
Geolocating quiz answers

Published January 3rd, 2015 under General

Ever wondered how those link bait’ish things you see on Facebook can accurately guess which country you are from? I decided to do some testing.


Offline cache plugin for WordPress

Published December 26th, 2014 under Plugins

On Christmas day I built an offline caching plugin for WordPress. I needed it for a comic book app I’m making to help me learn the German language.

Nina having her face scanned

My face in 3D

Published December 20th, 2014 under General

I spent an evening hanging out with the Coding Amigo’s, a code hacking group in Berlin. One of the members made a 3D scan of my face.


Unique Headers now translatable

Published December 19th, 2014 under Plugins

The Unique Headers plugin for WordPress now includes support for translations, including the Spanish language.

Kiwi bird

Dot Kiwi is born

Published December 14th, 2014 under General

I was squirreling away launching a complete rejig of my domain names. This website will henceforth be known as geek.hellyer.kiwi :)


Update all the things

Published December 12th, 2014 under Plugins

I was getting frustrated having to hunt out code to make WordPress update all the things, so I’ve added an “Update all the things” section to my tools page,


Unique Headers

Published November 3rd, 2014 under Plugins

I’m working on a substantial update to the Unique Headers plugin. If you use the plugin, I’d love to hear some feedback on how you find it.


Google location tracking

Published August 16th, 2014 under General

I was stunned to see a scarily accurate plot of my exact location published online by Google! I’m not sure how that happened; either Google or I screwed up.


Creating Facebook applications

Published August 1st, 2014 under General

Every time I need to make a Facebook application I get horridly confused. So here is a brief set of instructions on how to do it.


Simple Colorbox v1.6!

Published July 19th, 2014 under Plugins

I’ve released a much needed upgrade for the Simple Colorbox plugin. The new version includes the latest version of the Colorbox script and more.