolff on Economic Inequality
Global Wealth Inequality - What you never knew you never knew
Thomas Piketty on Economic Inequality We feel instinctively that societies with huge income gaps are somehow going wrong. Richard Wilkinson charts the hard data on economic ine...
In which John talks about economic inequality, a topic requested by Project for Awesome donator Rachel. The Wimbly Womblys take on Zenit. Suggest topics for future videos in the comments! And consider following us: Twitter: @AFCWimblyWombly Tumblr: Facebook:
Income inequality has been on the rise for decades. In the last 30 years, the wages of the top 1% have grown by 154%, while the bottom 90% has seen growth of only 17%. As the rungs of the economic ladder move further and further apart, conventional wisdom says that it will become much more difficult to climb them. Opportunities for upward mobility-the American dream-will disappear as the deck becomes stacked against the middle class and the poor. But others see inequality as a positive, a sign of a dynamic and robust economy that, in the end, helps everyone. And contrary to public opinion, mobility has remained stable over the past few decades. If the American dream is dying, is it the result of income inequality? Or is disparity in income a red herring where more complex issues are at play?
Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers. The reality is often not what we think it is. References:
“If Michael Norton’s research is to be believed, Americans don’t have the faintest clue how severe economic inequality has become—and if they only knew, they’d be appalled. Consider the Harvard Business School professor’s new study examining public opinion about executive compensation, co-authored with the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok’s Sorapop Kiatpongsan. In the 1960s, the typical corporate chieftain in the U.S. earned 20 times as much as the average employee. Today, depending on whose estimate you choose, he makes anywhere from 272 to 354 times as much. According to the AFL-CIO, the average CEO takes home more than $12 million, while the average worker makes about $34,000. In their study, Norton and Kiatpongsan asked about 55,000 people around the globe, including 1,581 participants in the U.S., how much money they thought corporate CEOs made compared with unskilled factory workers."* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more here from Jordan Weissmann / Slate: Help end the corrupting influence of money in politics: Sign this Petition & Support the 28th Amendment To #GetMoneyOut CLICK here to support Wolf PAC: ********** Income Inequality, War Profiteering, Justice Scalia & Dinesh D'Souza - The Young Turks 10/2/2014 News & Politics ********** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution. We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either. The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) Get your TYT Merch: ********** 'Your Country Is Just Not That Into You: How the Media, Wall Street, and Both Political Parties Keep on Screwing You—Even After You’ve Moved On' by Jimmy Dore. Buy it here:
Joseph Stiglitz explains how income inequality killed the "American Dream" and he puts to death the notion that everyone has the same opportunity to achieve ...
Further Discussion @ A talk on Income Inequality and the differences in taxation given by Nic...
John Oliver discusses America's growing wealth gap and why it may be a problem in the future. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:
As we endure the slow, uneven recovery from the "Great Recession," there is no more critical or timely question than that of the relationship between economi...
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and French economist Thomas Piketty. The wide-ranging discussion touched on climate change, free trade, the role of labor...
Economist Richard D. Wolff on the rising economic inequality from 1979 - 2012.
For more info go to Production Company: Grain Media (; Motion Graphics Artist: Nick Pittom (; Music: Sup Doo...
"Every now and then, the field of economics produces an important book; this is one of them," writes Tyler Cowen in his Foreign Affairs review of Thomas Pike...
Visit ---------------------------------- Inequality is real, it's personal, it's expensive and it wa...
It's been said that money is the root of all evil. Does money make people more likely to lie, cheat and steal? Economics correspondent Paul Solman reports on...
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As world leaders meet at the World Economic Forum, we examine the biggest risks facing the global economy.
Speaking at an event sponsored by the left-leaning think tank Center for American Progress, President Barack Obama said the income gap between America's rich...
The Economic Policy Institute and the Washington Center for Equitable Growth host a presentation by Thomas Piketty—economist from the Paris School of Economics and ground-breaking researcher...
Inequality has been rising for 30 years. The gap between rich and poor is the widest since the second world war. If current trends continue, we will have rea...
A round table discussion on economic inequality, mobility, debt, and the state of the American economy four years after the official end of the recession. Gu...
Should we care about inequality? This short film shows the differences between rich and poor in the UK and how this has changed over the past 50 years. The f...
William Julius Wilson, Ronald Ferguson and Nina Easton examine economic inequality in the United States at Harvard Kennedy School's 75th anniversary conferen...
Inflation in Venezuela remains among the highest in the world; the Venezuelan central bank said inflation had reached 63.6% in the 12 months to November. While Venezuela has confirmed that it has entered into a recession, that confirmation hasn’t done much to stem the swelling lines at Venezuelan supermarkets. Business leaders have assured Venezuelans that the situation will improve in the coming days and have blamed the slowdown in deliveries on an extended Christmas holiday. Erin weighs in. Then, Erin sits down with David Beckworth – professor of economics at Western Kentucky University and adjunct scholar at The Cato Institute. David tells us what he thinks could get Japan going again and gives us his take on wage growth. And he deconstructs output level targeting in much greater detail. After the break, Erin is joined by James Galbraith – professor of economics at University of Texas and author of “The End of Normal.” James tells us how wage growth and income inequality play out in terms of the social issues surrounding the path of growth in the US and gives us his take on infrastructure. And in The Big Deal, Erin and RT correspondent Manila Chan are talking about the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. Take a look! Check us out on Facebook: Follow us @
Economic mobility is the ability of an individual, family or some other group to improve (or lower) their economic status—usually measured in income. Economi...
Malcom Gladwell speaks on income inequality at the 2010 New Yorker Festival. Watch The New Yorker on The Scene: Subscribe to the all-new The New Yorker channel here: Visit The New Yorker channel for more video: Visit The New Yorker website more: Connect with The New Yorker Magazine Online: Visit The New Follow The New Yorker on Facebook: Follow The New Yorker on Google+: Follow The New Yorker on Twitter: Follow The New Yorker on Instagram: Follow The New Yorker on Pinterest: Follow The New Yorker on Tumblr: Malcom Gladwell on income inequality - The New Yorker Festival (Full) - The New Yorker Starring: Malcolm Gladwell
The Occupy movement is an international protest movement against social and economic inequality, its primary goal being to make the economic and political re... Chris Hedges: Occupy Movement - Banks, Capitalism, Demands and Economic Inequality (2012) Chris Hedges: Occupy Movement - Banks, Capitalism, Demands and Economic Inequality (2012)
The Occupy movement is an international protest movement against social and economic inequality, its primary goal being to make the economic and political re...
Sylvia Allegretto, Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics Emmanuel Saez, UCB Department of Economics Paul Pierson, UCB Department of Political Science.
Charles Murray from the American Enterprise Institute and Timothy Noah from MSNBC discussed "Economic Inequality: Causes and Consequences" during a Janus For...
Inequality in wealth and income appears to be growing in the United States, and in some other areas of the world. This widening gap often leads to unequal op...
The Occupy movement is an international protest movement against social and economic inequality, its primary goal being to make the economic and political relations in all societies less vertically hierarchical and more flatly distributed. Local groups often have different foci, but among the movement's prime concerns is the belief that large corporations and the global financial system control the world in a way that disproportionately benefits a minority, undermines democracy and is unstable. The first Occupy protest to receive wide coverage was Occupy Wall Street in New York City's Zuccotti Park, which began on 17 September 2011. By 9 October, Occupy protests had taken place or were ongoing in over 95 cities across 82 countries, and over 600 communities in the United States.[12][13][14][15][16] Although most active in the United States, by October 2012 there had been Occupy protests and occupations in dozens of other countries across every continent except Antarctica. For its first two months, authorities largely adopted a tolerant approach toward the movement,[citation needed] but this began to change in mid-November 2011 when they began forcibly removing protest camps. By the end of 2011 authorities had cleared most of the major camps, with the last remaining high profile sites -- in Washington DC and London -- evicted by February 2012.[17][18][19][20] The Occupy movement is partly inspired by the Arab Spring,[21][22] and the Portuguese[23] and Spanish Indignants movement in the Iberian Peninsula,[24] as well as the Tea Party movement.[25][26][27] The movement commonly uses the slogan We are the 99%, the #Occupy hashtag format, and organizes through websites such as Occupy Together.[28] According to The Washington Post, the movement, which has been described as a "democratic awakening" by Cornel West, is difficult to distill to a few demands.[29][30] On 12 October 2011, Los Angeles City Council became one of the first governmental bodies in the United States to adopt a resolution stating its informal support of the Occupy movement.[31] In October 2012 the Executive Director of Financial Stability at the Bank of England stated the protesters were right to criticise and had persuaded bankers and politicians "to behave in a more moral way". Thumbnail image by Leepower (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Dr. Charles Murray is a political scientist, author, and libertarian. He first came to national attention in 1984 with the publication of Losing Ground, which has been credited as the intellectual foundation for the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. His 1994 New York Times bestseller, The Bell Curve (Free Press, 1994), coauthored with the late Richard J. Herrnstein, sparked heated controversy for its analysis of the role of IQ in shaping America’s class structure. Murray's other books include What It Means to Be a Libertarian (1997), Human Accomplishment (2003), In Our Hands (2006), and Real Education (2008). His most recent book, Coming Apart (Crown Forum, 2012), describes an unprecedented divergence in American classes over the last half century.
Martin Gilens, professor of politics at Princeton University and a member of the executive committee of the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics, disc...
Some inequality of income and wealth is inevitable, if not necessary. If an economy is to function well, people need incentives to work hard and innovate. The pertinent question is not whether...
Bill Moyers talks with Economic analyst Robert Reich about the new film Inequality for All. Opening in theaters across the country next week, the film aims t...
Breaking Inequality fail - Full documentary | SIGN | SHARE | CHANGE AMERICA! Share this video and then sign the petition to help end inequality and change our country forever! This is one of the most important issues our country faces right now and it demands everyone's attention or else the consequences could be catastrophic. Breaking Inequality is a documentary film about the corruption between Washington and Wall Street that has resulted in the largest inequality gap in the history of America. It is a film that exposes the truth behind the single event that occurred back in the early 70's that set us off on this perilous journey that we are currently on. The inequality gap is presently the worst that it has ever been and there is no solution in place to repair this crippling problem. No country in the history of the world has ever remained a super power without a middle class and the road we are currently traveling doesn't include this all-important segment of the population. The old saying "As goes the middle class... so goes the nation" holds true even more today than ever. We live in a world where governments can create as much money as they want in order to fund all kinds of wasteful projects, wars, handouts, and banker bailouts. The current system by design has transferred the wealth from average everyday Americans to an elite few who care not about the majority. Breaking Inequality exposes the truth behind the root of the problem and it provides a solution to help end it. Our goal is to make enough Americans aware of the current system that is robbing them of their future, so that we can change the system all together. We have to change our destiny or the middle class will cease to exist in the United States of America. The time to act is is now and the Breaking Inequality documentary will help lead this charge!
St. Louis Fed president James Bullard joins Matthew Winkler of Bloomberg News to discuss monetary policy and its effects on economic inequality. Bullard describes the life-cycle model of the...
For more information about the UC Berkeley Economic Inequality Teach In, please visit:
Economic inequality, and barriers of entry is The Problem. My name is Carlos . . . I'm THE SOLUTION, period. Not because I say so, but rather because All The Results PROVE IT, XXX
via youtube Capture. Jim touches on about the decade of "no growth" and "turmoil" and why it's a good thing. "You can only grow from turmoil", he tells us. F... The People's Republic of China (PRC) appears to have taken the words of American industrialist Henry Ford to heart. Ford said, "There is one rule for the ind... Foreign trade of the United States comprises the international imports and exports of the United States, one of the world's most significant economic markets... Foreign trade of the United States comprises the international imports and exports of the United States, one of the worlds most significant economic markets.... The People's Republic of China... Thomas Sowell (born June 30, 1930) is an American economist, soc Challenges Facing the U.S. Economy: Joseph Stiglitz on Income Inequality, Jobs & Trade (1997) Challenges Facing the U.S. Economy: Joseph Stiglitz on Income Inequality, Jobs & Trade (1997)
The Occupy movement is an international protest movement against social and economic inequality, its primary goal being to make the economic and political re... Chris Hedges: Occupy Movement - Banks, Capitalism, Demands and Economic Inequality (2012) Chris Hedges: Occupy Movement - Banks, Capitalism, Demands and Economic Inequality (2012)
The Occupy movement is an international protest movement against social and economic inequality, its primary goal being to make the economic and political re... Chris Hedges: Occupy Movement - Banks, Capitalism, Demands and Economic Inequality (2012) Chris Hedges: Occupy Movement - Banks, Capitalism, Demands and Economic Inequality (2012)
"Explains how resentment over economic inequalities leads to uprisings/ revolt"
Economic mobility is the ability of an individual, family or some other group to improve (or lower) their economic status—usually measured in income. Economi... A Change is Coming How We Must Adapt Together PM Thomas Copyright 2013 A Cross Cultural and Cross Generational Series of Stories in nearly 80 Language Editio... Thurgood Marshall (July 2, 1908 -- January 24, 1993) was an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, serving from October 1967 until October 199... How Income Inequality and the Lack of Economic Mobility Threaten the American Dream (2013) Economic mobility is the ability of an individual, family or some ... we are working on a new release for summer 2012 Photography 7 Final Project How Income Inequality and the Lack of Economic Mobility Threaten the American Dream (2013) How Income Inequality and the Lack of Economic Mobility Threaten the American Dream (2013)
Why does income inequality continue in Alberta?
Old Days in Humboldt Article & Commentary - Segment 2. A mad days filming with some friends from Northampton in 1987. Featuring Ronnie Chan, Jonathan Laycock... The economist John Kenneth Galbraith noted that trickle-down economics had been tried before in the United States in the 1890s under the name horse and sp. T... Proposed public policy responses addressing causes and deleterious effects of income inequality include: progressive tax incidence adjustments, strengthening... In the 1990s, besides academic books and textbooks, Krugman increasingly began writing books for a general audience on issues he considered important for pub... The Growing Economic Divide in America: Paul Krugman on Wealth, Income, Education (2006) This The Growing Economic Divide in America: Paul Krugman on Wealth, Income, Education (2006) The Growing Economic Divide in America: Paul Krugman on Wealth, Income, Education (2006)
best online stock trading,best online stock,online stock trading best,online stock trader,online stock traders,stock trader,day trader,stock traders,online stock buying,buy stocks online,penny stock trading,online stock investing,online stock investment,invest online Economic inequality is high in Germany, too - and studies show that it's increasing at a rapid pace. But Judith Niehues of the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) presents a different
Economic inequality is high in Germany, too - and studies show that it’s increasing at a rapid pace. But Judith Niehues of the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) presents a different side of the story. More from Made in Germany:
Russell Brand recently spoke with Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman about economic inequality, how voting doesn't change anything, political apathy and revolution. S. Russell Brand recently spoke with Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman about economic inequality, how voting doesn't change anything, political apathy and revolution. S. Russell Brand recently spoke with Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman about economic inequality, how voting doesn't change anything, political apathy and revolution. S. Russell Brand recently spoke with Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman about economic inequality, how voting doesn't change anything, political apathy and revolution. S.
Coinciding with a renewed national focus on employment and economic inequality, Opportunity Nation hosted the 2015 National Opportunity Summit on February 25-26, 2015, bringing together over 1,000 attendees and featuring elected officials, non-profits, higher education institutions and businesses to discuss the major problems blocking economic, social and educational opportunity for young adults across America. The 2015 National Opportunity Summit was hosted by Opportunity Nation and Co-convened Business Roundtable (BRT), JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates), U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and United Way Worldwide.
Coinciding with a renewed national focus on employment and economic inequality, Opportunity Nation hosted the 2015 National Opportunity Summit on February 25-26, 2015, bringing together over 1,000 attendees and featuring elected officials, non-profits, higher education institutions and businesses to discuss the major problems blocking economic, social and educational opportunity for young adults across America. The 2015 National Opportunity Summit was hosted by Opportunity Nation and Co-convened Business Roundtable (BRT), JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates), U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and United Way Worldwide.
Global Capitalism: Monthly Economic Update Richard D. Wolff Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 7:30pm “As Wealth and Income Inequalities Deepen, the System Undermines Itself” Judson Memorial Church Assembly Hall 239 Thompson Street at Washington Square, Manhattan Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For this March 11, these will include: 1. Global Economic Inequality: the Basic Numbers, Causes and Consequences 2. Reform versus Revolution: the System was always the Problem 3. How and Why 21st Century Socialism Must Differ from Past Socialisms ....... Professor Wolff's Website: Professor Wolff's Podcast: Permission to reprint Professor Wolff's writing and videos is granted on an individual basis. Please contact to request permission. We reserve the right to refuse or rescind permission at any time.
worldleaderstv: imf's CHRISTINE LAGARDE: INCLUSIVE GROWTH, EQUALITY & JOBS in MIDDLE EAST (Full-Text, Video) (maximsnewsnetwork) SEEL The Center for Transatl... The Target security breach has caused the CEO to resign. Wage growth is a better sign of economic strength than job creation and growth. Apple and Samsung se... Servicii de producție audio - vizuală pentru companii: worldleaderstv: imf's CHRISTINE LAGARDE: INCLUSIVE GROWTH, EQUALITY & JOBS in MIDDLE EAST (Full-Text, ... Trade liberalization may shift economic inequality from a global to a domestic scale. When rich countries trade with poor countries, the low-skilled workers ... The Target security breach... Trade liberalization may shift economic inequality from a gl What Happened to Middle Class America: Economist Paul Krugman on Social Programs & Unions (2007) What Happened to Middle Class America: Economist Paul Krugman on Social Programs & Unions (2007)
Coinciding with a renewed national focus on employment and economic inequality, Opportunity Nation hosted the 2015 National Opportunity Summit on February 25-26, 2015, bringing together over 1,000 attendees and featuring elected officials, non-profits, higher education institutions and businesses to discuss the major problems blocking economic, social and educational opportunity for young adults across America. The 2015 National Opportunity Summit was hosted by Opportunity Nation and Co-convened Business Roundtable (BRT), JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates), U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and United Way Worldwide.
A debate with Dr. Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute and Dr. James Galbraith of University of Texas at Austin's Inequality Project. Subscribe to our chann. Should we care about inequality? This short film shows the differences between rich and poor in the UK and how this has changed over the past 50 years. The f. Dean David Ellwood moderates a conversation with a distinguished panel on the economic policies that inform the Occupy movement. They debate the causes of gr. If we care about inequality, economic opportunity, retirement security, poverty, and economic growth, it's time we care about wages.
Coinciding with a renewed national focus on employment and economic inequality, Opportunity Nation hosted the 2015 National Opportunity Summit on February 25-26, 2015, bringing together over 1,000 attendees and featuring elected officials, non-profits, higher education institutions and businesses to discuss the major problems blocking economic, social and educational opportunity for young adults across America. The 2015 National Opportunity Summit was hosted by Opportunity Nation and Co-convened Business Roundtable (BRT), JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates), U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and United Way Worldwide.
Today, 1% of Americans are taking home nearly 20% of the country's total income and own nearly 35% of the country's wealth. This didn't happen by accident. As former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains, we allowed it to happen. We can't have a prosperous economy without a strong and prosperous middle class. Inequality can be fixed. So, let's fix it. ------------------------------------- The recent past has seen greater economic inequality in America than at any time since the Great Depression. In the three decades after World War II American incomes grew quickly and equally, but starting in the late 1970s things began to change. Today, 1% of Americans are taking home nearly 20 percent of the country's total income, and own more than 35% of America's wealth. And it didn't happen by accident. It's the result of policy decisions on taxes, education, trade, labor, macroeconomics, and financial regulation -- all of which shifted economic power away from low and moderate-income American families. Economic Inequality is real, it's personal, it's expensive and it was created. Since the 1960s, tax rates on very high incomes have been slashed dramatically, starving public investments in schools and roads and everything else needed to build our economy, and providing ever-greater incentives to rig the economy's rules to send more money to the top. The laws we've created to govern globalization have protected corporate interests, but done nothing for American workers. Instead, we've allowed worker's rights to be systematically dismantled, both here and abroad. Policymakers also began using high unemployment -- which hurts everybody, but especially low and middle-wage workers -- to protect the wealthy from any hint of inflation. And, then, corporate interests pushed to abandon safeguards preventing the financial sector from making risky bets, which had to be backstopped by American taxpayers when those bets went sour -- a protection not given America's underwater homeowners. All of this created the worst economic crisis since the 1930s -- and we did it by allowing those with the most economic power to set the rules of our economy. It's continuing today. By the end of 2012, American workers' share of the economic pie was the lowest in more than half a century while the share going to corporate profits was the highest on record. This isn't sustainable. We can't have a prosperous economy without a large and growing middle-class. None of this happened by accident. We allowed it to happen. But it can be fixed. So let¹s fix it.
Dedrick Muhammad, Senior Director of the NAACP's Economic Department, spoke at the 2014 Color of Wealth Summit:
The Occupy movement is an international protest movement against social and economic inequality, its primary goal being to make the economic and political relations in all societies less vertically hierarchical and more flatly distributed. Local groups often have different foci, but among the movement's prime concerns is the belief that large corporations and the global financial system control the world in a way that disproportionately benefits a minority, undermines democracy and is unstable. The first Occupy protest to receive wide coverage was Occupy Wall Street in New York City's Zuccotti Park, which began on 17 September 2011. By 9 October, Occupy protests had taken place or were ongoing in over 95 cities across 82 countries, and over 600 communities in the United States.[12][13][14][15][16] Although most active in the United States, by October 2012 there had been Occupy protests and occupations in dozens of other countries across every continent except Antarctica. For its first two months, authorities largely adopted a tolerant approach toward the movement,[citation needed] but this began to change in mid-November 2011 when they began forcibly removing protest camps. By the end of 2011 authorities had cleared most of the major camps, with the last remaining high profile sites -- in Washington DC and London -- evicted by February 2012.[17][18][19][20] The Occupy movement is partly inspired by the Arab Spring,[21][22] and the Portuguese[23] and Spanish Indignants movement in the Iberian Peninsula,[24] as well as the Tea Party movement.[25][26][27] The movement commonly uses the slogan We are the 99%, the #Occupy hashtag format, and organizes through websites such as Occupy Together.[28] According to The Washington Post, the movement, which has been described as a "democratic awakening" by Cornel West, is difficult to distill to a few demands.[29][30] On 12 October 2011, Los Angeles City Council became one of the first governmental bodies in the United States to adopt a resolution stating its informal support of the Occupy movement.[31] In October 2012 the Executive Director of Financial Stability at the Bank of England stated the protesters were right to criticise and had persuaded bankers and politicians "to behave in a more moral way". Thumbnail image by Leepower (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (via Wikimedia Commons
Dr. Ron Paul, former congressman and three-time presidential candidate, gives Erin his take on why households in the top 20% have seen all of the gains in in. Dr. Ron Paul, former congressman and three-time presidential candidate, gives Erin his take on why households in the top 20% have seen all of the gains in in. Dr. Ron Paul, former congressman and three-time presidential candidate, gives Erin his take on why households in the top 20% have seen all of the gains in in. Ron Paul explains US income inequality SUBSCRIBE for Latest videos on ECONOMIC COLLAPSE / DOLLAR COLLAPSE / GOLD / SILVER / BITCOIN / GLOBAL RESET / NEW WORL.
Coinciding with a renewed national focus on employment and economic inequality, Opportunity Nation hosted the 2015 National Opportunity Summit on February 25-26, 2015, bringing together over 1,000 attendees and featuring elected officials, non-profits, higher education institutions and businesses to discuss the major problems blocking economic, social and educational opportunity for young adults across America. The 2015 National Opportunity Summit was hosted by Opportunity Nation and Co-convened Business Roundtable (BRT), JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates), U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and United Way Worldwide.
--= THE SYNOPSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9780275956189 Book Synopsis of Economic Dimensions of Gender Inequality by Thomas Piketty If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Synopsis, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01. AlsMacNihon* ID: BD9780275956189-518300
... any progress on inequality ... Economic inequality translates into inequality of political influence.
Huffington Post 2015-03-23We cannot in all honesty address racial and economic inequities without addressing all facets of society.
Huffington Post 2015-03-23� Economic historians increasingly agree that racial economic inequality in America is….
GlobalResearch 2015-03-23He's been an outspoken critic of the tech industry's cool indifference to economic inequalities.
CNN 2015-03-23There is also a significant risk of political and social disruption because of the intensification of economic inequality.
Huffington Post 2015-03-23... cities on the road, returning to his old stomping grounds in Boston to decry economic inequality.
New York Daily News 2015-03-23... apartheid" in Pennsylvania that results in racial and economic inequities in school funding.
Penn Live 2015-03-23... direction for the young rapper, with songs about racial injustice and economic inequality in the US.
The Independent 2015-03-23Social and economic inequalities load our criminal justice system against the poor.
Dawn 2015-03-23Economic inequality is relatively low by global standards (although the wealth gap is increasing).
noodls 2015-03-23Even though Israel has plenty of domestic challenges -- economic inequality, ethnic divisions, ...
Newsday 2015-03-23... as Klein does, simply shows a lack of knowledge about the basic economics of inequality itself.
Forbes 2015-03-22Economic inequality can also cause anxiety about social status for those with less, which can lead ...
New Scientist 2015-03-22Economic inequality (also known as the gap between rich and poor, income inequality, wealth disparity, or wealth and income differences) comprises disparities in the distribution of economic assets (wealth) and income within or between populations or individuals. The term typically refers to inequality among individuals and groups within a society, but can also refer to inequality among countries. The issue of economic inequality is related to the ideas of equity, equality of outcome and equality of opportunity.
Observers differ on both the morality and utility of inequality, whether, and/or how much inequality is necessary in society and how it can be affected. It has been praised as necessary and beneficial, and attacked as a social problem.
Economic inequality varies between societies and historical periods; between economic structures or systems (for example, capitalism or socialism), ongoing or past wars, and differences in individuals' abilities to create wealth are all involved in the creation of economic inequality.
Paul Robin Krugman ( /ˈkruːɡmən/; born February 28, 1953) is an American economist, Professor of Economics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, Centenary Professor at the London School of Economics, and an op-ed columnist for The New York Times. In 2008, Krugman won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences (informally the Nobel Prize in Economics) for his contributions to New Trade Theory and New Economic Geography. According to the Nobel Prize Committee, the prize was given for Krugman's work explaining the patterns of international trade and the geographic concentration of wealth, by examining the impact of economies of scale and of consumer preferences for diverse goods and services.
Krugman is known in academia for his work on international economics (including trade theory, economic geography, and international finance),liquidity traps and currency crises. He is the 17th most widely cited economist in the world today and is ranked among the most influential academic thinkers in the US.
Elizabeth Warren (born June 22, 1949) is an American bankruptcy law expert, policy advocate, Harvard Law School professor, and Democratic Party candidate in the 2012 United States Senate election in Massachusetts. She has written several academic and popular books concerning the American economy and personal finance. She contributed to the oversight of the 2008 U.S. bailout program, and also led the conception and establishment of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Warren attended The George Washington University and the University of Houston. She received a J.D. from Rutgers School of Law–Newark in 1976. Warren taught law at several universities and was listed by the Association of American Law Schools as a minority law professor throughout the 1980s and 1990s. In the wake of the U.S. financial crisis, Warren served as chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel created to oversee the Troubled Assets Relief Program in 2008. She later served as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under U.S. President Barack Obama.