Positive Atheism in Action™ Since 1991

  • Atheist Night at the new St. Paul Saints Ballpark
  • Secularism: Minnesota Atheists Responds to David Brooks
  • Children's Hospital of MN Offers MN Atheists a Distinctive Thanks
  • Announcing the Secular Women Work Conference
  • January Business Meeting: Reproductive Justice Activism

mna-aints-2015-3-webFor the last three years the Minnesota Atheists took over the St. Paul Saints minor league baseball team for a night of unbelievable fun. This year the Saints will be playing in their brand new, state of the art ballpark (CHS Field in downtown St. Paul) and we would love to see the team wearing our re-branded—secular friendly—Mister Paul Aints jerseys there.

Because the Saints are moving to a new, bigger and fancier ballpark the sponsorship fees have increased. The Minnesota Atheists has a co-sponsor but we're falling a little short of our funding goals. We need an additional $1,500 to help us offset some of the sponsorship fee so we are reaching out to our members and supporters to help us fund this event.

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d brooksDavid Brooks recently wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times about what he views as the perils of secularism. Several media outlets, including the Minneapolis Star Tribune, picked up his article. The president of Minnesota Atheists had a rebuttal published in the Sunday, February 8 edition of the Star Tribune. Two other rebuttals were also written by Minnesota Atheists board officers: Stephanie Zvan (associate president) and August Berkshire (director-at-large). All three rebuttals are printed below.

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By Eric Jayne

childrens hospital letter to MNA highlightedMinnesota Atheists recently received a nice thank you letter from Children’s Hospital of Minnesota after we donated two carloads of toys and other gifts to benefit hospital patients and their families as part of our comprehensive War on Christmas campaign. The letter starts off with a standard greeting, and, is in all other parts a standard thank you letter—all other parts except for one. The second paragraph opens with the following line: Please accept our heartfelt appreciation of your generous gift given in memory of not believing in Jesus to Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.

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Minnesota Atheists is doing something different with our summer conference this year. We've teamed up with Campus Atheists, Skeptics, and Humanists and Secular Woman to bring you a conference by activists and for activists, the Secular Women Work Conference. Tickets are on sale now. Here's the press release we sent out in the past few days.

SWW Logo 300x225-transMinneapolis, MN – Several atheist groups are coming together to launch an ambitious new conference for activists, and they're using Kickstarter to make it possible. The Secular Women Work conference will be held in Minneapolis this August 21–23 and features accomplished activists Lauren Lane, co-founder of Skepticon; Mandisa Thomas, founder of Black Nonbelievers, Inc.; and Desiree Schell, union organizer and host of Science for the People. Come August, the conference will feature a full slate of exclusively women and genderqueer speakers.


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clinic escortOver this past summer there was quite a bit of talk about abortion clinics and the people who oppose them. This was due in large part to the U.S. Supreme Court case McCullen v. Coakley. In that case the justices ruled that a Massachusetts law which makes it a crime to stand on a public road or sidewalk within thirty-five feet of a reproductive health care facility violates the First Amendment.

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