
Super Effective RSS
It's better than Farmville!
Can it wait? I'm just finishing up on some callibrations.

Sunday, February 15, 2015 11:25 PM

Had three more comics go up since the last news post. "Topical" was a way back joke about the Michael Richards thing. A very timely joke I don't blame people for not getting off the bat. Next week I hope to lampoon something relevant like the Great Depression.

"Poetic" was more of a filler than anything. I was working on a comic that got scrapped after it was finished. Just didn't get the message across like I would have wanted to so I trashed it, and it was not funny. Shame all the work was put into it though. WHATEVS THO. Lets do a link round up.


Sunday, January 4, 2015 11:52 PM

Was this comic supposed to be up last week? Probably! Such is the holidays. I am Bread is a fun little indie game from the guys who made Surgeon Simulator. You play a piece of bread controlled with QWOP style movement. Trying various ways to toast yourself while still remaining edible. I'd recomend picking it up on discount with Steam as it goes on sale every now and again.

Speaking of older games I'm only now getting into. Freedom Planet is fucking awesome. This game feels like what Sonic should have been. By focusing level design on platforming first and speed second, it generally makes it more fun play. As well showing a lot of thought put into each level by way of puzzles, bosses, and especially the art.

One thing especially to note is that the story is fully (and very well) voice acted. Which is rare and appreciated for a title like this.
TLDR; I love this game GET IT.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014 3:59 AM

Ha, sorry. I've been making comics and no news posts. Had a new VG Cats two weeks ago. If I could make all my comics about Mario I would. It's the only series my wife and I ever play with our son. Featuring such characters as Maroo! Weegi! And who could forget Bad Guy Maroo!

As well two new Super Effectives. Sorry I've missed VG Cats the past week but I wanted to get Super Effective going again. Should be back on schedual next Monday.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, November 28, 2014 8:08 AM

And for your copy paste plesure: "CYBERSHARK" Also! we've got a new shirt!

Thanks guys!.

Monday, November 24, 2014 3:51 AM

New Comic two weeks ago and a new comic this week! Sorry this one was supposed to go up last week. Got a bit busy though. Also totally related we're having twins! On one hand I really do love being a father. Nothing makes me happier than spending time with my family.


Monday, November 3, 2014 7:53 AM

October 28, 2014 10:29 AM

New comic went up last week and a new one this week! Should be getting back to Super Effective after this. CHEERS PEEPS.

Monday, October 6, 2014 3:37 AM

Sorry for the delay again! I just wanted to make sure I got this comic right. Back to vidja games after this. I honestly didn't plan on making a three parter. Though after the first one I figured it could make a short story out of it. Ended up being fun to do. Just sooo much planing.

Also New Shirt!

Pick it up here at Shark Robot! Now for some link round up:


Monday, September 22, 2014 7:18 PM

New VG Cats! Sorry it's a week late. Been a while since I did a really long comic. AND THIS ONE WAS LOOOONG. Enjoy!

Monday, September 8, 2014 4:49 AM

New VG Cats! A quick look into Leo's childhood.

BOO!Should probably do a quick newspost about last weeks comic. Five Nights at Freddy's is a fun and cheap ($5) game that will scare the shit out of you.

You play a Security Guard stuck in your room guarding the pizza place. The restaurant has these Animatronic animals that come to life and fuck with you and eventually try to kill you. You've got limited power to fend them off by checking where they are on the camera feed, lighting up blind spots, and if you need to shut the doors.

I've only played it a bit because I'm a giant weeny but, I do recommend getting it for yourself. It's an experience.

There are two neat Kick Starters going on right now to check out: to check out:


A fun looking 2D Platformer with stylish art where you play the bad guy and capture Princesses. As well princesses you capture will have different effects on playstyle. I really am just a sucker for any game where you can play the villain. Here's hoping it gets funded! (only 10 days left)

Check out more about it here.
Ray's the Dead

This project is already funded but it's not too late to get in on the rewards/early access. It's an odd mix of a game. RTS, Puzzle and beat 'em up all mixed into one but, still very easy to get into. It's always tough to break into the Zombie genre this late in the game but Ray's the dead does it well.

Check it out here!

Monday, August 25, 2014 6:30 AM

New Super Effective last week and a new one today! Should have a new VGC later today or tomorrow. Sorry!

Edit: New VGCats is up!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014 2:59 AM

New VGC Comic!

Shovel Knight is an awesome game. Beautiful art, catchy music, and great controls. It's also one of those experiences where if you die a lot, or are stuck then it's probably your fault. Totally up to you to get better. Which is one of the reasons I find it so fun. Even if I suck.

THAT BEING SAID... I Highly recommend picking it up (Steam, Wii U, 3DS).

Also we have a new shirt! The Blue Shell.

(Actually we've had it in the store for a while I've just forgot to post about it. :B)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014 11:02 AM

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:24 AM

Monday, July 21, 2014 8:34 PM

Ha sorry, forgot to bring stuff I needed to make newsposts with me to LA. So lets see what we have here. Had Guest Artist Cal Moray help me with a quick WatchDogs comic. This week we've got a new Super Effective and VG Cats! Sorry, I play too much Animal Crossing.

So lets do a quick wrap up of E3. Um... It happened I guess. PlayStation and Microsoft had a smattering of things but nothing really standout. Nintendo had the better presentation. Opting for a direct video event rather than a stage presentation. I'm all for this.

- Batman Arkham Knight is back in Rocksteady's hands. High hopes for this one.
- Yoshi's Wooly Worlds looks adorable.
- Halo for Sony Destiny is going to be super fun.
- Dead Island Trailer was awesome even if the game might be shit.
- Open world Zelda... Zelder Scrolls?
- Splatoon, Nintendo's new IP. Shoot 'em up with squids. Love the art style but the game doesn't interest me much.
- Also theres Project Spark

Game of the show was and continues to be Smash Bros 4. Here are the trailers we saw then and since the show:

Miis join the battle!
Palutena Alights!
(woop woop)
Pacman hungers for Battle!
Lucina wakes her Blade?!/ Robin brings the Thunder!

I'd be happy with the Amiibos just to collect. Playing with them in game is like a secondary thought.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 5:52 AM
So my last week has been kinda poopy. Had some dental work done to fix horrible fun pain. So I've been kinda layed out on Tylenol. HOWEVER. New comic! Hopefully I can get an E3 post up soon though.

ALSO. I'm going to be at Anime Expo this weekend in LA (July 3rd - July 6th). We should be in the same line of Yugioh Abridged, XD Threads, and Shark Robot.

See you there!

Monday, June 16, 2014 10:32 AM
Sorry, ended up scrapping an E3 Comic as it was too much like an old Hejibits. Good thing I was working on two comics this week! Didn't know what I'd be doing for E3 (if at all) so I worked on another backup comic just to be sure. AH, PREPAREDNESS.

Should have this one done later today. Apologies! Oh and I forgot to mention, I did a comic last week too. If this one looks a little shwang-wang-wang (literately I guess), that's because I blew out my Cintiq power adapter a panel at Anime North. Whoops. So I had to draw this one the old fashion way with pencil and pen. Of which I've VERY out of practice.

BTW thanks to everyone who came to the last two conventions! I had a lot of fun. Special thanks to the person who paid in Bison dollars. I love having that in my wallet.

For now have some non-E3 links!

Sorry! I'll do a proper E3 post when I'm a bit more awake. Lates!

Thursday, May 22, 2014 11:40 PM
New comic! So I picked up a Surface Pro 2 for the road. Figured it'd act like a small workstation and let me finish the comic. NOPE. As drawing tablets go it's crap. As a small PC its decent but marred by the fact it runs Windows 8. However if you were thinking of using it for the express purpose of drawing, don't get it.

The native resolution is far too high and pen controls far too imprecise. There's a definite lag when drawing, and while the pen pressure is good you will have trouble hitting your mark. You'll also NEED a separate keyboard when using photoshop. There are no physical quick buttons you can map on the tablet and the on screen keyboard is terrible.

I don't know if I'm being too hard on it but, it was just such a disappointment.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 3:47 AM
Been a great many weeks of updates, but I'm going to have to miss it this week. My last two cons this year are back to back and I got a little stressed out and just took some time off with family. Happy Scott = More comics! I'll have it up this coming Monday though. Then back on schedule with regular updates.
So the cons! The first is Anime Central in Rosemont (Chicago). It's been about 4 or 5 years since I've gone. So it'll be fun to be back.

My booth is located at 813 which is right here.
Oh and Anime North! By the Airport in Toronto at the Toronto Congress Center.

Got a Panel that I'm not sure yet when but I'll post here when I do.

So you there!

EDIT: Sunday Morning at 1:00 PM in the Double Tree Hotel across from the convention. Halton Room.

PDF of schedual over here (page 6)

Thursday, May 8, 2014 4:33 PM

We've got a quick 3 day summer sale and a new shirt! A Pocket Isabelle and a coupon code for 10% off your whole order.

Just put in "vgcatscrossing" when you're checking out.

Also since it's been a while. Link round up!

Nintendo Direct + Mega64. TLDR; You can play Smash Brothers at Best Buy during E3.
- Zelda Rap from Starbomb. Looooove it.
- One Piece Unlimited World Red trailer
Majora's Mask Live Action
Attack on A-hole Titan
Rescuing Ghosts, a super sad and very well done animation.
And a redone Zelda timeline explination from Game Trailers (part1 part2, part3).

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 10:57 AM

Had a new comic go up last week. This weeks comic should be up a bit later today. Convention stuff pushed back work time a bit. Sorry about that. Which by the way thanks for coming down for! Panel kind of exploded in technical problems so we played Nintendoland on my WiiU for the hour. Which was super fun.

Edit: Its up!

Monday, April 21, 2014 1:33 AM

OMG NEW COMIC.. That's like 100 weeks in a row! I can't count, or read, or write. How am I even doing this? ALSO

Going to be at the Media Expo this weekend (April 25th-27th) in Detroit. I'll be at the Shark Robot booth helping out. Come on by and say hi!

I've got a panel on Saturday, 1PM-2:30PM, (Main Events Sec. 3). Aand some signings on Friday and Saturday but you can always just come by the booth. Where it's its less awkward. Signings are always so weird. Like visiting the monkey exibit in a zoo. (don't throw bananas at me) (unless I'm hungry) (which is always) (I'm fat.) I wonder if people can tell I'm writing this at 1 in the morning.... Naaah.

Monday, April 14, 2014 6:12 AM

Short new comic today. Two new characters confirmed for the new Smash Bros; Greninja and Charizard. I'm sure Bulbapedia experienced a just in traffic to find out who the fuck Greninja was. I'm not bitter or anything. NOPE. As this means Mewtwo will mostly likely not be returning, same goes for Pokemon Trainer. You can catch the full Nintendo Direct video here.

Personally though I loved this direct video for Tomodachi Life even more. It's like Sims for your Miis but actually fun. The full video is well worth the watch.

Monday, April 7, 2014 3:34 AM

New comic! Any day I get to draw Isabelle is a good day. She so fucking adorable.

Also you hear about this new Google Pokemaster challenge? Did you read about this, did you hear about this? I don't know about you but, I play Pokemon so I DON'T have to go outside. Wow. What a great audience.

Monday, March 31, 2014 9:27 AM

New VG Cats! As I have said before I love the WiiU but damn, that poor console.

The 3DS on the other hand I've been playing quite a bit of. Finally got my guilty pleasure Animal Crossing and the addiction begins. I'm just happy I started with Ankha. Now if I can just trade Anicotti for Kid Cat I'll be all set.

As well Link between two Worlds is a whole lot of fun. Easy? Yeah but what modern Zelda isn't. Absolutely feels like a handheld experience the way dungeons are shortened, and gameplay are compartmentalized. I mean if you're sitting down and playing this on a console it wouldn't be very good, but you're playing it on the go and it works well for that.

Oh and I forgot to mention we have a new shirt!

Also, link r-r-r-r-r-round up!

Monday, March 24, 2014 8:48 AM

Monday, March 10, 2014 6:08 AM

New Super Effective!

Also South Park : the Stick of Truth is FANTASTIC. If you're a fan of the series you're going love exploring a fully fleshed out town of South Park. All the gags and storylines are in there for you to play though. I'm personally just having a blast with it.

I could see non fans not being too thrilled with the in jokes and gross humor of it. But really, what are you doing buying a South Park game then? TLDR If you're a fan, GET IT.

Trailer, first 15 minutes of gameplay, and TotalBiscuit's review. (Bounus Dan Bull Stick of Truth rap)


Rat Morning-Star poster Court Room Battle Poster Ronin Poster Poster pack! Show me yo moves!