Lil Kit

February 24, 2015  Daily Chuck


This cat may never enjoy a name of its own except in my household where pictures of it are a high commodity.

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The market in San Genaro

February 23, 2015  Daily

A feast of light and color and texture followed by one of the best meals of my life.

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hair ties

Elastic and creaseless

February 23, 2015  Daily Chuck

Taming all his luscious locks is not as easy as you might think.

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sunset in Peru

From a cliff along Costa Verde

February 23, 2015  Daily Photo

There is just one moon and one golden sun.

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This is empowerment

February 19, 2015  Daily

Krochet Kids Peru: on behalf of those who do not have resources or a support system.

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mama bear

Mama bear

February 19, 2015  Daily Chuck

Where there are no fences or cat doors or off-leash parks.

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A slip knot on your hook

February 16, 2015  Daily

Harnessing the power of a sometimes vilified generation for the sake of measurable change.

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