Conversations: Rape, documentary filmmaking and triggers…

Millennials, social media and damning federal investigations are reshaping rape culture’s topography, as more women push back against a culture that loves protecting rapists and vilifying victims. One survivor of childhood slut-shaming opted to make her experience public, posting her diary from childhood online. And after hearing from other women their harrowing encounters with rape culture and victim-blaming, she decided to try making a documentary about rape culture itself. This post stems from Feministe’s interview with the accidental feminist filmmaker behind Slut: A Documentary Film more

Seasalt & Co. advertises Photoshop tools using lynching imagery and only gets more offensive from there

[Content note for lynching imagery]

Now, some might see an eerie, atmospheric black-and-white shot of a tree with a noose hanging from it, titled, “The Hanging Tree,” and think, “Oh, God, lynching.” Accompany that image with an all-caps, italic COMING SOON, and some might think, “Wow, that’s verging on threatening.” But if you look at those things and think, “I bet there’s a new Photoshop action pack coming out, and I for one can. Not. Wait,” then either you work for Florida creative tool company Seasalt & Co. or are a friend of theirs and need to step in and tell them to get a grip. more

Policeman arraigned in murder of Akai Gurley

So, finally a police officer has been indicted in the shooting death of an unarmed black man: Peter Liang is being indicted on charges of manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, and two counts of official misconduct. This is of course “good” news. But I can’t help but notice that the one cop […] more

Three young Muslim students murdered

I’ve been trying to find a good link for this story on and off all morning, but I can’t. I’m pulling together what I’m reading off my Twitter feed. If anybody has a good link, please leave it in comments and I’ll add it to the post. Update: here’s a link, with thanks to Pseudonym. […] more